How about a subscription Music Service

I'd like to see iTunes add a subscription music service like Rhapsody.

you can also make enhancement requests directly to Apple through the product feedback forms, if you like. here's a link through to the itunes product feedback form:
iTunes application feedback

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    hi Rob,
    Thanks for you posting!
    You could add your MSDN subscription into your account, about how to add subscription, I recommend you refer to this blog:
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    I hate to say this, but unless you are paying the 25 bucks you cannot back up your library to the cloud.
    All you can do is back up the items you "purchased" from Apple.
    iTunes Match
    For $24.99/year you’ll get access to all your iTunesmusic including tunes you ripped from CDs or “borrowed” from anonymous friends. It scans your library to see if the song exists in iTunes’ 18 million song catalog and if it does it’ll stream it to you at 256 kbps. If your song is not in iTunes then it’ll be uploaded to iCloud at whatever rate it is on your device where it can be streamed for your listening pleasure. I cannot find any information on how to restore a library, however
    Best of luck

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    Apologizes everyone I tried to provide quick links to Spotify music service profile pages, but the coding on the board has dramatically changed now. You will have to copy and paste the profile URI's and paste them into the search box in the desktop app and hit enter to go to those profiles. Edited to change the URI's over to HTTP links instead. Note if you want them to open in the new desktop app just copy and paste them into the search and hit enter on the keyboard. Blue Note Records - Pitchfork - Billboard - - Rolling Stone Magazine - Anyone can add to the thread as before.

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    - worried stakeholder -

    Sorry to hear of your disappointment.
    The Nokia E90 unfortunately does not support playback of DRM protected music. You can play normal mp3s ripped from your own CDs, but not protected songs like those from the music store.
    For a list of devices compatible with the Nokia Music store, go to:
    For compatible devices, PC Suite does NOT transfer DRM protected tracks. You need to download NOKIA MUSIC for PC for a mobile optimized transfer:
    The USB connection for transferring songs must be "MEDIA" (like "Media Player" / "Media Transfer" / or "Printing and Media" ) PC Suite or Data Transfer will not work
    Not sure what you mean about the price of music being high. Tracks are 1euro in most of Europe and I think 80 pence in the UK. 1 cent higher than iTunes. The price of an over the air download via wifi is the same as PC, which is unlike most operator music stores which often charge premium prices for mobile downloads.
    For Comes With Music, the price is almost unbelievably low. For less than the cost of about 1 normal cd a month, you get UNLIMITED music downloads for a KEEP, not just for the length of your subscription but forever...AND you get a mobile phone, camera, videocamera, webbrowser, gaming machine, calculater, music player, etc.

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    I am annoyed.
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    -three ( yes three Time Capsules
    - an Apple Tv
    - three (yes three Mac minis)
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    - A mac desktop
    - 2 iphones
    -2 ipod touches
    - 2 ipads
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    As a consequence all my music needs to be reloaded. Fortunately most of it was from my CD's
    Music purchased from istore ( albeit quite limited amounts) I now find I cannot re-download as I can with apps for the two ipads , the two iphones and the two ipod touches we have.
    This ****** me off to say the least.
    1. I relied on apple with what I thought was a quality backup system in the Time capsule.
    2. why cannot I download already purchased music the same way I can with apps
    The incapacity to recover music purchases just xxxx annoys me beyond belief. I was confident that by relying on Apple on-line purchases were the way to go. I relied on Apple for the backup mechanisms for that.
    Apple have let me down
    If your new Apple Tv is relying on on demand download you need to get these things right.
    I forgot to mention that we also subscribe to mobileme.( but the storage size and costs make that unviable for backups of any scale)

    First, you need to understand that you're not addressing Apple here. With the exception of the forum moderators who have thousands of posts to have to scan every day, everyone here is just a fellow user and not an Apple employee (except for a few who participate on their own time as private individuals).
    As to your actual question, it is almost certainly due to the licensing agreements with the content owners that you get only a single download per purchase. I don't know about other download stores in Australia, if any, but the other download stores to which I have access that carry content from the major providers similarly allow only a single download per purchase (with the exception of the subscription-based service, where you have unlimited access as long as you continue to pay the monthly fee).
    Apple has, however, been known to grant exceptions, and in your situation I'd think you'd have a strong case to make for the granting of a free second download, since you did attempt to make backups and Apple's product failed. Contact iTunes Store Customer Service (select the category and subcategory closest to the issue you're reporting and you'll find a button to send e-mail to them) and explain what happened.
    Good luck.
    Message was edited by: Dave Sawyer

  • Online Music Service Quest

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    Yup, that's why it's called Subscription music. Once you end the subscription service, the license within those audio file will expire and won't be playable. If subscription music isn't your cup of tea, you can always opt for pay-per download music which you will be able to keep those music.

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    How do I add music to the cloud from PC to my iPhone, iPad, and Apple tv?

    icloud does not handle music, except for letting you download music you previously bought at the iTunes store.  For music, get it into iTunes on your PC, then connect your devices to the PC and using iTunes to sync it to them.  Not sure about Apple TV.  I think that might require buying a subscription to iTunes Match.

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  • Manage my Apple Music service

    I want to sync my iCloud library with my iPhone
    Depending on your chosen settings, you can sync your iTunes & iCloud library with your phone at any time. You can change the settings in your phone or iTunes at anytime. Please remember that syncing your music over a mobile network will use data. For more information regarding syncing, please see
    What happens when I change my phone?
    As long as you’ve used your Apple ID, your music preferences & created playlists will be available on your new iOS phone. Customers will need to re-download any of their tracks, albums or playlists to their new phone for offline listening.
    I have a companion Telstra Mobile account. Can I have Apple Music?
    Yes you can, though your Apple Music subscription will need to be added by the legal lessee of your account – the owner of the main Post-Paid account that your companion account is attached to. Your parent/guardian can add Apple Music to your account via My Account, Retail store or by calling 13 22 00. All eligible Post-Paid accounts have the ability to take up the Telstra offer so you and your companion can both get the offer separately. 
    I have purchased a new phone on a new contract but I don’t have my new phone or sim yet. When is my Apple Music account active?
    Your Apple Music account will be active once you activate your new sim. This is generally when you receive your new phone. You will receive an SMS confirming your Apple Music subscription is active.
    I have recontracted to a new Telstra mobile contract but my new phone is on backorder. Can I start using my Apple Music subscription on my current phone?
    If you’re not changing phone number you’ll receive an SMS confirming your Apple Music subscription. This indicates that you’re now eligible to start using your Apple Music subscription on any compatible device, including your current mobile phone.  
    When you receive your new phone simply login with the same Apple ID and your saved playlists and music preferences will be available. You’ll need to re-download any tracks, albums or playlists to your new phone for offline listening.
    Can I use my Apple Music subscription on my SONOS speaker system?
    Apple Music is currently not compatible with SONOS. Please refer to the compatibility list.
    What happened to MOG?
    From 31 August 2015 the MOG service will no longer operate in Australia. This means existing subscribers to MOG will still have access to the service up to and including 31 August 2015. For more information on MOG please see CrowdSupport.

    Re: Manage my Apple Music service
    My plan has changed and I was told that I received 12 months subscription to Apple music but I have not received and details about this.

  • How do I import music from a flash drive that was formatted with a windows PC to my MacBook?

    How do I import music from a flash drive that was formatted with a windows PC to my MacBook - the drive is showing it has over 3GB of info on it but none of the files are showing up in finder?  I had backed up my iTunes library on the flash drive about a year and a half ago before I switched from a dell to a MacBook pro.

    What I found works for me is to make sure iTunes keeps the music files organzied in the iTunes Media folder according to album, artists, etc. and that it copies the music files there when adding them to the library.  That way, if something happens to the library, the raw files can always be re-imported again.

  • How about a 'suggestions' section? or something like that?

    How about make a section where users can suggest features that they wish implemented on apple products?
    For a start, I would like to make a suggestion to itunes. How about give an option to choose which part of the ipod/iphone/ipad to sync? For example sync only the videos, but not the music, applications, etc.
    This solves my dilemma for example, because I store my music and video files on an external hard drive. So when I wish to sync my iphone, I have to connect the external hard drive to the PC first. It becomes a problem to me when I brought my external hard drive to some other place, but I want to sync my iphone.
    If I can choose which particular part to sync on the iphone, I can sync my videos without losing the other files like music, applications, etc.

    How about give an option to choose which part of the ipod/iphone/ipad to sync? For example sync only the videos, but not the music, applications, etc.
    You can do this already. Just opt select the items you want to sync.

  • HT1320 how to download the music on my ipod classic to my pc

    how to download the music on my ipod classic to my pc

    Some of the information below has subsequently been summarized by turingtest2 in the post at
    Your i-device was not designed for unique storage of your media. It is not a backup device and media transfer was designed for you maintaining a master copy of your media on a computer which is itself properly backed up against loss. Syncing is one way, computer to device, updating the device content to the content on the computer, not updating or restoring content on a computer. The exception is iTunes Store purchased content.
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer - - only media purchased from iTunes Store
    For transferring other items from an i-device to a computer you will have to use third party commercial software. Examples (check the web for others; this is not an exhaustive listing, nor do I have any idea if they are any good):
    - Senuti -
    - Phoneview -
    - MusicRescue - - Mac & Windows
    - Sharepod (free) -;2 - Windows
    - Snowfox/iMedia - - Mac & PC
    - iexplorer (free) - - Mac&PC
    - Yamipod (free) - - PC, Linux, Mac [Still updated for use on newer devices? No edits to site since 2010.]
    - 2010 Post by Zevoneer: iPod media recovery options - - this is an older post and many of the links are also for old posts, so bear this in mind when reading them.
    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive - - dates from 2008 and some outdated information now.
    Copying Content from your iPod to your Computer - The Definitive Guide - mputer/ - Information about use in disk mode pertains only to older model iPods.
    Get Your Music Off of Your iPod - - I am not sure but this may only work with some models and not newer Touch, iPhone, or iPad.
    Additional information here

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