About tables keyword

In which cases v have to ue the tables keyword exactly. if we use the parameters keyword, it is not necessary to include that table in tables keyword. If we use the select-options it is must we have to use the tables keyword. why?

hi Josh,
Whenever you require a work area you use TABLES statement ...
TABLES table_wa.
This statement is not allowed in classes and declares a data object table_wa as a table work area whose data type is adopted from the identically named structured data type table_wa from the ABAP Dictionary. table_wa must be defined as a flat structure in the ABAP Dictionary. You can specify database tables or Views for table_wa.
Work table areas declared with TABLES are interface work areas and should only be declared in the global declaration section of a program for the following purpose:
The statement TABLES is required for exchanging data between screen fields that were defined in a program screen when transferring from the ABAP Dictionary and the ABAP program. For the screen event PBO, the content of the table work area is transferred to identically named screen fields; for PAI, the system adopts the data from identically named screen fields.
In executable programs, flat table work areas can be used for adopting data that were provided for the event GET table_wa from a linked logical database. TABLES is synonymous with the statement NODES for this purpose.
Work table areas declared with TABLES behave like the data declared with the addition COMMON PART, meaning the data are used by the programs of a program group.
Table work areas declared with TABLES can be declared in subroutines and function modules. However, this is not recommended. A table work area declared in a procedure is not local but belongs to the context of a framework program. The table work area can be viewed starting from the declaration in the framework program and lives as long as the framework program. In contrast to normal program-global data, the content of the table work areas declared in subroutines and function modules is stored temporarily when these subroutines and function modules are called. Value assignments that were made during runtime of the procedure are preserved until the procedure is completed. When exiting the procedure, the table work areas are filled with the contents that they contained when the procedure was called. Table work areas declared in procedures behave like global data to which the statement LOCAL is applied in the procedure.
The form TABLES * is obsolete.
Message was edited by:
        Santosh Kumar Patha

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    check this it may help you....

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    If we set selectionMode property to none then it disables the lead selection. Try it once that whether it meets your requirement.


    i got one problem about
    if i select table column in UI

    Extremely sorry. I am not working in Hyderabad.
    It will be available in the download area of SDN.(Category : Development tool)
    Message was edited by: Armin Reichert
    P.S: Hi Armin, What Happened ? We cant use [c] tag for a link ?
    Message was edited by: Armin Reichert
    (Link was broken because of line break, I corrected it)

  • I want complete information about table maintanence genarator?

    i want complete information about table maintanence genarator?

    hi there,,,,,,,
    The purpose of table maintainence generator is to enable the table maintenance through SM30, and to implement and validation etc on table field inputs.
    SE11->Utillities->table maintainence generator
    You need to enter the values of following fields:
    1. Table name
    2. Authorization group , and authorization object (select the suitable one )
    3. Function group and package
    4. Maintainence type : single or double screen maintainence view depending on the option selected.
    5. Maintain screen number : you may specify a value or let the system generate one for you.
    The validation code for the table entry is written in the flow logic of this screen. Even some of the fields may be made display only , by adding suitable code in the logic or directly disabling the input in table control in the layout.
    Table maintanance is for creating,adding datas to an existing table.
    it is for adding muiltiple records at a time in the table
    A table can be manipulated by a program or manually.
    When creating table, you will find a check box 'Table maintenance allowed'. If we
    check that option, we can manually enter entries using SE16 or table
    maintenance generator screen.
    SE16 is for data browser.
    Go to SE11, give the table name and click on change. Then Go to utilities--> Table
    maintenance generator.
    In the table maintenance generator screen, we should give Authorization Group,
    Function Group name (Function Group name can be same as table name),
    Maintenance type can be one step or two step, usually we will create with one
    step. we should give maintenance screen number. After clicking on create button,
    a table maintenance generator will be created.
    To check it go to SM30 . In SM30, we find display, Maintain options.
    We can view the table contents by choosing Display and we can create table
    entries by choosing Maintain.
    In the production system, end-users will not be having access to transaction
    codes like SE11 and SE16. Developers will not be having access to many
    transaction codes including the above two.
    To view the contents of the database table, we will use SE16n in Production
    system. Please find out the difference between SE16 and SE16n.
    All these authorizations will be maintained by BASIS team, by creating access
    So in order to edit or create the contents of a database table, we should go for
    table maintenance generator. In real time, authorizations will be maintained in
    production system. (even in development and Test systems to some extent).
    There is an audit like Sarbanes-Oxley Act for American clients, where every thing
    will be audited by government agency. To know more about SOX, use the links on
    the right hand side of this page.
    The second reason is, we can edit or create multiple entries at a time, using table
    maintenance generator.
    Apart from that we have options like 'Enter conditions' in table maintenance
    screen SM30. Please try to find out the use of those, by creating an example.
    Table Maintenance generator: Difference between one step and two steps.
    While creating table maintenance generator, we find below options:
    When we choose one step, we have to give the screen number in Overview Screen field.
    When we choose two step, we have to give both overview screen number and single screen number.
    You can give any number for screen. Don’t give 1000 screen number. As this
    number is reserved for selection screen.
    When we choose two step, two screens will be created for table maintenance. For
    single step only one screen will be created.
    When we choose two step, table maintenance will work as follows
    Go to SM30, give the table name for which you have created table maintenance-
    Overview screen will be displayed. To create entries, when you click on ‘new
    entries’. Another screen will be displayed, where you give input and save. You can
    enter one record at a time.
    Go to SM30; give table name for which you have created table maintenance-
    Overview screen will be displayed; To create entries click on ‘new entries’, you can
    enter the records on the same screen. You can enter multiple records at a time.
    We use single step generally, as it is user friendly.
    To completely understand the difference and above points please do exercise by
    creating table maintenance generator in both ways (using single step and two
    Link: http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/cf/21ed2d446011d189700000e8322d00/content.htm
    Link: http://help.sap.com/saphelp_46c/helpdata/en/a7/5133ac407a11d1893b0000e8323c4f/frameset.htm
    Link: /message/2831202#2831202 [original link is broken]
    One step, two step in Table Maintenance Generator
    Single step: Only overview screen is created i.e. the Table Maintenance Program will have only one screen where you can add, delete or edit records.
    Two step: Two screens namely the overview screen and Single screen are created. The user can see the key fields in the first screen and can further go on to edit further details.
    pls reward if useful

  • Question about Table Locks

    Hi All,
    Is there any Oracle defined table/place from where we can know the details about Tables that have been locked in the current session?
    Thank you.

    Hi ,
    To know which all objects are locked, you can use the below query :-
    COLUMN owner FORMAT A20
    COLUMN username FORMAT A20
    COLUMN object_owner FORMAT A20
    COLUMN object_name FORMAT A30
    COLUMN locked_mode FORMAT A15
    SELECT b.session_id AS sid,
           NVL(b.oracle_username, '(oracle)') AS username,
           a.owner AS object_owner,
           Decode(b.locked_mode, 0, 'None',
                                 1, 'Null (NULL)',
                                 2, 'Row-S (SS)',
                                 3, 'Row-X (SX)',
                                 4, 'Share (S)',
                                 5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)',
                                 6, 'Exclusive (X)',
                                 b.locked_mode) locked_mode,
    FROM   dba_objects a,
           v$locked_object b
    WHERE  a.object_id = b.object_id
    ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4;Anand

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    If we move the cts from  dev  to production ,we will get 205 entries right
    please help me in this.

    If i understood correctly, It is a Z table and you have done some changes in DEV system. If you move this to Production, it wont effect the production entries.
    There are 2 different ways you can trnasport a Table. 1. with Table entries 2. Without table entries.
    If you transport with Table entries then the DEV entries in this case 5 will be moved to PRODUCTION totaling 205.
    If you transport without table entries, then in Production you will find only 200 entries.

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    In which table do th information about purchase organisation and vendor stored.
    I am getting error  vendor 3411 has not been created  for pur organization 4000.
    can anyone help me that which is the table used for this..

    EKKO - po header
    EKPO - po item
    The error u mentioned could occur when the vender 3411 is not maintained for Pr. org 4000.

  • Information about table spaces.

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    Not sure what I am doing incorrectly, but I am unable to add a keyword to more than 1 image at a time, even though a group of images is selected. So, for example, in Browser view, with 4 images selected, using the keyword HUD, I drag a keyword to one of the selected images, and only the one dragged to gets that keyword, not the others in the group.
    Any ideas?
    Aperture 3.1.1

    Hi Pi,
    Not quite sure what the purpose of that button is.
    You'll laugh about this sometime not too long from now. Sometime, you will have a bunch of photos selected and *not want to change your selection*, but you'll notice that you need to add some metadata or adjust just 1 of those pictures. That's when you use the "primary only". When you find yourself in that situation, it'll be like a "eureka" since you're currently wondering what it's all about.

  • What's annoying about Events, Keyword Collections & Move to trash

    Today I was given a project to edit where the Event was already created, the media was optimized, keywords added and keyword collections created to split the media into folders. All I had to do was to sync the 2x cam's to separately recorded audio, and begin grabbing sound bites.
    Nothing unusual so far....
    To start my syncing, I began by finding all the clips from CAM-A and added the keyword SYNC 1 (CAM-A). I also added the separately recorded audio file within this keyword collection. Clicking on the SYNC 1 (CAM-A) keyword collection icon, I highlighted all the clips, right-clicked and chose Syncronize Clips.
    This is what I find annoying: When I choose Syncronize Clips, The synchronized compound clip doesn't automatically appear in my SYNC 1 (CAM-A) keyword collection folder, instead I need to click on the event and add the keyword for it to appeare in that keyword collection. Wouldn't one think that if I chose to create a Syncronized Clip in that keyword collection that FCPX knows thats where I want it to appear...!
    Anyway so in this particular case not all the clips synced, so what I then did was chose the un-synced clip + the audio clip and synced them alone. As i synced these clip separatley, what I was doing was moving the already synced clip to the trash, totally forgetting that these were also being deleted from my main event folder. Boy was I "P***'S'd"
    Again what I found annoying: if you move a clip to the trash in a keyword collection, you actually delete that from the event too. Persionally I'd like to see an option so that you can righ-click and delete a keyword rather than having to twirl down the triangle,  double clicking the keywords to activate the keyword editor, which you then have to select the keyword and hit delete to remove it out of that keyword collection.
    If for arguments sake a clip wouldn't sync, what I then did was find a small snippet of the same audio. I would make a range selection and add a keyword to both the clip and the audio file.
    What I also found annoying: when you open the Syncronized Compound Clip, your unable to stretch the clip to the left, instead I needed to use my "P" tool to move the clip to the right, which then gave me room to streatch the clip to the left.
    Sorry I just had to get that out of my system....

    andynick wrote:
    Yes - and I'm another who loves FCP X . . .
    (but doesn't it drive you round the BEND somitimes)?
    Absolutely Andy.... I won't go into what does and doesn't drive me mad, but your absolutely right, at times I have a smile from ear to ear, and other times I'm left scratching my head and spending valuable time trying to work out a workaround or workflow.
    andynick wrote:
    I think Apple's recommendation of 4GB RAM is a joke.
    True... I spent a day with a colleague editing side by side. He has a 17" MacBook Pro Quad 2.3Ghz with 4GB RAM, and I run on a 17" MacBook Pro Quad 2.3Ghz with 8GB RAM. You wouldn't believe the difference an extra 4GB's of RAM can make, I can only imagine how your system will run on 16GB
    BenB wrote:
    You can right-click a clip to remove keywords, but the only option as present it to remove all keywords at once (Cntr+0). Cmd+K to remove one keyword when you have multiple keywords seems pretty dang easy to me.  If you had more than one Keyword, what would the option in a menu be?  It could make for a very long menu, it'd have to be a dynamic menu, it'd get too convoluted.  So, Contrl+0 or Cmd+K seems pretty easy and efficient to me.
    Ben it was only a suggestion…! Anyway It's probably best we rest this here, it's clear we have different opinions on this one
    BenB wrote:
    As for workflow, no, FCP X is a totally different workflow than any other NLE, period.  You can't compare.  I've been training editors for years who have lots of experience, are from cable networks, and they still walk away faster, more efficient editors.  Thus, I have to say, how long you've been editing, and how many different systems you've use, really doesn't have any bearig when learning something, especially as radicallly different as FCP X.
    Who's comparing?
    The only reason I mentioned what software I've edited on in the past, was so you can see my ability to adapt. FCP X isn't that different! you still work with media, you still need to manage, organise  or name your bins, or in FCPX's terms keyword collections. The list could go on....
    Anyway I'm not here to boast about my experience or the software I've edited on, instead I posted a "personal" view in what I thought would make a nice enhancement, which at the end of the day is just my view…
    BenB wrote:
    I've worked with Larry Jordan a couple of times.  Good tips and tricks stuff.  But the Apple authorized training materials are best for learning from the begining and getting a good handle on things in general.  Nobody (and I mean nobody) knows FCP X like Steve Martin.
    I respect your advise and have just purchased, and am now downloading Steve Martin's tutorials.
    You've got me curious... I'd like to see how different Steve Martin explains FCP X as opposed to Larry Jordan's videos.
    I'll report back on this one as soon as I've viewed them all
    BenB wrote:
    Fill out the feedback page, as I have done a kazillion times already, and let Apple know we need these new Sync'ed Compounds to retian the keywords of their originals.  It would make for a faster workflow.  Seems it'd be easy for them to program in.
    Already done and let's hope so.....
    BenB wrote:
    Here's what I do when sync'ing a bunch of stuff.  I create a Smart Collection that is just a Text parameter that "includes" the word "Compound".  Then when I make the new Compound clips, I can get right to them.  It's a workaround.
    10 points for this tip Ben....
    This is a perfect example where someone (me) expresses his thoughts, then someone (you) finding a solution.
    Love your work mate....!
    BenB wrote:
    I don't do multiple syncs at once, because of bugs, that's all.
    Sorry to sound like a broken record, but an explanation as to why and what bugs would be wonderful.
    Ben, again please don'y take my response as being aggressive. I believe we all come to these discussion forums because some of us have questions, others idea's, and most importantly the ones that give us solutions. That's what makes this community a happy place to come too

  • Question about table compression

    I administer several 10g databases, and have been asked to compress tables in several tablespaces. I am unfamiliar with using compression. I have read some Oracle documentation on the ALTER TABLE... MOVE COMPRESSION command, but still have several questions. Can anyone recommend a good white paper, or other documentation on how best to compress tables with existing data? Thank you in advance for your guidance!

    Basically, I have questions about how to select which tables will benefit from compression. I also read somewhere that, once a table has been compressed, new updates to the compressed data will not be compressed and so I will need to re-compress the tables periodically.
    I also needed to know if the ALTER TABLE statement will compress the existing data or just future inserted data. Through further research I found that by using the MOVE clause, it will compress the existing data. I will also need to rebuild the indexes once the ALTER TABLE statement is complete.
    Thank you for your help and encouragement!

  • Want to know more about tables used and mapping detail

    I actually have to develop a report in which i able to see all information about from GR to excise to quality testing to bill Passing .
    we are using t.code MIGO to J1IEX to QA32 to MIRO RESPECTIVELY .
    so i want to know tables used in the respective t.code and how they are mapped .give me a detail sketch plz.so that by entering PO no. in the initial screen we can get all the detail about gr to excise to quality to bill passing detail .My mailid is  prabhupad.sap at gmail dot com
    Thanking you

    EKEB - History per purchasing doc..
    EKPO - PO doc item..
    MSEG - GR: Doc segment material...
    BSEG - Accounting doc Segment...
    hope it helps...

  • Getting information about table names & other meta data

    I want to know about DatabaseMetaData & how to acess all table names & other metadata using JDBC-ODBC as well as direct drivers
    can i get code for converting one type of database file to other.
    Idesperately need this code.

    While most RDBMS implementations are stored as flat files, you cannot normally directly 'convert one type of database file to other'. DatabaseMetaData will give you a list of tables, views, schema, columns, etc. You can then create your own dynamic SQL statement, SELECT the data from the legacy RDBMS and INSERT into the new RDBMS. Otherwise, I'm not sure how you would accomplish a conversion without knowing the internals of the database or special software.
    - Saish

  • Information about table TOAOM_C

    Can anyone please provide me with some inforamtion about the table TOAOM_C.
    I will reward all the relevant answers.
    Thanks in advance for the help!!!
    Mohit Goel.

    check the following li nks
    hope these will give some information about TOAOM_C
    sreelatha gullapalli

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