About the bug of QuickTime for using the header extensions of RTP header.

Dear Sir,
I try to receive the rtsp protocol streaming by using QuickTime Player 7.1.5. If I pad the "X-bits" , Header Extensions of RTP header information, QuickTime would be shutdown. why? thank you.

James -- you need to post your question in the QuickTime forum:

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    I sugggest these steps:
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    1. build you site based on (a) template(s) with editable
    2. upload the website to the server
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    and save that to disk
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    2. enable contribute compatibility (this way files get
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    1. Sent the connection key to your user

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    As I mentioned above. RTPSocketAdapter has two inner classes, SockOutputStream and SockInputStream.
    SockOutputStream have a write method which is called when RTP data is sent over the NET. SockInputStream have a read method which is called when RTP data is received.
    If you for instance want to know exactly what is sent you can parse the byte array that comes into write.
    Like this:
    * An inner class to implement an OutputDataStream based on UDP sockets.
    class SockOutputStream implements OutputDataStream {
         DatagramSocket sock;
         InetAddress addr;
         int port;
         boolean isRTCP;
         public SockOutputStream(DatagramSocket sock, InetAddress addr, int port, boolean isRTCP) {
              this.sock = sock;
              this.addr = addr;
              this.port = port;
         public int write(byte data[], int offset, int len) {
              try {
                   sock.send(new DatagramPacket(data, offset, len, addr, port));
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   return -1;
                   System.out.println(debugName+": written "+len+" bytes to address:port: "+addr+":"+port);
              return len;
    private void parseAndPrintRTPData(byte[] data) {
         // part of header, there still left SSRC and CSRC:s
         byte[] rtpHeader = new byte[8];
         System.arraycopy(data, 0, rtpHeader, 0, rtpHeader.length);
         ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(rtpHeader);
         int word = buffer.getInt();
         // version
         int v = word >>> 30;
         System.out.println("version: "+v);
         // padding
         int p = (word & 0x20000000) >>> 29;
         System.out.println("padding: "+p);
         // extension
         int x = (word & 0x10000000) >>> 28;
         System.out.println("extension: "+x);
         // CSRC count
         int cc = (word & 0x0F000000) >>> 24;
         System.out.println("CSRC: "+cc);
         // marker
         int m = (word & 0x00800000) >>> 23;
         System.out.println("marker: "+m);
         // payload type
         int pt = (word & 0x00700000) >>> 16;
         System.out.println("payload type: "+pt);
         // sequence number
         int seqNbr = (word & 0x0000FFFF);
         System.out.println("sequence number: "+seqNbr);
         // timestamp
         int timestamp = buffer.getInt();
         System.out.println("timestamp: "+timestamp);
    private void parseAndPrintRTCPData(byte[] data) {
         // this only works when the RTCP packet is a Sender report (SR).
         // All RTCP packets are compound packets with a SR or Receiver report (RR) packet first.
         // part of header, there is still the report blocks (see RFC 3550).
         byte[] rtcpHeader = new byte[28];
         System.arraycopy(data, 0, rtcpHeader, 0, rtcpHeader.length);
         ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(rtcpHeader);
         int word = buffer.getInt();
         // version
         int v = word >>> 30;
         System.out.println("version: "+v);
         // padding
         int p = (word & 0x20000000) >>> 29;
         System.out.println("padding: "+p);
         // reception report count
         int rc = (word & 0x0F000000) >>> 24;
         System.out.println("reception report count: "+rc);
         // payload type, which is 200 in this case (SR=200)
         int pt = (0x00FF0000 & word) >>> 16;
         System.out.println("payload type: "+pt);
         // length
         int length = (word & 0x0000FFFF);
         System.out.println("length: "+length);
         // SSRC of sender
         int ssrc = buffer.getInt();
         System.out.println("SSRC: "+ssrc);
         // NTP timestamp
         long ntp_timestamp = buffer.getLong();
         System.out.println("NTP timestamp: "+ntp_timestamp);
         // RTP timestamp
         int rtp_timestamp = buffer.getInt();
         System.out.println("RTP timestamp: "+rtp_timestamp);
         // sender's packet count
         int nbrOfSentPackets = buffer.getInt();
         System.out.println("sender's packet count: "+nbrOfSentPackets);
         // sender's octet count
         int nbrOfSentBytes = buffer.getInt();
         System.out.println("sender's octet count: "+nbrOfSentBytes);
    }I added a boolean isRTCP to the constructor so to know what sort of data is sent.
    Hope this clarifies things.

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    For anyone finding this thread, there are some quasi-malware Safari extensions in circulation. Do some research before installing any extension, and read the license agreement very carefully. If you don't understand it, don't install.

  • Workaround for using Oracle JDBC extension with WLS pooling

    Reading the newsgroup I saw that many of us encountered the problems
    with ClassCastException when tried to use Oracle JDBC extension
    with WLS pooling. I also had.
    In this case BEA recommends to use dangerous
    method getVendorConnection() which exposes
    the physical connection object to your code.
    Yes it's really dangerous because of unsafe usage may breaks
    WLS pooled connection(s).
    Moreover, this practice will make your JDBC code
    unportable (your JDBC code in addition to Oracle dependence
    became Weblogic dependent):
    void doSmth() {
    Connection con = ...;
    Connection vCon = ((WLConnection)con).getVendorConnection();
    // + mess of usage con in one places and vCon in others
    // (where Oracle extensions are needed)
    // !Don't forget to don't close vCon!
    I found the workaround.
    Yes the real cause of ClassCastException is that
    in depth of Oracle driver the casting
    to class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection
    (not to interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection)
    is performed.
    Someone can say that this is bug or pure desing.
    Weblogic pooled connection provide dynamic
    implementation for all public interfaces
    which real physical (wrapped) connection object implements.
    Great feature!
    But I guess that all interface methods implemented
    by simple call-delegation to physical (wrapped) connection object.
    In case of oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection interface
    this approach doesn't work for at least one its method:
    public OracleConnection unwrap()
    WLS pooled connection shoudn't implement this method by
    delegation to physical connection object BUT should
    return physical connection object itself!
    // Wrong implementation of unwrap()
    // delegation is used
    public OracleConnection unwrap() {
    return physicalConnection.unwrap();
    // Right implementation of unwrap()
    // physical connection returned
    public OracleConnection unwrap() {
    return physicalConnection;
    1. Develop your own OracleConnection wrapper class:
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
    import weblogic.jdbc.extensions.WLConnection;
    public class MyOracleConnectionImpl implements OracleConnection {
    private OracleConnection con;
    public MyOracleConnectionImpl(OracleConnection connection)
    throws SQLException
    this.con = connection;
    public OracleConnection unwrap() {
    return (OracleConnection)
    /* Implement all other methods by delegation to con object */
    2. Don't get Connections directly from DataSource --
    develop your own simple (may be static) utility
    class which retrives Connections from dataSource
    and returns them wrapped into your MyOracleConnectionImpl
    to your code from some method:
    puclic abstract class MyConnectionSource {
    public static Connection getConnection() {
    Connection con = // get it from DataSource
    return new MyOracleConnectionImpl((OracleConnection)con);
    3. Add attribute RemoveInfectedConnectionsEnabled="false"
    to definition of your JDBCConnectionPool within config.xml
    You may do it because of you `safely` use vendorConnection --
    you don't expose it to application code.
    4. Enjoy the Oracle JDBC extensions in your code!
    Connection con = MyConnectionSource.getConnection;
    ArrayDescriptor add =
    ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("your_type", con);
    Hope it helps to someone.
    Best regards,
    Eugene Voytitsky

    Hello Eugene Voytitsky,
    Thanks Eugene Voytitsky for your idea
    I have tried the solution suggested by You, but it did not work.
    It still throws ClassCastException.
    I am sorry for posting the whole code of two classes below.
    I did this to give you more clarity.
    I am also indicating the place where the exception was thrown..
    Please let me know if I am doing something wrong.
    OracleConnection Wrapper class
    package ejbTesting;
    // sql imports
    import java.sql.CallableStatement;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.SQLWarning;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    // util imports
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Properties;
    // imports from Oracle Driver Classes
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover;
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleSavepoint;
    // import from Weblogic extensions
    import weblogic.jdbc.extensions.WLConnection;
    public class WeblogicConnectionWrapper implements OracleConnection
         // oracle connection object
         private OracleConnection connection;
         public WeblogicConnectionWrapper (OracleConnection orclConnection)
                   this.connection = orclConnection;
              catch(Exception unexpected )
         public OracleConnection unwrap()
              // The datasource returns a weblogic.jdbc.pool.Connection
              // This needs to be type casted to weblogic.jdbc.extensions.WLConnection
              // Only this weblogic.jdbc.extensions.WLConnection CAN BE type casted
              // to OracleConnection
         return (OracleConnection) ((WLConnection) connection).getVendorConnection();
         catch(Exception sqlException )
              sqlException.printStackTrace ();
              return null;
         /* Implement all other methods by delegation to connection object */      
    public Connection _getPC()
    return connection._getPC();
    public void archive(int i, int j, String s)
    throws SQLException
    connection.archive(i, j, s);
    public void assertComplete()
    throws SQLException
    public void clearWarnings()
    throws SQLException
    public void close()
    throws SQLException
    public void commit()
    throws SQLException
    public Statement createStatement()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.createStatement();
    public Statement createStatement(int i, int j)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.createStatement(i, j);
    public boolean getAutoClose()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getAutoClose();
    public boolean getAutoCommit()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getAutoCommit();
    public CallableStatement getCallWithKey(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getCallWithKey(s);
    public String getCatalog()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getCatalog();
    public boolean getCreateStatementAsRefCursor()
    return connection.getCreateStatementAsRefCursor();
    public int getDefaultExecuteBatch()
    return connection.getDefaultExecuteBatch();
    public int getDefaultRowPrefetch()
    return connection.getDefaultRowPrefetch();
    public Object getDescriptor(String s)
    return connection.getDescriptor(s);
    public boolean getExplicitCachingEnabled()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getExplicitCachingEnabled();
    public boolean getImplicitCachingEnabled()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getImplicitCachingEnabled();
    public boolean getIncludeSynonyms()
    return connection.getIncludeSynonyms();
    public Object getJavaObject(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getJavaObject(s);
    public DatabaseMetaData getMetaData()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getMetaData();
    public Properties getProperties()
    return connection.getProperties();
    public boolean getRemarksReporting()
    return connection.getRemarksReporting();
    public boolean getRestrictGetTables()
    return connection.getRestrictGetTables();
    public String getSQLType(Object obj)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getSQLType(obj);
    public String getSessionTimeZone()
    return connection.getSessionTimeZone();
    public int getStatementCacheSize()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getStatementCacheSize();
    public PreparedStatement getStatementWithKey(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getStatementWithKey(s);
    public int getStmtCacheSize()
    return connection.getStmtCacheSize();
    public short getStructAttrCsId()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getStructAttrCsId();
    public boolean getSynchronousMode()
    return connection.getSynchronousMode();
    public int getTransactionIsolation()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getTransactionIsolation();
    public Map getTypeMap()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getTypeMap();
    public String getUserName()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getUserName();
    public boolean getUsingXAFlag()
    return connection.getUsingXAFlag();
    public SQLWarning getWarnings()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getWarnings();
    public boolean getXAErrorFlag()
    return connection.getXAErrorFlag();
    public boolean isClosed()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.isClosed();
    public boolean isLogicalConnection()
    return connection.isLogicalConnection();
    public boolean isReadOnly()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.isReadOnly();
    public String nativeSQL(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.nativeSQL(s);
    public Object openJoltConnection(String s, short word0, short word1)
    return connection.openJoltConnection(s, word0, word1);
    public void oracleReleaseSavepoint(OracleSavepoint oraclesavepoint)
    throws SQLException
    public void oracleRollback(OracleSavepoint oraclesavepoint)
    throws SQLException
    public OracleSavepoint oracleSetSavepoint()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.oracleSetSavepoint();
    public OracleSavepoint oracleSetSavepoint(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.oracleSetSavepoint(s);
    public int pingDatabase(int i)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.pingDatabase(i);
    public CallableStatement prepareCall(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.prepareCall(s);
    public CallableStatement prepareCall(String s, int i, int j)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.prepareCall(s, i, j);
    public CallableStatement prepareCallWithKey(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.prepareCallWithKey(s);
    public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.prepareStatement(s);
    public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String s, int i, int j)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.prepareStatement(s, i, j);
    public PreparedStatement prepareStatementWithKey(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.prepareStatementWithKey(s);
    public void purgeExplicitCache()
    throws SQLException
    public void purgeImplicitCache()
    throws SQLException
    public void putDescriptor(String s, Object obj)
    throws SQLException
    connection.putDescriptor(s, obj);
    public void registerApiDescription(String s, short word0, short word1, String
    connection.registerApiDescription(s, word0, word1, s1);
    public void registerSQLType(String s, Class class1)
    throws SQLException
    connection.registerSQLType(s, class1);
    public void registerSQLType(String s, String s1)
    throws SQLException
    connection.registerSQLType(s, s1);
    public void registerTAFCallback(OracleOCIFailover oracleocifailover, Object
    throws SQLException
    connection.registerTAFCallback(oracleocifailover, obj);
    public void rollback()
    throws SQLException
    public void setAutoClose(boolean flag)
    throws SQLException
    public void setAutoCommit(boolean flag)
    throws SQLException
    public void setCatalog(String s)
    throws SQLException
    public void setCreateStatementAsRefCursor(boolean flag)
    public void setDefaultExecuteBatch(int i)
    throws SQLException
    public void setDefaultRowPrefetch(int i)
    throws SQLException
    public void setExplicitCachingEnabled(boolean flag)
    throws SQLException
    public void setImplicitCachingEnabled(boolean flag)
    throws SQLException
    public void setIncludeSynonyms(boolean flag)
    public void setReadOnly(boolean flag)
    throws SQLException
    public void setRemarksReporting(boolean flag)
    public void setRestrictGetTables(boolean flag)
    public void setSessionTimeZone(String s)
    throws SQLException
    public void setStatementCacheSize(int i)
    throws SQLException
    public void setStmtCacheSize(int i)
    throws SQLException
    public void setStmtCacheSize(int i, boolean flag)
    throws SQLException
    connection.setStmtCacheSize(i, flag);
    public void setSynchronousMode(boolean flag)
    public void setTransactionIsolation(int i)
    throws SQLException
    public void setTypeMap(Map map)
    throws SQLException
    public void setUsingXAFlag(boolean flag)
    public void setWrapper(OracleConnection oracleconnection)
    public void setXAErrorFlag(boolean flag)
    public void shutdown(int i)
    throws SQLException
    public void startup(String s, int i)
    throws SQLException
    connection.startup(s, i);
    Util class to get Wrapped Connections from
    package ejbTesting;
    // j2ee imports
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import javax.sql.DataSource;
    // sql imports
    import java.sql.Connection;
    // imports from Oracle Driver Classes
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
    * Wrapper class for the DataSource Connection from Weblogic pool
    public class DataSourceConnectionWrapper
         // datasource variable
         private static transient DataSource datasource = null;
         private static String dbName = "jdbc/workbench";
    * Method that returns the database connection
         public static Connection getConnection()
                   // initialsing the datasource object
                   initialiseDataSource ();
                   // Getting a connection from the datasource
                   Connection con = datasource.getConnection( );
                   // wrapping it custom wrapper class and
                   // returning the connection object
                   return new WeblogicConnectionWrapper((OracleConnection)con);
              catch(Exception exception )
                   return null;
         private static void initialiseDataSource( ) throws Exception
    if ( datasource == null )
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext( );
    datasource = (DataSource) ic.lookup( dbName );
    catch (Exception ne )
    throw new Exception( "NamingException while looking up DataSource with
    JNDI name" +
    dbName + ": \n" + ne.getMessage( ) );
    Exception Stack Trace
    The line 46 in DataSourceConnectionWrapper
    corresponds to
    return new WeblogicConnectionWrapper((OracleConnection)con);
    Which I feel is logical as the connection which we get from Weblogic
    datasource cannot be type casted to OracleConnection
    java.lang.ClassCastException: weblogic.jdbc.pool.Connection
    at ejbTesting.DataSourceConnectionWrapper.getConnection(DataSourceConnectionWrapper.java:46)

  • Question about saving JPEGs in Photoshop for use in FCP

    Ah, Mr Stupit here, I don't see anywhere else to ask, and since the pics will be used in FCP I"ll try here.
    In photoshop I rotated the pics to get the figure upright for ease of handling in FCP, and now I'm asked to save the pic and I'm given the choice of Baseline Standard, Baseline Optimized and Progressive, with Baseline Optimized being the default. Usually I go with the default, but now I figured I'd be clever and ask the geniuses here what they think: Which should I go with?
    Another question, am I losing some quality by re-saving this JPEG? I don't want to get into whether I should save as Tiffs, I find my FCP struggles with such large sizes and I'm happy with the JPEGs. Of course, maybe that's why I'm Mr Stupit.

    Thanks for the reply!
    The problem when I save them as tiffs, png, etc is they become really large and when I open them in Viewer or place them in a sequence I have to wait and wait while the little balls spins. I'm thinking that maybe I'll just use the original JPEGs and rotate them in the Canvas. As long as I don't re-save them there shouldn't be any difference in quality between using them in FCP as opposed to re-saving them as Tiffs, etc, and then using them in FCP, right?
    Sorry, but someone on another forum said just using JPEGs in FCP will result in a loss of quality though why should an untouched original somehow lose quality by being placed in an FCP timeline, I don't get it nor did I get an explanation.
    I guess I'm Johnny Stupit & Confused.

  • Exporting High Quality Flash to Quicktime for use in FCP4.5

    I am currently working on a interactive DVD production
    including various Flash animations. I've tried exporting them as
    almost every possible combination of compressions I could think of
    using. Every time I import any clip (although seeming smooth in
    previews or as stand alone clips...in both flash and quicktime
    formats), they always seem to be choppy once imported into Final
    Cut Pro 4.5, DVD Studiio Pro , or Motion !!! .
    If anyone could give me some advice on what would be the best
    compression to use within Flash's export functions , to then be
    able to use within FCP 4.5 .... it would be very appreciated ! This
    is tormenting me right now !!!!

    You're probably already doing this but be sure that the Flash original files are the same image size and run at the same frame rate as the video that you want to edit into. When you export from Flash as Quicktime use the Apple none compression option. This will give you the best possible file to work with. If you don't see the none compression option you can follow this set of instructions: missing "none" compression in Quicktime 7.6.6 p... | Apple Support Communities

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    The specs say GSM - does this mean it doesn't have 3G at all? Will it work with a UK micro-sim on 3G or just EDGE?

    "3G" is absolutely not standard; in fact, "3G" as a term is essentially meaningless; it's mostly a marketing term and does not convey anything definite in terms of technology. "GSM" is a more informative term, being the connection technology used by many cell carriers, but even there differences can be found. In the US, AT&T and T-Mobile both use GSM but use different frequencies; the US iPhone doesn't support the frequencies T-Mobile uses except for EDGE (an older, slower technology).
    Important note: the warranty on the iPhone is not world-wide. So you if you buy a US iPhone and it needs to be serviced, you will probably have to ship it to your US relative to send/take to Apple to get it serviced. Just so you know.

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    Thanks for helping!

    georgemc wrote:
    yawmark wrote:
    georgemc wrote:
    jverd wrote:
    Either the Java turtle is not that well-known, or I'm terribly out of touch. I've never heard of it, and have no idea what you're talking about.Maybe you just forgot about it, Jeff. Like in that Arnie film "Turtle Recall"Groan. :o)Bruce Willis, Arnie and Sylvester Stallone are sat in a bar discussing their new film "The Great Composers". Bruce Willis says, "I'll play the part of Beethoven. I fancy that"
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    Arnie simply says "I'll be Bach"
    beats george about the head and shoulders with a hockey stick for bad humor ... Bad George no beer for you.

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    Is the script installed and enabled? On the Add-ons page, you should be able to view the script and its options.
    orange Firefox button ''or'' classic Tools menu > Add-ons > Userscripts category
    Is Greasemonkey running? It's a little to easy to disable by clicking the monkey icon (which causes it to have a faded appearance).
    For each script hosted on userscripts.org, when you are on the page with the description, you will notice a Discussions tab. You usually can read posts about new bugs and workarounds for the script there if the above is not helpful.

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    How do I modify the header/footer that is added when I use the Adobe PDF printer in another application, like MS Word? Currently it adds the entire path of the file as the header, which is really annoying.
    I'm not talking about the Header/Footer command in Acrobat's "Document" menu. In fact, that command doesn't even recognise the header that's generated by the Adobe PDF printer.
    I'm using Acrobat Pro 8.1.3, btw.
    Thanks :)

    Generally you should set the whole look of the page in your application and then print to the Adobe PDF printer as you have been doing. If you are using a browser, there are header and footer commands for the printer that are typically set by the browser - those can be modified there. The PDF should look just like the preview in the application, that is the point of a PDF.

  • Selection groups for tables and header tables

    A couple of questions or rather observations around Selection Groups for tables and conversion objectu2026
    1) For tables that do not really have a date field, for instance table PDSNR, it appears that you cannot specify a selection group. Consequently, you have to transfer the table in its entirety. Is this something that can be modified via customizing?
    2) And what about the header tables, for example, X_ANLC, I have tried but not able to change the selection groups on these objects.

    Hi Harmeet.
    Since you mention you can only filter by date I am assuming you are using TDTIM.
    How would you want to filter PDSNR, for example? Would it want to filter all entries >= a given sequence number?
    The only way I know to do that is to work directly with the configuration tables. In your case you will need to use CNVMBTSEL* tables. Check how the standard selection groups are configured, and it should not be too difficult to follow the same logic and create your own selection groups.
    CNVMBTSELGRP                   MBT PCL Selection groups              (main table to create the selection group)
    CNVMBTSELMEMTYPE               MBT PCL Selection group member types  (main table to define members => fields for the selection group)
    CNVMBTSELGRPDEF                MBT PCL Selection group definition    (definition of the fields in that selection group)
    CNVMBTSELGRPVAL                MBT PCL Selection group values        (values for each field; you can use GE for >=)
    CNVMBTSELCLAUSE                MBT PCL Selection group clause        (should also be straightforward if you are using only one field)
    CNVMBTSELVAR                   MBT PCL Selection group variants     (configure the same variant for your selection group as for the others)
    CNVMBTSELREF                   MBT PCL Selection group reference     (assignment of selection group to conversion object)
    Hope this helps,
    Rui Dantas

  • I am using the Order Analysis Toolkit and want to get more information about the compensation for "Reference Signal Processing", which is scarce in the manuals, the website and the examples installed with the toolkit.

    I am using the Order Analysis Toolkit and want to get more information about the compensation for "Reference Signal Processing", which is scarce in the manuals, the website and the examples installed with the toolkit.
    In particular, I am analyzing the example "Even Angle Reference Signal Processing (Digital Tacho, DAQmx).vi", whose documentation I am reproducing in the following:
    This VI demonstrates how to extract even angle reference signals and remove the slow-roll errors. It uses DAQmx VIs to acquire sound or vibration signals and a digital tachometer signal. This VI includes a two-step process: acquire data at low rotational speed to extract even angle reference; use the even angle reference to remove the errors in the vibration signal acquired at normal operation.
    1. Run the VI.
    2. On the <B>DAQ Configurations</B> tab, specify the <B>sample rate</B>, <B>samples per channel</B>, device and channel configurations, and tachometer channel information.
    <B>NOTE</B>: You need to use DSA PXI-447x/PXI-446x and PXI TIO device in a PXI chassis to run this example. The DSA device must be in slot 2 of the PXI chassis.
    3. Switch to <B>Extract Even Angle Reference</B> tab. Specify the <B>number of samples to acquire</B> and the <B># of revs in reference</B> which determines the number of samples in even angle reference. Click <B>Start</B> to take a one-shot data acquisition of the vibration and tachometer signals. After the acquisition, you can see the extracted even angle references in <B>Even Angle Reference</B>.
    4. Switch to the <B>Remove Slow-roll Errors</B> tab. Click <B>Start</B> to acquire data continuously and view the compensate results. Click <B>Stop</B> in this tab to stop the acquisition.
    1. SVL Scale Voltage to EU.vi
    2. OAT Digital Tacho Process.vi
    3. OAT Get Even Angle Reference.vi
    4. OAT Convert to Even Angle Signal.vi
    5. OAT Compensate Even Angle Signal.vi
    My question is: How is the synchronization produced at the time of the compensation ? How is it possible to eliminate the errors in a synchronized fashion with respect to the surface of the shaft bearing in mind that I am acquired data at a low rotation speed in order to get the "even angle reference" and then I use it to remove the errors in the vibration signal acquired at normal operation. In this application both operations are made in different acquisitions, therefore the reference of the correction signal is lost. Is it simply compensated without synchronizing ?
    Our application is based on FPGA and we need to clarity those aspects before implementing the procedure.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi CracKatoA.
    Take a look at the link bellow:
    Filipe Silva

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    I agree. How can I roll back to the previous OS? Developers, please post a procedure for reverting.

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