About Type 'ANY' .

Hi All,
Have any know - any standard function module which uses TYPE ANY as a referece type.

If you see the blank in Typing &  Associtated Type fields against to the Parameter Field in any of the tabs(IMPORT,EXPORT..) then it means TYPE ANY. Which can take any TYPE as input/Output.
Example :
*"      DATA_TAB

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    Hi Pros,
    I need to call a FM in ABAP that has tables and attributes of type ANY or ANY TABLE.
    I do not care about how, but I need to find a way to call such a FM from a Web Dynpro Aplication and transport these "any" types to java...
    can anyone think of a way how to do that???
    P.S.: Its an important task and it constitutes a notable part of my dissertation... So, helpful threads will be rewarded.

    so you can import the RFC_READ_TABLE as an adaptive RFC Model into your WebDynpro app. After that you are able to access the ModelContext node and read the return structures.
    You also can use if you have a system below 4.6c which does not support Adaptive RFC the old JCO way. So u create with the SAP Enterprise Connector the needed Java classes to call inside the system using JCO.
    But the deeper problem i see when you have to read the output strukture in very flat tables RFC_READ_TABLE can be a useful way but if you have complex tables with deep struktures in it you will have your problems to read the contents and concatinate them.
    kind regards

  • About type pools in ddic

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    thanks in  advacnce

    <i>This is taken directly from the HELP.</i>
    <b>Type Groups</b>
    Before Release 4.5A, it was not possible to define standalone types in the ABAP Dictionary to which you could refer using a TYPE addition in an ABAP program. It was only possible to refer to flat structures. Structures in programs corresponded to the structures of database tables or structures in the ABAP Dictionary. In ABAP programs, you could only refer to database tables and structures in the ABAP Dictionary using LIKE. It was, however, possible to refer to individual components of the Dictionary type. Complex local data types such as internal tables or deep structures had no equivalent in the ABAP Dictionary. The solution to this from Release 3.0 onwards was to use type groups. Type groups were based on the include technique, and allowed you to store any type definitions globally in the Dictionary by defining them using TYPES statements.
    The definition of a type group is a fragment of ABAP code which you enter in the ABAP Editor. The first statement for the type group <pool> is always:
    <b>TYPE-POOL <pool>.</b>
    After this came the definitions of data types using the TYPES statement, as described in Local Data Types in Programs. It was also possible to define global constants using the CONSTANTS statement. All the names of these data types and constants must begin with the name of the type group and an underscore:
    In an ABAP program, you must declare a type group as follows before you can use it:
    TYPE-POOLS <pool>.
    This statement allows you to use all the data types and constants defined in the type group <pool> in your program. You can use several type groups in the same program.
    Let the type group HKTST be created as follows in the ABAP Dictionary:
    TYPE-POOL hktst.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF hktst_typ1,
    col1(10) TYPE c,
    col2 TYPE i,
    END OF hktst_typ1.
    TYPES hktst_typ2 TYPE p DECIMALS 2.
    CONSTANTS hktst_eleven TYPE i VALUE 11.
    This type group defines two data types HKTST_TYP1 and HKTST_TYP2, as well as a constant HKTST_ELEVEN with the value 11.
    Any ABAP program can use this definition with the TYPE-POOLS statement:
    TYPE-POOLS hktst.
    DATA: dat1 TYPE hktst_typ1,
    dat2 TYPE hktst_typ2 VALUE '1.23'.
    WRITE: dat2, / hktst_eleven.
    The output is:
    The data types defined in the type group are used to declare data objects with the DATA statement and the value of the constant is, as the output shows, known in the program.
    In short, type-pools or type groups are like little include programs where you store a bunch of TYPES statements. You can then use these types instead of defining them manually in your program. All you need to do is include the type-pool in your program.
    report ZXYZ_0001.
    Type-pools: slis.
    Data: qinfo_alv type slis_qinfo_alv.

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    I cannot find this 300GB "Backup" in the Finder, only in the Storage info when I check "About This Mac".
    You are probably using Time Machine to backup your MacBook Pro, right? Then the additional 300 GB could be local Time Machine snapshots.  Time Machine will write the hourly backups to the free space on your hard disk, if the backup drive is temporarily not connected. You do not see these local backups in the Finder, and MacOS will delete them, when you make a regular backup to Time Machine, or when you need the space for other data.
    See Pondini's page for more explanation:   What are Local Snapshots?   http://pondini.org/TM/FAQ.html
    I have restarted my computer, but the information remains the same. How do I reclaim the use of the 300GB? Why is it showing up as "Backups" when it used to indicate "Photos"? Are my photos safe on the external drive?
    You have tested the library on the external drive, and so your photos are save there.  
    The local TimeMachine snapshot probably now contains a backup of the moved library.  Try, if connecting your Time Machine drive will reduce the size of your local Time Machine snapshots.

  • Dynamic typeing of a type any structure at runtime.

    Hello Gurus,
    i have in my Method a TYPE ANY structure as import parameter declared, the structure has in the calling program a dictionary structure type.
    Can i change (or assign) the new dictionary structure TYPE to the import parameter like for example as below in the third line ??
      l_rcl_struc ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( i_str_applparam ).
      l_var_ddic_header = l_rcl_struc->get_ddic_header( ).
    ?? data: i_str_applparam type (l_var_ddic_header-tabname). ??
    Ioan Constantin.

    the structure has in the calling program a dictionary structure type.
    This is pretty basic then
    CREATE DATA DREF TYPE (l_var_ddic_header-tabname).

  • Assigning a value to a field-symbol (workarea of type any)

    Dear forumers,
    I'm having a bit of difficulty in assigning a value to a field-symbol (it should be treated as a workarea of type any), but I'm given a syntax error instead:-
    The data object "<LFS_WORKAREA>" has no structure and therefore no component called "LFMON".
    What could have gone wrong and how may I resolve this (I must have missed something out)? I will still need <LFS_WORKAREA> to be defined as TYPE ANY.
    Please help. I'd appreciate any inputs at all. Thanks.
    *&      Form  FORMAT_POST_PERIOD
    *       Subroutine to format the posting period data
    *      --> PI_MBEW     Material valuation data (internal table)
    FORM format_post_period  CHANGING    pi_mbew TYPE ANY TABLE.
    " Create local field symbols
      <lfs_workarea> TYPE ANY,
      <lfs_lfmon>    TYPE ckmlcr-poper.
    " Create local variables
      DATA: lv_index TYPE sy-tabix.
      DATA: lv_lfmon TYPE ckmlcr-poper.
    " Format posting periods
      LOOP AT pi_mbew ASSIGNING <lfs_workarea>.
        lv_index = sy-tabix.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 'LFMON' OF STRUCTURE <lfs_workarea> TO <lfs_lfmon>.
        PERFORM convert_lfmon USING    <lfs_lfmon>
                              CHANGING lv_lfmon.
        MOVE lv_lfmon TO <lfs_workarea>-lfmon.   " the syntax error occurs here  :(
        MODIFY pi_mbew FROM <lfs_workarea>
          INDEX lv_index
          TRANSPORTING lfmon.
        CLEAR: <lfs_workarea>,
    ENDFORM.                    " FORMAT_POST_PERIOD

    Most of us aren't in it for the points in any case...
    For your solution you've redundant code:
    *&      Form  FORMAT_POST_PERIOD
    *       Subroutine to format the posting period data
    *      --> PI_MBEW     Material valuation data (internal table)
    FORM format_post_period  CHANGING    pi_mbew TYPE ANY TABLE.
      <lfs_workarea> TYPE ANY,
      <lfs_lfmon>    TYPE ckmlcr-poper.
      DATA: lv_lfmon TYPE ckmlcr-poper.
    *  DATA: lo_workarea TYPE REF TO data.   "<--Not needed, because the LOOP AT ASSIGNING below does the work
    *  CREATE DATA lo_workarea LIKE LINE OF pi_mbew.
    *  ASSIGN lo_workarea->* TO <lfs_workarea>.
      LOOP AT pi_mbew ASSIGNING <lfs_workarea>.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 'LFMON' OF STRUCTURE <lfs_workarea> TO <lfs_lfmon>.
        PERFORM convert_lfmon USING    <lfs_lfmon>
                              CHANGING lv_lfmon.
        <lfs_lfmon> = lv_lfmon.
        CLEAR lv_lfmon.
    ENDFORM.                    " FORMAT_POST_PERIOD
    Here's a couple of more efficient solutions, using LOOP AT INTO.
    FORM format_post_period  CHANGING    pi_mbew TYPE INDEX TABLE. " <-- Table type a little more specific
                                                                   "<--now you can use index operations
      <lfs_workarea> TYPE ANY,
      <lfs_lfmon>    TYPE ckmlcr-poper.
      DATA: lv_lfmon TYPE ckmlcr-poper,
            lv_index TYPE sytabix.
      DATA: lo_workarea TYPE REF TO data.
      CREATE DATA lo_workarea LIKE LINE OF pi_mbew.
      ASSIGN lo_workarea->* TO <lfs_workarea>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'LFMON' OF STRUCTURE <lfs_workarea> TO <lfs_lfmon>.
      LOOP AT pi_mbew INTO <lfs_workarea>.
        lv_index = sy-tabix.    
        PERFORM convert_lfmon USING    <lfs_lfmon>
                              CHANGING lv_lfmon.
        <lfs_lfmon> = lv_lfmon.
        MODIFY pi_mbew FROM <lfs_workarea>
           INDEX lv_index. " <--INDEX TABLE, so this is permitted.
        CLEAR lv_lfmon.
    ENDFORM.                    " FORMAT_POST_PERIOD

  • I've just updated my iPad 3 to IOS 7 and when i try to type any thing be it a password or e-mail there is a long lag any idea how to sort this out ?

    I've just updated my iPad 3 to IOS 7 and when i try to type any thing be it a password or e-mail there is a long lag any idea how to sort this out ?

    Upgrade to Snow Leopard - it's compatible with the latest version of iTunes, and still supports PowerPC applications.
    $19.99 - http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC573Z/A/mac-os-x-106-snow-leopard
    Snow Leopard is required if you wanted to upgrade to Lion, anyway, which you may want to in the future if the latest version of iTunes no longer supports Snow Leopard.

  • My iphone 4s has the connect to itunes screen. I have tried to reset, recover, etc but I keep getting and error-51 message. Any ideas how I can get my phone working again? I am not worried about saving any info just having a phone to use!

    I was in the middle of the iOS 8 update and tried to turn my phone off (yes, I realize this was dumb) But what happened was it tried to reset. Now,  my iphone 4s has the connect to itunes screen. I have tried to reset, recover, etc but I keep getting and error -51 message. Any ideas how I can get my phone working again? I am not worried about saving any info just having a phone to use!

    Try a Hard Reset.....
    Press and hold the Wake / Sleep button AND the Home button at the same time, keep them both pressed until the Apple Logo appears on the screen, it can take 10 or more seconds.  Ignore the swipe to turn off message.

  • Problem in passing select-options to class meathods , type any table

    <h1>how to pass type any table to class meathod</h1>
    <h3>hi all
           i'm trying to build class to validate the selection screen , like select-options and parameters
           while writing meathod to validate the select-options
           its throwing parameter mismath error</h3>
    <h4>i tried like made import parameter in class meathod as 'TYPE ANY TABLE' and tried to pass select-options from my program it is saying type mismatch , how to overcome this problem </h4>
    <h4>and i want to pass any select option , either of type lfa1-lifnr or mara-matnr or any other</h4>
    Moderator message : Don't shout, use proper font size for explaining the question. This has been discussed in ABAP forums before. Search for available information. Thread locked.
    Edited by: Vinod Kumar on Sep 14, 2011 11:20 AM

    Triggering and Handling events
    At the moment of implementation, a class defines its:
             Instance events (using the EVENTS statement)
            Static events (using the CLASS-EVENTS statement)
    Classes or their instances that receive a message when an event is triggered at runtime and want to react to this event define event handler methods. Statement: METHODS

  • Modify Syntax on Internal table of type ANY TABLE

    I have declared one internal table which is of type ANY TABLE.
    In the Loop statement, I am trying to Modify that Internal table from WA.
    Then I am getting one Error message
    "You cannot use explicit or implicit index operations on tables with types "HASHED TABLE" or "ANY TABLE". "C_T_DATA" has the type "ANY TABLE".
    Above code I have placed in method of a corresponding Class.
    Can u please advise me on this..How to modify the Intenal table .
    Thanks and Regards,
    K.Krishna Chaitanya.

    Hi Krishna,
    the modify statement is obsolete.
    You can always LOOP AT [itab] ASSIGNING <field-symbol>.
    This makes the loop never slower, depending on the table structure faster or much faster.
    If you know the table structure at run time, you can use a field-symbol of that type. If not, you can use a field-symbol TYPE any. Then you have to assign the components to field-symbol to modify them, i.e.
      <table_line> type any,
      <matnr>        type mara-matnr.
    loop at itab assigning  <table_line>.
      assign component 'MATNR' of structure <table_line> to <matnr>.
      clear <matnr>.
    This technique (available more than ten years) works incredibly fast. My estimate is that if SAP would change all the old standard programs that way and use it consequently in the new ones, the whole system would be 20 % faster because myriads of unnecessary copy operations of LOOP INTO would not happen.

  • How to use FIELD-SYMBOLS with TYPE ANY?

    I need to write a function which gets an import string parameter containing a field name like MATNR. In this function I have to "map" this string to a real variable so that I can access the field which is represented by the string. I tried it like this but it does not work:
    ""Lokale Schnittstelle:
      Assign (FIELD_NAME) to <FS_ANY>.
    Does not work (I guess because of 'type any')
    How can I solve this problem?

    This code is far from perfection...But at least it could help you to find the right track -;)
    REPORT ydummy_atg.
      SELECT *
      INTO TABLE w_mara
      FROM mara.
      PERFORM test TABLES w_mara.
    *&      Form  test
    FORM test TABLES t_mara.
      DATA: field_name(30) VALUE 'T_MARA',
            new_line TYPE REF TO data,
            flag TYPE c,
            w_tabix TYPE sy-tabix.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_any> TYPE ANY,
                      <l_line> TYPE ANY,
                      <l_field> TYPE ANY.
      ASSIGN (field_name) TO <fs_any>.
      CREATE DATA new_line LIKE LINE OF t_mara.
      ASSIGN new_line->* TO <l_line>.
      LOOP AT t_mara.
        MOVE t_mara TO <l_line>.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 2 OF STRUCTURE <l_line> TO <l_field>.
        <l_field> = <l_line>.
        WRITE:/ <l_field>.
    ENDFORM.                    " test

  • When i type any word in address bar, it is search by "speedbit", How i can to change it into google searching ?

    when i type any word in address bar, it is search by "speedbit", How i can to change it into google searching ?

    When you ''reset'' keyword.url, you blank the entry. Firefox doesn't know what to do with the keyword you've typed in, so it adds www. to the front, and tacks .com to the end and takes you www.test.com.
    You need a new search engine entry. '''Try making keyword.url = http://www.google.com/#q='''
    Every once in a while a rogue search engine wrecks my browser, and I end up scrambling for this very answer. I hope the devs will create an easier fix for future versions.

  • Table with type ANY in function module

    Hi all
    I want to use a function module in different programs. I want to pass always a table and in a string the name of the structure, so that I can access the data with ASSIGN and the passed structure name.
    For a structure I can use the type ANY, but if I want to use a table in a function module, I need to define a table type.
    Is there a way to define a tabletype with the type ANY? A Workaround would be fine too.
    Thanks and best regards!

    Hi Christian,
    ANY TABLE is used to type a parameter, or field symbol, that can be a table of any type or structure.
    ANY is used to type a parameter, or field symbol, that can be any type. You can't, however, use any table operations on a parameter/field-symbol typed as ANY. For that, you have to use ANY TABLE.
    The same applies to ANY. You can pass to the method a data object, without specifying its type (i.e, in dynamic programs).
    Suppose that I need to split a line into a table, but I don't know the structure of this line:
    I have a method:
    codeMETHOD split_line_in_table IMPORTING im_line TYPE ANY
    codeMETHOD split_line_in_table.
    SPLIT im_line AT separator INTO TABLE ex_table.
    Now, i can pass this method a line of ANY structure and get a table without specifying its structure.

  • How to get type any table in function module... or something

    Moderator message: Please use a more informative subject in future, and NOT IN ALL CAPITALS.
    Hi experts,
    how to get type any table option.
    in source code.
    *"  CHANGING
    Thank you.
    Edited by: Matt on Feb 17, 2009 2:27 PM - subject edited

    In Function module...... Under changing tab, give the parameter name and type enter associated type any.... You would get that same in the source code and also choose Optional check box.....
    You will see exact code in the FM source code

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    Sure you tried this (suspect I'm not following you), but have you tried casting it?
    myString = String(myExceptionVar)Dan

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