Absence of IM app and widget on N8

Can anyone from Nokia, please, tell me why there is no chat application on my Nokia N8. At the product page (at least in Finland) it is written, that in selected markets there is a chat application available for the most popular instant messaging protocols. I have seen some reports of early devices with this application but apparently it was removed from latter firmware versions. I haven't found any clues abou why this application is withdrawn from the release firmwares from any forums (including this one) or articles for any markets.
Is the chat application/widget under development and will it be released any time soon? I have seen Nokia's video from Nokia World 2010 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN-4hUGYcOw) where the IM application and widget are demoed. That application was one very important reason among the others why I bought my N8. Could someone clarify this situation?
-Almost happy N8 owner
P.S. I am well aware of the third party alternatives but I'm not interested in them in this post.
Go to Solution.

What Happens To the IM for Nokia N8?
I also saw the video before I bought my N8. That contributed to buy it.
In Venezuela I could see Nokia employees with active IM.
They themselves told me that the PR 1.1 would be active!
What happens? Even when the deception?
First with my N97 that would be awesome and it was a big disappointment.
Now also with the N8. That I will not buy more Nokia phones?
I remember one that launched Nokia N95 and was only a success! Today is not the same.

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    This is not a Firefox thing, but there are some general housekeeping activities you can do to make your telephone run much easier.
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    I would strongly recommend you not do this.  You will regret it.
    I have played with this issue a lot.  You have to remain signed into match in order for it to show up on your phone. If you sign out to purchase an app or redownload one from your appstore id you use then match will be removed from your phone and when you go into your music app the icloud will not be there.  You then have to go sign back out of the store id you used for your app purchase and then sign back into match and everything will have to go though the download to your device process again.  This really is not what you want to do.
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    Plus apple will start not letting you sign into match because you signed out and back in, in to short a period of time.
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    It doesn't sound like the Exchange environment is configured in a manner to support these types of clients very well.  Have your Exchange team look at the following
    From the latter article: "Communications applications can connect to a corporate Exchange service
    configured to require certificate-based authentication. User authentication certificates can be provisioned to Windows 8.1 devices by administrators or end-users can browse to certificate and install to user certificate storage."
    You might want to:
    Ask your Exchange team the public URLs (ExternalURL) for Exchange OWA & ActiveSync
    Open the OWA URL in your Internet Explorer from your Surface
    If you get a Certificate warning, open the certificate and select Install (NOTE: You may have to install the entire certificate chain).  Your desktop support team should be able to support this because it is the SAME process for standard Windows 8x
    Confirm that you can open OWA on your surface with no more certificate or security warnings.  NOTE: The Exchange team will have to configured OWA properly.
    Once confirmed, repeat the same steps for the activesync URL that they provided.
    When done, try using the OWA OR ActiveSync URL value in your settings of your Mail client.
    Good Luck

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    Drrhythm2 wrote:
    What's the best solution for this? I
    Copy the entire /Music/iTunes/ folder from her old compouter to /Music/ in her account on this new computer.

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    How do i create a new itunes account for my old iphone so that i can transfer data to my new iphone and keep the two seperate so that when she deletes all my contacts and apps and then syncs her phone again we can still be compatible.

    iOS 5 & iCloud Tips: Sharing an Apple ID With Your Family

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    Double-press the HOME button, find the app, and flick its screen image up to kill the in-memory copy of the app. The reboot your phone by holding the HOME and SLEEP buttons until an Apple logo appears.

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    If you've tried contacting the developer and not had a response then you can try the 'report a problem' link from your purchase history : log into your account on your computer's iTunes via Store > View My Account (Store > View My Apple ID on iTunes 11) and you should then see a Purchase History section with a 'see all' link to the right of it ; click on that and you should see a list of your purchases ; find that app and click the arrow to the left of it, click the 'Report a Problem' link and fill in details about the problem (iTunes support should reply within, I think, about 24 hours).
    Some people have had a problem with the 'report a problem' link (it's been taking people to this site on a browser instead of showing a form in iTunes) - if it does that to you then try contacting iTunes support via this page : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/- click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page.

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