Accepting Merchant Account Payments w/FormsCentral

I have clients that sell professional services with 6 or fewer service offerings. Typical shopping cart solutions seem to be a hassle and more for multiple item online stores.
I did not have a good experience with FomrsCentral in the summer of 2012, finding it lacking in design freedom. Being a graphic designer and not a programmer I am able to design great sites using Adobe Muse, but Muse falls way short on application functionality widgets that are popular and in demand, one being forms regardless of the recent upgrade. I am reconsidering FormsCentral or will consider any solution this post may provide.The recent Muse upgrade now offering forms anywhere is a great addition but there is still a lot missing. I have 2 questions:
1.) I want to allow form submitters to upload a file "Attachment" how can I make this happen?
2.) I need an easy to create payment solution that I can integrate with Muse that allows me to set-up payment for services using a regular merchant gateway solution other than PayPal. Is FormsCentral payment feature only for PayPal Premier and Business accounts or can other merchant processing gateways solutions be used? If not, is there another solution that anyone can recommend?

Thanks for your interests in FormsCentral. Here are the answers to your questions:
1. Yes, FormsCentral supports File Attachements. You can simply add a file attachment field to your form bye selecting the File Attachment widget in "Add Item" pane.
2. As for payment gateway, FormsCentral supports PayPal only at the moment.

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    When you create an e-commerce site you do receive a secure SSL domain. This domain looks like:  Also BC is PCI Compliant if that is a concern for you or your bank.
    Note: You cannot have a custom SSL domain with BC. IE

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    Please be patient, this is new for me. I know the bare
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    macnut4 wrote:
    > Please be patient, this is new for me. I know the bare
    minimum, and have only
    > designed basic web sites. (I'm primarily a print
    > I have a client that needs to be able to accept credit
    card payments on his
    > site. No shopping cart, no products being sold. He's a
    debt collector, and
    > wants people to be able to come to his site to make a
    payment directly. I tried
    > talking him into Paypal because I think I can figure
    that out. But he wants the
    > credit card stuff directly on HIS site.
    > I know he needs to have SSL set up (right?). He set up
    his hosting himself, so
    > I'll have to find out what he has. He has to have some
    kind of merchant
    > services in order to accept credit card payments...I'm
    trying to get that info
    > from him as well. I'm at the point where I don't even
    know what to ask him or
    > tell him.
    > I've found third-party services out there that seemed
    like a good idea (some
    > mentioned on this forum), but they're for setting up
    shopping carts. I don't
    > need that, just the payment part.
    > Is there anyone out there willing to point me in the
    right direction?? What's
    > the equation for getting this accomplished?
    > Thank you!
    > Lisa
    Hi Lisa:
    If you want to work with a payment gateway, you're pretty
    much going to
    have to use a shopping cart solution as they include
    scripting that
    enables the cart to interface with the payment gateway.
    Otherwise you're
    going to have to hand code your API calls to the payment
    Here are some things to think about:
    1. Does he have a database that you can put online so that he
    can search
    and view creditor records?
    2. Does his hosting provider support any kind of Server Model
    such as
    ASP, PHP or Coldfusion?
    3. Does the payment data need to be stored in a database so
    your client
    can retrieve it at a later time, or does he plan to use the
    gateway's control panel to view payments received?
    These three questions need to be answered to determine the
    extent of the
    application you can develop. I'd recommend strongly that the
    client have
    a database which stores all creditor information, including a
    ID and that the website you develop have a User
    Authentication module so
    that creditors can log in to their own accounts, view their
    records and
    make partial or full payments to your client using your
    To implement this, you're going to have to host your site on
    a server
    that supports a Server Model such as ASP VBScript, ASP
    JScript, PHP or
    Coldfusion. Have your client check with his hosting provider
    to see what
    Server Model is supported if any. You may need to move him to
    a hosting
    provider that supports one of these models. This is because
    however you
    implement this application you're going to AT LEAST be able
    to post form
    data to a processor page that uses a server language(model).
    If a database of creditor information is on the server, it
    makes sense
    to store payment information in the database and to update
    information, or to give your client administrator privileges
    so that he
    can update the creditor information when a payment has been
    made. Also
    consider that there may be fees such as interest on principle
    or some
    kind of amortization calculation to determine the actual
    percentage of
    the debt that has been paid when a partial payment is made.
    With this information in mind, and knowing that you'll have
    to code User
    Authentication, Payment Calculations, API scripting to pass
    data to the
    payment gateway, Success and Failure pages that display data
    about the
    payment as well as a search pages to display creditor data to
    creditor as well as a back-end administrative application to
    allow your
    client to update the data in his database, you may want to
    using some tools to help you with this kind of project.
    WebAssist has the tools to allow you to build the User
    Data search and manipulation and also the non-shopping cart
    application that you need to use which will interface
    silently with
    payment gateways such as Autorize.NET, PayPal's Website
    Payments Pro,
    Payflow Pro, LinkPint API as well as international payment
    gateways such
    as eWay and ProTX. Check out these tools and see if they will
    appropriate for your task:
    SecurityAssist: RID=590&WAAID=92
    DataAssist: RID=590&WAAID=92
    eCart (don't let the name fool you! It can be configured in
    such a way
    that your client doesn't even know he's using a product that
    has the
    word "cart" in it!) &RID=590&WAAID=92
    If you have any questions, call the 800 number at the top of
    any page or
    email sales at webassist dot com.
    mark haynes

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    Hi fromsouth, obviously I don't know who you are, you say you are just a user so I shall try not to become personally abusive as that serves no useful purpose and merely goes to alienate potentially helpful readers so perhaps I should re-word my statement on support.  I resent paying for support to the company which is directly responsible for the problem for which I am seeking support. On Googling, it is manifestly obvious that Apple has screwed many apps with the issue of ios7 - my fault for trusting Apple (which I have always previously done) and downloading the os before checking if it was any good or not.  At least with Windows 8 one has the option of reverting back to W7 - Apple have gone one better than Windows - not only have they produced an "update" in which I have frankly yet to find a benefit - but they have made it so that if you don't like it well screw you - you're stuck with it.  Whatever happened to customer service and satisfaction.  ****, not only did they fail to put in an easy method of deleting multiple email messages, they've even blocked the workaround that had been found in os6.
    Contact the reader manufacturer?  - Why should I have to?  It worked fine before ios7 - now it doesn't!!  Try this scenario - I have a car which is working perfectly - I go to a garage to get fuel, the fuel contains contamination and my car won't start - is that the car manufacturers fault - of course not- it's the supplier of the fuel!   That should make it Apple's problem to solve but Apple are so arrogant that they just do whatever they like and everyone has to follow and spend fortunes re-writing their software to suit the whim of Apple's designers.
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    Thank you for your suggestion on the Apple feedback site - I shall most certainly go there and give it a whirl
    end of rant.................for now

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    how do I do that??

    You just need to register the email address you want for your PayPal account to the form, so that the current PayPal email used by the form will be replaced. To do that, simply open the form, go to Options -> Collect Payments. In the PayPal Setup tab, enter the new email address and click Register.
    Please let me know if you need more assistance.
    Eman Fu
    Senior Computer Scientist
    Adobe Systems Inc

  • Why my account payment method decline

    Why my account payment method decline

    Altafjan wrote:
    Why my account payment method decline
    iTunes Store: Accepted forms of payment
    If necessary...
    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

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    How would you please refund the amount to me, Eruope Dollars 119.88, I paid twice.
    My name is gzcngift, please come back to me!

    iTunes Store / Mac App Store:  Accepted forms of payment
    iTunes Store: My credit card's security code or zip code does not match my bank's records

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    Anthony Coffee

    Hi Anthony,
    First, you will need to find out what gateway they have and then call godaddy and ask them if it is supported or not.
    Out of the box, Muse will not be able to create a site and get this integrated automatically, so you will need to write custom code out side of Muse and then integrate that in Muse using one of the following options.
    1. Page Properties -> Metadata -> HTML for head.
    2. Object -> Insert HTML
    - Abhishek Maurya

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    Can you please help me out - Where am going wrong ??
    Appreiciate your attention and valuable time,
    Thank you,

    You should contact iTunes Support/Account Management by using this link:

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    Sue below code in transaction notification procedure,Change userid =1 to user id for user ou want to block payment on account
    IF @Object_type = N'24' and @transaction_type = N'A'
    if exists (SELECT    ORCT.DocEntry from ORCT
                         WHERE (ORCT.PayNoDoc='Y' and ORCT.UserSign=1) and ORCT.DocEntry  = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del
            select @error =14
       select @error_message = 'Cannot make on account payments '

  • How to make On Account Payment

    Hi all,
    How to make On Account Payment.
    What is the difference between On Account Payment and Down Payment

    Hi Siva,
    Normall on account payment is a payment which is not against any invoice/bill.
    In SAP, we take such scenarios throught the down payment cycle. Downpayment is nothing but advance issued to a  vendor which is not against any invoice/bill.
    So we can say that on account payment in SAP is handled through Down payment (advance).
    Tcodes wrt vendors:
    F-47 - Request
    F-48 - Down Payment
    Tcodes wrt customers:
    F-37 - Request
    F-29 - Down Payment

  • How do I cancel, modify, or update my checking account payment on the day (today) it was made to my Verizon account?

    This morning, after viewing my bank account status that indicated a little over 218 in my account, I made a payment on my Verizon account of 148.82. At the end of this initial payment to my Verizon account, I was told “You may cancel a checking account payment on the day it posts to your account. The amount will be reversed from your account balance.”
    I revisited my bank account a little later, to see if this payment had been posted. It had not, but the current status had then changed due to an auto-payment on another account that I had forgotten about, leaving my account with a balance of only 116. I need to change or reverse my payment to Verizon and submit it for 110 until Tuesday of next week (03 June 2014).
    I've called Verizon billing department, but have been unable to reach a representative due to the high volume of calls, and the call was disconnected. If I am unable to rectify this today, my payment to Verizon will cause charges to my bank account of $40.00 and a late fee to my Verizon account.
    The on-line website does not have a provision for it that I can locate. How can I do this???
    Thanks for the automated contact service that is not well thought out from the user perspective, for efficient customer or public use.  I find this to be most typically within most companies that provide an automated service for their clients.

    Can I view and/or cancel a pending payment?Yes, to view and/or cancel a scheduled one-time payment:
    Go to the Pay Bill page in My Verizon.
    Click Scheduled Payment to view the pending payment on your account.
    If you’d like to cancel the payment, follow the onscreen prompts to cancel it.
    You’ve successfully canceled your payment.
    Back to top
    What if I need to stop a payment that has already been made?If you want to cancel a payment that has already been made, please contact your bank or credit card company to see if the payment or charge to your account can be stopped.
    Note: If you made an online payment through your checking account, you may be able to cancel that payment online from the Payment History page in My Verizon.
    Click on the Cancel link next to the payment, if one is available, and follow the onscreen prompts to cancel the payment.
    If the link isn’t available, the payment isn’t eligible to be canceled online.The option to cancel is typically only available until midnight on the same day the payment was made.
    From: Pay Bill FAQs | Verizon Wireless

  • Is there a way to make my iweb page a merchant account?

    i have just published a page to my iweb account with pictures of my jewelry that i am trying to sell. i would like for people to have the option of purchasing from me without too much difficulty. can i link something like paypal to my published page? i am so overwhelmed and really would just like to set up a merchant account without having to pay $1,000.00 to do so.... can anyone help me?

    I wrote a blog about how to create paypal button to use in my site. All you need is a Paypal Free premier account:
    Also look here the result on this page:
    Not to difficult to use.

  • Cielo app for accepting credit card payments.

    Hi there, I don't even know if this is the right place, but if someone could help....
    I'm form Brazil and a BB user for years, was looking for upgrading my 9900 to a Z10/Q10 phone.
    My company will start accepting credit card payments using smartphones, but the bank says they only have apps for iOS and Android....Is there anyway an Android app could work on the Z10? 

    BAR files are apps you can install (side load) to your BB10 device. BAR files are converted (usually by others) from those native to Android and iOS.
    DDPB is a PC app that can be used to perform the side-loading process of the BAR file app to your BB10 device.
    So, if someone somewhere (you must search the Internet) has created already a BAR file for this Cielo app you want (which you say already exists for Android and iOS), then you can download that BAR file to your PC, install DDPB to your PC, and then use DDPB to install the app (using the BAR file) to your BB10 device.
    The process is called side loading. If a developer has not written their app for BB10, then you can still side load it if the above conditions are met (someone has created a BAR file already for the app).
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
    Join our BBM Channels
    BSCF General Channel
    PIN: C0001B7B4   Display/Scan Bar Code
    Knowledge Base Updates
    PIN: C0005A9AA   Display/Scan Bar Code

  • I want to change my account payment method to none and I do not have a credit card yet.Plus, iTunes gave a message saying that I need to review my account and when I go there,the none payment method is hidden.

    I want to change my account payment method to none and I do not have a credit card yet.Plus, iTunes gave a message saying that I need to review my account and when I go there,the none payment method is hidden.

    Assuming that you want help and that you aren't just copying-and-pasting that thread's title and posting a link to it, then have you tried the steps on the post that I linked to in my first reply on that thread ?
    If you don't get the 'none' option when trying those instructions then you will need to enter credit card details before you will be able to use the account - when you've entered credit card details you should get the 'none' option and be able to remove your card details.
    Or you can create a new account, and follow, exactly, the steps on this page when creating it' :

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