Access Node effecting Other Building Nodes

We have one access ring having 6 Access Nodes(3750) and 6 Building nodes(2950) connected to each Access Node.Find ring connectivity diagram in attachment.
Whenever Access Node 4 is become unreachable (i.e Due to power problem) Access Node 3 & 5's Building Switches got fluctuated twice for 10 to 15 seconds (Once when access Node 4 is down and second time when access node 4 is up). We've checked logging also on both Building Switches but not found any info. for this problem.
Also, We've checked all the configuration on all switches (AS/BS) and found all configuration is ok on all switches.
Pls help....

This probaly has something to do with Spanning-Tree convergence.
What do you mean by "Fluctuated"? Do you see complete downtime on the building nodes?
Do you have any trunking going on between your building and access nodes? What settings are your building-access uplinks on?
May we see a sample of your configs for a building as well as access node?
PS - I think the convention for naming "Building" (or Distribution) and "Access" functions may be the reverse of what you have in your diagram.

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    Hi Jin,
    To use copy service API, u need to satisfy 2 condition for the attributes of source node and target node:
    1. The name of the attribute should be same (including the case of the name)- Abc is different from ABC
    2. Type of the attribute should also be the same.
    copy elements works for copying values from Model node to context and does not work vice-versa. To enable the copying of context node to model node, use copycorresponding API.
    int contextNodeSize = wdContext().node<contextNodeName>().size();
    for(int i = 0; i < contextNodeSize; i++)
         <modelNodeName> modelObject = new <modelNodeName>();
         <contextNodeName>Element contextObject = wdContext().node<contextNodeName>().get<contextNodeName>ElementAt(i);
         WDCopyService.copyCorresponding(contextObject, modelObject);
    This will copy the values from Context Node to Model Node.
    Hope this helps you.
    Poojith MV

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    Hi Mehrdad,
    Right click the Feature Build node and select the View Models menu item and the model you wish to view.
    This will provide a viewer that will show you the generated features.
    There is a combo box that shows the feature id and the grid below displays the details for that feature.
    If you want to then score data, then you would use the Apply node.
    If you are new to Data Miner I think you will benefit by reviewing the OBE courses available off of the Oracle Data Miner page on otn.
    Thanks, Mark

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    I noticed that you updated your system to 6.0.2. A couple things to check on that may remedy the problem.
    1)Did you install the application builder after upgrading your system to 6.0.2? You will want to install the application builder 6.0 first, and then add the 6.0.2 update to the whole system.
    2)Have you mass compiled all of your VIs since the upgrade? You will want to make sure that all of your VIs are in 6.0.2 format before trying to build them into an executable.
    Matt Kisler
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Thanks in Adavance

    what happens to the third node during this?
    what are you using as a quorum device and what's the status of quorum prior to the shutdown?

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    Specify one effect as the input to the other. See "Creating a Chain of Effects".

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    R. Rajesh Kannan.

    Ah, not having access to a cluster explains a lot!
    The global namespace provides local and shared devices with a unique name. When a reference is made to a global device that isn't local to the system on which the command is issued, the kernel traps and proxies the request to the remote node to which the device is connected.
    If the device is shared, this request happens in the context of kernel based HA services which ensure that even if the primary I/O path is on a remote node, that path can be switched to another node transparently without causing the request, at user level, to fail.
    Some of this is covered in an old Blueprint that I wrote when SC3.0 came out:
    the other description can be found in the Blueprint "Designing Enterprise Solutions with Sun Cluster 3.0" (See chapter 3)
    Posting those documents here would be a little excessive.

  • Failure to promote local gpnp setup to other cluster nodes

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    Disk Group OCR_VOTE created successfully.
    clscfg: -install mode specified
    Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
    Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
    Operation successful.
    CRS-4256: Updating the profile
    Successful addition of voting disk 4e3f692529584f8bbf7f16146bd90346.
    Successful addition of voting disk 728bed918cf54f6cbf904d37638c674b.
    Successful addition of voting disk 8ac20793405d4fdcbfcafc7e311f877d.
    Successfully replaced voting disk group with +OCR_VOTE.
    CRS-4256: Updating the profile
    CRS-4266: Voting file(s) successfully replaced
    ## STATE File Universal Id File Name Disk group
    1. ONLINE 4e3f692529584f8bbf7f16146bd90346 (ORCL:VOTE01) [OCR_VOTE]
    2. ONLINE 728bed918cf54f6cbf904d37638c674b (ORCL:VOTE02) [OCR_VOTE]
    3. ONLINE 8ac20793405d4fdcbfcafc7e311f877d (ORCL:VOTE03) [OCR_VOTE]
    Located 3 voting disk(s).
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    Failed to rmtcopy "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/ilprevzedb01/profiles/peer/profile.xml" to "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/profiles/peer/profile.xml" for nodes {ilprevzedb01,ilprevzedb02}, rc=256
    rmtcopy aborted
    Failed to promote local gpnp setup to other cluster nodes at /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/ line 6504.
    /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/perl/bin/perl -I/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/perl/lib -I/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/ execution failed
    Has anyone run into this problem and found a solution?
    Thanks in advance!

    Ok, for everyone out there, I resolved the issue. Hopefully this will help others encountering the same problem.
    It turns out that when the OS was installed, iptables firewall was enabled. This will cause havoc with the installer scripts.
    My first inkling should have been when the installer stalled at 65% trying to copy home directories between nodes, the first time I ran through the installer.
    At that time, Googling around found that iptables might be the problem and indeed it was running, so I just did a 'service iptables stop' WITHOUT REBOOTING THE NODES and re-ran the installer.
    Well, it looks as though NOT REBOOTING THE NODES doesn't quite cut it. I then did a 'chkconfig iptables off' and REBOOTED BOTH NODES.
    Oracle support simply provided me with: How to Proceed from Failed 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure (CRS) Installation (Doc ID 942166.1), which didn't really work all that well, lots of failures, errors, etc. So I just deleted the 11.2.0 directory and tried running the installer again.
    This time the install went through without problems.

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    Hi Puneet
    Write a method in the interface controller of DC1 where you have created your message pool. This method should take the Message id as input and return the message string.
    Expose this interface as the public part and try accessing the message pool from this exposed method. Evey time you call this method just pass the message id.
    Use the local component messagemanager to display the message.
    NagaKishore V

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    I want to redefine method BUILD_TABLE for a table context node and I need to access data from another context node within the same context. I have looked through the methods of class CL_BSP_WD_CONTEXT_NODE_TV but could not find a mean of retrieving the other context nodes.
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    Thanks a lot. Your help is appreciated.

    Hi Jens,
    Check this [wiki|] it should be helpful.

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    Not really sure what you want to do. Trackers are
    good -- you can find all sorts of things to do with
    tracker information - but if you can't get it in a
    node it's gonna be useless to you.
    Thanks Cap'n. It all began when a colleague (who uses mainly Windows compositing applications) attached a pair of huge feathered wings to a character in a movie we are working on, sort of Travolta's "Michael" from the 90-s. He used Shake's MatchMove and we all said great but he wanted to try the same effect with the Tracker node and I was silly to suggest that this would be possible in Shake because I seem to be the only one in this outfit who thinks he can navigate the manual. The manual says, quote, the Tracker node is used to create tracks that are referenced either in other tracking nodes or in non-tracking nodes such as Move2D, Rotate, and so on, unquote. This is page 750 in Chapter 25 but I still cannot find how to implement this in practice.
    No bets were placed and the discussion was purely academical but I feel a bit embarrassed that I cannot prove my point. Never mind, I will tell them I was wrong and wipe the egg off my face. I will leave the question unanswered for a while in the hope that another stubborn newbie will do the job for me and post an answer.

  • How to read the value from one context node in other in the same view.

    I am working on enhanced component ICCMP_BP_CP/BuPaContactPersonCreate ,  i need to read the partner_guid from Customer context node in  contactpersonaddress context node.
    Could you please guid me how to achieve this? if possible, please explain me with some sample code.
    i am trying this code in GET_FAXFAX method of contactpersonaddress-faxfax, but it is throwing me the type cast exception.
    data: lr_entity type ref to cl_crm_bol_entity.
    data: lv_test type string.
    lr_entity ?= collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
    lr_entity = lr_entity->get_related_entity( 'BuilContactPersonAddressRel' ).
    Thanks in advance.
    Kamesh Bathla
    Edited by: Kamesh Bathla on Jun 25, 2009 7:46 PM

    problem solved by writing the code in context node class CREATE_CONTPERSADDRESSVALNODE method
      coll_wrapper = customer->get_collection_wrapper( ).
          entity ?= coll_wrapper->get_current( ).
        CATCH cx_sy_move_cast_error.
      IF entity IS BOUND.
    CONTPERSADDRESSVALNODE->on_new_focus( focus_bo = entity ).
        DATA: lr_collection TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
              lv_fax TYPE string,
              lv_fax_ext TYPE string,
              lv_tel TYPE string,
              lv_tel_ext TYPE string,
              entity_addr TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access, "#EC *
              coll_wrapper1 TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_collection_wrapper.
         lr_parrent type
        lr_collection = entity->get_related_entity( 'BuilStandardAddressRel' )."'BuilContactPersonAddressRel' ).
        IF lr_collection IS BOUND.
          coll_wrapper1 = contpersaddressvalnode->get_collection_wrapper( ).
              entity_addr ?= coll_wrapper1->get_current( ).
            CATCH cx_sy_move_cast_error.
    getting fax number
          CALL METHOD lr_collection->if_bol_bo_property_access~get_property_as_value
              iv_attr_name = 'FAXFAX'
              ev_result    = lv_fax.
    ***setting fax number
          CALL METHOD entity_addr->set_property
              iv_attr_name = 'FAXFAX'
              iv_value     = lv_fax.

  • When one node reboot other node in RAC

    Hi Friends,
    I faced one situation where one node of RAC cluster had been rebooted by other node. This happen due to network interconnect link fluctuation.
    Sep 13 16:23:48 kkvs1a su: [ID 810491 auth.crit] 'su admin' failed for wipro1 on /dev/pts/3
    Sep 14 00:22:17 kkvs1a ixgbe: [ID 611667] NOTICE: ixgbe3: link down
    Sep 14 00:22:21 kkvs1a ixgbe: [ID 611667] NOTICE: ixgbe3: link up, , full duplex
    Sep 14 00:22:31 kkvs1a ixgbe: [ID 611667] NOTICE: ixgbe1: link down
    Sep 14 00:22:31 kkvs1a ixgbe: [ID 611667] NOTICE: ixgbe3: link down
    2013-09-14 00:22:05.180
    [cssd(12561)]CRS-1612:node kk1b (2) at 50% heartbeat fatal, eviction in 14.251 seconds
    2013-09-14 00:22:12.180
    [cssd(12561)]CRS-1611:node kk1b (2) at 75% heartbeat fatal, eviction in 7.251 seconds
    2013-09-14 00:22:13.180
    [cssd(12561)]CRS-1611:node kk1b (2) at 75% heartbeat fatal, eviction in 6.251 seconds
    2013-09-14 00:22:17.179
    [cssd(12561)]CRS-1610:node kk1b (2) at 90% heartbeat fatal, eviction in 2.251 seconds
    2013-09-14 00:22:18.180
    [cssd(12561)]CRS-1610:node kkvs1b (2) at 90% heartbeat fatal, eviction in 1.251 seconds
    This clearly shows CSSD of node kkvs1a has given node eviction message to kkvs1b node.
    I got following messages on the instance which got rebooted:
    ASM alert log:
    Sat Sep 14 00:22:25 IST 2013
    Error: KGXGN aborts the instance (6)
    Sat Sep 14 00:22:25 IST 2013
    Errors in file /opt/oracle/admin/+ASM/bdump/+asm2_lmon_8527.trc:
    ORA-29702: error occurred in Cluster Group Service operation
    LMON: terminating instance due to error 29702
    A network fluctuation shouldn't give reboot like this. Then why oracle design like this way? Is this a bug? My oracle version is:
    Could you tell me the other possible situations when 1 RC instance reboots other RAC instacne.

    What you are describing is the expected behaviour: if your interconnect fails, you will have a node eviction. Releases < evict a node by reboot, which can fix the problem: the NIC may come up correctly when the machine re-starts. Releases >= can often evict without a re-boot. But either way, if your interconnect goes down, a node must be evicted to prevent uncoordinated disc writes.
    If you are interested, you can find some discussion and demos of this in a series of webcasts I've recorded,
    Free Oracle Database Tutorials for Administration and Developers
    If you really don't like this behaviour and the problems are transient, you can try 'raising the CSS MISSCOUNT parameter.
    John Watson
    Oracle Certified Master DBA

  • NodeList.item(i) returns every other child node

    I have used the following code to eliminate null elements from a Node.
    But somehow NodeList.item(i) only returns every other child node.
    The original Node (retNode) is:
    <getHearingDetailsByCaseNoWSResponse><hearingDetailsVO xmlns=""><NOA/><applicationNo>sAppNo0</applicationNo><caseNo/><designation/><docID/><duration/><endTime/><hearDate/><judgeName/><natureOfClaim/><outCome/><outComeTime/><outcomeDate/><remarks/><roomNo/><sessionNo/><stEndTime/><tohCode/><typeHear/></hearingDetailsVO></getHearingDetailsByCaseNoWSResponse>
    retNode.getLength() gives 19 which is correct.
    NodeList lv2List = retNode.getChildNodes();          
    int numOfLv2 = lv2List.getLength();
    if(numOfLv2 == 0) {
         if(!hasAttribute(node)) parent.removeChild(node);
         for(int i=0; i<numOfLv2; i++) {
              Node lv2Node = lv2List.item(i);
              if(lv2Node == null || lv2Node.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
         }However, lv2List.item(0) returns <NOA/> element, lv2List.item(0) returns <caseNo/>, lv2List.item(1) returns <docID/>, and lv2List.item(9) returns <typeHear/>. From item(10) to item(18) all returns null.
    I was very confused by this.
    I am using Xerces-J implementation. I have set
    System.setProperty("javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory", "org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl");
    Did I do something wrong or I missed out something?
    Please enlighten me.

    When an element is removed from a list, the index of each element coming after the removed one will be one less than it was before the removal, so you will have to subtract 1from the variable "i" after you have removed an element and before you start the next cycle in order not to skip the index of the removed element:for(int i=0; i<numOfLv2; i++) {
      Node lv2Node = lv2List.item(i);
      if(lv2Node == null || lv2Node.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;

  • How to drag and drop user from one node to other node.

    Dear All,
    How to drag and drop user from one node to other node.I tried but no success.
    What are precautions to be taken.
    Cay anybody kindly explain it.
    Thank you.

    Hello, if you had this message you had created BP....
    Now you don't have to user USERS_GEN this transaction is used only in first action, when you create the user in R/3 and then you pass this user to EBP in the organizational structure.
    Now you have to:
    1) Go to PPOMA_BBP
    2) Double click on organizational unit that you want to put this user (purchasing organization or purchasing group box for example)
    3) Select assign button in the top of the functions in the transaction
    4) Click on incorporates -- position
    5) Put userID that you want to add in this organizational unit
    6) Click Save

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