Access to triggering element in a Dynamic Action from PL/SQL ?

I have a form that is used to calculate the volume of a (large) number of tanks based on entered tank heights.
I have a PL/SQL procedure that performs the calculation - it is given the name of the tank and the height and calculates the volume (each tank may have different physical characteristics).
I didn't want to create a Dynamic Action per tank (I'm lazy and the number of tanks is large!). I currently have a Dynamic Action that is triggered whenever any of the tank heights on the form change. The action PL/SQL calls the calculation for each tank. E.G.
:P1_TANK1_VOL := tank.vol('TANK1', :P1_TANK1_HEIGHT);
:P1_TANK2_VOL := tank.vol('TANK2', :P1_TANK2_HEIGHT);
:P1_TANK50_VOL := tank.vol('TANK50', :P1_TANK50_HEIGHT);
This works but involves performing 50 calculations whenever a single one is required and can appear to be slow.
Is there a way to identify the triggering element from the PL/SQL action? E.G.
IF TriggeringElement = 'P1_TANK1_HEIGHT' THEN
:P1_TANK1_VOL := tank.vol('TANK1',:P1_TANK1_HEIGHT);
Any ideas?

Very neat, many thanks.
I now have a 'Set Value' 'Javascript Expression' action of ';' to set a hidden *but unprotected* page item. This is followed by the 'Execute PL/SQL' action which simply calls a package procedure and passes the name of the triggering item. The procedure then sets the session state(s) as required.
Thank you!

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       Where ROWID = :P_DELETE_ROWID;
    -- here --->
    -- I want display a info message in notification message "This recors is deleted". --
         When NO_DATA_FOUND Then
              Pck_Suivi_Traitement.Prc_Log_Erreur('APEX Application : ' || :APP_ID || ' Alias:' ||  :APP_ALIAS || ' page :' || :APP_PAGE_ID  ,Null,
                                              'Erreur dans la suppression d''un enregistrement RSCLASSE_ACTIVIE No_data_found '
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    I found only the api.

    If you want to do this from a DA, does that mean you don't want to refresh the page?
    If the page won't be refreshed and you want to make the message display you could do this technique taken from Dan McGhan's Modal plugin.
      .append("Your Success Message Here")
    This approach is dependent on the Theme you're using. Here your inline notification is inside an ID of #messages, you may need to change this.
    The code finds your messages div/section/element, then hides it, in case there's an old one.  Then the new message is added and displayed with slideDown.
    You may also want to add more to your message to style it in the same fashion as your themes message.
    For example: <div class="success">Your message here</div>
    Let me know if this doesn't get you close.

  • Problem setting a hidden item value when button clicked with dynamic action or pl/sql process

    Apex 4.1
    Oracle 11g
    I have a page that consists of a main region and several sub regions.  I have a pl/sql process in After Header SET_DISPLAY(:P400_DISPLAY :='MAIN';)
    Three subregions have a contional display where P400_DISPLAY = STORE.  This works in hiding the sub regions.
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    The selected button uses a 'Button Template' that does not contain the #BUTTON_ID# substitution string
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    Substitution Strings
    Substitution strings are used within sub templates to reference component values. This report details substitution string usage for this template.
    Substitution String
    To be used in an "href" attribute
    To be used in an "onclick" attribute
    Button Label
    Button Attributes
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    The root issue is that, although you change the value of your page item, it isn't visible to other areas of the page until it is in the session. So, any other action based on the value of your page item; the visibility of a control, a report based on the item's value, etc. will all be unaffected by changing the value of the page item until it has been changed in the session. Even after this the items are stored in the session, you must thereafter do something to cause the value to be reevaluated. To see the effect of this, observe that your page loads and evaluates the value of your page item, it sees that is "MAIN" and hides the regions. However, it doesn't reevaluate them after this.
    So; your choices to get this value set in the session are to either Submit the page, or use JavaScript to set the value in the session. If you use the latter of these, you'll have to do some further work to cause the visibility tests to be re-run, So, let's stick with with the submit method.
    What you've done above sounds correct for this but, there are a lot of decisions you could have made that might have caused things not to happen in the correct sequence.
    Firstly, let's confirm that what I describe above is your problem. From the development environment, load the page, click the button to change the value and submit. Now, click the link labelled Session. Is it still set to MAIN? If so; this is your issue.
    Let's start with the your After Header computation. Did you set it to *only* run if the current value of your page item is NULL??? If not, that's your problem.
    Load Page -> Item set to 'Main' by Computation -> Click Button -> Item set to STORE -> Submit -> Load Page -> Item set to 'Main' by Computation
    See the problem?
    Assuming this isn't the issue, you created a Branch to the same page, right? What is your process point for the Branch? Is it *After* Validation, Computation etc? Because if not, you aren't changing the value before the submit happens.
    I bet it is the first issue but, take a look at these.

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    Thank you for your response. I am very new to Jquery so don't understand all that well.
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    Event: Click
    Selection Type: jQuery Selector
    jQuery Selector: tdheaders
    Created True Actions
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    Alert 'I made it here'
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    where (ename like '%'||ltrim(rtrim(:P2_SEARCHPU))||'%'
    or :P2_SEARCHPU is null)
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    Report Attributes
    Link Text Select
    Target Page in this Application
    Page 2
    Region Header
    <div id="ModalForm2" title="Employee List" style="display:none">
    Region Footer
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    <script type="text/javascript">
    $( function() {
    { modal : true ,
    autoOpen : false ,
    buttons : {
    Cancel : function() {
    function openForm2()
    function closeForm2()
    $('#ModalForm2 input[type="text"]').val('');
    I am trying to capture the click event on the link column of the report in the modal form. I want to pass a couple of column values
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    Any help would be great.

    Hi VANJ,
    Sorry for the poorly written original post. I will be much more specific.
    I have a Interactive Report on page 40. That report has a column named X_UID that is a link back to page 40 and sets a text item named P40_X_UID in a Region we will call "Form X" with the value of the column. That page refresh also then calls a Automated Row Fetch process to fetch all the values needed for the rest of the page items in the "Form X" region. Also "Form X" region has a conditional display on to only display when P40_X_UID is not null.
    What I would like to do:
    When the user clicks on link in the IR for X_UID instead of the "Form X" region becoming visible I would like to become modal. I am trying to use a Plug-In named "ClariFit Simple Modal - Show". I have it working with a Dynamic Action when you click a Page Item. But I would like to to work when the link is clicked and the data populated.
    I hope that helps some.

  • Dynamic  action - execute pl/sql code

    Hi All and thanks fro any assistance.
    I am trying to Execute the following pl/sql Code in a dynamic action however get the following error - AJAX call returned server error ORA-01403: no data found for Execute PL/SQL code.
    I have all page items iin the page items to submit section.
      l_file_comments  IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILE_COMMENTS%type;
      l_file           IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILE_BLOB%type;
      l_filename       IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILENAME%type;
      l_mimetype       IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILE_MIMETYPE%type;
      l_charset        IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILE_CHARSET%type;
        select f.blob_content,
               nvl(f.file_charset, f.dad_charset)
          into l_file,
          from wwv_flow_files f
         where = :P80_FILE;
      if l_file is not null then
        insert into IMM_DOCUMENTS
        delete from wwv_flow_files where name = :P80_FILE;
      end if;

    Hi Marie,
    as Matthew says, the only part of the code that could result in that error is the select into statement. This is because, in pl/sql, a select into statement is expected to return one row only. If it returns no rows it raises a no data found exception and if it returns more than one row it raises a too many rows error.
    If it is acceptable that this query may return no rows, then you have to handle this situation. The two methods that you can use would be firstly to use a named cursor and fetch a row from this, if there is no data then it does not raise an exception. The other method would be to put in an exception handler around the select statement.
    EG - prefered, mainly because I think it is better to code in a way that minimises exception handling.
       l_file_comments  IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILE_COMMENTS%type;
       l_file           IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILE_BLOB%type;
       l_filename       IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILENAME%type;
       l_mimetype       IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILE_MIMETYPE%type;
       l_charset        IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILE_CHARSET%type;
       CURSOR file_cur IS
         select f.blob_content,
                nvl(f.file_charset, f.dad_charset)
           from wwv_flow_files f
          where = :P80_FILE;
       OPEN file_cur;
       FETCH file_cur INTO
       CLOSE file_cur;
       if l_file is not null then
         insert into IMM_DOCUMENTS
         delete from wwv_flow_files where name = :P80_FILE;
       end if;
      l_file_comments  IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILE_COMMENTS%type;
      l_file           IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILE_BLOB%type;
      l_filename       IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILENAME%type;
      l_mimetype       IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILE_MIMETYPE%type;
      l_charset        IMM_DOCUMENTS.FILE_CHARSET%type;
        select f.blob_content,
               nvl(f.file_charset, f.dad_charset)
          into l_file,
          from wwv_flow_files f
         where = :P80_FILE;
        WHEN no_data_found THEN
      if l_file is not null then
        insert into IMM_DOCUMENTS
        delete from wwv_flow_files where name = :P80_FILE;
      end if;
    end;Note : code is untested.

  • Bug? chained jQuery Selector in Dynamic Action doesn't work

    Just found out, that this jQuery Selector jQuery("#ABOTYPE_REPORT").find("#f01_0001") doesn't work as triggering Element of type "jQuery Selector" in a Dynamic Action.
    But this one jQuery("#ABOTYPE_REPORT").find("#f01_0001")[0] worked with type "DOM Element" as triggering Element in a Dynamic Action.
    To my knowledge even the first one is a real and valid jQuery Selector and should work.

    Hi Patrick,
    It would be really nice if you could support a less strict definition of the jQuery Selector (as i understand DOM Object and jQuery Selector to be the advanced and more powerful options).
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    Using Apex 4.0.1.

    change in the selection of a tree leaf?You meant a different node is clicked , didn't you ?
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    event click
    triggered by : jQuery selector
    selector : div.tree li>a
    if you want to get node id of the clicked element in JS
    you can use

  • Theme 11, live scope for dynamic action not working in IE

    Hello all,
    I use theme 11, and I have a dynamic action on page 0 that fixes a region width, because it is too long to match the page width. I set the Event Scope to "live" because the region is a report and it has many rows and pagination is needed. When I have to go to page 16-30 from 1-15 and if there is a record which is longer than the current 15, page is partially refreshed and the width is changed, but that works for Mozilla and Chrome. In IE the dynamic action from page 0 is not triggered, in spite of the live event scope and I don't know why. Is there a way I can fix that problem?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Ivan,
    Thanks for the information, this is indeed an interesting case. I'm assuming you have 'Enable Partial Page Refresh' in the report attributes set to 'Yes'. Please let me know if this is not the case.
    I don't think an event of 'Page Load' with a scope of 'live' is correct. The 'live' event is a way of saying, attach some behaviour to something on a page (eg a delete icon in a report row is clicked), and keep that behaviour 'alive' even if that part of the page is updated (eg the report paginates with PPR to the next set or results, and clicking on the delete icon in the report still works). However here, when the event is page load, I don't think specifying 'live' will do what you want.
    What I think you're really interested in is indeed when the page first loads, but then when the report is refreshed via PPR. Therefore, I would try the following:
    1) Change the dynamic action event to 'After Refresh'.
    2) Select the report region from the 'When > Selection' attributes (ensuring your report template contains a id="REGION_STATIC_ID" attribute, otherwise the DA won't work).
    3) In your 'Actions', ensure the 'Fire on Page Load' checkbox is checked.
    So this says do the action when the page loads, then always after the report is refreshed via PPR. This will fire after pagination, sorting or a dynamic action refresh.
    Interestingly (at least in my mind!), you can actually set the event scope back to 'bind' here. This is because as part of the DA framework, we purposefully attach the event handlers for report handling to an element that is not updated during PPR for pagination or sorting, it's higher up in the DOM tree. This gives slightly better performance than having to use 'live', which is more expensive computationally and yet still keeps the registered behaviours.
    Also something else which may help, you can check if the DA is firing when expected by using a JavaScript console (eg in Chrome native Developer tools, Firebug with Firefox), with application debugging enabled (Application Properties) and switched on (via developer toolbar). Load the JS console, and you'll be able to see when the DA fires.
    As far as the actual IE specific logic goes, I haven't looked into that too much yet, because I felt it was more important to get the DA firing correctly first, then see where we're at.
    Edited by: Anthony Rayner on Nov 14, 2011 11:06 PM

  • Dynamic actions and tabular forms

    I'm trying to attach a dynamic action to a tabular form item, and it's not working the way I'm expecting it to. Since you can't attach dynamic actions to parts of a tabular form in the "normal" way that you can for page items, I'm using JQuery selectors to pick the parts to link to. For links (such as opening a pop-up window with more information about a row), this is working fine. But I'm really struggling to attach to a simple checkbox.
    On my tabular form, I've got a simple checkbox. I've tried putting text in the Element Attributes, Element Option Attributes, CSS Class, CSS Style, and HTML Expression fields, but none of them appear to be making it through to the source code of the generated page. Which means, I think, that I'm limited to using a jQuery Selector along the lines of "input[name=f07]", but creating a dynamic action on click or on change with that selector doesn't seem to ever fire.
    What am I missing?

    Ok, this is interesting. When I tried to mock this up on, I was able to make it work (though I had to change the selector to "input[name=f07_NOSUBMIT]", which means I'm going to have to walk the DOM to get the actual value...but I'm pretty sure I can handle that). After a bit of scratching my head, I eventually found that my pop-up dynamic action was somehow or other blocking the checkbox dynamic action from firing. Changing the sequence so that the checkbox DA happens first allows them both to fire.
    Here's the javascript from the pop-up DA (it's based on this post by Havard Kristiansen):
    /* prevent default behavior on click */
    var trgt = this.triggeringElement.href;
    var e = this.browserEvent;
    /* Trigger JQuery UI dialog */
    var horizontalPadding = 30;
    var verticalPadding = 30;
    $('<iframe id="modalDialog" src="' + trgt + '" />').dialog({
         title: "Item Details",
         autoOpen: true,
         width: 570,
         height: 400,
         modal: true,
         close: function(event, ui) {$(this).remove();},
         overlay: {
              opacity: 0.5,
              background: "black"}
    }).width(570 - horizontalPadding).height(400 - verticalPadding);
    return false;At this point, the checkbox DA's action is simply an alert box. Like I said, I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm at least able to move forward...

  • Dynamic actions in MSS..

    Hi All,
    Can we have Dynamic actions in MSS platform, like say triggering a mail to managers / vendors regarding upcoming terminations.?
    Can we create a new sub-type in IT 19 & trigger a mail or can we have an outbound interface doing that? or Is there any other way?
    Pls. suggest..?

    Triggeting sap/other mails will work good. But you cannot create a dynamic action from MSS. That was never possible even in the olderversions.
    From MSS you cannot run Pa30(technically possible)  not fisible with respect to license agreement. Dynamic action will only work if the update is throught the same bdc way thats followed in pa30.
    Generating mails would still be possible as it has been always .

  • Dynamic Actions with Multiple Actions Capability

    Dynamic Actions with Multiple Actions Capability
    How can I get Dynamic Actions to work on Actions that are stored solely on IT0302 due to the multiple relationship to a previous Action that is stored on both IT0302 and IT0000?
    When multiple actions on a given day are executed, the dynamic action from the first action entered is executed twice - when it should only execute the first time with the second actions dynamic action triggering the second time.

    When there are multiple actions with the same effective date the wrong dynamic action is triggered.  For example, if I have an Expat Return To Home action followed by an Internal Move action with the same effective date the below events occur:
    1.  IT0001 is updated due to Expat Return to Home - triggering the Dynamic Action off of IT0000 which is Expat Return to Home (Correct)
                -  Action is stored on IT0000 and IT0302
    2.  IT0001 is updated due to Internal Move - triggering the Dynamic Action off of IT0000 which is Expat Return to Home (Incorrect - background processing creates data not needed)
                -  Action is stored only on IT0302
    How can we leverage Multiple Actions with the same effective date while continuing to use Dynamic Actions?

  • Buttons and Dynamic Actions

    When triggering a dynamic action from a button, I'd like to prevent the page from submitting. Following the advice from earlier threads, I have set the button to redirect to a URL. But since the dynamic action will be performing all the required actions, I'd like the URL invoked by the button to do nothing.
    What is the best practice for allowing the button to do no more than initiate the DA?
    Thank you
    Edit: Alternatively; instead of triggering the DA using an "onclick" event on the button, can I invoke the DA by naming it as the target URL. That would be the preferred solution I think.
    Edited by: ChrisS. on Jul 31, 2011 4:50 AM

    Thank you very very much Little Foot.
    Coincidentally, I just read earlier today an answer from Anthony Rayner to an unrelated question which mentioned this neat solution in passing. After hours of trawling through W3 schools in vain...
    Edit: PS Sorry Little foot, I already marked Tobias's answer as correct, so I could only give you a helpful
    Edited by: ChrisS. on 06-Sep-2011 05:49 Edit: PS Sorry Little foot, I already marked Tobias's answer as correct, so I could only give you a helpful

  • Refresh report title with dynamic action

    Hi all,
    I have a report that is refreshed with an dynamic action. When the refresh is performed, first the value of two hidden variables are set (P2_ID and P2_NAME) and are submitted (using a dynamic action type 'pl/sql', with code 'null;' and page items to submit: P2_ID,P2_NAME).
    In the query of the report, i use :P2_ID in the where-clause. That's all working like a charm! The one thing that doen't work, is the title of the region: that's defined as 'Properties of &P2_NAME.', but the title isn't refreshed when the report gets refreshed.
    Is there a solution for this? I hope I'm clear enough.

    See Re: Dynamic action - Refresh
    So you are right; the native Refresh action just refreshes the report content, it does not perform &ITEM. substitutions everywhere in the region.
    What you could do is use a named SPAN as the title like <span id="my_title">&P2_NAME.</span> and add a TRUE action to your Dynamic Action to set the title using Execute Javascript code $s('my_title',$v('P2_NAME'));Hope this helps.

  • How to include dynamic action in bdc

    Hi All,
    I want to update infotype 17 when an employee has joined through PA40 (Joining action).So i have written a dynamic action for this .But this dynamic ation does not get called in bdc for joining action.
    So infotype 17 is not maintained if we do joining through bdc.
    I have tried with user-exit zxpadu02 also, calling hr_infotype_operation on saving infotype 0001.But it gives return as 'Employee does not exist'.
    Since that infotype 0001 is still not saved.
    So what to do.

    Hi Amit,
    For your information we can call dynamic action from BDC.
    go through this link
    how to include dynamic actions in bdc

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