Dynamic Action on tree change

Is it possible to trigger a dynamic action from a change in the selection of a tree leaf?
Using Apex 4.0.1.

change in the selection of a tree leaf?You meant a different node is clicked , didn't you ?
If so the D.A would be
event click
triggered by : jQuery selector
selector : div.tree li>a
if you want to get node id of the clicked element in JS
you can use

Similar Messages

  • Dynamic action on text box change does not working

    i have a page with following components.
    a report that has and edit link.
    a text box to catch the primary key from report link when it is clicked
    a number of elements (text boxes, check boxes and LOVs) which are used as data entry form.
    Now my design is that user enter values save them and no sooner did they save, the report depicts new
    values. if user want to edit any record, they click on edit link and the data entry form elements
    should now bring all those values from DB on page. i m successful to pick primary key and bring
    it in a hidden text box and wrote a dynamic action on its change event that will bring values from
    DB and set all page elements. but but but.........the change event doesnt work. it only work
    when focus is lost from the text box...!! offcourse user wont want to click in that "hiddent" text
    box and then click some where else to bring values in page data entry form......
    help is humbly requested from forum or if any other solution approach is to be used easier than
    one i m using, would be appreciated.
    thanks in advance for reading my bore question :)

    bundles of thanks for reply. i m going to elaborate.
    1. My page no is 3.
    2. Hidden Item name is P3_EDIT_ACTIVITY_ID
    3. Data entry form, hidden item and the report are on the same page.
    4. on the edit link of report, i have used following settings.
        Target: Page in this application
         Page: 3
         and i set hidden item as follows......
         Item 1   P3_EDIT_ACTIVITY_ID         Value #ACTIVITY_ID#
       well, when i click the link on report it does bring Activity_Id in the hidden box (which is not yet hidden for debugging purpose)
    Next i wrote Dynamic action which fires on the change event of P3_EDIT_ACTIVITY_ID and run PL/SQL code with in it which is as follows
      Dept varchar(50);
       select my_dept into Dept from activity_main ACTIVITY_ID = :P3_EDIT_ACTIVITY_ID;
       :P3_Dept := :Dept;          (i did use :P3_Dept := Dept also but this wont work)
      insert into testdynamic (stamp) values (Dept);  (I did this to check whether correct value is brought from DB, yes it works correctly, correct Dept is being inserted in stamp column)
      i have created another true action to check when the dynamic action is fired. its very simple alert. and the problem is, it only fires when focus is lost from the P3_EDIT_ACTIVITY_ID. i mean, when u keep changing value inside the text box, nothing happens, when u go outside, the alert is fired and so the pl/sql procedure. but the line
        :P3_Dept := :Dept;       OR      :P3_Dept  := Dept;         arent working which is the actual requirement.
      I m not using set value here as i have to set a lot of values on page not one. further. plz let me get rid of this lost focus thing as i want the form to be populated with correct values related to P3_EDIT_ACTIVITY_ID as the user click on any edit_link in the report.
    Thanks for persistence. i hope i have provided all the details.
    looking forward.

  • Dynamic Action, validation check, on an Item, could not use Change event

    I am learning how to use Dynamic Actions in a 3.2.x app that was upgraded to 4.0.x. I wanted to share what I learned adding client side validation with these actions. Perhaps an Apex guru could suggest an easier method to use this feature.
    I have an existing function where a user selects multiple rows in a report page, and then assigns a single status and enters justification text for the selected rows in another page, then saves changes (via submit).
    One item, justification, is required. I replaced my JavaScript validation of an empty value, e.g., P10_JUSTIFICATION.value, with a dynamic action. The Change event was a candidate for this item, with the "is not null" Condition. However, it is possible to initiate this screen to review the status, overlook the justification text and immediately select a button to save changes. No Change event has fired. The Before Page Submit event was applicable here. This Event selection in the wizard does not provide the Item for definition and then the Condition wasn't the right context though available for selection. I selected JavaScript expression for the Condition, actually entered my original JS test expression, and created one True Action. The True action displays an Alert to tell the user that required text is missing.
    Test of this DA was not completely successful. The alert appeared but the page went on to submit anyway. I found I had to add another True Action, Cancel Event, to stop the submit. The DA was then successful.
    The Apex site examples, [http://st-curriculum.oracle.com/obe/db/apex/r40/apexdynactions/apexdynactions_ll.htm] , do a great job showing use of Change and Set Value events for Items but a user may not always navigate through items. These features were promoted for developers with no to little knowledge of JavaScript to use Apex for application development. This DA required using/understanding JS anyways.
    My next step is to implement actions on a tabular form that that has required values. It is disconcerting that I have read in the forum that the column value references such as f0x and its row number are required to get it all working (as a DOM or JQuery selector). I have already found that tabular form columns can be re-ordered from v3.2.1 to 4.0.x. I was hoping I could declare dynamic actions or simpler Javascript methods that would not rely on f0x array references.

    It is disconcerting that I have read in the forum that the column value references such as f0x and its row number are required to get it all working (as a DOM or JQuery selector).Not necessarily. One possibility is to use descendent jQuery selectors to attach the dynamic action event handler by column heading:
    td[headers="HIREDATE"] input

  • Dynamic action with interactive report region refresh

    I'm using APEX 4.02
    I've got a page with 2 regions.
    Region1 is a (input) form
    Region2 is an interactive report on the same table as region 1
    When entering values on the form I'm trying to dynmically lookup similar records in the table with the interactive report.
    I've made a dynamic action on the change of the form fields which should refresh the interactive report region. I can see this one fires if I add a alert to debug if it fires.
    The dynamic report is based on a query with bind variables pointing to the form fields, for example
    field1 = :P2_FIELD1
    This works great on the page load, so no dynamic action is fired but I can see the rows in the report region are the ones I am looking for.
    But the refresh of the report region is not working, it is never refreshing and/or showing the correct data after a change of the form fields, so it looks like the dynamic action "refresh region" is not working on the interactive report.
    Any ideas why this can go wrong ?
    I would like to solve this using standard dynamic actions and preferrably not via PL/SQL or JS, shoudl be possible if I should believe the documentation... ;)
    Edited by: bklerk on 26-apr-2011 3:07

    When you change value to item, I assume you do not set value to session state.
    Use interactive report advanced attributes "Page Items to Submit" , set items session state before report is refreshed.
    Similar post/issue here
    Hide and show region - hides on refresh

  • Help using a dynamic action to update tabular form items (specifically radio button) based on collection

    Hi Everyone, I have posted this question in the past and made huge progress with Denes Kubicek's help:  https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=31517:294:115851992029365::::: based on my earlier question posted: https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2537494
    I am struggling with one item in my tabular form.  It is a radio button.  The choices all appear properly, but the value is not saved in the collection (and hence, not saved in the table).  All other items in the tabular form save properly.
    here is what I have for the query.   It is item c024 (which maps to ;'f03'), which is defined as a radio LOV based on an existing LOV.
    Currently I have:
    2 page items:
    Dynamic action called CHANGE COLUMN:
    event: CHANGE
    selection type: jQUERY Selector
    jQuery Select = input[name='f03'],select[name'f08'],select[name='f09'],input[name='f10'],input[name='f11'],input[name='f12'],select[name='f40'],input[name='f21'],input[name='f22'],input[name='f23'],input[name='f50']
    event scope: Dynamic
    true action#1: set value P110_ID javascript expression this.triggeringElement.id
    true action#2: set value P110_VALUE javascript expression this.triggeringElement.value
    true action#3: execute pl/sql code
      v_member number;
      v_seq number;
      v_member := TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (:p110_id, 2, 2));
      select ltrim(substr(:p110_ID,5,4),'0') into v_seq from dual;
    true ation#4 refresh region :LANDINGS_COLLECTION
    the tabular form is based on the query:
    apex_item.text(1,seq_id,'','','id="f01_'||seq_id,'','') "DeleteRow",
    seq_id display_seq_id,
    apex_item.text_from_LOV(c004,'SPECIES')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV(c005,'GRADE')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV(c006,'MARKETCODE')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV_query(c007,'select unit_of_measure d, unit_of_measure r from species_qc') unit,
    apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(8,c008,'DISPOSITIONS','onchange="getAllDisposition('||seq_id||')"','YES','0','  -- Select Favorite --  ','f08_'||seq_id,'') Disposition,
    apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(9,c009,'GEARS','style="background-color:#FBEC5D; "onFocus="checkGearPreviousFocus('||seq_id||');"onchange="getAllGears('||seq_id||')"','YES','3333','-- Select Favorite --','f09_'||seq_id,'') Gear,
    apex_item.text(10,TO_NUMBER(c010),5,null, 'onchange="setTotal('||seq_id||')"','f10_'||seq_id,'') Quantity,
    apex_item.text(11,TO_NUMBER(c011),5,null,'onchange="getPriceBoundaries('||seq_id||')"','f11_'||seq_id,'') Price,
    apex_item.text(12, TO_NUMBER(c012),5,null, 'onchange="changePrice
    ('||seq_id||')" onKeyDown="selectDollarsFocus('||seq_id||',event);"','f12_'||seq_id,'') Dollars,
    decode(c013,'Y',apex_item.text(14, c014,30,null,'style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" onClick="onFocusAreaFished('||seq_id||');"','f14_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') Area_Fished,
    decode(c017,'Y',apex_item.text(18, c018,4,null,'style="background-color:#FBEC5D; "onBlur="setUnitQuantity('||seq_id||')"','f18_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') UNIT_QUANTITY,
    decode(c017,'Y',apex_item.text(19,'CN',3,null,'readOnly=readOnly;','f19_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') UNIT_COUNT,
    c024 hms_flag,
    decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.checkbox(21,'Y','id="f21_'||seq_id||'" style="background-color:#FBEC5D; " onClick="alterYes('||seq_id||');" onKeyPress="alterYes('||seq_id||');"',c021),'N','N/A') FinsAttached,
    decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.checkbox(22,'N','id="f22_'||seq_id||'" style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" onClick="alterNo('||seq_id||');" onKeyPress="alterNo('||seq_id||');"',c022),'N','N/A') FinsNotAttached,
    decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.checkbox(23,'U','id="f23_'||seq_id||'" style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" onClick="alterUnk('||seq_id||');" onKeyPress="alterUnk('||seq_id||');"',c023),'N','N/A') FinsUnknown,
    decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.textarea(28,c028,3,null,null,'f28_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') Explanation,
    decode(c024,'N',apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(29,c029,'HMSNATURE','onchange="saveNature('||seq_id||')"','YES','A','-- Select Nature of Sale --','f29_'||seq_id,''),'U',apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(29,c029,'HMSNATURE','onchange="saveNature('||seq_id||')"','YES','A','-- Select Nature of Sale --','f29_'||seq_id,''),'Y','N/A') Nature_Of_Sale,
    'N','N/A') HMS_AREA_CODE,
    'N','N/A') Sale_Price
    from apex_collections
    where collection_name = 'SPECIES_COLLECTION' order by seq_id
    I have noticed the following:
    when I change column C011 (price) the following values are set in the dynamic action:
    P110_ID = f11_1
    P110_VALUE = whatever I change the price to.
    when I change the column C024 (hms_flag), the following values are set:
    P110_ID = f03_0001
    P110_VALUE = whatever I change hms_flag to.
    the region is refreshed in my dynamic action, and the change for hms_flag does not hold.  I have tested the SQL query that generates the value for v_SEQ in the dynamic action.   In both a change to price and HMS_FLAG it appears valid
    select ltrim(substr(:p110_ID,5,4),'0') into v_seq from dual;
    if f11_1, v_seq:= 1
    if f03_0001, v_seq := 1
    thank you!

    solved.  sort of. 
    field c024 references f03.
    the Dynamic ACtion, step 4 calculates v_member by taking a substring of P110_ID...and in all other fields, the column and the field (fxx) are the same value....except for c024.
    I am not certain exactly how to resolve, but see the problem.

  • How to specify 2 conditions in when settings for 2 items in dynamic actions

    How to use 2 conditions for 2 different items in Page rendering ->dynamic actions-------when event settings
    Actually i have three items like A nd B nd c
    If A=v,x,y,z and B=k,l............ i need to set some content like
    "werttyyyy" in c  and i need to make it as disable
    if A=v,x and B=k ..................
    i need to enter the text in c  which i would  like to be freetext  and i need to make it as enable now
    here it is i struck  ------------Page rendering ->dynamic actions-------
    select type
    <<<<<< how to mention my condition in tis column>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Hi JTan414,
    I have check the expression you have provided and there are many incorrect using of this expression, please check and do some modification as below:
    For the MonthName function you should follow the grammar like:
    ="The month of your birthday is " & MonthName(Month(Fields!BirthDate.Value))
    You have add the dataset name "DealStarts" at the wrong place, it should like below:
    This will return the last value from the dataset
    There is no function named launchdate, expression "launchdate ("RowofTrendingVisibility")" is incorrect and you shouldn't add the datasetname in this way.
    If the expression involved of conditions from two different datasets, limit kinds of functions will support to use:
    More details information about how to use expression in SSRS:
    Expression Examples (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If you still have any problem, please try to provide more details information about your requirements and also some sample data.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Hide/Show Dynamic Action Stopped Working

    Good Morning,
    Once I upgraded my application to Apex 4.2.2, my dynamic action stopped working. It worked fine in 4.1.
    I also used javascript to hide/show my fields.
    code below
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function onPgLoad()
    //hides reporting select, unless certain utcs are selected they are selected
      var ForceGenUTCSrch = $v('P310_FORCE_GEN_UTC_SRCH');
      var RptMenu         = $v('P310_REPORT_MENU');
    if  (RptMenu == '1'&&(ForceGenUTCSrch == '0GTAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '8MMUB' || ForceGenUTCSrch == 'CCMAR' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '0GQGC' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '0GQGB' || ForceGenUTCSrch =='3NNNA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '3PQAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == 'XMCAS' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '8NJAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == 'XMMCB' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '9VCBH' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '3PNAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '3PLFA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '3PMAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '3NSAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '8NHAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == 'CBSAD' || ForceGenUTCSrch == 'CCVAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '9VDLB' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '3NHAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch=='1HDAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch=='0EZ99' || ForceGenUTCSrch=='0JZ99' || ForceGenUTCSrch=='1AZ99'|| ForceGenUTCSrch=='9YZ99' || ForceGenUTCSrch=='CUZ99'))
        var get = new htmldb_Get(null,null,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=PROC_UTC_RPRTG_ORG',0);
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function FunSelUTC()
    //hides reporting select, unless certain utcs are selected they are selected
      var ForceGenUTCSrch = $v('P310_FORCE_GEN_UTC_SRCH');
      var RptMenu         = $v('P310_REPORT_MENU');
    if  (RptMenu == '1'&&(ForceGenUTCSrch == '0GTAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '8MMUB'|| ForceGenUTCSrch == 'CCMAR' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '0GQGC' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '0GQGB' || ForceGenUTCSrch =='3NNNA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '3PQAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == 'XMCAS' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '8NJAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == 'XMMCB' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '9VCBH' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '3PNAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '3PLFA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '3PMAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '3NSAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '8NHAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == 'CBSAD' || ForceGenUTCSrch == 'CCVAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '9VDLB' || ForceGenUTCSrch == '3NHAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch=='1HDAA' || ForceGenUTCSrch=='0EZ99' || ForceGenUTCSrch=='0JZ99' || ForceGenUTCSrch=='1AZ99' || ForceGenUTCSrch=='9YZ99' || ForceGenUTCSrch=='CUZ99'))
        var get = new htmldb_Get(null,null,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=PROC_UTC_RPRTG_ORG',0);
       //  $('#FORCE_GEN_REPORT1#').show();
        // $('#FORCE_GEN_REPORT1#').hide();
    javascript: onload="onPgLoad();"I kept the code just in case I needed it @ a later time.
    My Dynamic Action
    Event: on change
    item --> :p310_force_gen_utc_srch (this is a select list that submits)
    conditon --> in list
    value --> '0GTAA', '8MMUB', 'CCMAR', '0GQGC', '0GQGB', '3NNNA', '3PQAA', 'XMCAS', '8NJAA', 'XMMCB', '9VCBH', '3PNAA'
    True Action --> show :p310_force_gen_rprtg_orgn
    False Action --> hide :p310_force_gen_rprtg_orgn
    They both fire on page load.
    The :p319_utc_srch has submits the page because the :p310_force_gen_rprtg_orgn lov runs a query to pull back that units reporting orgs only.
    Please help me figure this out.
    Edited by: MaryM on May 10, 2013 10:52 AM

    Hi Mary,
    So you changed from the code presented to a DA ? I'm not clear as to exactly happens or doesn't happen.
    Do you know if your AJAX calls are failing?
    If you use a Console like the one on Firebug or Chrome you can inspect what's being send and what's being returned.
    I mention this because your htmldb_Get calls looks suspicious.
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,null,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=PROC_UTC_RPRTG_ORG',0);I would change it to
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$v('pFlowId'),'APPLICATION_PROCESS=PROC_UTC_RPRTG_ORG',$v('pFlowStepId'));That would pass the app_id and the page_id that is calling. Although this is probably not your current issue.
    See if you can find some javascript error. It's possible that this is a timing problem as to when the code is defined and when it's loaded.

  • Help with Dynamic Action Construction

    I want to create a dynamic action that will disable a field called P1_TBRN when any of the following conditions in the form are true:
    :P1_TRIAL_STATUS in ('Off-Trial','Unknown') or
    :P1_INSTITUTION ='Unknown' or
    :P1_CONSENT_EXISTS <> 'Y';
    I assume I use a "Change" event but I can't work out how to enter the 4 condtions so that they are all checked each time. If I create 4 separate dynamic actions, when I change one of the fields, it does not take into consideration the other field values.
    An alternative I've tried is to set up a Read Only condition on P1_TRIAL with the above condition. The only problem is that I have to submit the page each time there is a change in one of the 4 fields above. It would be better if I didn't have to submit the page each time so I'd like to use a Dynamic Action.
    thanks in advance
    Paul P

    Hi Paul.
    If you want to evaluate 4 variables in 1 dynamic action you have to post the value of these 4 items on each change of one of these items as far as I know.
    I had a form with multiple checks of this kind and ended up having serieus performance issues.
    My way around was to evaluate in javascript. You creat a dynamic action on change of any of these 4 fields and set the condition to a javascript expression. The expression looks something like (quick edit so there might be some typos):
    $v('P1_INSTITUTION') =='Unknown'||
    $v('P1_CONSENT_EXISTS') == 'Y'
    If this evaluates to true the true action of the dynamic action is executed, otherwise the false action.

  • APEX dynamic action - How to hide an item after the page loads

    I have a form  with  item  Type,  lesson and page.   I want to create a  dynamic action like "on page load" if Type = x then don't show lesson and page items. .
    How do I say if Type=x then  don't show lesson and page. otherwise show them.
    Please note Dynamic action,  Event=Page load

    create dynamic action like
    Selection Type:Item
    Condition:Equal To
    Select Action:Hide
    Select Items to hide
    also create opposite false action
    and click on page checkbox below action to yes
    Hope this may helps

  • Issue in execution of Dynamic action on change event

    I have scenario, where I have one select list (P_CATEGORY) and one shuttle control (P_ROOMS) on page.
    The values of the shuttle list is being populated based on the selected value in select list.
    The left pane of shuttle control's value based on LOV and source of the shuttle item is a plsql function, which returning colon separated value list.
    So that returned values shown in the right pane of shuttle.
    The LOV values are getting being populated using cascading LOV i.e based on the of Select List item. But the Shuttle source values not getting auto refresh and for achieving that I've created a dynamic true action on change event of Select list.
    The dynamic action is with :
    Action : Set Value
    Set Type : PL SQL funciton body
    Page items to submit : P_CATEGORY (this is select list)
    Escape Special Character : Yes
    Suppress Change event : Yes
    Affected Elements -
    Selection type : Item(s)
    Item(s) : P_ROOMS
    This is perfectly working on Firefox but not working on IE9 & Google Chrome.
    I've debugged in both IE9 & Google chrome and found the dynamic action get executes ajax call and the values get back but not rendering on the screen. i.e not assigning to the item.
    So can you please advice me what will be a workaround for this issue?
    I am using Application Express .
    I'll appreciate your prompt response.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jaydipsinh Raulji

    I don't understand why this is not working withouth seeing an example, there might be multiple processes working on the item.
    Anyway if the value is returned check if the value is in the session aswell. If it is in the session but not on the page that means you will need to find a way to bring it from the DB to the page. You can do this by adding an action to your DA:
    Action: Execute PL/SQL code
    PL/SQL code: NULL;
    Page Items to Return: your shuttle item

  • HR PA Dynamic Actions: Generate mail to the admin when 0002 & 0021 changed

    Hi gurus!
             My client wants us to generate a mail to the Admin when an employee changes his 0002 or 0021 infotype
    through ESS. I believe we could do this is Dynamic Actions. Can you please tell me how we do it?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Some good write-ups :
    http://www.sapconfig.com/index-3.html (look for "Dynamic Action Mail for Infotype". This will require registration but free.
    Kir Chern

  • Dynamic Action not triggering on Radio Group change

    I have a form that contains a text item, a radio group item and a display-only item. I have created a single dynamic action "CHANGE SUBJECT" associated with both the text and radio group items that updates the display-only item's value whenever either is changed. The action fires properly when the text item is changed, but not when the radio group is changed. If I set the radio group item's "Page Action when Value Changed" property to "Redirect and Set Value", than everything works, but that is not the desired behavior as that requires a refresh of the entire page. Any suggestions on how to make this action work? Is there a different action for the radio-group that I should be using instead of CHANGE? Thanks for your help.
    Edited by: jritschel on Sep 1, 2010 2:05 PM

    OK, then change it to JavaScript Expression instead of SQL and put this code in the value :
    "Radio Group Value= "+ $v('P65_RADIO_GROUP')+" - Text Box Value= "+ $x('P65_TEXT').value I tried it and it work!
    I tried the same code you had before (plsql Expression) but there is something that you need to do to make it work, in the TRUE action setting , there is a "Page Items to Submit" field, you need to put your text item and radio in it as follows:
    Page Items to Submit : P65_RADIO_GROUP,P65_TEXTThis should make your code work in addition to the other way I provided.
    Edited by: Sam_06 on Sep 1, 2010 2:27 PM

  • Dynamic Action on tabular form: to auto set value for all changes rows

    Hi All:
    I am using APEX4.2.3 and I am not very familar with JQUERY or Javascript.
    I am having a tabular form to support Update and Delete action. The tabular form has 4 columns:
    Column A: ID                      (Number)     : Read-only column
    column B: Name                 (Varchar2)   : Editable
    Column C: Age                    (Number)     : Editable
    Column D: ChangeFlag      (Varchar2)   : Read-only column                             ==> however, I want this column been automatically upldated by my APEX application
    Here is the requirement: First user update Column B, or C or both for # of rows; then user click "Save Change" button. For ALL updated rows, I need to automatically update Column D with below logic:
    For a given row,
                   IF Column D IS NULL  THEN
                         set value = 'M'                           -- M means modified
                   ELSE --- column D has a value already
                        IF last character of Column D is 'M', THEN
                               don't do anything;
                              set value of D = existing value + 'M'                       (here + means concatenate
                       END IF;
                END IF;
    I thought this can be done by creating dynamic action on tabular form ... I have researched this on this forum and can't find a good match example ..
    I know I can implement this using a DB trigger; however, I want to learn if this can be achived via Dynamic Action.

    Hi Expert:
    Anyone can offer any direction or help on this?

  • Dynamic action on File browse change event

    Hi Experts,
    apex version 4.1
    This is what i'm trying to do..
    i have a file browse control and a text field. when user selects a file, selected fiel's name (without file type extension) should be set to text field.
    I tried adding a dynamic action to file browse control's change event and within pl/sql Set Value logic i queried the wwv_flow_files and tried to return the file name it didn't work. i got no data found error. i assumed file is being inserted into wwv_flow_files when a page submission happens.
    In my second approach within the SetValue pl/sql logic i got the file browser control's (by directly accessing field, not by querying wwv_flow_files)value and did some string manipulation and tried to return only the file name. yet i got the same no data found error.
    Any idea how can i implement this ?
    Thanks in advance.
    - kurubaran

    I think PL/SQL approach will not work before you submit data to database.
    Have you think use $v function to get value from file browser?
    My Blog: http://dbswh.webhop.net/dbswh/f?p=BLOG:HOME:0
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  • Dynamic Action on change automatically submit

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    selection type: region
    with javascriptcode: apex.submit({request:'SAVE'});
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    Region static id shouldn be in bracketsYou missed the '#' informt of the region id.
    why my original PL/SQL process did not work
    FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f08.COUNTThis works only when the application array has values and that happens only when the page is submitted.When you submit the dynamic action , it isn't.
    This script combined with script to detect changes makes apex page running very slowIf you use that PLSQL code(assuming it works as expected) , then its going to take a server request every-time you change a field in the tabular form and loop though all the array values(if they would be submitted before) and recalculate and compare the checksums . Isn't that going to be very inefficient.
    As for that JS code, it only runs at the client side. You can do all the server side checks on submit, when the user expects some delay due to processing.

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