Accessing attribute nodes in SubVi's?

Is there any way that I can access/set the attributes on my controls
and indicators from a SubVi? I know I can access/set the value with the
VI Reference tools.
In my application I would like to change the colour of an object when
the user clicks on it, but I need to do this from a subVi running in
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Before you buy.

Harry wrote:
I have a default value in one of the transient attribute for my Entity, now that attribute in viewObject has an LOV, now when I run the App Module Tester, I can see the default value , but it does not change upon selecting a new value from an LOVThis is working in Make sure that the transient attribute is Updatable Always.

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    Here is the code.
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    What is the cardinality of the node.
    If it is 1:1 then you can get teh reference of the context element directly.
    If it 0:N or 1:N then you need to pass the index of the context element you are trying to get.
    Use the method get_element of the context node and pass the index value.
    Always check the element is initial or not before you process further for better coding.

  • How to access attribute

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    Hi Gopi,
    Accessing a context element or a context attribute requires to first have a  reference to the related context node. The context root node can be accessed by the standard attribute WD_CONTEXT. 
    To Access a Node Element: After having accessed a context node, the reference to the element at lead selection  of this node can be obtained by calling the method get_element( ). Thismethod  returns a reference to the element instance of type IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT. Accessing the Node Element at Lead Selection  The element with index n can be accessed using the method get_element( index  = n ) .
    Once we access the element we can access the attribute by GET_ATTRIBUTE().
    Child nodes of the context root node can be identified using the get_child_node(  ) method. This method returns a reference to the node instance of type  IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE. The get_child_node( ) method requires the name of  the node and, optionally, the index of the element in the parent node to which the  desired node instance belongs. In this case, the parent node is the context root,  which only ever has one element; therefore, the index parameter is 1 (default =  lead selection of parent element).
    Best regards,
    Message was edited by:
            Suresh Honnappanavar

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    Thamizharasu S

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    thanks vishal ,
    but as per the thread,when we create table view using aet ,
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    Hi Pilligay,
    First check the version you are using.
    T code RSZV is used in the earlier version of 3.0B only.
    From 3.0B onwards it is possible in the query designer (BEx) itself. You need to  right click on the info object for which you want to use as a variable and proceed further in selecting variable type and processing type.

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    Thank you,

    It seems that some specific process accessed the files and updated the attribute. You could configure auditing on the shared folder. Then you can go through the auditing log to check which process is doing the read operation on all these files. 
    Configuring Audit Policies
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    SOAP Request:
    <Create ID=5/>
    I want to fetch the value of ID and put it into another variable with an XPath expression in a XSLT transformation.
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    Thanks, that worked!
    Just thought about it. How do you do the other way around.
    <Create ID=7>

  • Function of attribute node "palette type - grayscale"

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    It is included in (almost) every VI, created in Vision Assistant.

    Please crop your embedded image next time. There is no need to include 1M white pixels!
    How old is your LabVIEW version? I think it was in the last century when property nodes were still called attribute nodes.
    What happens if you right-click the node and select "help for palette type" or similar?
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Can anyone please tell me how the attribute node in LABVIEW ( ver 5) in builtin INSTRUMENT I/O exampe file

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    After running LabVIEW 5.1 I found in the Search Examples help file a link titled Instrument I/O. Under there I see several examples, one of which contains many attribute nodes. It is difficult for me to tell you pecifically what the purpose of each and every attribute node in this forum.
    Generally, attribute nodes in LabVIEW 5.1 are used to set the properties of the front panel controls and indicators. The properties available in an attribute node are very similar to the properties made available by right clicking on a particular front panel control or indicator.
    If you have a question about a specific attribute node, I would like to ask you to post in a new thread with a detailed description of the attribute node.
    Thank you, and have a great day
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • No effect attribute node

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    What is wrong here?
    I appanded the VI I am working on. Th enumeric Inputs next to the buttons have to adjust to the chosen data range.
    Best Regards Dermot
    Attachments: ‏234 KB

    I submitted an issue report against the LV Help for this. If you encounter other situations where NI documents are missing information or have unclear or incorrect information, please submit that feedback so we can look into it.
    Kelly Holmes
    LV Documentation
    Kelly H
    LabVIEW Documentation
    National Instruments

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    Labview 6.i front panel with a chart, multiple plots, several transducers, thermocouples, Vdc, power monitors.
    I need a dual "Y" scale for a new application. I had no problem making the duplicate scale and designation which plot goes to what scale, however, when zooming in on a section of the plot and then resetting the chart with the minimum and maximum scaling attributes, it only resets the "0" scale ( -30 to 500) not the "psig" scale (-300 to 5000). How do I designate which (Min Max)attribute node goes to which "Y" scale?
    I will be upgrading to 7.1.1 this week, is a new tool available to do this? Thanks

    Download example about scales.
    :ni example
    See attached doc. Once you select an y active scale, all Y scale modifications affect that scale.
    It works like select active cursor.
    "Qod natura non dat, Salmantica non praestat"

  • How to access attribute name (xml) in Servlet ?

    Hi All,
    Anybody please tell me how to access attribute name in servlet ?
    public class Parser
    public static String getAtt()
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
              DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
              Document doc = parser.parse("customer.xml");
              Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
    return root.getAttribute("name");
    public static void main(String [] argc)
    Parser p = new Parser();
    Parser p1 = new Parser();
    String att1 = p1.getAtt();
    Hope this will help u.

  • How to preserve encoded characters at text and attributes node?

    <greeting>hello, <World> </greeting>
    When I run a SAX parser, it automatically decodes the characters
    and make the document ill-formed after the round trip.
    <greeting>hello, <world> </greeting> --- ERROR
    Q: How do I preserve those special characters at text node and attribute nodes?

    Thanks for you guys' help.
    It's great to get a real-time help from this online community.
    What I attempted to do was
    0. I have 6G <database> document having 1.4 M <entry>s.
    1. Read one <entry> at a time using SAX
    2. Save each <entry> to a buffer
    3. Pass the buffer to a Unmarshaller ( JAXB ) and create a JavaObject
    Repeat above moving to next <entry> until reaches to the end.
    At step 1, unescape happens
    becomes >< becomes <
    and & &
    making my doc malformed (which is legal) :(
    At step 2, I did the following to perserve <, >, and &
    str = str.replaceAll( ">", "&gt;");
    str = str.replaceAll( "<", "&lt;");
    str = str.replaceAll( "&", "&amp;");At step 3, JAXB is now happy to get a healthy XML input
    <greeting>hello, <World></greeting>
    It turned out to be nobody's fault but myself.
    It was a good lesson, though.
    Thanks, buddies

  • HELP History Attribute Node

    My Waveform Graph is not a standard WG because it does have the Attribute
    Node History. Therefore, I can't set the Attribute Node History to nothing
    to delete a plot.
    Is there another way to delete plots instead of using the Attribute Node

    Steve Drake wrote in message
    [email protected]..
    > On Fri, 24 Mar 2000 15:31:26 +0100, "Carmafresh"
    > wrote:
    > >My Waveform Graph is not a standard WG because it does have the Attribute
    > >Node History. Therefore, I can't set the Attribute Node History to
    > >to delete a plot.
    > >Is there another way to delete plots instead of using the Attribute Node
    > >History?
    > >Thanks!
    > >Stefano
    > >
    > Hi, just so you know what I do.
    > I just looked and the XY Graph does not have a history attribute so
    > what about writing out an array like [0,0] to clear the graph image?
    > Exactly which graph are you using?
    > My graph
    > Regards,
    > Steve Drake
    Hi, Steve.
    Yes, I use
    this method to clear the graph image but: why the attribute Node
    History isn't?
    See the attachment: my graph!
    Help me please!
    [Attachment, see below]
    Attachments: ‏23 KB

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