Accessing components vars.

How do I access a var in a differint component? I have two custom components in the same application and need to get the variable (arrayCollection) from one to populate a chart in the other.

Thanks Benji,
ListItems Component
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" creationComplete="init(), reloadData()" height="95%" width="100%" backgroundAlpha="0">
          import mx.core.Application;
          import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
          import mx.containers.Box;
          import mx.controls.Alert;
          import mx.controls.ComboBox;
          import mx.controls.LinkButton;
          import mx.containers.VBox;
          import mx.controls.CheckBox;
          import mx.controls.Text;
          import mx.containers.HBox;
          import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
          import mx.managers.CursorManager;
          import flash.text.TextField;
          namespace ink = "";
          use namespace ink;
          //     Archive Vars
          [Bindable] private var xmlList:XMLList;
          [Bindable] private var listCollection:XMLListCollection;
          [Bindable] private var listData:XML;
          [Bindable] public var serviceURL:String = "";
          [Bindable] public var searchFor:String = "biotechnology%20AND%20biotech";  
          private const PROXY:String = "http://localhost/employeePhoneDesktop/src/php/proxy.php?url=";
          private const APIID:String = "?appid=######
          private const PARAMS:String = "&format=xml&orderby=date";
          private var reload:Timer;
          //     Archive Vars
          private var vBox:VBox;
          private var hBox:HBox;
          private var titleText:LinkButton;
          private var itemInfo:Text;
          private var abstract:Text;
          private var archive:CheckBox;
          private var rateItem:ComboBox;
          private var category:ComboBox;
          private var container:VBox;
          private var clickURL:Text;
          private var canvas:Canvas;
          private var titleFormat:TextFormat;
          //     Archive Vars
          public var newsDB:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                 { title: null, clickURL: null, info: null, abstract: null, category: null, rateItem: null }
         public var newsDB:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;
          private function init():void {
          private function getData(e:TimerEvent):void{
          private function reloadData():void {
               reload = new Timer(10000, 10);
               reload.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, getData);
          private function resultHandler(e:ResultEvent):void {
               listData = e.result as XML;
               // add the imems to an XMLList and XMLListCollection
               // so that they can be used with the repeater class
               // and update automatically
               xmlList = e.result.resultset_news.result as XMLList;
               listCollection = new XMLListCollection(xmlList);
               // populate the layout with datd
          private function createLayout():void {
               container = new VBox();
               var categoryLabels:Array = new Array("Health","Industrial","Emerging Tech","Food & Ag");
               var rateLabels:Array = new Array("Positive","Neutral","Negative");
               for(var i:int=0; i<listCollection.length; i++) {
                    //vBox = new VBox();
                    canvas = new Canvas();
                    hBox = new HBox();
                    titleText = new LinkButton();
                    titleFormat = new TextFormat();
                    itemInfo = new Text();
                    abstract = new Text();
                    archive = new CheckBox();
                    rateItem = new ComboBox();
                    category = new ComboBox();
                    clickURL = new Text();
                    titleText.label = listCollection.getItemAt(i).title;
                    //titleText.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, getURL);
                    titleText.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, getURL);
                    titleText.width = 400;
                    clickURL.text = listCollection.getItemAt(i).clickurl;
                    clickURL.visible = false;
                    clickURL.includeInLayout = false;
                    itemInfo.text = listCollection.getItemAt(i).source + " | " + listCollection.getItemAt(i).date;
                    itemInfo.y = 25;
                    abstract.text = listCollection.getItemAt(i).abstract;
                    abstract.y = 42;
                    abstract.visible = true;
                    abstract.includeInLayout = true;
                    abstract.width = 400;
                    abstract.height= 60;;
                    archive.label = "Archive";
                    category.prompt = "Category";
                    category.dataProvider = categoryLabels;
                    category.rowCount = categoryLabels.length;
                    category.visible = false;
                    category.includeInLayout = false;
                    category.width = 95;
                    category.height = 20;
                    rateItem.prompt = "Rate";
                    rateItem.dataProvider = rateLabels;
                    rateItem.visible = false;
                    rateItem.includeInLayout = false;
                    rateItem.width = 95;
                    rateItem.height = 20;
                    hBox.y = abstract.y + 60;
                    hBox.percentWidth = 80;
                    hBox.percentHeight = 80;
                    archive.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, toggleArchive);     
               container.x = 10;
               container.y = 10;
   // If someone chooses to archive the item, set the properties of the
   // ComboBoxes (visible & includeInLayout) to true
   private function toggleArchive(e:Event):void {
         var chb:CheckBox = e.currentTarget as CheckBox;
         var hBox:HBox = chb.parent as HBox;
         var len:int = hBox.numChildren;
         for(var i:int=0; i<len; i++) {
               var cb:DisplayObject = hBox.getChildAt(i);
               if((cb is ComboBox)) {
                // toogle visibility and include in layout
                (cb as ComboBox).visible = chb.selected;
                (cb as ComboBox).includeInLayout = chb.selected;
   // Called when someone clicks on the titleLink. This function pulls the
   // origional website URL up in a seperate browser window
   private function getURL(e:MouseEvent):void {
             var link:LinkButton = e.currentTarget as LinkButton;
             var canvas:Canvas = link.parent as Canvas;
             var clickURL:Text = canvas.getChildAt(1) as Text;
             var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(clickURL.text);
  /* private function showAbstract(e:MouseEvent):void {
                var link:LinkButton = e.currentTarget as LinkButton;
             var canvas:Canvas = link.parent as Canvas;
             var abstract:Text = canvas.getChildAt(3) as Text;
             var hBox:HBox = canvas.getChildAt(4) as HBox;
             link.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showAbstract);
             link.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hideAbstract);
             abstract.visible = true;
             abstract.includeInLayout = true;
             while(abstract.hitTestObject(hBox) == true){
                  hBox.y += 1;
   private function hideAbstract(e:MouseEvent):void {
                var link:LinkButton = e.currentTarget as LinkButton;
             var canvas:Canvas = link.parent as Canvas;
             var abstract:Text = canvas.getChildAt(3) as Text;
             var hBox:HBox = canvas.getChildAt(4) as HBox;
             link.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hideAbstract);
             link.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showAbstract);
             abstract.visible = false;
             abstract.includeInLayout = false;
          hBox.y = 35;
   public function archiveData():void {
             var containerArray:Array = container.getChildren() as Array;
             for(var i:int=0;i<containerArray.length;i++){
             //for(var i:int=0;i<1;i++){
                  var canvas:Canvas = container.getChildAt(i) as Canvas;
                  var titleText:LinkButton = canvas.getChildAt(0) as LinkButton;
                  var clickURL:Text = canvas.getChildAt(1) as Text;
                  var itemInfo:Text = canvas.getChildAt(2) as Text;
                  var abstract:Text = canvas.getChildAt(3) as Text;
                  var hBox:HBox = canvas.getChildAt(4) as HBox;
                  var archive:CheckBox = hBox.getChildAt(0) as CheckBox;
                  var category:ComboBox = hBox.getChildAt(1) as ComboBox;
                  var rateItem:ComboBox = hBox.getChildAt(2) as ComboBox;     
                  if(archive.selected == true){
                    newsDB.addItem( {
                    title: titleText.label,
                    clickURL: clickURL.text,
                    info: itemInfo.text,
                    abstract: abstract.text,
                    category: category.selectedLabel,
                    rateItem: rateItem.selectedItem });                    
   private function archiveSuccess():void {
   "Your clips have been successfully saved","Archive Complete");        
   private function archiveFault():void {
   "Your clips have not been saved. Please contact an administrator.","Archive Error");
     <mx:HTTPService id="listService" url="{serviceURL + searchFor + APIID + PARAMS}" result="resultHandler(event)" resultFormat="e4x"/>
Main mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""
     backgroundGradientAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]"
     backgroundGradientColors="[#EDF4FF, #C6D9FF]"
     width="800" height="600"
     title="  Media Trap Beta V1.1"
     <mx:Style source="assets/style.css" />
     <mx:Label x="19" y="14" text="Media Trap" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="20"/>
     <mx:Label x="20" y="38" text="beta 1.1"/>
     <mx:TabNavigator id="navigator" width="450" height="89%"  x="20" y="61">
          <mx:VBox label="News">
               <com:listItems id="newsFeed" name="newsFeed" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" x="0" y="0" height="100%">
          <mx:VBox label="Blogs">
               <mx:Text text="Blog Coverage"/>
          <mx:VBox label="Twitter">
               <mx:Text text="Twitter Coverage"/>
          <mx:VBox label="Video">
               <mx:Text text="Video Coverage"/>
     <mx:Button x="348" y="36" label="Archive Selected" click="newsFeed.archiveData()"/>
     <!--<com:currentArchiveChart id="currentCats" x="478" y="81" height="212" />-->
Charting Component
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" width="300" height="346" xmlns:com="components.*" creationComplete="init()" >
        import mx.core.Application;
        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
          // testing variable
        private var medalsAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
            { Country: "USA", Gold: 35, Silver:39, Bronze: 29, Test: 20000 }
        private function init():void{
             trace(mx.core.Application.application.myListItems.newsDB as ArrayCollection);
             medalsAC.addItem( { Country: "Canada", Gold: 75, Silver:39, Bronze: 29 });
             medalsAC.addItem( { Country: "England", Gold: 100, Silver: 200, Bronze: 100 });
        private function displayGold(data:Object, field:String, index:Number, percentValue:Number):String {
            var temp:String= (" " + percentValue).substr(0,6);
            return data.Country + ": " + '\n' + "Total Gold: " + data.Gold + '\n' + temp + "%";
         <mx:Label id="archiveTitle" x="10" y="10" text="Current Archive " fontSize="14" fontWeight="bold"/>
         <mx:PieChart id="chart" height="130" width="300" color="0x323232"
            showDataTips="false" dataProvider="{medalsAC}"  y="22">
                <mx:PieSeries labelPosition="callout" field="Gold">

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    I would think this code works, but it gives an error. Anyone
    know why?
    You can't use dot syntax to refer to components that way. If
    you know what that component's id ("futuresLbl") is, why would you
    use such a roundabout way to refer to it anyway? From the Flex
    The IDs for all tags in an MXML component, no matter how deeply
    nested they are, generate public variables of the component being
    defined. As a result, all id properties must be unique within a
    document. This also means that if you specified an ID for a
    component instance, you can access that component from anywhere in
    the application: from functions, external class files, imported
    ActionScript files, or inline scripts.
    I imagine if you want to do it the roundabout way, you'd have
    to cast the individual DisplayObjects to the proper type and then
    set the text property on the Label. Note that I use a name
    attribute "futuresLbl" for the Label
    private function clickHandler():void{
    var myVBox:VBox = tb.getChildByName("futures") as VBox;
    var myLabel:Label = myVBox.getChildByName("futuresLbl") as
    myLabel.text = "New Futures Information";

  • Accessing components created thru AS addChild

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    componts on the fly, based on the field type as entered into the
    database. (code attached).
    So, I have no idea how many componets will be added, or what
    types they will be.
    On click of a save button, I need to be able to access the
    values typed in to the boxes. Normall its textbox.text, but since I
    don't know the names of the boxes, I'm stumped.
    I have tried adding the name of the component to an array
    just before I use the .addChild() in the switch statments, but that
    only gives me an array of the names, and looping through the array,
    using array(i).text gives me an error.
    Any ideas? I'm stuck on this. Maybe there is a better way of
    adding the boxes to the page than what I'm doing.

    I strongly urge you to consider using mx:Repeater. It does a
    lot of work for you , including creating arrays of references to
    repeated components. If you give some tag in the repeater an id,
    say mytext", then you can access the instances of that component
    using mytext[n].text, where "n" is the index of the dataProvider
    Doing this below does NOT create an id you can use to
    reference the component instance: = "Answer"+i.toString();
    If you want to stick with manual addChild, you will need to
    keep a reference to the created components yourself. One effective
    way is to use an associative array, like a hash table. This is just
    a dynamic "Object".
    private var _myEditors:Object = new Object();
    myEditor = new RichTextEditor();
    myEditor.text = "Answer question here";
    _myEditors["Answer"+i] = myEditor; //toString is not
    necessary here
    Then you can later access those instances like this:
    var myEditor:RichTextEditor = _myEditors["Answer"+i];
    But consider Repeater. It does this and much more for you,
    such as destroying unwanted child components when the data changes.

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    I'm sorry, this was probably the wrong forum. I've reposted this item under Portal Content Areas.

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        How to set Mandatory (*) mark for a label? Is there any property for that?

    If table is displayed in current view, it will be refreshed with most of the events(There are few exceptions) from that view. You don't need to do anything for that.
    Suppose You have one Input Fields - Inp, and Lable - Lb.
    From the label properties select "Label For" with Inp from DropDown menu. From properties of the inputfield change property "Status" to required.
    Now u would get required mandatory mark.
    Note that, selecting the status "Required" for inputfield only displays the asterisk. But it doesnt stop you from navigating to another view with out entering a value.

  • Accessing components in a different state

    There's probably a more elegant way of doing this.
    Right now I'm setting certain components to be available in all states, but that means I need to make them visible or invisible depending on the state... which is a pain.
    How can I access a component in a different state.
    Maybe I'm missing something simple like stateName.component.text or something?

    I am currently using this, but I'm getting the error that states that what I'm after doesn't exist... when it clearly does.
    Here's that code.
    private function stateChangeHandler(e:StateChangeEvent):void {
         if (e.newState == "State1") {
              dg.visible = true;
              optionsPanels.visible = false;
         } else if (e.newState == "options") {
              dg.visible = false;
              optionsPanels.visible = true;
              if (preferences["searchType"] == 0) {
                   googleLocalChoice.selected = true;
              } else {
                   yahooLocalChoice.selected = true;
              yahooID.text = preferences["yahooAPI"];
         } else if (e.newState == "notes") {
              dg.visible = false;
              optionsPanels.visible = false;
         } else if (e.newState == "password") {
              dg.visible = false;
              optionsPanels.visible = false;
    What I'm having trouble with is in the if e.newstate == "options" - I'm getting the error on yahooLocalChoice, because preferences["searchType"] does not equal 0.

  • UCCX 8.0 Accessing ECC Vars through custom Java

    In a UCCX script, how can I access the ECC Vars within custom Java?
    I  know how to pull them in the UCCX script using the "Get Enterprise Call  Info" step.  I want to grab all of the ECC key value pairs without  knowing how many there are or their names.
    I'm new at this so any help would be wonderful thank you.

    Lauren Beal wrote:I'm new at this so any help would be wonderful thank you.
    I can assure you that your being new to this is not relevant in regards to what you are asking for.  I have been doing this a long time, and would bet there is maybe one person on this forum that can answer your question.
    Until he answers, I will offer you this:
    Instead of trying to access the ECC directly from within the Custom Java, how about storing the data for ECC into a two-dimensional array.  Now, you can write your ECC values by accessing the array indices, as well as pass your array into the a method of your custom class.  It's a workaround for what you really asked for, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to know that it's even possible.
    String[][] my_ecc_data = new String[] {new String {"first_ecc", "value1"}, new String[] {"second_ecc", "value2"}}
    Good luck and happy scripting!
    Anthony Holloway
    Please use the star ratings to help drive great content to the top of searches.

  • How to access application vars into JavaBeans or Java File?

    I have the application directory strcuture like this. I am using Apache Tomcat/6.0.14 and Eclipse IDE.
         - com.model.DAO/ (java class within package)
    I have put following code into "web.xml".
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.4" xmlns=""
    I am easily able to access from "web.jsp"
    String DBDriver = application.getInitParameter("DBDriver");
    String connectionUrl = application.getInitParameter("connectionUrl");
    BUT when I try to access withing it gives "application is not resolved"
    String DBDriver = (String)application.getInitParameter("DBDriver");
    NOTE: I understand I need to import some inbuilt java package which will allow to use applcation vars
    within java class.
    What is that package? and how to do that?
    Is there any other easy method to use global/application vars which can be used in all
    JSP/JavaBeans/Java files?
    Thanks in advance.

    It might be easier to put that code somewhere else. JSP's are for presentation, not for accessing databases, business logic, etc.

  • UCCX Accessing ECC Vars through custom Java

    In a UCCX script, how can I access the ECC Vars within custom Java?
    I know how to pull them in the UCCX script using the "Get Enterprise Call Info" step.  I want to grab all of the ECC key value pairs without knowing how many there are or their names.
    I'm new at this so any help would be wonderful thank you.

    Hi Lauren,
    You are probably better off posting this over in Contact Centre section of the boards
    "And if I should fall behind
    Wait for me" - Springsteen

  • Accessing components from Action, ActionListener

    Our backend does not map well into a bean model. Rather than force it to fit, we have decided to skip the Update Model phase and instead read form inputs in Action/ActionListener classes, then persist. What is the preferred way to access nodes in the component tree? I was thinking something like:
      public void processAction(ActionEvent event)
           String s = NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR + "form01" + NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR  + "input 01";
           UIComponent source = event.getComponent();
           UIComponent result = source.findComponent(searchString);
           // persist result value 

    I'm fond of using the "binding" attribute to force the component you're searching for to be available directly on the same object as the "actionListener" (which I'd implement using a method binding, rather than implementing ActionListener). I rather dislike findComponent().
    -- Adam Winer (EG member)

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