Accessing cRIO from executable on another PC

This is my setup:
MyVI (FPGA) is built and deployed to the FPGA, where it runs automatically. I have made a MyVI (Host) which is able to access the FPGA while it is running, and read and write to the FPGA. These two vi are working fine, and I am using the "FPGA Open VI Reference" block to make this happen.
Now, I want to create an executable that I can run on another PC (with no LabView). The executable would just read and write to the FPGA like MyVI (Host).  How do I do that? It seems that using shared variable is not an option. I am using the "LabView FPGA Interface" instead of the "Scan Interface".

Hi Blandart,
Your FPGA is unable to communicate over ethernet directly.  You have to use the cRIO host to act as a go between.  That is why shared variables are not avaialble on the FPGA block diagram pallet.
The easiest method to use front panel communication between My VI (FPGA) and My VI (Host).  Then change, or add, the front panel on My VI (Host) to use shared variables.  Then write a new PC VI that reads the shared variables running on the cRIO Host.  You can compile the PC version as a runtime program and run this on a remote PC.  You will need to compile and deploy the cRIO software to run as startup.
This is commonly known as running the cRIO headless.
On the cRIO you will have
FPGA VI > Front Panel> cRIO Host VI
Then to communicate to the PC
cRIO Host VI> Shared Variable> PC VI
Hope this helps.

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    Maybie the code will help (sorry if it is a bit lengthy).
    Snippet of LoginDialog
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
            if(event.getSource() == ok) {
                 _username = user.getText();
                   _password = new String(password.getPassword());
                   _server = server.getText();
                   //ensure port number is an integer
                        _port = Integer.parseInt(port.getText());
                   catch(NumberFormatException e){
                        "Please use an integer value only for the port number","Error",
                   //checks username and password length
                   if((_username.length()==0) || (_password.length() == 0)){
                             "Please enter a valid username and password","Error",
                   //checks server length
                   if(_server.length()== 0){
                             "Invalid server host","Error",
                        db = new DatabaseConnection();
                        boolean exists = db.doesUserExist(_username, _password);
                             //System.out.println("User exists on database");
                             this.dispose(); //get rid of login screen now user is confirmed
                                  _username = null;
                                  _password = null;
                   catch(java.sql.SQLException e){
                             "Unable to connect to database. Please try again.","Error",
              else if(event.getSource() == cancel) {
              else if(event.getSource() == register){
                   Register register = new Register();
                   //while (processRegistration){
         }and Register
    //import classes
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Register extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
         //declare components
         JLabel lblHeading;
         JLabel lblUserName;
         JLabel lblUserPwd;
         JLabel lblCnfUserPwd;
         JLabel lblFirstName;
         JLabel lblLastName;
         JLabel lblAge;
         JLabel lblEmpId;
         JLabel lblEmail;
         JLabel lblSex;
         String userName;
         char[] userPwd;
         char[] cnfPwd;
         String strUserPwd;
         String strCnfUserPwd;
         String firstName;
         String lastName;
         String age;
         String empid;
         String email;
         String sexStr;
         Socket toServer;
         ObjectInputStream streamFromServer;
         PrintStream streamToServer;
         JComboBox comboSex;
         JTextField txtUserName;
         JPasswordField txtUserPwd;
         JPasswordField txtCnfUserPwd;
         JTextField txtFirstName;
         JTextField txtLastName;
         JTextField txtAge;
         JTextField txtEmpId;
         JTextField txtEmail;
         Font f;
         Color r;
         JButton btnSubmit;
         JButton btnCancel;
         DatabaseConnection db;
         boolean exists, entrySuccess;
         public Register() {
            JPanel panel=new JPanel();
              //apply the layout
               panel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
               GridBagConstraints gbCons=new GridBagConstraints();
              //place the components
              lblHeading=new JLabel("Registration Info");
               Font f = new Font("Monospaced" , Font.BOLD , 12);
              Color c=new Color(0,200,0);
              lblHeading.setForeground(new Color(131,25,38));
              panel.add(lblHeading, gbCons);
              gbCons.gridx = 0;
              gbCons.gridy = 1;
              lblUserName = new JLabel("Enter Username");
              panel.add(lblUserName, gbCons);
              txtUserName=new JTextField(15);
              panel.add(txtUserName, gbCons);
              lblUserPwd=new JLabel("Enter Password ");
              panel.add(lblUserPwd, gbCons);
              gbCons.gridx = 1;
              gbCons.gridy = 2;
              txtUserPwd = new JPasswordField(15);
              panel.add(txtUserPwd, gbCons);
              lblCnfUserPwd=new JLabel("Confirm Password ");
              panel.add(lblCnfUserPwd, gbCons);
              txtCnfUserPwd=new JPasswordField(15);
              panel.add(txtCnfUserPwd, gbCons);
              lblEmpId=new JLabel("Employee ID");
              panel.add(lblEmpId, gbCons);
              txtEmpId=new JTextField(15);
              panel.add(txtEmpId, gbCons);
              lblFirstName=new JLabel("First Name");
              panel.add(lblFirstName, gbCons);
              txtFirstName=new JTextField(15);
              panel.add(txtFirstName, gbCons);
              lblLastName=new JLabel("Last Name");
              panel.add(lblLastName, gbCons);
              gbCons.gridx = 1;
              gbCons.gridy = 6;
              txtLastName=new JTextField(15);
              panel.add(txtLastName, gbCons);
              lblAge=new JLabel("Age");
              panel.add(lblAge, gbCons);
              txtAge=new JTextField(3);
              panel.add(txtAge, gbCons);
              lblEmail=new JLabel("Email");
              panel.add(lblEmail, gbCons);
              txtEmail=new JTextField(20);
              panel.add(txtEmail, gbCons);
              lblSex=new JLabel("Sex");
              panel.add(lblSex, gbCons);
              gbCons.gridx = 1;
              String [] sexArr = {"Male", "Female"};
              comboSex = new JComboBox(sexArr);
              panel.add(comboSex, gbCons);
              JPanel btnPanel=new JPanel();
              btnSubmit=new JButton("Submit");
              btnSubmit.addActionListener(this); //add listener to the Submit button
              btnCancel=new JButton("Cancel");
              btnCancel.addActionListener(this); //add listener to the Cancel button
              panel.add(btnPanel, gbCons);
         }//end or Register()
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
              Object o = ae.getSource(); //get the source of the event
              if(o == btnCancel)
              if(o == btnSubmit){
                   userName = txtUserName.getText();
                   userPwd = txtUserPwd.getPassword();
                   strUserPwd = new String(userPwd);
                   cnfPwd = txtCnfUserPwd.getPassword();
                   strCnfUserPwd = new String(cnfPwd);
                   firstName = txtFirstName.getText();
                   lastName = txtLastName.getText();
                   age = txtAge.getText();
                   empid = txtEmpId.getText();
                   email = txtEmail.getText();
                   sexStr = (String)comboSex.getItemAt(0);
                   db = new DatabaseConnection();
                   //Now check to see if username and password combination have been
                        exists = db.doesUserExist(userName.trim(), strUserPwd.trim());
                   catch (java.sql.SQLException e){
                   //Checks that each field has been filled in.
                   if(userName.length() == 0 ||  strUserPwd.length() == 0 ||
                   strCnfUserPwd.length() == 0 || firstName.length() == 0 ||
                   lastName.length() == 0 || age.length() == 0 || empid.length() == 0
                   || email.length() == 0){
                        "One or more entry has not been filled in. Please go back and try again",
                        "Message", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);     
                   //Ensures that passwords match
                        "Passwords do not match. Please go back and try again",
                        "Message", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                        "Username and password combination already exists. Please go back and try again",
                        "Message", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                   if(!exists) {
                        String userDetails = (userName.trim() + " " + strUserPwd.trim()
                        + " "  + firstName.trim() + " "
                        + lastName.trim() + " " + age.trim() + " " + empid.trim() + " "
                        + email.trim() + " " + sexStr.trim());
                        //Try to connect to the database and insert the user details.
                        //If successful then user will be alerted and the registration page
                        //should be disposed automatically. If for some reason the insert
                        //was not successful then user is prompted to try again.
                             entrySuccess = db.registerUser(userDetails);
                                  "Congratulations, you have successfully registered for the Instant Messenger service!",
                                  "Message", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
                                  "There was a problem entering your details. Please try again.",
                                  "Message", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                        catch(java.sql.SQLException e){
              }//end of else
         }//end of actionPerformed()
    }//end of classCheers,

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    CREATE TABLE Customer
    (CustomerKey INT , Name NVARCHAR(100));
    INSERT dbo.Customer
    VALUES ( 1, N'Sam' )
    DECLARE @query nvarchar(max) = ''
    declare @par varchar(10) = 'Name',
    @key varchar(10) = 'Sam'
    CREATE TABLE #temp ( CustomerKey INT );
    SET @query =
    insert #temp
    SELECT CustomerKey
    FROM Customer
    where ' + @par + ' = '''+ @key+ ''' '
    PRINT @query
    EXEC sp_executesql @query
    SELECT *
    FROM #temp
    DROP TABLE #temp;
    DROP TABLE dbo.Customer
    Saeid Hasani
    Database Consultant
    Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] as well as on Twitter and Facebook.
    [My Writings on TechNet Wiki] [T-SQL Blog] [Curah!]
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    I have another post here in the forum that explains in detail about the rez problem. It was read by a lot of people with no responses. 1 thing that might be important is that I was using a Wacom drawing tablet when this problem started. I removed the Wacom software and no help.
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    I have booted from the Apple DVD and run disk repair, repaired disk permissions. Booted and run Tech Tool.
    Booted from the Disk Warrior cd and ran that.
    I have zapped the PRAM. I have plugged the display into the other port on the video card.
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    It's a G-5. Dual 2.0 ghz. 2.5 gb ram. OS 10.5.8. Apple keyboard. Logitech mouse and

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    When I try to access adobe from my smart phone to use my form created in formscentral I receive an error message that says "unsupported browser". There is a link to download a supported browser but the link directs me to another page that says "browser not supported at this time". This happened to me while using my IPhone 5, a friend that uses an IPhone 6, and another friend that uses a Samsung Galaxy S5. I just need for my employees to be able to access, complete and submit work orders created in formscentral from their phones. I would like to use the data collection feature in formscentral but at this point any suggestions on how to accomplish this are welcomed. Thank you

    Further info - I changed my security settings to allow apps from anywhere, and again tried to install.  I again got an error message
    that the update failed to install, and to contact Customer Support.

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    I agree. I don't rely on iCloud as a backup, that is what I have my portable hard drive for. Its 500 GB so I can hold my entire iTunes library several times over on it. I have all my movies on my hard drive, but somehow "The Mist" got deleted off of my hard drive, so I figured "Well, the option to redownload an already purchased movie is available through iCloud, I'll just do that!"
    And permissions and download availability have nothing to do with it, the movie's still there, it still allows me to redownload it. The only problem is when I click download, I get that message.
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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You can re-download content purchased from the iTunes store (availability varies depending on location) using the purchased option from the Quick Links section in the top right corner of the iTunes homepage in your iTunes application on your computer.
    You can re-download content purchased from the iTunes store (availability varies depending on location) using the purchased option which is revealed in the iTunes app on your iOS device by tapping the more button at the bottom of the screen.
    If the problem re-occurs, select the content which is causing a problem and use the 'Report a problem' button in Your Purchase History using your computer.
    Try deleting the problematic book (electing to remove original file if/when prompted) and then re-downloading the file from the iBook store.
    You can re-download content purchased from the iBook store (availability varies depending on location) using the purchased option from the Quick Links section in the top right corner of the iTunes homepage in your iTunes application on your computer.
    You can re-download content purchased from the iBook store (availability varies depending on location) using the purchased option at the bottom of the screen after you tap the store button in the top corner of the iBook app on your iOS device.
    If the problem re-occurs, select the content which is causing a problem and use the 'Report a problem' button in Your Purchase History using your computer.
    You can re-download content purchased from the app store using the purchased option from the Quick Links section in the top right corner of the iTunes homepage in your iTunes application on your computer.
    You can re-download content purchased from the app store using the purchased option which is revealed by tapping the updates option at the bottom of the screen of the App store app on your iOS device.
    If the problem re-occurs, select the content which is causing a problem and use the 'Report a problem' button in Your Purchase History using your computer.

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    Can anyone suggest regarding the "Access Restrictions" , we need to move the "Access Restrictions"  from one environement to another environment .
    Thanks & Regards

    When using Import wizard,
    while importing Universe, Please check the below option to migrate Access Restrictions.
    "Keep Universe Overloads for imported Users and Groups"

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    See if you can boot into the Safe Mode.
    Safe Mode - About
    Safe Mode

  • Accessing data from db table on another client on a separate server

    We are trying to access data from a db table on client 400 NSQ with a program running on client 200 NSD. We are also trying to find the name of the table in which the connection configuration should be maintained. The two clients are on separate servers.
    Edited by: B.Garlipp on May 31, 2010 9:22 AM

    Create an RFC destination for NSQ system client 400 into your system where program is running (in this case NSD Client 200)
    Now in your program you can call function module RFC_READ_TABLE (with reference to this destination) to read entries from the other system.
    If you know ABAP, In fact you can create a Z RFC FM specific for this tables, so that you get the data in exact structure. This is because RFC_READ_TABLE returns data in text format with a delimiter.
    Edited by: Rashid Javed on May 31, 2010 10:36 AM

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    This forum is for OSX users.
    Only within OSX you can store documents in iCloud, basically linked to iWork softwares.
    Please check Microsoft Office cloud solutions.

  • ORA-22905: cannot access rows from a non-nested table item in Table func

    I am using a table function in Oracle I did declare an object type and a collection type like this:
    CREATE TYPE t_tab AS TABLE OF t_obj;
    My table function returns t_tab and is called like this:
    SELECT ... FROM TABLE (CAST (my_pkg.table_fnc AS t_tab)) ...
    This works pretty well as long as I run it in the same schema that owns the function and the 2 types. As soon as I run this query from another schema, I get an ORA-22905: cannot access rows from a non-nested table item error, even though I granted execute on both the types and the function to the other user and I created public synonyms for all 3 objects.
    As soon as I specify the schema name of t_tab in the cast, the query runs fine:
    SELECT ... FROM TABLE (CAST (my_pkg.table_fnc AS owner.t_tab)) ...
    I don't like to have a schema hard coded in a query, therefore I'd like to do this without the schema. Any ideas of how to get around this error?

    your 3 statements are correct. I'll go ahead and log a TAR.
    Both DESCs return the same output when run as the other user. And, running the table function directly in SQL*Plus (SELECT my_pkg.table_fnc FROM dual;) also returns a result and no errors. The problem has to be in the CAST function.
    Thanks for your help.

  • APEX Application accessing data from two different databases

    Hi All,
    Currently as we all know that APEX Application resides in database and is connected to the schema of that database.
    I want APEX Application to be running and accessing data from two different databases. Elaborating my question,
    Currently, my APEX Production Application is connected with XXXX Schema of DB1 Database(Where APEX Resides). Now I want to add some pages into this APEX Application for REPORT Purpose, But I want to connect this REPORT APEX Pages to get data from Different Schema YYYY for Database DB2.
    Is it possible to configure this scenario?
    The reason for doing this is to avoid the REPORT related (adhoc queries) resource utilization effect on Production DB1 Database.

    1. If you do the joining of two or more tables in DB1 then all data is pulled over to DB1 and then the join is executed: so more data over the databaselink and more work for DB1. Better keep the joining stuff where the data resides and just pull exactly that data over that you need.
    2. Don't know about your different block sizes. Seems a nice question for one of the other forums (DBA or SQL).
    3. I mean create synonyms on DB1 for reports VIEWS in DB2.
    Hope all is clear!

  • Unable to access values from database in login page..

    Hey all,
    Friends I have a login.jsp page and I want if i enter username and password then it will be accessed from database and after verifying the details it will open main.jsp.I made a database as "abc" and created DSN as 1st_login having table 1st_login. But the problem is that I am unable to access values from database.
    So Please help me.
    Following is my code:
    <body background="a.jpg">
                        <CENTER><font size="5" face="times" color="#993300"><b>Welcome to the"<U><I>XYZ</I></U>" of ABC</font></b></CENTER></marquee>
         <form name="login_form">
              <CENTER><font size="4" face="times new roman">
              <input name="username" type="text" class="inputbox" alt="username" size="20"  />
              <input type="password" name="pwd" class="inputbox" size="20" alt="password" />
              <input type="hidden" name="option" value="login" />
              <input type="SUBMIT" name="SUBMIT" class="button" value="Submit" onClick="return check();"> </CENTER>
    try {
    Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:1st_login");
    Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
    String query = "SELECT username, password FROM 1st_login WHERE username='";
    query += request.getParameter("username") + "' AND password='";
    query += request.getParameter("password") + "';";
    ResultSet resSum = statement.executeQuery(query);
    //change: you gotta move the pointer to the first row of the result set.;
    if (request.getParameter("username").equalsIgnoreCase(resSum.getString("username")) && request.getParameter("password").equalsIgnoreCase(resSum.getString("password")))
    //now it must connected to next page..
    <h2>You better check your username and password!</h2>
    }catch (SQLException ex ){
    System.err.println( ex);
    }catch (Exception er){
    <input type="hidden" name="op2" value="login" />
         <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="english" />
         <input type="hidden" name="return" value="/" />
         <input type="hidden" name="message" value="0" />
              <font size="2" face="arial" color="#993300">
         <p align="center"> <B>ABC &copy; PQR</B>
    and in this code i am getting following error
    C:\Project\SRS\build\generated\src\org\apache\jsp\ cannot find symbol_
    C:\Project\SRS\build\generated\src\org\apache\jsp\ cannot find symbol_
    C:\Project\SRS\build\generated\src\org\apache\jsp\ cannot find symbol_
    C:\Project\SRS\build\generated\src\org\apache\jsp\ cannot find symbol_
    4 errors
    C:\Project\SRS\nbproject\build-impl.xml:360: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\Project\SRS\nbproject\build-impl.xml:142: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 6 seconds)

    As long as you're unable to compile Java code, please use the 'New to Java' forum. This is really trival.
    To ease writing, debugging and maintenance, I highly recommend you to write Java code in Java classes rather than JSP files. Start learning Servlets.

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    Seems I was a bit too quick in closing. Sorry for opening two threads on this, but I need to get this solved as I'm on a tight deadline here... The answer that pretty much solved my issue on sorting columns on sub-totals in Answers was: if you want t

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    hi, recently i have installed new OS windows 8.1 for my HP PAVILION DV6 laptop, but my bluetooth and finger print scanner is not working. can any one suggest me solve my problem.. txs best regards   karim

  • How do I convert a PPT file into PDF file?

    How do I convert a PPT into an PDF using adobe online?  Converting word to PDF works but not PPT to PDF. Thanks

  • New apps does not starts

    I had this problem for a while now with small applications for OSX Mountain Lion that doesnt need to run installation. I can't start them, after double clicking nothing happens. When I do the same on another OSX computer they work fine. Does anybody

  • VB Exception Thrown by LVclient

    Hi, I am trying to use a .dll interop created in LabVIEW for use in VB.  I am trying to use the .dll on a separate machine from the one on which it was created, but the destination machine has LabVIEW Run-time.  However, it seems that the .dll cannot