Accessing Oracle PrimaveraAPI p6

Heading 3: Hi everyone,
I've installed Oracle Primavera p6 and PrimaveraAPI on oracle weblogic 10.3, I follow the installation process in Oracle Primavera P6 Integration API - Administrator’s Guide, I didnt face any problems in the process.
After that I tried the first example in Primavera Integration API Programmer's Reference:
import com.primavera.integration.client.Session;
import com.primavera.integration.client.EnterpriseLoadManager;
import com.primavera.integration.client.RMIURL;
import com.primavera.integration.common.DatabaseInstance;
public class APITest
public static void main( String[] args )
Session session = null;
DatabaseInstance[] dbInstances = Session.getDatabaseInstances(RMIURL.getRmiUrl(
session = Session.login( RMIURL.getRmiUrl( RMIURL.STANDARD_RMI_SERVICE, "", 9099 ),
dbInstances[0].getDatabaseId(), "pubuser", "Eng1neer" );
EnterpriseLoadManager elm = session.getEnterpriseLoadManager();
BOIterator<Project> boi = elm.loadProjects( new String[]{ "Name" }, null, "Name asc" );
while ( boi.hasNext() )
Project proj =;
System.out.println( proj.getName() );
catch ( Exception e )
if ( session != null )
I've got the following error:
com.primavera.common.exceptions.InvalidCredentialsException: Login failed due to invalid user name or password
I tried to access the database direct with "pubuser" as username and "Eng1neer" as password without any problems.

Primavera p6 defines three database users: admuser, pubuser, privuser. I tried all of them with same error.
I tried to use Primavera application account "admin" and it gave this error:
com.primavera.PhoenixException: Unable to get permanent license

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    Good Luck,

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    832812 wrote:
    Can any1 tell me can we access Oracle 10g R2 database from Oracle 11g Client ? I m unable to find a Oracle Client 10g R2 for Windows 7 32 bit.
    Below link is for Vista only
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    Can some one provide me the necessary help.
    INCLUDE ole2incl.
    DATA: con TYPE ole2_object,
    rec TYPE ole2_object.
    DATA SQL(1023).
    F1(10) ,
    F2 TYPE I,
    END OF I1.
    IF con-header IS INITIAL OR con-handle = -1.
    CREATE OBJECT con 'ADODB.Connection'.
    IF NOT sy-subrc = 0.
    IF NOT sy-subrc = 0.
    MDB connetion infomations ....
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    CONCATENATE SQL 'Password=' '''prodx''' ';'
    CONCATENATE SQL 'User ID=' '''prod''' ';'
    CONCATENATE SQL 'Data Source=' '''sterlite''' ';'
    CONCATENATE SQL 'Mode=' '''Share Deny None'''
    MDB connection ...
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    CONCATENATE SQL '''Atul''' ',' '''121''' ')' INTO SQL.
    Query run ...
    #2 = CON
    #3 = '1'.
    Query (select) statement ...
    SQL = 'select * from ofusers'.
    Query run ...
    #2 = CON
    #3 = '1'.
    Selecting MDB record into SAP internal table ...
        CALL METHOD OF REC 'getstring' = SQL
        EXPORTING #1 = '2' "Do not modify!
        #2 = 1 "Do not modify!
        #3 = '|' "Do not modify!
        #4 = '|'. "Do not modify!
        IF sy-SUBRC EQ 0.
            SPLIT SQL AT '|' INTO TABLE SPL.
            LOOP AT SPL.
              CASE SY-TABIX.
                WHEN 1.
                  I1-F1 = SPL-VAL.
                WHEN OTHERS.
                  I1-F2 = SPL-VAL.
              APPEND I1. CLEAR I1.
    Result writing ...
    LOOP AT I1.
      WRITE: AT /1(10) I1-F1,
      AT (10) I1-F2.
    connetion close & destroy
    FREE OBJECT con.
    FREE OBJECT rec.
    Thanks in Advance
    Swati Namdeo

    Hi swati,
    1. for this u will also require help of basis team.
    2. these are the steps.
    a) make an entry in DBCON
    b) make connection string
    (on the physical application server,
    so that it can connect to secondary database)
    (this will be done by basis team,
    in which, they will specify the
    IP address of the secondary database server,
    the DATABASE ID, and the port number)
    c) then using open sql / native sql,
    we can use the secondary database connection,
    just like normal.
    d) if we use open sql,
    then there must be Y/Z table on
    sap as well as secondary database,
    and the field names , their type all should be identical.
    amit m.

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    For assistance, contact your network support team.
    what could be the solution for this issue.

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    if ($c = @oci_connect("php","php","xe"))
    echo "Successfully connected to Oracle.<br />";
    $errorMessage = oci_error();
    print '<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
    foreach ($errorMessage as $name => $value)
    print '<tr><td>'.$name.'</td><td>'.$value.'</td></tr>';
    print '</table>';
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    Could you please help me what wrong?
    Message was edited by:

    It doesn't show ANYTHING?

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    Do you have any idea ?
    Although I checked ActiveDataCache.log, it is empty ( looks no problem ).
    My environment as below.
    OS : Windows 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1
    Oracle version :
    Oracle BAM version : 10.1.2
    Thanks in advance

    I've installed BAM 10.1.2 on Windows 2000 Professional. I have IIS 5.0 and Microsoft 1.1 .Net Framework installed on my PC. I'm able to use the Design Studio and Admin from Oracle BAM Enterprise Link. The installation completed successfully but I'm still not able to open the BAM start page.
    I see the error:
    Server Error in '/' Application.
    Configuration Error
    Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
    Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.
    Source Error:
    Line 263:          <!--authentication mode="Windows"/-->
    Line 264: <!--<authentication mode="None">-->
    Line 265: <authentication mode="Windows">
    Line 266:
    Line 267: </authentication>
    Source File: C:\OracleBAM\BAM\web.config Line: 265
    I've checked that OracleBAM appears as a virtual directory in IIS (from Personal Web Server) and there were no errors in installation. The Access Permissions is set to 'Read' and Application Permissions to 'Scripts'
    Should the authentication mode take any other parameters ?
    Let me know what can be done to resolve this issue.
    Thanks in advance !

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    I installed Oracle 10g on Redhat Enterprise Linux 3.
    I created one oracle user, and installed oracle in oracle users home directory. In oracle user I can access oracle very well. But I can not use oracle with other unix users like root. What kind of permissions I need to set to do so?

    You should never try to connect to Oracle as root, but if you want to connect as any other OS user, you will need to run in $ORACLE_HOME/install in order to do this. It may not be present until you upgrade above the base release (like
    Can not Logon To SQL*Plus as non-Oracle User: Libclntsh.So.10.1: Permission Denied

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    Hello Sir,
    I need some clarification regarding the following question.
    Q. How can access Oracle Database using Dos Based Foxpro of version either 2.5 or 2.6
    Thanking you,

    Hi Alex,
    the host and port depends on your network setup of your VM.
    Do an ifconfig -a and see what IP adress your guest has.
    With this IP address you should be able to access EM from outside your VM (but on the VM host, not from outside the network) with the same port.

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    Dear Team,
    I have following setup:-
    We are using oracle database 11gR2
    Oracle Forms & reports : 11.1.2
    O.S : Windows 7 Professional
    I am currently accessing forms through local network through browser from server successfully.
    Now I want to access the same forms through public ip through internet browser from a remote location and not from our local network.
    I have also installed Xammp 1.7.7 apache server in the same setup computer.
    Last time I tried to access oracle through http server but xampp http port was conflicting with oracle http server so i needed to disable oracle http server for xampp apache server to work, at that time i was not needing oracle http server, now I need both. Is there any workaround to this for oracle and xampp to work at the same time in the same setup, please let me know.
    Can anybody help me to find solution for this issue.
    Thanks in Advance.

    You have to use two different -different ports for the both
    use 8080 port for the Oracle http and another for another web server.
    you can use proxy to filter the requests and redirect then to another port as per requirement.

  • How to access oracle R12 applications from windows client

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    I installed R12 oracle applications on Linux through VMWare and every thing was fine now. My database listener, database and applications are up and running. I installed Java and Mozillla and established a soft link on LInux but was not able to access oracle applicaitons from Uniix box. I was seeing if i can do it from windows client. Mine is windows vista and i pinged the ipaddress and its connecting but was not able to access applications from windows client and also from linux.
    Can any one help me accessing applications from windows client and unix box

    I installed R12 oracle applications on Linux through VMWare and every thing was fine now. My database listener, database and applications are up and running. I installed Java and Mozillla and established a soft link on LInux but was not able to access oracle applicaitons from Uniix box. I was seeing if i can do it from windows client. Mine is windows vista and i pinged the ipaddress and its connecting but was not able to access applications from windows client and also from linux.
    Can any one help me accessing applications from windows client and unix box1. Be sure you can ping your linux from your client
    2. Be sure your selinux and firewal disable on linux machine
    3. Add your IP and hostaname to your windows C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file
    4. Add your url to your trusted site on windows
    5. Use IE7 or check below note to can use certified browswer and access EBS
    Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 [ID 389422.1]

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