Accidentally erased my songs off of my iPod Touch can I recover then?

I accidentally erased my songs becaused my hard drive crashed. I tried synching it to my new computer but I accidentally erased my songs. Is their anyway to get them back? I have not installed anything else on my iPod after that so they all should be there? Is there a certain recovery program anyone would recommend? Or if anyone has had this problem before. Thanks. iPod is 2nd Gen.

If your hard drive is dead and you didn't make a backup of your library to an external drive or DVD, and you synced your iPod and erased your music, you are pretty much out of luck. The only hope you have is to send your old hard drive to a data recovery company and see if they can get back your files.
In the future, invest in an external hard drive to create backups of your library. It's money well spent.

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    basically, there isn't. click here for information.
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    Hello ArmyWife8610,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.  I found an article with some steps to delete photo albums off of an iPhone.  The way you delete the photos will depend on whether they were taken with the iPhone (on the Camera Roll) or if you synced the albums:
    To delete photos and videos from your device
    To delete synced photos and videos
    In iTunes, select the device icon in the Devices list on the left. Click the Photos tab in the resulting window.
    Choose "Sync photos from."
    On a Mac, choose iPhoto or Aperture from the pop-up menu.
    On a Windows PC, choose Photoshop Album or Photoshop Elements from the pop-up menu.
    Choose "Selected albums" and deselect the albums or collections you want to delete.
    Click Apply.
    To delete Camera Roll photos and videos
    There are two methods to delete items from the Camera Roll:
    Import the Camera Roll to your computer, choosing to delete items after import.
    Delete photos and videos from your device manually. Open the Photos application, open the Camera Roll, tap the Action button, tap each photo to select it, and tap the Delete button.
    Note: For photos and videos you want to save for later, import them to your computer before deleting them from the Camera Roll.
    You can find the full article here:
    iOS and iPod: Syncing photos using iTunes
    Sheila M.

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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
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    You either have an incredibly complex computer setup or I think you are confusing terminology here.  If you have iTunes set to share your library with others in your iTunes preferences then other computers in the area will see it as an item when they are running their iTunes and have it set to check for shared libraries.  Your husband is probably seeing this when running iTunes on his computer.  You can disable this sharing on your computer and/or he can set his not to pick up shared libraries.
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    Not Charge
    - See:    
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    iPhone and iPod touch: Charging the battery
    - Try another cable. The cable for 5G iPod (lightning connector) seems to be more prone to failure than the older cable.
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    - Try on another computer                                                       
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      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                              

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