Accordion makes page jump with SpryURLUtils

To see my problem you need to reduce the depth of the browser
window or click "Quick Contact" to expand the page. Then refresh or
click samples 02. 1#Accordion1
The problem is, it's like there is an anchor to the top of my
Accordion Panel when the page loads it pulls the Accordion Panel to
the top.
Is there something I can change to disable this?
Thanks for looking,

Hey there Rich i believe the issue is still happening in IE 7
for your problem which is just like mine. I am hoping to figure out
a way to stot the autoFocus from moving the page focus to the top
of the Accordion Object.
Anyone have any ideas on how to edit the JS to have this work

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    thanks- joe
    on (release) {
    import flash.external.*;'pageTop');
    on (release) {
    import flash.external.*;'pageTop');
    Button 3:
    on (release) {
    import flash.external.*;'pageTop');
    At the top of my html:
    <script http-equiv="Content-Script-Type"
    function pageTop() {

    you don't need all the import statements but the problems are
    likely caused by your buttons failure to exist when the timeline
    goes to the frame indicated in the line above the externalinterface

  • How do I make my accordion spry not "jump" or "hiccup" in IE??

    Ok, sorry you guys, I'm a newbie.
    It seems that no matter what I do, I can't get the accordion to co-operate with Internet Explorer. It has always jumped when tabs are clicked and then settles down. It's rather irritating and I would like to fix it. I've run out of things to try. Can anyone help?
    In addition, with attempts to make keep the accordion and background centered I used a div with the position centered, which worked, but only in FF and Chrome. In IE it stays far left. When I had it in a table, I could set a left: px in the class, but never figured out how to center it with a table so it would change position based on the monitor resolution. If there's a better way to do this that IE and other browsers like, please help me. If it's just IE that has the problem is there any way to make it like my code?
    If you can help me change the height of the accordion, that would be great. It seems it doesn't want to stretch out, but maybe I'm writing it in the wrong section or the wrong way.
    Another minor issue is the IE not doing the transparency I set on the tabs. I heard that they took that feature out. Is that true or is there a way to set it for IE?
    Here's what I have so far:
    +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Bonnie Praymayer</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css" />
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    p.MsoNormal {
    <table id="big">
         <td><table width="200" border="1" id="table" name="table">
             <td><div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
               <div class="AccordionPanel">
                 <div class="AccordionPanelTab">
                 <span class="tabContent">Benefiting People Like You
                 <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
                       <div class="panelContent">
                     <p >I specialize in deep tissue massage. As you may know  already, massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissue with the goal to  improve well-being and heal injuries. It can involve just about any part of the  body, but generally most people have stiffness and injuries in the back and  neck. I enjoy using this type of health maintenance to assist people like you.  Massage therapy can be used to improve many ailments such as:</p>
                     <p >Muscle Strains, Sprains, Headaches, Migraines, Fibromyalgia,  Edema, and High Blood Pressure</p>
                     <p >Beyond &quot;ailments&quot; massage is excellent for  treating sore muscles in pregnant women as well as reducing stress in everyone.</p>
                     <p > </p>
               <div class="AccordionPanel">
                 <div class="AccordionPanelTab">
                     <span class="tabContent"> Reflexology - An Added Benefit
                 <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
                   <div class="panelContent"><p >In addition to massage therapy, I am certified to practice  Reflexology of the feet. This is a therapy wherein pressure is applied to the  feet to encourage the body to heal itself. It's as if the feet are a map to the  body with the spine being the edge of what is known as the arch. There are key  points such as the heart and lungs, sinuses, kidneys, and intestinal tract. </p>
                   <p> </p>Reflexology has been known to also be an indicator to hidden  health issues. Many reflexologists can attest to the fact that upon finding  sore areas in the feet, the corresponding organ(s) have later been discovered  by a physician to be injured or diseased. It is not a replacement for  healthcare, but for some, reflexology has proven to be an asset to gain  knowledge of the workings of their body.<p></p>
                   <p >One thing to note: if you do receive a reflexology treatment it is normal to feel a  little dizzy, fatigued, or flu-like if you don't hydrate yourself before and  after.</p>
               <div class="AccordionPanel">
                 <div class="AccordionPanelTab">
                         <span class="tabContent"> How to Choose a Therapist
                 <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
                   <div class="panelContent"><p >To be honest, everyone has preferences for what he or she  like in a massage, so there is no hard and fast rule. What I recommend is that  you decide what you need treated whether it be muscle strain, stiff muscles,  stress, poor circulation etc. You can decide what kind of massage you need  based on what you decide you want massage to do for you.</p>
                   <p >If you need to de-stress, relax and do not have many sore  stiff muscles then simple relaxation massage would be good for you. If you have  a constant sore shoulder or neck then you really need a therapist that is  capable of effectively loosening those fibres.</p>
                   <p >You may be able to determine if a therapist is right for you  by talking with someone who has had a massage from that person. Otherwise, you  can sometimes judge by the type of facility in which they are practicing.  Typically a spa is going to give you strictly relaxation, although many  therapists are capable of more if you request it. A chiropractor's clinic will  often focus on rehabilitation of injured patients; more often than not they  have massage therapists that are more than capable of working deep enough to  affect injured tissue.></p>
                   <p > Communication is the  key when it comes to during the treatment in order to customize and optimize  your massage experience. Don't be afraid to speak up if you need to adjust the technique or pressure. After all, the massage is all about you!</p></div><p></p>
               <div class="AccordionPanel">
                 <div class="AccordionPanelTab"><span class="tabContent">My Practice</span></div>
                 <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
                     <div class="panelContent">
                   <p>My interest in massage therapy began at a very early age. Although I didn't know it was an actual profession, I started massaging at the age of 8 as I did my best to alievinate my mother's chronic pain from fibromyalgia. I, through time gained a natrual feel for detecting prolblem areas in the muscle and I learned what pressure is appropriate. </p>
                   <p>I took my training in 2006 at the Alberta Insitute of Massage for six months to earn a certificate for a 1100 hour program. Though short, it was intensive in the anatomy and physiology portion and very hands-on in the massage classes. It was my privilege to learn from three instructors who had more than 10 years experience as massage therapists and many years teaching it.</p>
                   <p>Since my training, I have had the opporutinty to work as a massage therapist for 3 years. I have treated people from all walks of life for countless ailments and injuries. It is my pleasure to do my utmost to see to it that each paitent recieves the treament they deserve and expect.</p>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var Accordion1 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordion1");
    @charset "utf-8";
    /* CSS Document */
    body {
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
    .panelContent {
        color: #dcd2d2;
        font-size: 14px;
        font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
        margin-left: 15px;
        margin-top: 20px;
    .tabContent {
        color: #333;
        font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
        font-size: 16px;
        font-weight: 500;
        color: #000;
        padding: 15px;
    #big {
        border: none;
        top: 0px;
        margin-left: 23.5%;
        position: static;
        height: 800px;
        width: 955px;
    #table {
        width: 700px;
        height: 290px;
        /*margin-top: 1%;
        margin-left: 125px;*/
        border: none;
        position: relative;
        z-index: 2;
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryAccordion.css - version 0.4 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    /* This is the selector for the main Accordion container. For our default style,
    * we draw borders on the left, right, and bottom. The top border of the Accordion
    * will be rendered by the first AccordionPanelTab which never moves.
    * If you want to constrain the width of the Accordion widget, set a width on
    * the Accordion container. By default, our accordion expands horizontally to fill
    * up available space.
    * The name of the class ("Accordion") used in this selector is not necessary
    * to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style the
    * Accordion container.
    .Accordion {
        border-left: solid 1px gray;
        border-right: solid 1px black;
        border-bottom: solid 1px gray;
        overflow: hidden;
    /* This is the selector for the AccordionPanel container which houses the
    * panel tab and a panel content area. It doesn't render visually, but we
    * make sure that it has zero margin and padding.
    * The name of the class ("AccordionPanel") used in this selector is not necessary
    * to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style an
    * accordion panel container.
    .AccordionPanel {
        margin: 0px;
        padding: 0px;
    /* This is the selector for the AccordionPanelTab. This container houses
    * the title for the panel. This is also the container that the user clicks
    * on to open a specific panel.
    * The name of the class ("AccordionPanelTab") used in this selector is not necessary
    * to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style an
    * accordion panel tab container.
    * NOTE:
    * This rule uses -moz-user-select and -khtml-user-select properties to prevent the
    * user from selecting the text in the AccordionPanelTab. These are proprietary browser
    * properties that only work in Mozilla based browsers (like FireFox) and KHTML based
    * browsers (like Safari), so they will not pass W3C validation. If you want your documents to
    * validate, and don't care if the user can select the text within an AccordionPanelTab,
    * you can safely remove those properties without affecting the functionality of the widget.
    .AccordionPanelTab {
        background-color: #FFF;
        /*border-top: solid 1px black;*/
        border-bottom: solid 1px gray;
        margin: 0px;
        padding: 2px;
        cursor: pointer;
        -moz-user-select: none;
        -khtml-user-select: none;
        filter:alpha(opacity= 30);
        opacity: 0.3;
    /* This is the selector for a Panel's Content area. It's important to note that
    * you should never put any padding on the panel's content area if you plan to
    * use the Accordions panel animations. Placing a non-zero padding on the content
    * area can cause the accordion to abruptly grow in height while the panels animate.
    * Anyone who styles an Accordion *MUST* specify a height on the Accordion Panel
    * Content container.
    * The name of the class ("AccordionPanelContent") used in this selector is not necessary
    * to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style an
    * accordion panel content container.
    .AccordionPanelContent {
        overflow: auto;
        margin: 0px;
        padding: 0px;
        height: 200px;
    /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of the panel tab that is
    * currently open. The class "AccordionPanelOpen" is programatically added and removed
    * from panels as the user clicks on the tabs within the Accordion.
    .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTab {
        /*background-color: #cccccc;*/
    /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of the panel tab as the
    * mouse hovers over it. The class "AccordionPanelTabHover" is programatically added
    * and removed from panel tab containers as the mouse enters and exits the tab container.
    .AccordionPanelTabHover {
        color: #93C;
        filter:alpha(opacity= 50);
        opacity: 0.5;
    .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
        color: #cccccc;
        filter:alpha(opacity= 30);
        opacity: 0.3;
    /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of all the panel tabs when the
    * Accordion has focus. The "AccordionFocused" class is programatically added and removed
    * whenever the Accordion gains or loses keyboard focus.
    .AccordionFocused .AccordionPanelTab:hover {
        background-color: #FFF;
        filter:alpha(opacity= 20);
        opacity: 0.2;
    .AccorrdionPanelOpen:hover {
        filter:alpha(opacity= 90);
        opacity: 0.9;
    .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTab {
        background-color: #390;
        filter:alpha(opacity= 30);
        opacity: 0.3;

    You would make this a little easier if you posted a link to the page.
    Most of the jump seems to be some extra padding or margin between the tabs  when you rollover, but I am not able to find it.  Is there any other css that is governing this page? I did remove a couple of <p></p> set of tags you had  and it improved the jump, but it is still there.
    If the page is live, run it through the validator , fix whatever errors it finds, if you still have the jump, post a link to the page and the issue might get found.

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    When I open a Yahoo email the page jumps down to the bottom of the page. Is this a Yahoo problem, Mozilla or neither?
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == last week

    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • When trying to open Pages 4.0.1 I get a message stating "Pages cannot be opened because of a problem, check with the developer to make sure Pages works with this version of Mac OS X. You may need to reinstall the application." Using OS X 10.6.8

    When trying to open Pages 4.0.1 I get a message stating "Pages cannot be opened because of a problem, check with the developer to make sure Pages works with this version of Mac OS X. You may need to reinstall the application. Be sure to install any available updates for the application and Mac OS X."
    I've run the software update several times. Pages is located in my iWork '09 folder in Applications. Using OS X 10.6.8

    Delete and reinstall it.

  • The inline line object in the header is offset in facing pages. How can I make it align with the outer margin?

    I have a Pages document with a header that contains both text and a line (a shape, inline) below the text. When I make the document two-sided (facing pages), with a 1" inside margin and a .75" outside margin, the line offsets either left or right in each section of the document. When a section starts with a right-hand page, the line is right justified on ALL the pages in the section (1" from the left and .75" from the right), even though it should be .75" from the LEFT on the LEFT-HAND pages. When a section starts with a left-hand page, the line is left justified on ALL the pages in the section.
    Is there any way to get the header  line to align with the margins properly in facing pages?

    Hi Debra,
    Click on Inspector > Layout > Section > Configuration
    Is there a tick in 'Left and right pages are different'?
    Please post a screen shot of your headers. That will help to show what you are trying to achieve.
    To take a screen shot, hold down the shift and command keys, then type 4. The cursor will change to crosshairs. Release the shift and command keys. Drag over that part of your screen then release the mouse/trackpad. A screen shot will appear on your desktop. In a reply to a message, click on the camera icon in the Toolbar above your reply and
    Choose File > Choose > Insert Image
    You may have to try this twice. Camera icon sometimes needs a wake-up call, but works the second time.
    Remove any personal details before taking the screen shot.

  • Content on home page "jumps" upwards with Firefox

    Just updated a site, everything seems ok - apart from when
    first viewing the homepage with Firefox.
    The three images in the main content window, and the
    pre-filled hints in the tip subscription box all "jump" up the
    page. When I refresh the page (or view it with any other browsers),
    it all lines up again where it should be.
    It's at
    The page validates with - can't work out the problem.
    Is it just my browser, or is there something I'm missing here?
    Thanks for your help. Matt.

    theboyfromthefens wrote:
    > Just updated a site, everything seems ok - apart from
    when first viewing the
    > homepage with Firefox.
    > The three images in the main content window, and the
    pre-filled hints in the
    > tip subscription box all "jump" up the page. When I
    refresh the page (or view
    > it with any other browsers), it all lines up again where
    it should be.
    > It's at
    > The page validates with - can't work out the
    problem. Is it just my
    > browser, or is there something I'm missing here?
    > Thanks for your help. Matt.
    FWIW - I don't see this happening but you night want to try
    adding this
    html, body { min-height:101%; margin-bottom:1px; }
    chin chin

  • How can I make photos on web page enlarge with mouse-over?

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    There's a couple of recent topics which mention MagicZoom and JQZoom...
    A very simple method is shown here...

  • How do I add scripts in order to make the page compatible with all the browsers.

    How do I add scripts in order to make the page compatible with all the browsers.

    As Jon says, please be more specific about "don't line up right"
    I notice you are inserting some arbitrary <BR> tags which will cause very unpredictable displays with varying user viewports and text preferences.
    <P>In 2008-2009, Families Forward benefited 278 homeless Philadelphia families, <BR>
      including 834 children. Families Forward assisted 1,413 stranded travelers, including <BR>
      235 children. In the first 6 months of 2009-2010, from July 1, 2009 to <BR>
      January 1, 2010, Families Forward assisted 185 homeless families and 220 <BR>
      stranded travelers.</P>

  • Page jumps to top when click on link

    Hello everyone!!
    I remember seeing a behavior for dreamweaver 8 that stops
    page jump. I have picture links on my pages that bring up a 600pix
    X 600pix picture and when it does, the page that you are curently
    on jumps to the top. This makes it anoying because you have to
    scroll back down to where you were. Can someone tell me what tis
    behavior is or give me a link? Thanks!!!

    Chad Z wrote:
    > I would rather use a behavior because this is my first
    website and I
    > dont really know code. I have no clue where to place the
    code? and
    > would I do this on the page itself or what? Thanks!!!
    Look at your link, you should have something like:
    <a href="#" onclick="somefunction(stuff here,and here too
    may be)">Your link
    As Murray said you need to include a "return false" statement
    in there, but
    the way he wrote it may confuse you. You don't put it within
    the "href"
    value itself but with *onclick*.
    Like this:
    <a href="#" onclick="somefunction(stuff here,and here may
    false">Your link text</a>
    You may want to read the first paragraphs of this article:
    It talks about the use of "null links".
    Articles and Tutorials:
    The perfect FAQ page:
    CSS-P Templates:
    CSS Tab Menu:

  • How do I make page borders on Pages?

    Can anyone explain to me how to make page borders on the Pages program? I typed it into help, but it only told me how to make borders for paragraphs. In Word it was under "Format" Borders adn there were lots of choices of great borders there - both lines and graphics.
    I have a mutli-page document and want a nice looking border that will automatically put itself onto all the pages in the document.

    There is no command to place a border on a page. However, it is quite easy to draw a border. Set your margins and then resize the Pages document window so you can see the entire page. Under the view menu, select 'Show Layout' and 'Show Rulers'. Now insert a rectangle or rounded rectangle shape, resize and move it as you like. Open the inspector and select the Graphics tab. Select the background and line colors, etc. Under the Arrange menu, select 'Send Objects to Background' and you'll probably also want to select 'Lock'. You might also want to capture the page (Format > Advanced > Capture) if you intend to make a multi-page document.
    Yes, this is a bit more involved than Word but it isn't that big a deal. I've created a template with about 10 different border styles and I pull it out whenever I need it.

  • How do you make pages default document reader

    I have just started using pages and i cant seem to work out how to make it the default application to open up the many documents i have.
    Every time i open a document it opens in textedit, i know that you can choose in properties with which program to open it with, but i am getting really fed up of doing this.
    is there any way to make pages the default instead of textedit program.
    p.s I used to use MS office but i cant be bothered to reinstall it and most of my docs are .doc (office format)

    You can set .doc files to open in Pages, and it’s surprisingly easy: just go to the Finder, single-click on any .doc file, then type command-I (Get Info). Click on the Open With... menu and select Pages (or navigate to Pages if it’'s not in the menu). To make all .doc files open in Pages, click on the Change All button.
    You can do the same thing with other types of files, like RTF or plain text.

  • Anyone here make a living with Photoshop?

    Does anyone here make a living with PS (or close to it)? I don't really mean in combination with anything else (like a graphics arts degree, or "I use it along with these six other programs I'm an expert in, too").
    From what I'm gathering, relying solely on PS for income would leave one starving, and I understand that an employer - if one isn't a freelancer - would want an employee to have multiple areas of expertise.

    I'm 53 now so that made me 38 when I started using Ps. Not that far off from where you are today. All I can say is that it happened very gradually for me, first just playing around then trying to emulate what prepress houses were doing for my clients at the time on images I had shot, to finally doing small jobs myself, usually learning just enough at one time to figure out how to get that one project done.
    Then after reading the early Real World books and later the Professional Photoshop series, I began to get a grasp of what it took to start to take on the responsibility of taking on projects where my contribution was a small part of a much larger budget - annual reports that cost a quarter million to print, large campaigns for public utilities that had billboards, busboards and ads all across L.A. I had to step up my game and not just be "as good" as those prepress and retouching houses that my clients used to use, I had to be significantly better. This involved not only being able to do anything they through at me but also saying yes when when they told me I could say no. It also involved learning as much as possible about digital color, digital color management and how to make digital images reproduce their best wherever and however the clients wanted to print. And that led to investment in hardware and software - tens or thousands of dollars in spectrophotometers and color management software that gave me a competitive advantage over my competition and tools that even though many print shops owned, very few knew how to use. It's that constant pushing forward and drive to improve your skills that keeps you interested in a very fascinating place in history.
    There's room for anyone good, and even if you're just starting out, and somehow consider yourself mid-career, that's no reason to give up. Before you know it, you'll be able to offer services that others aren't willing to do for themselves and if you don't try to take on too much at once, you'll look back in a couple of years and ask yourself why you were so worried at the time.
    There is so much more good information and better, less expensive tools readily available that it's easier today that ever before. Hell, I can remember participating in a Monday night live AOL chat where Chris Cox, the Adobe engineer was the guest and asking him when they were going to start supporting ColorSync and ColorSync profiles, to which he replied something on the order that that was not a very good direction to go in. My how things have changed.
    I just finished what it probably one of the most difficult Ps jobs I've done to date - the 2010 Manhattan Wine Auction Poster - for Manhattan Beach, Ca. not Manhattan, NY. It really pushed the limits of my own capabilities, both in the actual shooting and certainly in the digital post production. Here's a link to their website which has the poster on the first page.
    This was every bit as hard as it looks but most importantly, involved another helicopter ride, taking the doors off a Robinson 44 and hanging out over the ocean. There were three bottles of wine involved in what you see here - a bottle of two buck chuck from Trader Joe's that I drilled a 1/4 inch vent hole in to facilitate a smoother pour, an opened $400 bottle of wine for the open neck and a full bottle so it wouldn't be too transparent - all blended together to form one perfect union. The splash was from a rubber ball dropped on a fishing line into a washtub full of wine colored Kool-Aid and then the concentric ripples from a can of Dust-Off compressed air shot into the same washtube, all photographed with the Canon 1DsMKIII and a 90mm Tilt-Shift lens with a Broncolor strobe that had a 1/7500th of a second flash duration to stop the action. I populated the pier with people from alternate aerial shots and finally used surfing shots from Body Glove for the three surfers at the bottom. The final file was prepped for printing at Lithocraft in Anaheim using a custom profile I made for their press and the printed piece looked as close to what I saw I my screen as anything else I have taken to press.

  • How to make text columns with adobe muse

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    Multiple columns can be acheived with CSS -
    -moz-column-count:3; /* Firefox */
    -webkit-column-count:3; /* Safari and Chrome */
    I'm surprised that Muse does not support text columns yet, but perhaps the custom CSS can be added in style tags on page properties. Haven't tried it, but don't see why it wouldn't work.

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    Hi sato gato,
    The page linked below serves as a good starting point for creating slideshows in iPhoto.
    iPhoto Help - Make a slideshow

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    Hi, I wasn't sure whether to start a new post or add to the existing post, but I am also getting the VCN 126 (followed by the VCN 134) error message, and need the help of a Mod, please. (NB We've had this issue before when we we changed are account a

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    Having trouble syncing books in my itunes to my iphone. I must be missing a step. Can someone help me? Thanks.

  • Archiving movies

    I was told by an Apple tech guy that movies that I have burned in iDVD for use on a TV cannot be further edited on my computer. In order to do that, I would need to choose the archive feature. I have been unable to find this option on either iMOVIE 3