Acquire sound for more than 7 seconds

I want to  acquire a sound with labview 8.0. I use Acquire Sound  in the Graphic & Sound palette. When I acquire for 10 seconds or less alll works but when I try  to  acquire sounds for 10 seconds or more my output wav file is only 7 seconds.  Sorry for my English but I'm Italian. I attach my vi...if someone can help me...Thanks!!!
Attachments: ‏64 KB

I tried to perfom a finite sound acquisiton (with 'Duration' fixed) but I verified your same problem. I think that this is an unexpected behaviour of the new express VI 'Acquire'. Instead of a finite acquisition why don't you try to do a continous sound acquisition? Take a look to the example 'Continuous Sound' present in the Example finder library.
I hope it helps,

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    Last edited by Kotrfa (2014-06-16 11:41:42)

    Ir means just what it says. kworker (a kernel worker thread - … kqueue.txt) blocked for more than 120 seconds. This likely happened during one of pacman's big calculation jobs, and is also likely completely safe to ignore.
    Last edited by samiam (2014-06-16 10:20:13)

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    UnsolvedCypher wrote:What's your desktop environment?
    Boots into GDM, select my session (i3), and log in that way.  only WM I'm having trouble with this way is i3.
    kaszak696 wrote:Can you see how xev (xorg-xev package) reacts to keypresses? Also, posting relevant configs and logs would be helpful.
    I think i had a similar issue years ago, but i can't remember the details, sorry.
    I haven't checked. I'll check next time it happens.  It happens about once per day.  I'll report back next time.
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    # This file has been auto-generated by i3-config-wizard(1).
    # It will not be overwritten, so edit it as you like.
    # Should you change your keyboard layout somewhen, delete
    # this file and re-run i3-config-wizard(1).
    # i3 config file (v4)
    # Please see for a complete reference!
    set $mod Mod4
    # Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
    # is used in the bar {} block below. ISO 10646 = Unicode
    font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
    # The font above is very space-efficient, that is, it looks good, sharp and
    # clear in small sizes. However, if you need a lot of unicode glyphs or
    # right-to-left text rendering, you should instead use pango for rendering and
    # chose a FreeType font, such as:
    # font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 10
    # Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position
    floating_modifier $mod
    # start a terminal
    bindsym $mod+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal
    bindsym Control+$mod exec i3-sensible-termi
    # kill focused window
    bindsym $mod+Shift+c kill
    # start dmenu (a program launcher)
    bindsym $mod+p exec dmenu_run
    # There also is the (new) i3-dmenu-desktop which only displays applications
    # shipping a .desktop file. It is a wrapper around dmenu, so you need that
    # installed.
    # bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop
    # app launcher
    bindsym $mod+Control+g exec gimp
    # multimedia keys
    bindsym XF86AudioMute exec amixer set Master toggle
    bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer set Master 2%+
    bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer set Master 2%-
    # change focus
    bindsym $mod+j focus left
    bindsym $mod+k focus down
    bindsym $mod+l focus up
    bindsym $mod+semicolon focus right
    # resizing alternative
    bindsym $mod+Control+Left resize shrink width 5 px or 5 ppt
    bindsym $mod+Control+Down resize grow height 5 px or 5 ppt
    bindsym $mod+Control+Up resize shrink height 5 px or 5 ppt
    bindsym $mod+Control+Right resize grow width 5 px or 5 ppt
    # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
    bindsym $mod+Left focus left
    bindsym $mod+Down focus down
    bindsym $mod+Up focus up
    bindsym $mod+Right focus right
    # move focused window
    bindsym $mod+Shift+j move left
    bindsym $mod+Shift+k move down
    bindsym $mod+Shift+l move up
    bindsym $mod+Shift+semicolon move right
    # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
    bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left
    bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down
    bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up
    bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right
    # split in horizontal orientation
    bindsym $mod+h split h
    # split in vertical orientation
    bindsym $mod+v split v
    # enter fullscreen mode for the focused container
    bindsym $mod+f fullscreen
    # change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split)
    bindsym $mod+s layout stacking
    bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed
    bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split
    # toggle tiling / floating
    bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
    # change focus between tiling / floating windows
    bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle
    # focus the parent container
    bindsym $mod+a focus parent
    # focus the child container
    #bindsym $mod+d focus child
    # switch to workspace
    bindsym $mod+1 workspace 1
    bindsym $mod+2 workspace 2
    bindsym $mod+3 workspace 3
    bindsym $mod+4 workspace 4
    bindsym $mod+5 workspace 5
    bindsym $mod+6 workspace 6
    bindsym $mod+7 workspace 7
    bindsym $mod+8 workspace 8
    bindsym $mod+9 workspace 9
    bindsym $mod+0 workspace 10
    # move focused container to workspace
    bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1
    bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2
    bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace 3
    bindsym $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace 4
    bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace 5
    bindsym $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace 6
    bindsym $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace 7
    bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace 8
    bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9
    bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace 10
    # reload the configuration file
    bindsym $mod+Shift+q reload
    # restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3)
    bindsym $mod+Shift+r restart
    # exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
    bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"
    # resize window (you can also use the mouse for that)
    mode "resize" {
    # These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode
    # Pressing left will shrink the window’s width.
    # Pressing right will grow the window’s width.
    # Pressing up will shrink the window’s height.
    # Pressing down will grow the window’s height.
    bindsym j resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
    bindsym k resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
    bindsym l resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
    bindsym semicolon resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
    # same bindings, but for the arrow keys
    bindsym Left resize shrink width 5 px or 5 ppt
    bindsym Down resize grow height 5 px or 5 ppt
    bindsym Up resize shrink height 5 px or 5 ppt
    bindsym Right resize grow width 5 px or 5 ppt
    # back to normal: Enter or Escape
    bindsym Return mode "default"
    bindsym Escape mode "default"
    bindsym $mod+r mode "resize"
    # Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
    # finds out, if available)
    bar {
    status_command i3status

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    Here is the dmesg showing the oops and the backtrace:
    [ 72.778340] BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at ffffec2003fffe00
    [ 72.778368] IP: [<ffffffff811ac636>] kfree+0x56/0x1a0
    [ 72.778389] PGD 0
    [ 72.778397] Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP
    [ 72.778413] Modules linked in: cfg80211 it87 hwmon_vid xpad ff_memless fuse mousedev joydev eeepc_wmi asus_wmi sparse_keymap led_class rfkill video evdev mxm_wmi mac_hid kvm_amd kvm crct10dif_pclmul crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel ghash_clmulni_intel aesni_intel aes_x86_64 lrw gf128mul glue_helper ablk_helper cryptd psmouse serio_raw radeon r8169 snd_hda_codec_realtek edac_core fam15h_power mii k10temp snd_hda_codec_generic edac_mce_amd sp5100_tco ttm snd_hda_codec_hdmi drm_kms_helper i2c_piix4 snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller drm snd_hda_codec snd_hwdep snd_pcm hwmon i2c_algo_bit snd_timer i2c_core snd soundcore tpm_infineon tpm_tis tpm wmi shpchp button processor sch_fq_codel vboxnetflt(O) vboxnetadp(O) vboxdrv(O) ext4 crc16 mbcache jbd2 hid_generic usbhid hid sd_mod crc_t10dif crct10dif_common sr_mod
    [ 72.778702] cdrom atkbd libps2 ohci_pci ohci_hcd ehci_pci ahci sata_sil libahci xhci_hcd ehci_hcd libata usbcore usb_common scsi_mod i8042 serio zfs(PO) zunicode(PO) zavl(PO) zcommon(PO) znvpair(PO) spl(O)
    [ 72.779931] CPU: 7 PID: 1534 Comm: Xorg.bin Tainted: P O 3.17.4-1-ARCH #1
    [ 72.781110] Hardware name: To be filled by O.E.M. To be filled by O.E.M./SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0, BIOS 1503 01/11/2013
    [ 72.782332] task: ffff880808b264a0 ti: ffff8807fcd30000 task.ti: ffff8807fcd30000
    [ 72.783574] RIP: 0010:[<ffffffff811ac636>] [<ffffffff811ac636>] kfree+0x56/0x1a0
    [ 72.784796] RSP: 0018:ffff8807fcd33a30 EFLAGS: 00010286
    [ 72.786010] RAX: 0000022003fffe00 RBX: 00001000ffff8807 RCX: 0000000000010005
    [ 72.787227] RDX: 000077ff80000000 RSI: 0000000000000007 RDI: 00001000ffff8807
    [ 72.788446] RBP: ffff8807fcd33a48 R08: 0000000000000007 R09: ffffec2003fffe00
    [ 72.789714] R10: 0000000000000017 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff88080887a400
    [ 72.790978] R13: ffffffffa0678f8c R14: 00000000000108f0 R15: 0000000000001800
    [ 72.792211] FS: 00007f0dd095e8c0(0000) GS:ffff88083edc0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
    [ 72.793455] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
    [ 72.794680] CR2: ffffec2003fffe00 CR3: 00000000b7c0c000 CR4: 00000000000407e0
    [ 72.795924] Stack:
    [ 72.797140] ffff880811db0000 ffff88080887a400 ffff880811db0000 ffff8807fcd33b30
    [ 72.798358] ffffffffa0678f8c 000000000000004c 000108480001092c ffff880700000008
    [ 72.799584] 0000ffff00010844 000000000001092c 0000000000010848 0000000000010844
    [ 72.800809] Call Trace:
    [ 72.802053] [<ffffffffa0678f8c>] evergreen_hdmi_setmode+0xd8c/0x1970 [radeon]
    [ 72.803320] [<ffffffffa052b8d4>] ? drm_detect_hdmi_monitor+0x74/0xc0 [drm]
    [ 72.804555] [<ffffffffa0681488>] radeon_atom_encoder_mode_set+0x178/0x3c0 [radeon]
    [ 72.805789] [<ffffffffa0563986>] drm_crtc_helper_set_mode+0x356/0x530 [drm_kms_helper]
    [ 72.807017] [<ffffffffa061b97c>] radeon_property_change_mode.isra.1+0x3c/0x40 [radeon]
    [ 72.808240] [<ffffffffa061bb2e>] radeon_connector_set_property+0x1ae/0x3f0 [radeon]
    [ 72.809490] [<ffffffffa05284e2>] drm_mode_obj_set_property_ioctl+0x1b2/0x3a0 [drm]
    [ 72.810736] [<ffffffffa052870f>] drm_mode_connector_property_set_ioctl+0x3f/0x60 [drm]
    [ 72.811961] [<ffffffffa0518fef>] drm_ioctl+0x1df/0x680 [drm]
    [ 72.813175] [<ffffffff8105e9ac>] ? __do_page_fault+0x2ec/0x600
    [ 72.814402] [<ffffffffa05f404c>] radeon_drm_ioctl+0x4c/0x80 [radeon]
    [ 72.815649] [<ffffffff811da5f0>] do_vfs_ioctl+0x2d0/0x4b0
    [ 72.816899] [<ffffffff811ca161>] ? __sb_end_write+0x31/0x60
    [ 72.818124] [<ffffffff811da851>] SyS_ioctl+0x81/0xa0
    [ 72.819332] [<ffffffff8153db29>] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b
    [ 72.820528] Code: 00 00 00 80 ff 77 00 00 49 b9 00 00 00 00 00 ea ff ff 48 01 d8 48 0f 42 15 e8 b9 66 00 48 01 d0 48 c1 e8 0c 48 c1 e0 06 49 01 c1 <49> 8b 01 f6 c4 80 0f 85 0e 01 00 00 49 8b 01 a8 80 0f 84 83 00
    [ 72.823135] RIP [<ffffffff811ac636>] kfree+0x56/0x1a0
    [ 72.824394] RSP <ffff8807fcd33a30>
    [ 72.825653] CR2: ffffec2003fffe00
    [ 240.461007] INFO: task Xorg.bin:1534 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
    [ 240.462414] Tainted: P O 3.17.4-1-ARCH #1
    [ 240.463701] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
    [ 240.465017] Xorg.bin D 0000000000000007 0 1534 1533 0x00000000
    [ 240.466325] ffff8807fcd333b0 0000000000000082 ffff880808b264a0 00000000000145c0
    [ 240.467623] ffff8807fcd33fd8 00000000000145c0 ffff880812e73250 ffff880808b264a0
    [ 240.468886] 0000000000000080 0000000000000140 0000000000001e00 000000000000000a
    [ 240.470155] Call Trace:
    [ 240.471435] [<ffffffff813113db>] ? bit_putcs+0x30b/0x590
    [ 240.472702] [<ffffffff81539519>] schedule+0x29/0x70
    [ 240.473964] [<ffffffff81539986>] schedule_preempt_disabled+0x16/0x20
    [ 240.475239] [<ffffffff8153b445>] __mutex_lock_slowpath+0xe5/0x250
    [ 240.476495] [<ffffffff8153b5c7>] mutex_lock+0x17/0x30
    [ 240.477770] [<ffffffffa0522f32>] drm_modeset_lock_all+0x42/0xd0 [drm]
    [ 240.479016] [<ffffffffa056d07f>] drm_fb_helper_pan_display+0x2f/0xf0 [drm_kms_helper]
    [ 240.480257] [<ffffffff8131683a>] fb_pan_display+0x9a/0x160
    [ 240.481508] [<ffffffff81310950>] bit_update_start+0x20/0x50
    [ 240.482732] [<ffffffff8130e15e>] fbcon_switch+0x3ae/0x5e0
    [ 240.483936] [<ffffffff81385899>] redraw_screen+0x1a9/0x250
    [ 240.485175] [<ffffffff8130d54a>] fbcon_blank+0x23a/0x340
    [ 240.486375] [<ffffffff8113e74f>] ? irq_work_queue+0xf/0xa0
    [ 240.487587] [<ffffffff810c476c>] ? wake_up_klogd+0x3c/0x60
    [ 240.488771] [<ffffffff810c4a12>] ? console_unlock+0x282/0x460
    [ 240.489894] [<ffffffff810d5d33>] ? internal_add_timer+0x63/0x80
    [ 240.490988] [<ffffffff810d6c54>] ? mod_timer+0x114/0x250
    [ 240.492058] [<ffffffff813863ba>] do_unblank_screen+0xaa/0x1d0
    [ 240.493075] [<ffffffff813864f0>] unblank_screen+0x10/0x20
    [ 240.494053] [<ffffffff812b7019>] bust_spinlocks+0x19/0x40
    [ 240.495011] [<ffffffff810186b4>] oops_end+0x34/0xe0
    [ 240.495982] [<ffffffff8105df4c>] no_context+0x17c/0x3c0
    [ 240.496934] [<ffffffff8105e2bd>] __bad_area_nosemaphore+0x12d/0x250
    [ 240.497886] [<ffffffff8105e3f3>] bad_area_nosemaphore+0x13/0x20
    [ 240.498842] [<ffffffff8105ea04>] __do_page_fault+0x344/0x600
    [ 240.499769] [<ffffffffa060fb4b>] ? atom_execute_table_locked+0x12b/0x3f0 [radeon]
    [ 240.500709] [<ffffffffa060e7c0>] ? atom_put_dst+0x480/0x560 [radeon]
    [ 240.501673] [<ffffffffa060dabb>] ? atom_op_test+0x9b/0x1b0 [radeon]
    [ 240.502640] [<ffffffffa0678f8c>] ? evergreen_hdmi_setmode+0xd8c/0x1970 [radeon]
    [ 240.503558] [<ffffffff8105ece2>] do_page_fault+0x22/0x30
    [ 240.504494] [<ffffffff8153f9f8>] page_fault+0x28/0x30
    [ 240.505441] [<ffffffffa0678f8c>] ? evergreen_hdmi_setmode+0xd8c/0x1970 [radeon]
    [ 240.506373] [<ffffffff811ac636>] ? kfree+0x56/0x1a0
    [ 240.507266] [<ffffffffa0678f8c>] evergreen_hdmi_setmode+0xd8c/0x1970 [radeon]
    [ 240.508204] [<ffffffffa052b8d4>] ? drm_detect_hdmi_monitor+0x74/0xc0 [drm]
    [ 240.509155] [<ffffffffa0681488>] radeon_atom_encoder_mode_set+0x178/0x3c0 [radeon]
    [ 240.510085] [<ffffffffa0563986>] drm_crtc_helper_set_mode+0x356/0x530 [drm_kms_helper]
    [ 240.511021] [<ffffffffa061b97c>] radeon_property_change_mode.isra.1+0x3c/0x40 [radeon]
    [ 240.511944] [<ffffffffa061bb2e>] radeon_connector_set_property+0x1ae/0x3f0 [radeon]
    [ 240.512875] [<ffffffffa05284e2>] drm_mode_obj_set_property_ioctl+0x1b2/0x3a0 [drm]
    [ 240.513791] [<ffffffffa052870f>] drm_mode_connector_property_set_ioctl+0x3f/0x60 [drm]
    [ 240.514728] [<ffffffffa0518fef>] drm_ioctl+0x1df/0x680 [drm]
    [ 240.515632] [<ffffffff8105e9ac>] ? __do_page_fault+0x2ec/0x600
    [ 240.516555] [<ffffffffa05f404c>] radeon_drm_ioctl+0x4c/0x80 [radeon]
    [ 240.517455] [<ffffffff811da5f0>] do_vfs_ioctl+0x2d0/0x4b0
    [ 240.518369] [<ffffffff811ca161>] ? __sb_end_write+0x31/0x60
    [ 240.519267] [<ffffffff811da851>] SyS_ioctl+0x81/0xa0
    [ 240.520176] [<ffffffff8153db29>] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b
    [ 360.455851] INFO: task Xorg.bin:1534 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
    [ 360.456839] Tainted: P O 3.17.4-1-ARCH #1
    [ 360.457713] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
    [ 360.458629] Xorg.bin D 0000000000000007 0 1534 1533 0x00000000
    [ 360.459548] ffff8807fcd333b0 0000000000000082 ffff880808b264a0 00000000000145c0
    [ 360.460442] ffff8807fcd33fd8 00000000000145c0 ffff880812e73250 ffff880808b264a0
    [ 360.461294] 0000000000000080 0000000000000140 0000000000001e00 000000000000000a
    [ 360.462160] Call Trace:
    [ 360.463040] [<ffffffff813113db>] ? bit_putcs+0x30b/0x590
    [ 360.463880] [<ffffffff81539519>] schedule+0x29/0x70
    I do not see any errors in my Xorg.0.log file, but I've posted it here
    Last edited by smpolymen (2014-12-06 04:04:55)

    Ok, so I tried unplugging my HDMI monitor and that seems to prevent the hang. When I plug the monitor back in and try to have it detect, it hangs again. I tried connecting via DVI (desktop)-HDMI (monitor) cable instead and have the same issue. I wonder if my monitor is causing the issue (it is pretty flaky, taking several tries to turn it on,) although I find it odd that a bad monitor would cause the driver to hang. Maybe the monitor is not sending the right data to the driver to set the mode. I'll try to find another monitor and see if that resolves the issue.

  • Hang on copy: "btrfs-transacti:282 blocked for more than 120 seconds."

    Lately (at least after upgrading to linux 3.15), when I try to copy lots of files between btrfs partitions, I'm getting these "IO hangs" (not sure what to call it) where I can use the system fine as long as I don't try to read/write from my btrfs /home. So I can log in as root and look around, but as soon as I try and ls some random dir within my btrfs /home, it blocks and I have to log in from a different tty to use the system.
    A "sudo journalctl -b-1 |grep -i btrfs" will show stuff like
    juli 17 14:25:54 arch kernel: [<ffffffffa049fadf>] wait_current_trans.isra.18+0xcf/0x120 [btrfs]
    juli 17 14:25:54 arch kernel: [<ffffffffa04a12d8>] start_transaction+0x3a8/0x5c0 [btrfs]
    juli 17 14:25:54 arch kernel: [<ffffffffa04a1547>] btrfs_join_transaction+0x17/0x20 [btrfs]
    juli 17 14:25:54 arch kernel: [<ffffffffa04a6dd3>] btrfs_dirty_inode+0x43/0xf0 [btrfs]
    juli 17 14:25:54 arch kernel: [<ffffffffa04a6eff>] btrfs_update_time+0x7f/0xc0 [btrfs]
    juli 17 14:35:54 arch kernel: INFO: task btrfs-transacti:282 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
    juli 17 14:35:54 arch kernel: btrfs-transacti D 0000000000000000 0 282 2 0x00000000
    juli 17 14:35:54 arch kernel: [<ffffffffa04b0df6>] btrfs_wait_and_free_delalloc_work+0x16/0x30 [btrfs]
    juli 17 14:35:54 arch kernel: [<ffffffffa04bb128>] btrfs_run_ordered_operations+0x1f8/0x2e0 [btrfs]
    juli 17 14:35:54 arch kernel: [<ffffffffa04a0546>] btrfs_commit_transaction+0x36/0xa20 [btrfs]
    juli 17 14:35:54 arch kernel: [<ffffffffa049c475>] transaction_kthread+0x1e5/0x250 [btrfs]
    juli 17 14:35:54 arch kernel: [<ffffffffa049c290>] ? btrfs_cleanup_transaction+0x5a0/0x5a0 [btrfs]
    juli 17 14:35:54 arch kernel: Workqueue: btrfs-flush_delalloc normal_work_helper [btrfs]
    (see full paste at
    There seems to be others with similar issues: … 33795.html
    but no solution from what I can tell.
    It may be that it would unhang itself if I waited a really long while, but haven't had the patience to wait and see yet. I do run nightly backups between the btrfs partitions and the computer seems fine each morning though …
    Anyone know what to do about this?
    Last edited by unhammer (2014-07-17 13:49:55)

    Same thing for me when running rsync... It also corrupted my filesystem. So I restored from a backup and I'm using XFS@LVM@dm-crypt for the time being.

  • Info task systemd-shutdow:1 blocked for more than 120 seconds

    On halting the system I receive these lines over and over (shutdown -r, or using GUI):
    >info task systemd-shutdow:1 blocked for more than 120 seconds
    >echo > 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung-task-timeout-secs
    Here is the contents of journalctl for the last few days:
    Here is the output of dmesg:
    I will give you any other output you need.  I am not sure what other logs would show more information concerning the shutdown process.  If you would like a list of my systemd scripts, that is fine as well.
    Thank you in advance.
    Last edited by degmic71 (2013-10-08 22:40:03)

    Thanks for the replies!
    @Rexilion: To be honest I can't remember, I daily update the system.
    I didn't notice the warnings in dmesg, only till now.
    @anatolik: Yesterday I tried a few things:
    - Installed Linux-ck (ck-bobcat)
    - Removed some btrfs mount flags, now only: noatime,compress=zlib
    It seems indeed to be btrfs related, because I don't have the issues (anymore) at the moment.
    I cannot find the link at the moment, but I found a post on the Arch bug reports that it may be an issue when using compress=lzo instead of compress=zlib.
    So at the moment no problems, but going to try out if I can reproduce the problem.
    Thanks and keep you guys posted!
    PS. Should I report this bug?
    Last edited by beta990 (2014-08-09 20:06:38)

  • Blocked for more than 120 seconds

    after a fresh installation of Archlinux on a new SSD (dont know if this is related) on my old computer (no other hardware change) I am getting quite often a problem with firefox and other applications with following error:
    [ 4921.272887] INFO: task firefox-bin:1371 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
    [ 4921.272891] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
    [ 4921.272896] firefox-bin D f2f85f2c 0 1371 1186 0x00000000
    [ 4921.272903] f2f85f3c 00200086 00000002 f2f85f2c 00000000 00000031 802c6004 00000000
    [ 4921.272913] 00000000 00000001 c103d509 f2ee1ea0 f54032b8 f5403360 c1465e40 c1527480
    [ 4921.272923] f2f85edc c1527480 f5406480 f2ee1ea0 c1463fe0 2af9d067 802f4000 55315437
    [ 4921.272933] Call Trace:
    [ 4921.272945] [<c103d509>] ? scheduler_tick+0xa9/0x220
    [ 4921.272953] [<c10ebf3d>] ? handle_mm_fault+0xfd/0x210
    [ 4921.272959] [<c10289f0>] ? vmalloc_sync_all+0x120/0x120
    [ 4921.272965] [<c134a0d5>] rwsem_down_failed_common+0x95/0xe0
    [ 4921.272970] [<c134a132>] rwsem_down_write_failed+0x12/0x20
    [ 4921.272975] [<c134a19a>] call_rwsem_down_write_failed+0x6/0x8
    [ 4921.272981] [<c13499ea>] ? down_write+0x1a/0x1c
    [ 4921.272986] [<c10f02a8>] sys_mmap_pgoff+0xd8/0x1c0
    [ 4921.272991] [<c134b31f>] sysenter_do_call+0x12/0x28
    [ 4921.272996] [<c1340000>] ? cpu_callback+0x3a/0x289
    [ 5041.272875] INFO: task firefox-bin:1371 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
    [ 5041.272880] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
    [ 5041.272884] firefox-bin D f2f85f2c 0 1371 1186 0x00000000
    [ 5041.272891] f2f85f3c 00200086 00000002 f2f85f2c 00000000 00000031 802c6004 00000000
    [ 5041.272902] 00000000 00000001 c103d509 f2ee1ea0 f54032b8 f5403360 c1465e40 c1527480
    [ 5041.272911] f2f85edc c1527480 f5406480 f2ee1ea0 c1463fe0 2af9d067 802f4000 55315437
    [ 5041.272921] Call Trace:
    [ 5041.272934] [<c103d509>] ? scheduler_tick+0xa9/0x220
    [ 5041.272941] [<c10ebf3d>] ? handle_mm_fault+0xfd/0x210
    [ 5041.272947] [<c10289f0>] ? vmalloc_sync_all+0x120/0x120
    [ 5041.272953] [<c134a0d5>] rwsem_down_failed_common+0x95/0xe0
    [ 5041.272958] [<c134a132>] rwsem_down_write_failed+0x12/0x20
    [ 5041.272963] [<c134a19a>] call_rwsem_down_write_failed+0x6/0x8
    [ 5041.272969] [<c13499ea>] ? down_write+0x1a/0x1c
    [ 5041.272974] [<c10f02a8>] sys_mmap_pgoff+0xd8/0x1c0
    [ 5041.272979] [<c134b31f>] sysenter_do_call+0x12/0x28
    [ 5041.272985] [<c1340000>] ? cpu_callback+0x3a/0x289
    [ 5161.272869] INFO: task firefox-bin:1371 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
    [ 5161.272873] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
    [ 5161.272877] firefox-bin D f2f85f2c 0 1371 1186 0x00000000
    [ 5161.272885] f2f85f3c 00200086 00000002 f2f85f2c 00000000 00000031 802c6004 00000000
    [ 5161.272895] 00000000 00000001 c103d509 f2ee1ea0 f54032b8 f5403360 c1465e40 c1527480
    [ 5161.272904] f2f85edc c1527480 f5406480 f2ee1ea0 c1463fe0 2af9d067 802f4000 55315437
    [ 5161.272914] Call Trace:
    [ 5161.272927] [<c103d509>] ? scheduler_tick+0xa9/0x220
    [ 5161.272934] [<c10ebf3d>] ? handle_mm_fault+0xfd/0x210
    [ 5161.272940] [<c10289f0>] ? vmalloc_sync_all+0x120/0x120
    [ 5161.272946] [<c134a0d5>] rwsem_down_failed_common+0x95/0xe0
    [ 5161.272951] [<c134a132>] rwsem_down_write_failed+0x12/0x20
    [ 5161.272956] [<c134a19a>] call_rwsem_down_write_failed+0x6/0x8
    [ 5161.272962] [<c13499ea>] ? down_write+0x1a/0x1c
    [ 5161.272967] [<c10f02a8>] sys_mmap_pgoff+0xd8/0x1c0
    [ 5161.272973] [<c134b31f>] sysenter_do_call+0x12/0x28
    [ 5161.272978] [<c1340000>] ? cpu_callback+0x3a/0x289
    [ 5161.272995] INFO: task pkill:2886 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
    [ 5161.272998] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
    [ 5161.273001] pkill D c2201e50 0 2886 1 0x00000004
    [ 5161.273007] c2201e60 00200086 00000002 c2201e50 f3e39c00 c2201de0 c220e208 f32b9918
    [ 5161.273016] 00000000 c1409b29 00000000 00000000 00000000 f32b9918 c220e208 c1527480
    [ 5161.273025] c2201e14 c1527480 f5506480 f4060d20 f4063020 c220e200 00000001 000a00d0
    [ 5161.273035] Call Trace:
    [ 5161.273042] [<c112eb7a>] ? mntput_no_expire+0x2a/0xd0
    [ 5161.273047] [<c134a0d5>] rwsem_down_failed_common+0x95/0xe0
    [ 5161.273052] [<c134a152>] rwsem_down_read_failed+0x12/0x14
    [ 5161.273056] [<c134a18f>] call_rwsem_down_read_failed+0x7/0xc
    [ 5161.273062] [<c13499c2>] ? down_read+0x12/0x20
    [ 5161.273066] [<c10ec568>] __access_remote_vm+0x28/0x170
    [ 5161.273072] [<c104366e>] ? get_task_mm+0x3e/0x60
    [ 5161.273076] [<c10ec8fb>] access_process_vm+0x4b/0x70
    [ 5161.273083] [<c115d855>] proc_pid_cmdline+0x75/0xf0
    [ 5161.273088] [<c115df27>] proc_info_read+0x77/0xc0
    [ 5161.273093] [<c1114a98>] vfs_read+0x88/0x160
    [ 5161.273098] [<c115deb0>] ? proc_loginuid_read+0xc0/0xc0
    [ 5161.273102] [<c1114bad>] sys_read+0x3d/0x70
    [ 5161.273107] [<c134b31f>] sysenter_do_call+0x12/0x28
    as you can see its even sometimes not possible to kill the process. I didnt used the normal kernel and didnt tried it with another yet.
    Linux pc 2.6.39-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jul 9 15:31:04 CEST 2011 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
    Somebody knows the problem?
    Thanks! && best regards bert2002

    fukawi2 wrote:
    I used to get this on several CentOS boxes, but I never got a solution...
    Are you able to strace the process before it happens?
    Not yet, but to get one it should be no problem since it occurs quite often. I will keep you updated when I got a strace.

  • My iPad does not restart, I have kept the button for more than 10 seconds and will not turn off.  Please if anyone has any idea that I do, let me know. thanks

    My iPad does not restart, I have kept the button for more than 10 seconds and will not turn off.
    Please if anyone has any idea that I do, let me know.

    Reset iPad
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    Note: You have to hold 2 buttons down together.

  • Zen Nano Plus wont play for more than 5 seconds at a ti

    I recently bought a new Creative Zen Nano Plus and thought I was getting a good reliable product. It synced in WMP like it should but when I unplugged it from my computer and tried to listen to the songs it will boot up and start playing a song but then shut off 3 seconds later. I formatted it and updated the firmware and drivers on the player and my computer but it still wont play for more than a few seconds at a time. I tried changing the battery and leaving it plugged in but neither of the above worked. I would appreciate some help. Thanks.

    Same issue with me - only mine won't even power on now...
    I am waiting on reply from customer support...

  • Can a QuickTime movie play for more than 60 seconds per page

    Can a Quicktime movie be set to play for more than 1 minute per page in Keynote. I have clips that run up to 3 minutes. For now I have pulled the clip into 3 different pages and set the times to match but I get a 10 second delay between the pages that is very distracting.

    Yes I am trying to set up an automatic transition after the movie has played. I have still photos between the movies. I want the entire presentation to be self running. I did use the special builds in and out and have the action set at none. The movie clip will not run more than 60 seconds?

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    Experts:- CAN u plz explanation  .........."Creation and Maintenance of Account Group for Profit Center Reporting"; AND CUSTOMIZATION FOR THIS ONE