Acrobat DC API.

is Acrobat DC API exist ?
Can I use Acrobat DC in my web application in order to programatically insert form field in an output pdf file ?

If you read the current release notes f
you see the Premium version has an API and offers Account Sharing and Users and Groups.  The release notes do not say you need premium but I you can see the UI screenshots are for a premium user.
I would be interested in having the ability to tell my PDF signature field, that when I am signed, place this document in this Sharepoint folder.  The folder would then have it's own notifications and work as a work que for some person or group.
Same idea for Alfresco, or CRM systems.
Is there a premium DC account or do you need to get an enterprise offering of some kind?

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    Lead Crime Analyst
    Onondaga Crime Analysis Center
    Syracuse, NY

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    Project Leader
    iFlair Web Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 
    US: +1-312-235-2876 UK: +44-020-7193-4712

    Hello buddy, &folder-id=827379162&depth=1
    you need to change yourdomain & 827379162(folder id).
    Hope this will help you in further process
    Good luck
    Gaurang Jadav

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    Command-line: Not possible.
    JavaScript: Possible, but very limited. Basically the only thing you can do is simulate clicking the Compare Documents button. The rest has to be done manually.
    However, it *might* be possible to automate this process a bit more using a plugin. Ask over at the Acrobat SDK forum for more information...

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    Any help with this would be appreciated.
    Thank you!

    You can find tutorials and articles at the following sites:
    The Acrobat JV API Reference is part of the Acrobat SDK.

  • 200" viewing limitation in Acrobat/Reader?

    Hi all,
    I have a diagram which is 220" inches wide.
    When I open this document in Acrobat/Reader 9.0, it appears blank on the screen. However, when I go to the "View -> Grid" menu option, I am able to see the drawing (even after I turn the "Grid" option back off. (uncheck it)
    When I view the document this way, I notice it has been cut off at the 200" mark. I have read in PDF API documentation that there is a 200" limit in Acrobat/Reader. Is this true?
    When I print the document, it prints in it's entirety (220+").
    Is anyone aware of such a limitation and is there a point release or plugin which may address this issue if it is indeed true?
    Thanks for any help,
    Jesse Perry

    They way I tested this was to use the Acrobat JavaScript console, Advanced > Document Processing > JavaScript Debugger..., to create a new document.
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    app.newDoc(15000, 15000);
    This would create a 208.3 inch document. I checked the size of the resulting document in the Document Properties panel's "General" tab. The document was 200".

  • SendEventToEventTarget fails in Acrobat 8 on Mac

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    2008-03-27 14:48:07.607 Acrobat[3309:613] SendEventToEventTarget() returned -9874.
    Also, the entire application menu, including the Apple Menu, is disabled while my dialog is active. This also happens only under Acrobat 8, and not under Acrobat 7. I think that these two issues may be related: The Command shortcuts in the menu are disabled, so Acrobat can't dispatch the corresponding events. It's a theory, anyway.
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    Is there anything I can call in the Acrobat 8 API to tell Acrobat to send events to my dialog? Or is there something I need to change in the way that PowerPlant is handling events? What's different in Acrobat itself between 7 and 8 that is affecting my dialog?
    (MacBook Pro, OS X 10.5.2, Xcode 2.5)

    Thanks Leonard. I understand the issue with Carbon vs. Cocoa events. I'm not sure it's as simple as that, though. The wxWidgets API is also Carbon-based, but it seems to work fine and handle events under Acrobat 8 in a modal dialog. As far as I can tell, wxWidgets is calling ReceiveNextEvent whereas PowerPlant is calling WaitNextEvent, but they're both Carbon API calls.
    In any case, I'm not sure that the solution is to completely recode everything and maintain two radically different code bases to be able to support both Acrobat 7 and 8. My PowerPlant dialog works just fine, except for this issue. The fact that Acrobat is putting that debugging message in the console window suggests that it has some idea about what's happening.
    There may well be something relatively simple to change from PowerPlant's end to get Acrobat to work with it properly. Perhaps this is a question for a different forum. I was just hoping to get a little bit of insight into why Acrobat is putting out that message.

  • Acrobat 11what to do with the f character.

    Hello all:
       I am parsing text from a PDF using the Acrobat Javascript API.  The code looks like this
       for(var a = 0; a < PageCount; a++)
    for(var b = 0; b < NumWords; b++)
    var TheWord     
    = this.getPageNthWord(a, b, false);
    The problem with this code is that if the word being returned starts with an f or sometimes a Th, the getPageNthWord() function will not recognize the whole word.
    For example, the test passage has in it the word "flyway".  getPageNthWord() returns this word in two segments.  In this case the first two letters "fl" are translataed into character decimal 186 and the last four characters are returned as they are.  So I get two returns from getPageNthWord():
    the Fahrenheit short-hand sign
    In another part of the document the word "fishing" appears.  It is parsed into
    blank value
    In other words in all cases here, the word is split into two with the first return gobbling up two of the characters while the second returns the last X numbr of characters in the word.  What the first ttwo chars are actually interpreted as varies...I can find no pattern, though I suspect there is one.
    Anyone have any thoughts on what might be going on  here and how to counteract it?
    FYI, the rest of the document is reported on faithfully.

    It's worth pointing out 2 things...
    1 ligatures are normal and considered to show superior, pofessional typesetting
    2 if a pdf follows recommendations, acrobat knows what ligatures mean, and will automatically replace with multiple characters on copy/paste
    However, if you're extracting text it is up to you to apply the info in the pdf and some foreknowledge, and do your own replacement if needed (IF... Because some situations require the presenvation of ligatures)
    You can use copy from acrobat to test if the ligatures are done right

Maybe you are looking for