ACT AS function

Hi all
How can i create act as function in OBIEE 10g....
Can anyone help on thsi.....
Thank you

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    I have:
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    2. I have on my laptop the same version of OBI. No config, unaltered rpd. This is stand alone, working on the Bi Server. When I log in here however I get the Act As link appear with the exception that it says "This Functionality has not been enabled by your Administrator"" NO Custommessage File, no config to the Instanceconfig file and no tables in the rpd!!!!!!!!!!! I can understand the message as Yes it is not set up, but to still display with no Custommessage file, Im at a complete loss.
    Was this functionality integrated into the latest version of OBI??
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    No I'm suggesting the mod team is preferable to calling India ....
    What they do with you is down to them ....  and you.   
    Allbeit I doubt you'll see a profile reset, but even better you may see a lasting resolution, hopefully.    

  • Issue in Configuring ACT as functionality obiee 11g

    Dear Expert,
    I had done the below steps in creating ACT as functionality in 11g. I am using MS SQL Server 20005 and had created table called OBIEE_PROXY.
    1. Created system variable called "PROXY"
    2. Created Session initialisation variable (PROXY and PROXY LEVEL) and associated the connection pool
    3. Created customs templates
    4. Configured the instance.xml
    5. Done the setting in the Manage privileges
    6. Restarted the BI services
    I had taken repository rpd to offline and done the above changes .Modified RPD is uploaded through EM and restarted the services. When I login and see the ACT as there is no users appearing in the screen .
    Please advise if I missed any step. Also please advise that should i need to create a user’s in the web logic console which i am trying to pass from MS SQL Server.
    Edited by: 964262 on 11/10/2012 14:38

    Hi ,
    Below is the error i am getting in the nqserver log .
    [2012-10-12T14:25:37.000+00:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [ERROR:1] [] [] [ecid: cdd7e05bc54bf9a4:-1b0c887b:13a4e5a3825:-8000-00000000000062ea] [tid: 15dc] [nQSError: 16002] Cannot obtain number of columns for the query result. [[
    _[nQSError: 16001] ODBC error state: 37000 code: 102 message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near '‘'.._
    _[nQSError: 16001] ODBC error state: 37000 code: 8180 message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Statement(s) could not be prepared.._
    _[nQSError: 13011] Query for Initialization Block 'PROXY_BLOCK' has failed._
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    *[2012-10-12T14:25:43.000+00:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [NOTIFICATION:1] [] [] [ecid: cdd7e05bc54bf9a4:-1b0c887b:13a4e5a3825:-8000-00000000000062ef] [tid: 15dc] [nQSError: 13011] Query for Initialization Block 'ExternalAuthenticationProvider' has failed.*
    *[2012-10-12T14:25:43.000+00:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [ERROR:1] [] [] [ecid: cdd7e05bc54bf9a4:-1b0c887b:13a4e5a3825:-8000-00000000000062ef] [tid: 15dc] [53012] User authentication failure: user3.*
    *[2012-10-12T14:25:43.000+00:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [ERROR:1] [] [] [ecid: cdd7e05bc54bf9a4:-1b0c887b:13a4e5a3825:-8000-00000000000062ef] [tid: 15dc] [53012] User authentication failure: user3.*
    Please advise .
    thanks in advance

  • How to implement ACT AS function

    Hi experts,
    Can anyone of you help me in implementing ACT AS function in OBIEE 10g...

    try this

  • "Act As" functionality

    Hi, Just configured "Act As" in OBI but "Act As" link doesn't display in Answers although all the XML files have been configured. Being that is configured wih EBS do I also we require a profile set up against a responsibility?
    Also does anyone have a script to import users from EBS in the Rpd. Searched metalink and nothing?
    Thanks to anyway who can assist.

    hi user,
    Here's an article on OBIEE <==> EBS integration: It should walk you through the necessary steps.
    To get the act as button to show up, you need to go through Settings->Administration->Manage Privileges and enable the given users to have the "Proxy" priv.
    Good luck and if you find this post useful, please award points.
    Best regards,

  • Not able to configure Act As in OBIEE 11g - The application is logging out

    Hi All,
    We are trying to configure Act As in OBIEE 11g. The list of users gets populated when I click on Act As. However, when I select any user from the list, the applications logs out. The possible reason could be that OBIEE is not able to authenticate the user (We are using table based Authentication). Please give some pointers to fix it.
    Also, I am curious to understand the authentication process in case of Act As. The list that gets populated is a list of target users from the table. In our case, the username and display name gets populated. But, how does OBIEE check if that is a valid user or not?
    Thanks in Anticipation,

    Does Act As functionality work with BI Publisher? I am able to login and select Act As and pick a user and view all dashboards, however when I click a PDF embedded in a dashboard page from Publisher, it says Unauthorized Access: please contact the administrator. If I am logged in as myself I can view the PDF. If I am logged in as the user I acting as I can view the pdf, but if I login as myself and act as that user and try and view it, that is when the error occurs, so am wondering is Act As is incompatible with BI Pub.

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    I have tried these approaches below, but without luck.  If you have any other direction that perhaps I should look at, I would appreciate the tip.
    Approach 1: I tried the clientlibs approach, but the new code was not being picked up- it was the OOB code that was being executed.   I am pretty sure the clientlibs was set up correctly, because this approach did work for overriding the SiteAdmin.Actions.js functions.  The custom js file contained code like [2].
    Approach 2: I also tried to modify init.jsp in the template folder as shown in [3].  This worked in the simple activation cases.  However, when there are assets on the page that also need activating, and the Asset Reference Dialog is shown, then the AssetReferenceSearchDialog.js [4] script fails with an error because dlg.path.push is undefined.  I wonder if it is possible that this approach may have worked for simpler functions, but because of the level of indirection it does not work here?
    [1] /apps/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/wcm/Sidekick.js
    [2] CQ.wcm.Sidekick.getPublishConfig = function() { [snip--custom code]};
    [3] CQ.WCM.launchSidekick("<%= currentPage.getPath() %>", {
                propsDialog: "<%= dlgPath == null ? "" : dlgPath %>",
                locked: <%= currentPage.isLocked() %>,
                actions: act,
               getPublishConfig : function() {  [snip--custom code]};
    [4] /libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/wcm/AssetReferenceSearchDialog.js

    I think there is a syntax error in line
    document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='/htmls/js/two.js'> <\/script>");
    end tag <\/script> is wrong.

  • Can't change user preferences when Acting As a user

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    "Exception occurred when saving user preferences to the catalog access denied for user to path /users/[email protected]/_prefs/userprefsxmlstore"
    Proxy Level is set at full for all users.
    I've tried changing the permissions on the users folders via the Catalog manager but doesn't seem to make any difference.
    Any help would be great!
    Edited by: 876718 on 28-May-2012 03:56

    Hi All,
    You can check this topic on

  • Act As using E-Business Suite Authentication

    Can anyone shed any light on whether its possible for you to use the 'Act As' functionality in OBIEE using integrated E-Business Suite security/authentication?
    If so, can someone explain how this works?
    We are currently on version soon to upgrade to
    Thanks in advance.

    Check these
    Edited by: Srini VEERAVALLI on Jan 8, 2013 8:03 AM

  • ACT AS - default dashboard

    I am using ACT AS functionality and everything is set in the backend as well in front end. I see that if am A, and am given privilege to see the dashboard as B, once i click OK after selecting the User as B, it takes to me a landing page which is not the default dashboard set in PORTAL PATH variable where user login is considered with an initialization block. What is going wrong. How can we connect the variables PROXY, PROXY LEVELwith PORTAL PATH variable. i have two diff initialization blocks in rpd where one checks for the logged user authentication and hits on portal path as default dashboard and the other one to check proxy access which is not hitting on PORTAL PATH.
    Is there any solution
    Thanks & Regards

    I think this was the issue -
    There was a java script error related to an undefined object, "accessMode" in logon.js.  This is related to Accessibility or Section 508 (checked by Developer Tools of IE).  We may have removed this code from the logon page which was causing the error. We had customized the page quite a bit previously. When I ignore the error and step through, I go to the correct portal path page. So we are going to replace the logon.js file with backup and hopefully it will fix the issue.

  • SAP EHS Functional Consultant Role

    Hi All SAP Experts!!!
    Seeking help from all of you for enlighten me with inputs for enabling me to take next step as a SAP EHS Functional Consultant Role.
    Quick information about myself, I am 43 year young guy, have done my Masters in Chem, Post Graduate Diploma in Safety Health and Environment, Certification in NEBOSH-International General Occupational Health & Safety, Lead Auditor of ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 with 20+ years of industrial experience of implementation of Safety Health and Environmental Management in various industries (Engineering, Oil & Gas, Automobile, Automotive, Chemical, Facility Management & Infrastructure at India, Middle East, South Africa & US) by working and auditing them for respective EHS Standards.
    As I have personally used and witnessed usage of many of the EHS related software which were ERP/ SAP based and found them very useful for making an fool-proof arrangement for effective EHS implementation. I did found some of the functional improvements areas during usage of the same i.e. by deploying EHS best practices I have witnessed at other industries directly or through software which will finally benefit the end-user and hence for the society too.
    Following are my queries -
    1. What can be the career path for person like me, who is having EHS functional knowledge & experience but does not have direct SAP implementation related experience and certification?
    2. What are the minimal certification and qualification I will be requiring before switching to SAP Functional Consultant Role?
    3. Who can be some of the best employer for me start this role?
    Any other information, suggestions and inputs in this regards are more than welcome.
    Thanking you all for the help and guidance you are going to provide.
    Sameer Saxena

    Dear Sameer
    your questions are discussed very often in this FORUM. Hi, is such an example, but you will a lot of more similar examples.
    sap - ehs career guidence
    SAP PLM: Career outlook of EHS
    EHS- for Oil & Gas
    What is the Job Market for SAP EHS in India
    SAP-EHS for Safety Officer (Oil&Gas) with BSc.Computer Science graduation
    Expectations from freshers (SAP-EHS) Consultant,Basic Interview Questions?
    Need Career Advice
    SAP EHS Professional
    Need Expert Advise
    Need Suggestions...
    SAP niche domains with better future prospects
    To All The SAP Mentors
    Looking forward for your valuable suggestions please !!
    Future  Scope of SD for an abaper.
    Therefore these are my hints:
    Check first: SAP EHS Management for Beginners
    Try to understand what SAP is doing (what means which solution exists and which solution is the right one to start with etc.).
    To act a functional guy in SAP area you need basic understanding about SAP solutions.
    1.) Shortly: there is no SAP certification in place for the SAP EHS solutions.
    2.) Career: normally you ned first some basic SAP and SAP EHS training. The SAP training is available nearly worldwide. SAP EHS training is limited. E.g. there seems to be no  good training option available in India (has been discussed as well in this FORUM).
    Based on you "starter package" (know how) the "SAP EHS end user" option may be is the best. If you know about legal aspects/regulations etc. then by working on that in a company using SAP EHS solutions you will get closer to "technique" For work in EHS environment you need to have knowledge at least in the area (as called by SAP): product safety, dangerous goods management; as these are the "core" topics to cover in a company handling chemistry. On the top: if you have knowledge in the area of "Label Management" or "Waste" topics then you are in good starting position.
    PLease check this FORUM. A lot of more threads can be found easily may be helping you to decide to go on.
    PS: please check first any SCN forum; it took me only "10" seconds (Ok less then one minute; but it was very easy)  to generate the list of threads as part of this thread.

  • OBIEE 11g Security LDAP Issue

    I have an issue where certain LDAP users who were once able to log into OBI 11g now cannot.
    This has only happened for those users who I have used the proxy ('Act As') functionality on ie. If UserA can login, and the Administration Act's As UserA, after an OBI restart UserA cannot log in anymore.
    I have narrowed this issue down to the presenation catalog. If I swap the current catalog with the SampleAppLite catalog for example, the problem goes away i.e. the LDAP user (UserA in the example above) can log in fine.
    I have also noticed while accessing the catalog via catalog manager, the Administrator cannot access the 'System' folder. This is with reference to the original catalog (which causes the issue with UserA above) that was upgrade from 10g to 11g.
    Any ideas?

    This is going to be almost impossible to diagnose without being logged in, in front of your application.
    As a starting point I would recommend you check the permissions on each catalog element. Go to Catalog link > Change view to 'Admin View' > Catalog Root and then use the permissions link for that item and everything below. Ticking 'Show Hidden Items' will let you see the System folders.
    Also check the privileges (Administration > Manage Privileges) as I seem to remember that the 'Act as Proxy' privilege is denied out of the box. Maybe something here is amiss.
    It might be easiest to bite the bullet and create a new web catalog from scratch!

  • Why do we still have no pro-grade email app for the mac platform?

    This is a combination of a question and a rant, I suppose. When I first came to the Mac platform back in 2003, I looked to see what the best email clients were and was surprised to find nothing that I thought was really strong. I started with Mail, hated it, switched to Entourage, and then since that time  I've used or demoed about everything I can find. Powermail, Eudora, Mailsmith in years past, and more recently Postbox and Sparrow.  I find all of them sorely lacking and it just keeps begging the question in my mind: why hasn't anyone yet created a truly professional-grade email application? I honestly think there's a huge market for it, and I think a lot of people would be willing to spend $30-50 for an app that got it right.
    Right now, I use Mail with the add-ons MailTags and Mail Act-On, and  I've got my workflows and practices down to a pretty tight level. I am an adherent of inbox zero concepts/GTD and I practice them. Like many of you I get a lot of email, probably 200-300 per day.  There is no application I use on my computer more intensively than email, and yet it's the one app that is probably the most lacking from a development standpoint.
    here are some of the things I'd love to see:
    - support for IMAP, POP3 and Exchange
    - an attractive, Mac-like user interface. Could Mail get any uglier? Why yes, yes it could, we now have Mail in Lion! Holy crap, were they incentivized to make it as dull and unattractive an app as they possibly could? If so, that team must be getting huge bonuses this christmastime.
    - industry compliant tagging
    - robust search functionality. Let me do quick spotlight-based searches, or give me a search dialogue box where I can construct more complex queries.
    - robust smart folder functionality. Mail does ok here, but it could be a lot better.
    - global rules (which Mail has but an app like Postbox doesn't), and then the ability to either have the rules applied automatically to all messages, or to fire a rule "on-demand" with respect to a single selected email (in other words, build in Mail Act-On functionality)
    - integration with social media. Postbox does a nice job with this. Hit their info pane button and you see a nice summary of all the links and possible social media interactions available via that selected email
    - integration with cloud-based file storage, and apps like Evernote, DevonThink, Omnifocus, etc
    - an intuitive, flexible layout that allows me to see my accounts and folder structures the way I want to see them, not the way the app forces me to lay them out.  Mail does a much better job of this than Postbox, for example.
    - integration with industry-standard archival practices. For example, integrate with MailSteward.
    Mail is honestly not that far away, but they've been "not that far away" for the last 8 years I've been using a Mac.  I keep thinking SOMEBODY has to get this right and step up to fill this need, and nobody does. What  I'd really love to see is the OmniGroup (the guys that make fine apps like Omnifocus, Omnigraffle, Omnioutliner, etc...) step up and make "OmniMail". Give me an interface and a user experience I look forward to using, not one I use in spite of the interface. Give me a simple, efficient structure with depth and power under the hood that I can customize and tailor to my workflows.
    if any developers read this, I am begging you: create this product. I've read every email app review I can find, visited a ton of blogs, user forums, etc..., and I think there is a huge demand for this kind of an app. If I did such coding, I would take the project on myself, but I'm just a user, not a developer.
    Hope it happens someday. From my perspective, it's sorely needed.

    I agree completely; email applications on the Mac lag (and I agree with the OP's frustration with responses as well).
    I also have settled on Mail with Mail ActOn and MailTags; this functionality should be incorporated into the OS. I actually like using Outlook in Win 7 better; it's super easy to connect files, contacts, email and other stuff right from one application. And Win 7 has better preview and tagging built in, better than QuickLook. On the server side we desparately need gmail to use tags, but I don't see that happening. I still prefer the labeling scheme it has over Apple's mail, however. But I also find that it confuses many users (labels vs folders).
    There are also other applications that integrate email functionality, like SOHO Organizer, or Contactizer. Good, but not the email holy grail.
    I'd like to see communications built into the Finder or system, which badly needs an overhaul. It hasn't changed much since the 90's and shows it. Communication, whether it be email, tweets, social media posts, sharing, etc, is such an integral function of all work you do on a computer it should be better, um, integrated into all applications. You should be able to send data from any application to others in a variety of formats without having to go into an email application. Sure, you can now do this to a certain extent with either built-in menu items or services, but it's clunky. For example, when you write something you can either "save" and write to disk somewhere, or "export" in a different format, or maybe "email." All of those choices should at least be part of one dialog; it's just as likely you want to email, post, share or tweet what you just wrote, so just  having a "save" dialog is way outmoded.
    So, yeah, somebody get on this.

  • How to implement different Siebel visibility types in BI Apps

    Standard BI Apps approach to data level security does not allow for users to choose (on report runtime) different security levels/visibility types as in Siebel application (different visibility views - My, My Team, All,..)
    One possible approach is to apply different filters on a report level for each visibility type which is not acceptable for customer for maintenance/security reasons.
    Is there a more elegant way to do this ?

    You can still go ahead with Data Level Security, however maybe you can come up with a prompt on the position type and customize the set of reports accordingly with the filter condition. So, when a VP logs in , he would see entire data however he would be given a prompt to select the position which he wants to view the data as (for eg as Regional Manager or so on...)
    The second approach you can go follow would be to use the "Act As " Functionality where in VP can act as different other users for which he wants the data to be seen.
    Hope this helps.

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    I've created an email link on each of my site's pages. They're all identical (hypertext inside of a rectangle). They all highlight and act like functioning links in iWeb, but when published, only the link on the splash page functions. The others are dead.
    I've substituted one of them with the "email me" button, and that works fine. But I'd prefer to use my own text.Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Firstly, did you hyperlink the text in the shape to your e-mail address?
    The other reason the others may not work is that they are quite close to the slide shows and if they are being covered up by these or are too close, then they may not work.
    Go back into iWeb and display everything on your page so that you can see if these shapes are being covered up by anything. Move them and they should then work.

Maybe you are looking for

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