Action Builder to send 2 emails at once

I would like  to know if it is possible to send two different email with one click?
I have one button that email's a summary of what was approved. .Then I have another button that submits a XML file to SharePoint for processing by nintex. I would like to eliminate one step if possible by combining two actions into one button is this possible. And if I do not use the action builder what can I do.

What are you using for sending these packets? A UDP Socket? I'd assume there could be some kind of software based que for doing something like this. You just buffer all outgoing packets with some information about what packet the other wants to be sent out with, and when that packet comes in, you simply send them both at the same time.
Do you want to append them together? So that the data segment of the packet includes the data from the other packet?
-Jason Thomas.

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    You can keep the original ID for iTunes, iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match, and use a different ID for iCloud for email, calendar, contacts and bookmarks syncing and PhotoStream.
    In iTunesStore>Account you can change the email address associated with the login ID if you with - the actual login doesn't have to be a functioning email address.
    This means that iTunes will have a different login to iCloud, but Keychain will take care of this anyway so your won't need to remember which one to use. It's better security to have your iTunes login different from your easily discoverable email address, given the number of complaints about iTunes accounts being hacked.

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    I have the same problem: sometimes if my WiFi connection is weak, it takes longer to send an email... after waiting 30 seconds or so, I finally hear the swoosh sound, and the email looks like it has been sent. However, Yahoo Mail on the desktop doesn't show that the mail has been sent, and the recipient hasn't received it.
    This has happened to me on many occasions. I bet I could reproduce it like this:
    1. Establish an active WiFi connection and collect new mail.
    2. Compose a new email message or reply.
    3. Touch the Send button.
    4. Immediately unplug the Airport base station (or its Ethernet connection) to interrupt the network.
    5. Notice that it seems to take much longer than usual to send the email. Once you hear the swoosh, log in to Yahoo Mail account and look for the email in the Sent folder. Notice that it is not there.
    I would assume the software should fail and retry using the Edge connection, but in my situation, this doesn't seem to happen, or if it does, it still fails.
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    I tried to do it like this :
    *<Action id='1' name='email12' application='com.waveset.provision.WorkflowServices'>*
    *<Argument name='op' value='notify'/>*
    In other words : send the Email ONLY if the "Old" value of the checkbox is NULL. (if the checkbox was not previously ticked).
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    Perhaps, my syntax is wrong?

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    Currently you cannot trigger a background mail sending from VC. However, you can use the "hyperlink" system action on the button, and create a mailto: link.
    This way the default mail editor will open up when clicking this button.
    You can use dynamic expressions to build dynamic Recipient/Subject/Body to this mail message that will automatically be created for the user when clicking this button, and then the user can edit the mail message and send it.
    Some more info about mailto -

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    Hi Christian,
    check out my question on SDN.
    Email on Status Change
    it has details on how to send an email when the status changes. I believe you are going to have to do something like this for each of the fields you want to create an Action Starting Condition for.

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    Hi Vinay,
    You can use action defintions to send emails to your employee responsible.
    for that pls check action profile 'Order_Messages' and within this, action definition
    Check in there. Partner funtion is assigned to it, in second level customizing and smart form to be mailed in third level customizing.
    Prerequisite: emails should be maintained in BP master.
    For your requirement you can  do following settings:
    In second level customizing(i.e. selecting the action definition and double click on the same)
    Enter the partner funtion of Emp. responsible. in 'Partner Determination for the Action' Details. and check 'Partner Dependent'.
    Secondly, in details for 'Action Determination and Action Merging' in 'Action Merging' details select 'Max. 1 Unprocessed Action for Each Action Definition.
    Save the settings.
    Schedule the actions using action scheduling.
    Best Regards,
    Pratik Patel
    <b>Reward with Points!</b>

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    If you have a Mac, and you have your contacts synced to your Mac (perhaps with iCloud), you could create a contact group on your Mac containing all your contacts and have that group synced to your iPad.
    Perhaps you can do something like that, depending on whether you keep your contacts somewhere else and what type of computer you have.

  • Not working: Send subscription emails: Once per day?

    Seasons Greetings,
    Can someone please clarify/confirm what I should have in My Settings in Subscription Preferences.
    They are currently:
    Always subscribe to topics I create: Yes
    Always subscribe to topics I reply to: Yes
    Send subscription emails: Once per day
    It's the last option that doesn't seem to work for me. Yesterday after spending a bit of time helping out all the new nano owners I opened Mail and has 67 posts yesterday, with 25 today so far.
    Here's an example of 5 separate replies to one subject (numbered by me):
    1. You have requested mail to be sent to you when messages to the Apple Discussions topic "how do I know when it is fully charged" are posted. hudgie posted "how do I know when it is fully charged" on Dec 27, 2005 12:25:46 PM.
    2. You have requested mail to be sent to you when messages to the Apple Discussions topic "how do I know when it is fully charged" are posted. Jeff Bryan posted "how do I know when it is fully charged" on Dec 27, 2005 12:42:00 PM.
    3. You have requested mail to be sent to you when messages to the Apple Discussions topic "how do I know when it is fully charged" are posted. Alison Bancroft posted "how do I know when it is fully charged" on Dec 27, 2005 1:50:26 PM.
    4. You have requested mail to be sent to you when messages to the Apple Discussions topic "how do I know when it is fully charged" are posted. Alison Bancroft posted "how do I know when it is fully charged" on Dec 27, 2005 1:55:33 PM.
    5. You have requested mail to be sent to you when messages to the Apple Discussions topic "how do I know when it is fully charged" are posted. Jeff Bryan posted "how do I know when it is fully charged" on Dec 27, 2005 2:02:07 PM.
    I have some with more than 5 but I don't want to bore you too much
    What I really expected with 'Send subscription emails: Once per day' was a digest listing all replies to all posts for a 24 hour period.
    Have I misunderstood or is something wrong?
    Colin R.

    Hi Kady,
    Looks like someone's been busy fixing thing 'cos this is what I Got today:
    "Dear Colin Robinson,
    You have requested mail to be sent to you when messages are posted to certain areas in Apple Discussions.
    The following updates have been made since 01/01/06 19:45
    Forum "Feedback about New Discussions" has been updated 46 times
    "Re: Missing Posts" was created on 01/01/06 20:49
    "Re: Genealogy" was created on 01/01/06 20:58
    "reformatting ipod mini-mac to pc" was created on 02/01/06 00:03
    "Re: Genealogy" was created on 02/01/06 00:29"
    There's a lot more but I don't need to post it here to prove it has been fixed.
    Many thanks,
    Colin R.

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    SADLY  not as i downloaded an upgrad to my original PAGES/
    i have in the meantim had to open www.icloud. then from there import the file that i am working on and then check on ipad if it uploaded/ yes it did.
    but what a waste of time as it doesn not save any changes done automatically back in the cloud....
    i am now downloading the new LION and hope that it will fix the problem
    i cant find any other way. I was lead to believe that you wrote, it saved automatically, on to the cloud, you then opened anohter device in anotother country even, and the new file was there, waiting, in its latest version.......
    and the same magic was supposed to happen in reverse.
    It doesn't/
    if i have to open a browser, go to www.icloud....why on earth did they not just leave us an icon to drop it in in that case?
    I hope the new lion will help resolve the isssue/
    any other ideas> keep em coming...thank you so much.

  • TS3276 When I add a name to the "To" box or CC/BCC box and then change my mind about sending an email to them, Mail is ignoring the instruction to "remove" so that once the email has been sent, their name is still included and the email goes to them anywa

    Can anyone help?  When sending an email and I add a name to the "To" box or CC/BCC box which I later decided I don't want to include, Mail ignores the instruction to "remove" that name so that once the email has been sent, the name is still included and the email goes to them anyway.  Pretty frustrating and I don't understand why this is happening. 

    You would really have to ask the app developer if there is a way to export the data.
    As for adding a printer, you would need to purchase an AirPrint compatible printer and connect it to your wireless network.
    By the way, your holiday letter/rant/Idon't even know what to call it... is completely inappropriate for these forums.

  • HT2486 how do I send an email to all my contacts at once

    how do I send an email to all my contacts at once with my macbrook pro

    Open a new message in Mail and enter all your contacts in the 'TO' field. You may want to create a group first with the contacts so you wouldn't have to enter all the names separately. You can also send the message to yourself and BCC everyone; that way the recipient only sees their own email address.
    Thost methods would most likely be appreciated by most recipients since it is not very safe to expost everyone's email address to others, some of whom may be strangers and should not have access to others' email addfress.

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    Is it possible to have a task flow send an email after it successfully completes? If so, how?

    Yes. In your Taskflow Stage, go to the Processing tab. Change Application to "Hub" and Action to "Email". You can put in multiple To email addresses delimited by a comma. You can even include variables in your email indicating whether each step was success/failure.
    Two things irritate me to no end with the Email action:
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    2) Your message is a single string of text. The editor does not recognize hard returns/line feeds/whatever you want to call them. Basically, you can't have a blank line or an <enter>.

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    I assume that you are using some server to serve your JSP pages, where your email functionality is implemented.
    If that is correct, what you need to do is run a thread permanently in the server. This thread should repeat itself,ie. execute, once a day at a specified time (or according to your requirement). You can do this by making the thread sleep for the period of time you require.
    Once that is done; in the run() method, you can check the current date and send the email or do whatever else you need.
    Just be sure to start the thread again if you happen to restart the server.
    Hope that helps

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