Activity Rates

Hi Friends
In our project, product costing is carried out in 2nd phase which is yet to start. In 1st phase we just have to configure controlling area, cost elements, cost centres etc.
In PP we have to assign each work center to cost center.
Our PP guy wants to assign activity types to work centers also.
these activity types are Labor hours & Machine Hours.
Suppose we dont want to plan activity prices for cost centers now i.e. KP26,then whether it will affect any operations in PP module??
It means will it show any errors in PP while doing order creation, or order settlement???

Dear Mr.Rahul,
1.In  T code - KL01,first you have to create Activity types like Labor type, Machine
2.Using T code KP26 - you have to assign one or more than one activity type for a
cost centre.For the period 1 to 12,year 2008,cost centre,activity type you fix a
fixed amount or variable amount on per hour basis.That's your wish.
3.In work center creation - CR01,under Costing Tab we link (assign) the cost
centre which are planning.
For Eg :In some work centre only machine activity might happen,so here u have to
assign the cost centre where only machine activity has been assigned.
In some work centres both activity might ba happening,so assign a cost centre
where both activity types are included.
4.During routing creation for the HALB & FERT materials using  T code CA01,for
each operation you will be mentioning on which work center it happens.
5.If you are not assigning any activity type for your work centre,while doing the
cost roll up& release,you may be facing some problem since the activity rate is
not mentioned for your work centre.
In case of any query revert to forum.
If useful reward points.

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    Hi Eric,
    This is an interesting one.
    Modifying value string might be an option but in my opinion is quite a serious "brain surgery" on the system :-).
    You may want to try another option.
    In SPRO -> Controlling -> General Controlling -> Organization -> Maintain Versions
    for version 0, Controlling Area Settings, Settings for Each Fiscal Year in tab Price Calculation there is field Revaluation.
    One of the options there is 'Own business transaction'. With this option posting to sending Cost Centre resulting from actual activity price revaluation will be posted with different Business Transaction (although same secondary cost element as original activity allocation).
    In reports you can separate postings based on Business transaction.
    It definitely works for Activity Update 1 (revaluation of production orders).
    I'm not sure if it works for Activity Udate 2 (no revaluation of production orders).
    Please let us know the results of your investigation.

  • Activity rate

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    One of my clients is facing problem in copying the activity rate from fiscal year 2006 to 2007 using KP97. The message prompted is Price Indicator 003 does not exist.
    - preethi
    Edited by: preethi reddy suravaram on Feb 14, 2008 8:45 PM

    Hi preethi,
    Use KP97
    First fill out normal space and then Follow below mentioned process as well
    In Plan Data > Click Radio button of Select Plan Data & in selection choose Prices
    Processing Option
    Click Radio Button Reset & Overwrite and then execute. Hope price will be transfer into year 2007.
    Hope this will solve your issue.
    Assign points if usefull.

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    Pradeep Veer
    Edited by: Pradeep Veer on Feb 9, 2011 7:13 AM

    The standard setting for the leading currency plans the transaction currency for costs and the controlling area currency for prices. This is the Standard design. Please review 100379 & 183556 for further information on this.
    Please pay attention to the following section of note 100379:
    'Note: you can only change these settings in the following  Transactions: KP97 (as of Release 3.1I) and KP98 (as of Release
    4.6), as well as CP97 and CP98 (as of Release 4.6C). However, you  should only carry this out after you have taken Note 183556 into  account.'

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    If standard cost estimate is your goal, process orders have nothing to do with it.
    Afterwards, you will be able to do cost object controlling, to control production costs.
    These subjects are vast, and I don't think that you should expect to learn them in such a forum. Nevertheless, provided that your CO settings for standard cost estimate exist and are correct, on the PP side you need to have the so called "quantity structure", which basically covers your variable costs; in other words, a BOM and a Master Recepie.
    In the phase of a MR you use a resource; you should link the cost center to the resource, and the avtivity type to the phase standard values.
    Then you are able to run the SCE. There's also a later procedure of releasing these estimates.
    Production cost controlling is even more complex.
    In general, I think that it is a good idea that you get help from a knowledgeable person in the beginning.

  • KSII doesn't recalculate activity rates

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    Capacity: 176h - Unit.P $ 200,00.
    Real posts were:
    5h of activity (that generated posts of $ 1.000,00), and $ 5.500,00 of fixed costs in the period.
    So, I'm trying to recalculate the activity rates in order to split the other $ 4.500,00 not alocated.
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    Is there any other configuration I'm forgetting?

    All the relevant screens...
    And after KSII...

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    File description ABC does not exist.
    I am unable to resolve this problem.
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    Can anyone suggest the entire process to upload the excel in KP26.
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    Please advice.

    Pleaes delete file description for relevant planning layout as described in
    SAP Note 319713 part 5A ( this will make sure that newly
    generated file description will up to date).
    Best regards,
    Ronghua Fan

  • Activity Rate change

    Hello Gurus,
    I want to know how to change the activity price rate manually and also
    Last month production order also I want to change the new activity rate (confirmed orders)
    Can anyone give me the clarity on this,
    (because I have confused on the below t code KP06,KP26 ,KBK6,KSII,KPSI,MFN1)

    Hello Sri
    Changing the price in KP26 now will not serve any purpose. You can not run the standard cost run at back date. The standard cost takes the planned activity price (if so configured). So your standard cost will remain  the same. As far as charging to production orders is concerned, this will be taken care of by the revaluation. It does not make any difference if you update the KP26 plan and then confirm the production orders and then run the revaluation or you run the revaluation now. The total amount of the activities will be the same.
    So I suggest you run the cycle for revaluation at actual prices rather than changing the KP26 rate. For the next month you may update the KP26 plan. The T. Codes you use for the entire cycle are as below:
    KSU5 Execute actual assessment cycle (If you have assessment cycles defined)
    KSS2 Actual cost splitting
    KSII Actual price determination
    CON2 Actual revaluation of orders
    This is a month end process.
    Trust this helps.

  • Activity rate mismatch

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    Why is there such a mismatch?
    2) How can i check the labour hours activity rates used in the CK11N itemization  view?
    Edited by: Raja Kumar on May 4, 2010 10:40 AM

    Not answered

  • Activity rate is changing in every period

    Hi Gurus ,
    I am facing problem when we are using KP26 there we have given activity rate for the first time from period 1 to 6 as usd 1/min
    and for period 1 to 7 same figure usd 1/ min .
    but when i go back and see activity rate for period 1 to 6 it is changing to usd 0.90/min .
    here distribution key is 2 and we have set indicator AVERAGE PRICE and price indicator as 1 .
    my client requires that rate of activity should not change .
    please help me on this as it very critical .
    thanks and regards

    So should i remove distribution key or change distribution key which could resolve my problem

  • Activity Rate Planning

    i wanted to know that is there any way where system proposes the activity rate for the next month.
    For Example..we have maintained activity Rate for Period 1 in KP26, for the next period i.e. 2 before updating the same in KP26 is there any functionality available where system proposes the activity Rate for the next period.
    If it exist the how it works.

    what do you mean "propose"? You can do the CO-OM planning process and calculate activity rates (maybe for the whole fiscal year) or enter the rate manually for all periods of a fiscal year at once, but a "proposal" from SAP does not exist for your next months activity rate.
    Best regards, Christian

  • Plan Activity rate coming wrong

    Hi Gurus,
    Plan Activity rate coming wrong while im creating production order.
    In kp26 the prices are     assebly   500 rs   and Set up IS  500 RS.
    In routing hours maintained is assemly 200 , setup 200 hrs
    price should come in production order as assebly 100000 and set up is 100000,
    but system not calculating price as above , its give price as 95000(apox) for assebly and set up is 97000 like that its showing.

    The issue seems to be with Periodic Rate and Average rate for the year
    Check your Valuation Variant for Prod Orders as to which rate it uses Vs which rate you want
    br, Ajay M

  • Wrong activity rate pickup

    Dear experts,
    when I am doing cost estimate thru CK11 , system is not picking the current activity rates . The  current rates are correctly updated in KP26. The valuation strategy is " plan price as average of remaining period of fiscal year". Can anyone please explain in detail, how this average is calculated? 
    I have seen that system is picking last FY's rates. Why is this happening?
    urgently in need of help

    Please check the Check Box for Average Price
    If it is checked then it means that activity prices for cost centers/activity types remain constant for the entire fiscal year
    This takes place either on the version level or per cost center/activity type in planning.
    1. Version
    Activity prices for cost centers/activity types remain constant for the entire fiscal year in the version. The total plan costs and activity are taken into account when activity prices are calculated. Monthly fluctuations are ignored. Activate the "Average activity price" indicator from the fiscal-year dependent version parameters in the version as a planning method.
    2. Cost center/activity type
    If you have not defined an average activity price for your version, you can define a constant activity price for the fiscal year for individual cost centers/activity types. Activity price calculation smoothes out fluctuations in the cost center/activity type activity price. Activate the appropriate indicator in activity type planning.
    A default value for planning can be saved in the activity type master record. This value can be overwritten during planning.
    If you have checked box for Average Price then you should remove it according to above explanation.
    I hope you found it useful.


    Hi Gurus,
    Is it possible to calaculate actual activity rate based on plan hours......
    I know that we can splitt the actual cost based on plan hours by selecting splitting rule 22...
    Now im doing actul activity rate calculation through ksii...
    Then system considering actul hours confirmed in production for actual activity calculation.....
    Pls suggest me.

    Thank you for prompt reply.
    Suppose this month we have produced only . 10 finished products.... But actual capacity is 20..... What ever cost moniterd by the production cost centers will be loaded on total 10 products only  at the time of revaluation of production orders if we calaculate actul activity rate based on actual hours....... so the cost of the product is getting increased... so that he want to calculate actual rate aslo with planned hours..... Is there any other solution for this..
    Pls suggest me ...... its very urgent.

  • KP26 need to allow  the Activity rates by Date instead of period

    Dear Friends
    Currently KP26 only allows you to enter activity rates by period.
    To simulate the product cost during off season we need the to load rates
    Do you have any ideas to overcome this?

    activity rates are planned/stored per period+year not for a single date.
    Create a planning layout (T-code KP75) by copying an existing suitable layout and remove  the period from the general data section. Create a new lead column using "period".
    Add this layout to the planner profile used and plan the act. rates per period.
    Best regards, Christian

  • Confirmation - Activity Rate

    Hi Expert,
    I would like to check because i understand that - In order to have confirmation with correct operation time , i already setup master recipe and activity type.
    During confirmation , i found the default activity rate is not copy from master recipe , please advice which configuration that i need to have this function , beacuse i used this before but i forgot now.
    Thank you.

    3rd Tab Operation individual entry using initial screen.
    Screen Control time ticket
       Quantity/Activity(Select this option)
       Display confirmed services(check)
       display defaults(check)
    Try and revert back
    Thanks and regards

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