KP26 need to allow  the Activity rates by Date instead of period

Dear Friends
Currently KP26 only allows you to enter activity rates by period.
To simulate the product cost during off season we need the to load rates
Do you have any ideas to overcome this?

activity rates are planned/stored per period+year not for a single date.
Create a planning layout (T-code KP75) by copying an existing suitable layout and remove  the period from the general data section. Create a new lead column using "period".
Add this layout to the planner profile used and plan the act. rates per period.
Best regards, Christian

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    Hi Caleb,
    If I'm reading your table correctly, the unit numbers are i column C, In date in column E, Out date in column F and duration of stay in column G.
    For stays that do not cross from one month to another, a simple SUMIFS statement woud work to calculate the number of occupied days in a given month. As you've found, theough, the stays that begn in one month and end in another are a bit trickier.
    One way to resolve the issue is to use an auxiliary table which calculates the occuped days (for all units) using a separate column for each month, then a summary table to sum the monthly data for each unit.
    Here's an example, using random data over a two and a half month span.
    Note that the dates in the header row of Aux and Summary are actual Date and Time Values set to the first of each month, and formatted to show only the month and year. These are used in the calculations.
    The only formula in Bookings is =F-E in each cell of column G (Stay).
    Aux has two formulas:
    A2, and filled down: =Bookings :: C2
    This simpy copies the values from column C of Bookings to column A of Aux.
    B2, and filled down and right:
    =IF(AND(Bookings :: $E2>=B$1,Bookings :: $F2<EOMONTH(B$1,0)+1),Bookings :: $F2-Bookings :: $E2,IF(AND(Bookings :: $E2<B$1,Bookings :: $F2>B$1),Bookings :: $F2-B$1,IF(AND(Bookings :: $E2<=EOMONTH(B$1,0),Bookings :: $F2>EOMONTH(B$1,0)),EOMONTH(B$1,0)+1-Bookings :: $E2,"no")))
    Same formula, separated into sections:
    IF(AND(Bookings :: $E2>=B$1,Bookings :: $F2<EOMONTH(B$1,0)+1),Bookings :: $F2-Bookings :: $E2,
    IF checks if the IN date AND the OUT Date are both in the month for this column. If so, the calculation is done and the formula is done; if not, control is passed to the next if:
    IF(AND(Bookings :: $E2<B$1,Bookings :: $F2>B$1),Bookings :: $F2-B$1,
    IF checks it the IN date is before the month for this column AND the OUT date is after the beginning of this month. If so,th calculaton is done and the formula is done; if not, contorl is passed to the thrid IF:
    IF(AND(Bookings :: $E2<=EOMONTH(B$1,0),Bookings :: $F2>EOMONTH(B$1,0)),EOMONTH(B$1,0)+1-Bookings :: $E2,
    IF checks if the IN Date is before the end of the month for this coumn AND the OUT date is after the end of the month. If so, the calculation is done; if not, the text blow is returned to the cell.
    This text was chosen to give me a visual indication of the result. In practice, I would replace it with the empty string ( "" ).
    Summary has a single formula:
    B2, and filled down and right:
    =IFERROR(DUR2DAYS(SUMIF(Aux :: $A,$A2,Aux :: B))/DAY(EOMONTH(B$1,0)),"")
    SUMIF sums the duatons of Stay for each unit in a specific month for each column.
    DUR2DAYS converts the duration to a number of days.
    DAY(EOMONTH(B$1,0) returns the number of days in the month whose date is in row 1.
    The first is divided by the second, and the result is formatted as percentage, with 0 decimal places.
    IFERROR traps the error that occurs when the source column on Aux contain only text values, and replaces the error message with the empty string.

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    Activation key is one of those odd commands you enter from enable mode, not from config mode. If you're in enable mode (# prompt), just type "activation key ___" (without quotes, just using your key in place of the ___). Reference.
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    You can force a disconnect by pressing the red/hangup key for a couple of seconds when the phone is in the standby state.
    And in menu > Tools > Settings > Connection > Packet data change the setting "Packet data conn." to "When needed" and leave the "Access point" setting there to "None".
    When you or apps on your phone are not doing any data transfer, then regardless of whether it is a WAP or "full" Internet packet data connection, you should not cumulate any charges.
    You can also move the Connection Manager app from the Tools submenu to the main menu, or even to the Active standby apps list (or the softkeys) for quicker access. No need to deep dive into menus for it then.
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    the sample inserted XML data will be in format... like
    '<ACC count = "10">
    <Acc ac_no = "1111111111" cn_nr = "US" eflag = "Y" />
    <Acc ac_no = "1111111111" cn_nr = "US" eflag = "Y" />
    <Acc ac_no = "1111111111" cn_nr = "US" eflag = "Y" />
    <Acc ac_no = "1111111111" cn_nr = "US" eflag = "Y" />
    <Acc ac_no = "1111111111" cn_nr = "US" eflag = "Y" />
    <Acc ac_no = "1111111111" cn_nr = "US" eflag = "Y" />
    <Acc ac_no = "1111111111" cn_nr = "US" eflag = "Y" />
    <Acc ac_no = "1111111111" cn_nr = "US" eflag = "Y" />
    <Acc ac_no = "1111111111" cn_nr = "US" eflag = "Y" />
    <Acc ac_no = "1111111111" cn_nr = "US" eflag = "Y" />
    this data in XML can have more than 1000 accounts.
    now, i need to take a Parameter value from XML node and write into a file. for this i have written a procedure by looping the Nodes from XML data and building Dynamic Query like..
    if nvl(v_int, 0) > 0 then
    v_sql := '';
         for v_count in 1..v_int
         if v_sql is null then
              v_sql := 'select extractvalue(empdetails, ''/ACC/Acc' || v_count ||'/@ac_no'')||extractvalue(empdetails, ''/ACC/Acc' || v_count
    ||'/@cn_nr'')||extractvalue(empdetails, ''/ACC/Acc' || v_count ||'/@eflag'') string from sample1';
         elsif v_sql is not null then
                   v_sql := v_sql || ' union all select extractvalue(empdetails, ''/ACC/Acc' || v_count ||'/@ac_no'')||extractvalue(empdetails, ''/ACC/Acc' || v_count
    ||'/@cn_nr'')||extractvalue(empdetails, ''/ACC/Acc' || v_count ||'/@eflag'') string from sample1';
              end if;
         end loop;
    end if;
    i will get this variable "v_int" from <ACC count = "10"> ACC count Attribute, here 10 is the value for v_int variable but in real time the variable value can be more than 1000.
    at the time of Building Dynamic Query I make using the Variable v_SQL which is of Data Type "Long",
    this variable stores dynamic query which is build at the time of executing procedure but this v_sql Variable is throughing Exception that ....
    "numeric or value error Character String Buffer is Too Small"... but Long Data type will store upto 2GB..
    this variable cant able to hold much data which is dynamically build.
    will you please help me to resolve this issue Or will u suggest me another method to pick the data from XML column.

    user11176969 wrote:
    i changed the code, now its working fine.
    direct assigning the dynamic query to a Clob variable raised error.
    for dynamic query building i used another variable and assigned this variable value to actual query variable.Nice!

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    Hi Daniel,
    U have to use generic extratctor MDMGX to extract reference data(customizing data) from R/3.
    MDMGX to be installed.
    Procedure to use it.
    A)Setup Execution.
    1) Define Object type as per ur requirement (drop down list standard objects are provided like customer,vendor,products etc.).
    2)Define Repository and ftp server name.
    3)Upload ports and check table.
    4)Maintain ports and check table.
    B)Execute Generation and Extraction.
    1)Generate XSD.
    2) Starrt Execution.
    For each check table u have to create a separate port in MDM Repository.
    zreport is a older version ,it can be but neednot contain latest updates in check table .
    Reward Points if helpful.
    Neethu Joy.

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    I set up Icloud and an icloud email account in outlook 2010.  The calendar dates transferred to my Iphone but nothing of the emails.  The only email that go to my iphone are those that go to the new Iphone email account in outlook.  Do I have to use the Icloud email account instead of my existing outlook accounts in order for my email to sync?  If not what can I do to get my outlook email to sync with my iphone? Thanks.

    iCloud only "syncs" data in the iCloud account, not data in other external accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo, etc.  If your email, contacts and calendars are hosted by another external account, such as Gmail/Google, you may want to not sync this data using iCloud as you would have import it all to the iCloud account in order to do so.  Instead, add your external account to your iOS devices and in Settings>Mail,Conacts,Calendars>Add Account and turn on contacts and calendar syncing with your external account.

  • How can i only allow the activation of the JDialog on top?

    Hi to all,
    i have a problem with a mask swing
    Well, my problem is this:
    In a window, when i click on save button, it's open a customizing JDialog. But i would like how i can deny a click out of this JDialog, that is on top.
    In other words, in this situation, with a jdialog on top, if the user click once again on the save button or out of this jdialog, the jdialog must stay on top and active.
    How i can this?
    Please help me!!
    the code that realize my class is this:
    public class ConsegnaOrdineDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener {
         private JOptionPane optionPane;
         private String dataOrdine;
         private JButton si, no;
         private JTextField dataConsegna;
         public ConsegnaOrdineDialog(String dataOrdine) {
              this.dataOrdine = dataOrdine;
              dataConsegna = new JTextField();
              si = new JButton("Si");
              no = new JButton("No");
              JPanel panel = new JPanel();
                 panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(5, 10));
                 panel.add(dataConsegna, BorderLayout.NORTH);
                 panel.add(si, BorderLayout.WEST);
                 panel.add(no, BorderLayout.EAST);
              Object[] options = {panel};
              optionPane = new JOptionPane("La data �:",
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              if (e.getSource() == si) {
              if (e.getSource() == no) {

    in the constructor

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    Hi Gurus,
    We are actually posting actual to WBS element using cost center using KB15N in different currency. We want to fixed value of exchange rate before posting (means overwrite actual exchange rate). Can anyone tell can we fixed value of exchange rate in CO side like in PO.
    Thanks Kiran

    Hi Kiran,
    You may create a screen variant of KB15N and bring the field for exch rate (with ABAP help).

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    I bought the iphone 6 and activate October 16, 2014 but check the information is incorrect. September 16th, 2014 iphone 6 has not been sold but why reactivate information such statement?

    Hi Friends\Seniors,
    This is the Table with Data....
    10001     Lanscer ltd     2005     01.11.2005 16:06:25     Scheduled     USD     08.01.2005 16:06:00     07.12.2006 10:07:17     1005150
    10002     Wipro ltd     2006     01.06.2006 00:00:00     Rejected     USD     08.02.2006 16:06:25     08.11.2006 16:41:44     1005150
    10003     Sector Ltd     2006     01.10.2006 16:06:25     Approved     INR     01.01.2006 16:40:22     09.11.2006 11:04:19     1005151
    10004     Creative ltd     2007     20.12.2007 00:00:00     Approved     USD     21.01.2007 16:27:06     21.04.2005 16:27:06     -1
    10005     Simpsons ltd     2007     01.07.2007 00:00:00     Scheduled     USD     21.01.2007 16:27:06     21.04.2007 16:27:06     -1
    10005     Signs ltd     2007     01.12.2007 00:00:00     Scheduled     USD     21.01.2007 16:27:06     21.04.2007 16:27:06     -1
    and i need the records of the Due Dates based on the Year
    Thanks in Advance

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