Add an item in a showed choice

Is it possible to have a component similar to the adress in a browser? Does the choice have a function for it?
I'd like to add a component that let you either select an item or add a new item.

If I use a vector to store the items, Do I have to administrate and update it or the System does it.

Similar Messages

  • Add an item to select once choice in create mode.

    Jdeveloper :
    I am creating a record using createinsert operation. i have a selectOneChoice list based on a query based VO. if the value i am looking is not present, i should be able to add value in a popup to populate into lov by clicking add button beside the lov and then select the value.
    please give suggestion to achieve solution for this.

    when popup opens i clicked createinsert operation to fill some fileds. when i click on rollback in the popup , entire transaction is getting rollbacked instead of the popup transaction. when i click commit in the popup to save the filled in values , lov is not getting refreshed, i added AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(bndLov) top refresh the lov.

  • Additional Item Added to InfoPath Choice Field Missing from Designer

    I have an InfoPath 2013 form submitting back to a SharePoint 2010 Forms library.  I had published the form, promoting the various fields, and everything was working properly.  I then needed to add an additional option to two different choice fields. 
    I added them in InfoPath, re-published the form and the options are available and selectable when I use the form.  They show up in the SharePoint forms library on submit. 
    I'm now building a workflow for this library and I'm trying to add a condition that uses the added item (Global) from one of the choice fields (Region).  It is not showing as an option.  I've refreshed the list and workflow in SP Designer. 
    I've re-published the form from InfoPath.  I've cleared the cache for SP Designer, InfoPath and Internet Explorer.  I have never had this happen before and have no idea how to fix.  Suggestions?  Thanks in advance for any help!
    Here is what is in the InfoPath form:
    And here is what is in SharePoint Designer:

    I have done a test. I can re-appear your issue.
    Refer to the following:
    I published the form to SharePoint 2010 Forms library, the type of the Region column is a “single line of text”.
    Then I automatically changed the type of the Region column to “choice” and added the options to the choice filed.
    After add an additional option to the choice fields(Region) in InfoPath, I re-published the form to SharePoint 2010 Forms library. when I click new document,
    the new added option showed up in the SharePoint forms library on submit, but It is not showing as an option in SharePoint Designer.
    I found the choice column Region didn’t update the new added option, I need to add it
    automatically. Then It will showing as an option in SharePoint Designer.
    For your issue, Go to Library Settings->edit “Region” column->add the value(Global) choice into the column.
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen
    Lisa Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • JComboBox takes ages to load/refresh when tried to add more items.

    Swing gurus ...
    Here is the test app generated from VA3.5 concept is the
    same - JComboBox takes long time to add data items to itself when added more items.
    In this senario, I tried to load about 500 items into the combo box, takes about 2+ minutes to load. I have an app which needs to show about 1K items in the pick list ( ComboBox ) - which takes any where from 4 - 10 min - this is not acceptable - are there any ways we can load more items into combo box ? Help is really appreciated.
    * Insert the type's description here.
    * Creation date: (6/28/2001 11:23:26 AM)
    * @author: Administrator
    public class ComboTest extends javax.swing.JFrame {
         private javax.swing.JPanel ivjJFrameContentPane = null;
         private javax.swing.JButton ivjLoadBtn = null;
         private javax.swing.JComboBox ivjTestCombo = null;
    * ComboTest constructor comment.
    public ComboTest() {
    * ComboTest constructor comment.
    * @param title java.lang.String
    public ComboTest(String title) {
    * connEtoC1: (LoadBtn.action.actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) --> ComboTest.loadBtn_ActionPerformed(Ljava.awt.event.ActionEvent;)V)
    * @param arg1 java.awt.event.ActionEvent
    private void connEtoC1(java.awt.event.ActionEvent arg1) {
         try {
              // user code begin {1}
              // user code end
              // user code begin {2}
              // user code end
         } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) {
              // user code begin {3}
              // user code end
    * Return the JFrameContentPane property value.
    * @return javax.swing.JPanel
    private javax.swing.JPanel getJFrameContentPane() {
         if (ivjJFrameContentPane == null) {
              try {
                   ivjJFrameContentPane = new javax.swing.JPanel();
                   getJFrameContentPane().add(getTestCombo(), getTestCombo().getName());
                   getJFrameContentPane().add(getLoadBtn(), getLoadBtn().getName());
                   // user code begin {1}
                   // user code end
              } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) {
                   // user code begin {2}
                   // user code end
         return ivjJFrameContentPane;
    * Return the LoadBtn property value.
    * @return javax.swing.JButton
    private javax.swing.JButton getLoadBtn() {
         if (ivjLoadBtn == null) {
              try {
                   ivjLoadBtn = new javax.swing.JButton();
                   ivjLoadBtn.setBounds(248, 41, 85, 25);
                   // user code begin {1}
                   // user code end
              } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) {
                   // user code begin {2}
                   // user code end
         return ivjLoadBtn;
    * Return the TestCombo property value.
    * @return javax.swing.JComboBox
    private javax.swing.JComboBox getTestCombo() {
         if (ivjTestCombo == null) {
              try {
                   ivjTestCombo = new javax.swing.JComboBox();
                   ivjTestCombo.setBounds(78, 41, 164, 23);
                   // user code begin {1}
                   // user code end
              } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) {
                   // user code begin {2}
                   // user code end
         return ivjTestCombo;
    * Called whenever the part throws an exception.
    * @param exception java.lang.Throwable
    private void handleException(java.lang.Throwable exception) {
         /* Uncomment the following lines to print uncaught exceptions to stdout */
         // System.out.println("--------- UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION ---------");
         // exception.printStackTrace(System.out);
    * Initializes connections
    * @exception java.lang.Exception The exception description.
    private void initConnections() throws java.lang.Exception {
         // user code begin {1}
         // user code end
         getLoadBtn().addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
              public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {
    * Initialize the class.
    private void initialize() {
         try {
              // user code begin {1}
              // user code end
              setSize(426, 131);
              setTitle("Test App");
         } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) {
         // user code begin {2}
         // user code end
    * Comment
    public void loadBtn_ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent actionEvent)
         String val = "String Item: ";
         for ( int i=0; i<500; i++ )
              getTestCombo().addItem( val + i);
    * main entrypoint - starts the part when it is run as an application
    * @param args java.lang.String[]
    public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {
         try {
              ComboTest aComboTest;
              aComboTest = new ComboTest();
              aComboTest.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
                   public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) {
              java.awt.Insets insets = aComboTest.getInsets();
              aComboTest.setSize(aComboTest.getWidth() + insets.left + insets.right, aComboTest.getHeight() + + insets.bottom);
         } catch (Throwable exception) {
              System.err.println("Exception occurred in main() of javax.swing.JFrame");

    The "Really fast combo boxes" thread referred to by lk555 can be summarized as follows:
    1. RegFish wrote a custom JComboBox that handles large numbers of elements better than a standard JComboBox does.
    2. You can download his code at
    3. You may want to reconsider your design, since a JComboBox with more than a few dozen elements is usually too hard for the user to use (see various postings in the long thread).

  • Sharepoint 2010 - Cannot make field Required in Add New Item form.

    I made a fleld Required by making the proper selection in List Settings > Editing the column.  It now shows as required when I edit an existing record in the list, but is not required when adding a new item.  Why does the setting not apply
    to the Add New Item form?  How can I make it apply/required?
    btw, there are no content types associated with the list.

    Hi  ,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you cannot make field required in the list new form.
    For my test, I created a custom list , added a non-required field and added some records. Then I made the field required. But it worked fine as expected both in existing records and  in Add New Item
    Do you have some customization in your list new form?
    You can go to your list -> Customize Form under  list tab, then the new form will be opened in the InfoPath. In the InfoPath, right click the field and select Text Box Properties, make sure “Cannot
    be blank”  has been checked.
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Not able to add Search Item in Advanced Search Mappings of a Seeded Page.

    For one of the seeded pages (Manager Self Service -> Termination) the Search Item drop down in the Personalization of the Advanced Search Mappings does not show any value. My requirement is too add a new criteria to the Advanced Search and i created an item for Table Layout, Criteria Row. But in Advanced Search i am able to see the Table Layout item but the Search Item does not show any value (even the seeded search items). Any one has faced the same issue?
    I am using Oracle Application Framework version 12.1.1.
    Thanks, Suresh

    Let's verify the followings:
    What browser did you use for your SharePoint? Whether you try to test with other browsers, like Chrome or Firefox.
    What template did you use for the problematic site?
    Whether this issue occurred on other sites or other site collections.
    Whether you could add other OOB web parts.
    What is text web part? Whether it is Content Edit web part.
    Whether other users with full control also meet this issue.
    There is a similar post, please check if it is useful for you:
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • PerformancePoint Designer is not loading when clicking on "Add new item" from PerformancePoint Content List

    I am using Internet Explorer 9 to create a new item by launching Performance Point Dashboard Designer from browser. 
    When i click on "Add new item", an Iframe will open showing dashboard design redirect which keep loading for couple of minutes and the designer never opens. 
    Yes, there are working workarounds like opening these links in other tab or opening dashboard designer directly or by clicking on "Run Dashboard Designer"  from BI Center homepage. 
    However, Can someone please help me how to get designer opened when "Add new item" has been clicked from  PerformancePoint Content List from browser? 
    Thanks in advance.
    NKV Prasad Panthangi

    An Update :
    I found this is due to the browser limitation. 
    I have downgraded my Internet Explorer Browser to IE 8 and did the following changes in my browser settings. 
    Tools --> Internet Options --> Navigate to Security Tab --> Click on Custom Level Button --> Under Download --> Select "Enable" radio box for Automatic Prompting for File Downloads. 
    Sadly, I cannot ask users to downgrade their browser to IE 8 because MS already stopped support for this browser and there are no other solution for this except going by workarounds. 
    This clearly says why people are moving away from PerformancePoint Services in SharePoint. 
    NKV Prasad Panthangi

  • Requestors end users will not acces a site directly and add list items

    i created a  site for IT services  and this site includes some lists for various services services 
    main site is
    and also workflow are configured  for these lists for create new item
    and only 3 type of users will work on these lists
    1)Requestors (Create,View rights)
    2)Contributers (Contribute permissions)
    -- Requestors    will create list items and approvers will Open this list item and  edit list item like
     approve and add a Contribute userid in AssignedTO field
    ---Contribute user also will recieve email and he also Open item and edit ans save this list
    so basically its backend  , data inserted by requestors will  save in lists
    so here i need all  Requestors  end users will not acces IT services site and add list item directly in list.
    is any other option availabe that i will provide a  diffrent front end page for Requestors at root level  site (which is )
    and they will add and view only their data, and  Contributers  also  view and edit all users data.

    Hi adilahmed,
    You can use two web parts to show the list items for different group.
    In the List view page, add another list view web part, set the first web part list view to filter Created By field with Me, second list with all list items.
    Then set the first web part with audience Requested group, and second web part with audience Contributers group.
    Qiao Wei
    TechNet Community Support

  • ERROR: You do not have enough privileges to add this item.

    On any new web App Items , or any new Web Apps created getting the message when attempting to do update (logged in as user and can access the item in edit)
    ERROR: You do not have enough privileges to add this item.
    The same user id can do updates to other web app web app items that already exist, the user is assigned and can login and select edit and add the content , but submit the web app item update results in succfull update.
    What does the message ERROR: You do not have enough privileges to add this item specifically indicate when the user is
    assigned to the web app / web app item,
    web app is designated as edit enabled for assigned user
    item is active and
    can update other web apps and can login to the web app in question but
    can not update newly created items without the message.
    Appears to me any web app that is new or modified is getting the error, existing ones are ok.
    (happens on different browsers, cache cleared, logins not remembered, manual login actioned)

    I've checked your site users and it show each having full administrative permissions. 
    Unfortunately I'm not sure why this error would prompt otherwise.  Please reach our direct chat support to help investigate this further if the error continues. 
    Kind regards,

  • Just updated to itunes - big problem - can no longer access the legacy "Get Info" where you could change multiple files, easily add artwork, add album name for TV show, and much more. In previous iTunes 12 you'd right click

    Just updated to itunes - big problem - can no longer access the legacy "Get Info" where you could change multiple files, easily add artwork, add album name for TV show, and much more. In previous iTunes 12 you'd right click and hold shift key and be able to get to it. Anyone figured this out?

    The "legacy" metadata editors, for which there was a "back door" in iTunes 12.0, have gone from 12.1.  However, the revised editors in 12.1 provide access to (almost) all the metadata elements that were available in iTunes 11, albeit in a different layout and with some additional constraints based on media kind.  Some users have / will have an issue with the statement that "Get Info has been completely redesigned in iTunes 12 to focus your attention only on what’s necessary for the selected item" since that removes some metadata elements that people may have been using in creative ways.  iTunes 12.1 basically gives you access to the fields that Apple think are necessary ... .  Some of the things that have been excluded by this rule:
    track and disc number fields for video media kinds
    show and episode fields for music
    description tab for audiobooks made up of more than one file
    Obviously the first two examples can be regarded as "overloading" the metadata elements - i.e., using them in ways that the designers didn't intend - but given that some users do find valid cases for this it's a shame that they've been deprecated in the new UI.  There are couple of workarounds:
    in songs view (or any of the other columnar views), you can still select any fields to display, independent of media kind, and these can be edited (though only one at a time) by double-clicking in the relevant "cell"
    you can (temporarily) change the media kind of an item (or group of items) to get access to metadata elements that would otherwise be inaccessible.
    It may be worth submitting an issue via - I can't see it as a huge development task to have a user preference to switch between "show all fields" and "filter fields based on media kind".
    One other oddity/irritation is that some of the tabs don't, by default, show all the available fields - you need to scroll up/down to access them or to expand the window by dragging on one of its corners.  Fortunately, the latter seems to be persistent - once you've done this to make all the fields visible the editor will open at the same (larger) size when opened again.

  • Need to add list items while clicking another list item.

    I want to know the steps to be followed to get the below functionality .
    EntityList EntityList
    At run time when user clicks emp or emp ,dept,all these items should be to enitity list.
    Iam open any list other than LOV.
    Could you anyone help me how to work this functionality

    Block Name:CONTROL
    List 1 List 2
    I have to add List1 item to List2 when user clciks on List1.
    In when-list-changed-trigger
         v_list_id ITEM := find_item('CONTROL.ENTITY_LIST');
         v_list_value1 VARCHAR2(100);
    Select :CONTROL.ENTITY_TYPE into v_list_value1 from dual;
    End ;
    Iam getting run time warning no list elemnets in entity_list .
    And the form is not showing any list elements in entity_list when i cick on list1.

  • Best way for add thousans items to listbox without freezing ui in wpf

    Hello guys.
    What is the best way for add thousands items (or even more) to Listbox without freezing UI.
    I search many post in the web but I don't understand how this posts writer wrote that code.
    I realized that ObservableCollection can contain 1000 items or even more and show that items to listbox just for few second without freezing UI but I don't Know how can I use that!
    Can you guys give me an example.

    If you bind an observablecollection you can add items to that from a background thread.  Then bind that to the itemssource.  I usually new up an observablecollection, add the items then set the bound property to  that.
    But I avoid thousands of items. 
    You should provide some sort of filter mechanism the user chooses a category or whatever and then fill with a maximum of 300 items.
    Users simply can't work with thousands of items.
    It is usually reading the data out  a database which takes the time rather than creating objects to bind.
    Hence this:
    protected async override void GetData()
    ThrobberVisible = Visibility.Visible;
    ObservableCollection<CustomerVM> _customers = new ObservableCollection<CustomerVM>();
    var customers = await (from c in db.Customers
    orderby c.CustomerName
    select c).ToListAsync();
    foreach (Customer cust in customers)
    _customers.Add(new CustomerVM { IsNew = false, TheEntity = cust });
    Customers = _customers;
    ThrobberVisible = Visibility.Collapsed;
    That's making an asynchronous entity framework call.
    A list of customers is obtained.
    These are then wrapped in a customer viewmodel each.
    Finally the observablecollection Customers is set to this new collection and propertychanged raised to notify the view.
    The itemssource of a datagrid is bound to Customers.
    Hope that helps.
    Recent Technet articles: Property List Editing;
    Dynamic XAML

  • How do you add master items in iBook Author?

    Everytime I add a page to my book the same interactive image window appears as if it were a master item. How do you add master items and how do you eliminate it from happening on subsequent new pages?
    Message was edited by: Onnie Clem

    Onnie Clem - There are master layouts. To uncover & use them go to the View menu and select Show Laouts (3rd iten down). They appear in the top portion of the sidebar. Make universal changes here.
    I highly recommend everyone download and read this free book from O'Reilly press, Publishing With iBooks Author :
    Reading this book and absorbing its contents will eliminate 95% of all the questions asked in this forum.
    - Fabe
    P.S. there is a separate iBooks Author forum.

  • Hiding Add/Edit Item

    I have a page with a single Item Region. I want to have two users - User A and User B - User A should only be able to add an item, but not edit it. And, User B should only be able to edit an item but not add any. Is this possible in Oracle Portal?

    Hi Vijay -
    Portal default functionality does not support this level of granularity. Have a look at the following whitepaper given at Oracle Open World 2004. (section Adding and Editing Items in Page View mode)
    It shows you how to create your own Add-item button. If you follow the technique in this paper, you can place item level security on your new "Add Item" link so only UserA has access to it.
    It also shows how to create an Edit item link using an associated funtion. You will need to add code to do an IF check for the correct user before outputting anything with the HTP.P( ) function.
    Hope this helps,

  • Add an item to all state machine constants

    I have a state machine using an enum for the state indicator.  In
    the current state, the next state is indicated by an enum
    constant.  If I want to add a state, how can I update all of the
    constants?  Here is the problem.  If I add (or delete) an
    item in the selector of the case structure, it is red because the enum
    constants do not have that value in them.  Conversely, if I add an
    item to one of the constants I can "Add case for every value" and add
    it to the seletor, but then I have to manually add that item to each of
    the other constants.  Also, the way I usually create the constants
    is to pop-up on the exit tunnel for the enum in the case structure and
    "Create constant".  Unfortunately, that tunnel retains the choices
    of the old enum and the new choice must be manually added.  Is
    there any way around this?  I would like a method that allows me
    to add or delete choices at will and have all of the constants
    automatically update to match.

    Well LabVIEW has just what you need in the "type def"! The next time you create a enum, right click on it, select create a control go to the front panel, right click on the control and select "Advanced" and then "Customize" to enter the control editor (if you have selected in your front panel "tools", "options", "front panel", "open the control editor with a double click", you can ust double click on the control to enter the control editor). In the control editor you will see a toolbar pull down with the "Control" option. If you pull it down and change to "Type Def" you can modify the control and all copies of it will now get automatically updated, including constants created from the type definition. The strict type def controls the look of the control as well, so it is most often used to make sure that operator interface instances of a control look the same. When you save this new type def it should ask you whether to update all instances, which will update the original control , you will have to go back and make a constant from the new control type to replace that original one, but now every copy made from that one will update when you update the type definition, and you can do that from the constant on the diagram by right clicking and selecting "open type def".
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    Senior Test Engineer
    Currently using LV 6.1-LabVIEW 2012, RT8.5
    LabVIEW Champion

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