Add button to a JTable

i added a button a Jtable.but am not able to dispatch the mouse click event to the button. I am not seeing any change in the button when clicked....its not getting the focus. the code is as below:
class TableButtonMouseListener implements MouseListener {
private JTable table;
private void forwardEventToButton(MouseEvent e) {
TableColumnModel columnModel = table.getColumnModel();
int column = columnModel.getColumnIndexAtX(e.getX());
System.out.println("column "+column);
int row = e.getY() / table.getRowHeight();
System.out.println("row "+row);
Object value;
JButton button;
MouseEvent buttonEvent;
if(row >= table.getRowCount() || row < 0 ||
column >= table.getColumnCount() || column < 0)
value = table.getValueAt(row, column);
if(!(value instanceof JButton))
button = (JButton)value;
buttonEvent =(MouseEvent)SwingUtilities.convertMouseEvent(table, e, button);
// This is necessary so that when a button is pressed and released
// it gets rendered properly. Otherwise, the button may still appear
// pressed down when it has been released.
public TableButtonMouseListener(JTable table) {
this.table = table;
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
pls help ....

-> I am a first time user.that is y....
What does that have to do with anything. As a first time user you should take the time to learn how to use the forum. In any forum, not just this one, it is common sense to search first before asking questions.
-> but can u pls tell me y the button is nt getting the event
Did you read the JTable API? It has a link to the Swing tutorial that explains how tables work. You need to understand the section on renderers. In general a renderer is a drawing of the button, it is not a real button so it doesn't receive events.
The problem has nothing to do with the TableModel.

Similar Messages

  • Add button to unused space in JTableHeader

    I have modified my JTable so that I can have multiple rows of column headers. I did this by extending BasicTableHeaderUI. In my particular instance, the first column of the table will never have more than one row in the header (unlike other implementations of multi-row headers I have seen, my column headers don't automatically fill upwards to take up all usable space in the header). So, I have "unused" space in the header above the first column.
    I would like to put some buttons there that are relevant to the table, but so far every effort to do so has failed.
    In the SSCCE below I have created a very stripped down version of my TableHeaderUI. It doesn't contain any of the code to create multiple row headers, it just pushes down the standard column headers to create some space. I try adding a button to the rendererPane, but it doesn't show up. There is a commented out line that paints the button which does work in terms of showing the button, but that's probably not the right way to do this (and the button doesn't work anyway).
    So, why isn't the button showing up? Am I doing this the right way (i.e. adding the button within the UI)? Thanks in advance for you help.
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JComponent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableHeaderUI;
    import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
    import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
    import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel;
    public class HeaderButtonTable extends JPanel {
         public HeaderButtonTable() {
              String[] colNames = {"column 1", "column2", "column3"};
              Object[][] data = {{"a","b","c"},{"d","e","f"}};
              JTable table = new JTable(data, colNames);
              table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(400,100));
              table.getTableHeader().setUI(new ButtonHeaderUI());
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
         public class ButtonHeaderUI extends BasicTableHeaderUI {
              public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
                   Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds();
                   Point left = clip.getLocation();
                   Point right = new Point( clip.x + clip.width - 1, clip.y );
                   TableColumnModel cm = header.getColumnModel();
                   int cMin = header.columnAtPoint(left);
                   int cMax = header.columnAtPoint(right);
                   if (cMin == -1) cMin =  0;
                   if (cMax == -1) cMax = cm.getColumnCount()-1;
                   TableColumn draggedColumn = header.getDraggedColumn();
                   int columnWidth;
                   Rectangle cellRect = header.getHeaderRect(cMin);
                   TableColumn aColumn;
                   for(int column = cMin; column <= cMax ; column++) {
                        aColumn = cm.getColumn(column);
                        columnWidth = aColumn.getWidth();
                        cellRect.width = columnWidth;
                        if (aColumn != draggedColumn) {
                             paintCell(g, cellRect, column);
                        cellRect.x += columnWidth;
                  JButton test = new JButton("test");
                  test.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                  test.setBounds(2, 2, 60, 15);
                  rendererPane.add(test);  //why isn't this showing up?
                  //this line will display the button, but button doesn't work
    //          rendererPane.paintComponent(g, test, header, 2, 2, 60, 15);
              private Component getHeaderRenderer(int columnIndex) {
                   TableColumn aColumn = header.getColumnModel().getColumn(columnIndex);
                   TableCellRenderer renderer = aColumn.getHeaderRenderer();
                   if (renderer == null) renderer = header.getDefaultRenderer();
                   return renderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(header.getTable(),
                        aColumn.getHeaderValue(), false, false, -1, columnIndex);
              private void paintCell(Graphics g, Rectangle cellRect, int columnIndex) {
                   Component component = getHeaderRenderer(columnIndex);
                   rendererPane.paintComponent(g, component, header,
                        cellRect.x, cellRect.y + 30, cellRect.width,
                        cellRect.height - 30, true);
              public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c) {
                   long width = 0;
                   Enumeration enumeration = header.getColumnModel().getColumns();
                   while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
                        TableColumn aColumn = (TableColumn)enumeration.nextElement();
                        width = width + aColumn.getPreferredWidth();
                   return new Dimension((int)width, 60);
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame();
              frame.add(new HeaderButtonTable());

    Yes, I've seen similar links/posts about how to activate buttons in the header of a table, but those do it by adding listeners to the renderer. My buttons would be directly in the CellRendererPane that is the container for the table header. I would have thought that by putting the button directly in the Cell RendererPane that it would have nothing to do with the rest of the table header. CellRendererPane extends Container. Is it not possible to put a JButton in a Container? JFrame extends indirectly from Container and you can add buttons to that.
    Edited by: Bob.B on Oct 28, 2009 10:57 PM

  • Add rows and sort JTable in the same program

    I would like to have a button to add rows to the JTable, but would also like to sort the data within the columns. This program can sort the data prior to clicking the 'add row' button. After I click the button, there is no new row, and I lose the ability to sort the column. Do you have any tips or advice as to what I can do to fix my program? Is it because I have to have the final code for SortFilterModel to work?
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    public class TableRowColumn extends JFrame
         private final static String LETTERS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
         JTable table;
         DefaultTableModel model;
         JPanel buttonPanel;
         JButton button;
         public TableRowColumn()
              Object[][] data = {
                        {"6", "K"},
                        {"5", "A"},
                        {"1", "Z"}
              String[] columnNames = {
              model = new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames);
                    //comment out this SortFilterModel line
                    final SortFilterModel sorter = new SortFilterModel(model);
                    //Change sorter to model
              table = new JTable(sorter);
              table.putClientProperty("terminateEditOnFocusLost", Boolean.TRUE);
              //  Add table and a Button panel to the frame
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( table );
              getContentPane().add( scrollPane );
              buttonPanel = new JPanel();
              getContentPane().add( buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
              button = new JButton( "Add Row" );
              buttonPanel.add( button );
              button.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                        model.addRow( createRow() );
                        int row = table.getRowCount() - 1;
                        table.changeSelection(row, row, false, false);
                 //Set up double click handler for column headers and sort
                 table.getTableHeader().addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
                        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event)
                          //check for click
                          if (event.getClickCount() < 2) return;
                       //find column of click and
                       int tableColumn = table.columnAtPoint(event.getPoint());
                       //translate to table model index and sort
                       int modelColumn = table.convertColumnIndexToModel(tableColumn);
         private Object[] createRow()
              Object[] newRow = new Object[2];
              int row = table.getRowCount() + 1;
              newRow[0] = Integer.toString( row );
              newRow[1] = LETTERS.substring(row-1, row);
              return newRow;
         public static void main(String[] args)
              TableRowColumn frame = new TableRowColumn();
              frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );

    I attempted to modify the code in the correct way, but I ran into a problem near the bottom with the model.addRow(rowData); line. It has an error saying it can't find the addRow method. If I take away the model part, it will compile, but it will cause an infinite loop when I push the 'Add Row' button within the program. I didn't expect that to work, and I think it isn't calling the right model.
    I am aware that my code organization and design skills are not very good. I am a fan of basic assembly and low-level hardware languages for the most part.
    Thanks for your advice so far, it has been helpful.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    public class TableRowColumn extends JFrame
         private final static String LETTERS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
         JTable table;
         public DefaultTableModel model;
         JPanel buttonPanel;
         JButton button;
         public TableRowColumn()
              Object[][] data = {
                        {"9", "C"},
                        {"5", "A"},
                        {"3", "B"}
              String[] columnNames = {
              model = new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames);
                    //comment out this SortFilterModel line
                    final SortFilterModel sorter = new SortFilterModel(model);
                    //Change sorter to model
              table = new JTable(sorter);
              table.putClientProperty("terminateEditOnFocusLost", Boolean.TRUE);
              //  Add table and a Button panel to the frame
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( table );
              getContentPane().add( scrollPane );
              buttonPanel = new JPanel();
              getContentPane().add( buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
              button = new JButton( "Add Row" );
              buttonPanel.add( button );
              button.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                        sorter.addRow( createRow() );
                        int row = table.getRowCount() - 1;
                        table.changeSelection(row, row, false, false);
                 //Set up double click handler for column headers and sort
                 table.getTableHeader().addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
                        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event)
                          //check for click
                          if (event.getClickCount() < 2) return;
                       //find column of click and
                       int tableColumn = table.columnAtPoint(event.getPoint());
                       //translate to table model index and sort
                       int modelColumn = table.convertColumnIndexToModel(tableColumn);
         private Object[] createRow()
              Object[] newRow = new Object[2];
              int row = table.getRowCount() + 1;
              newRow[0] = Integer.toString( row );
              newRow[1] = LETTERS.substring(row-1, row);
              return newRow;
         public static void main(String[] args)
              TableRowColumn frame = new TableRowColumn();
              frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
    class SortFilterModel extends AbstractTableModel{
        public SortFilterModel(TableModel m){
            model = m;
            rows = new Row[model.getRowCount()];
            for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
                rows[i] = new Row();
                rows.index = i;
    public void sort(int c){
    sortColumn = c;
    public Object getValueAt(int r, int c) {
    return model.getValueAt(rows[r].index, c);
    public boolean isCellEditable(int r, int c){
    return model.isCellEditable(rows[r].index, c);
    public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int r, int c){
    model.setValueAt(aValue, rows[r].index, c);
    public int getRowCount() {
    return model.getRowCount();
    public int getColumnCount(){
    return model.getColumnCount();
    public String getColumnName(int c) {
    return model.getColumnName(c);
    public Class getColumnClass(int c){
    return model.getColumnClass(c);
    private class Row implements Comparable {
    public int index;
    public int compareTo(Object other) {
    Row otherRow = (Row)other;
    Object a = model.getValueAt(index, sortColumn);
    Object b = model.getValueAt(otherRow.index, sortColumn);
    if (a instanceof Comparable) {
    return ((Comparable)a).compareTo(b);
    return a.toString().compareTo(b.toString());
    public void addRow(Object[] rowData) {
    Row[] oldRows = new Row[rows.length];
    for (int i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
    oldRows[i] = rows[i];
    rows = new Row[rows.length +1];
    for (int i=0; i < oldRows.length; i++) {
    rows[i] = oldRows[i];
    rows[oldRows.length] = new Row();
    rows[oldRows.length].index = oldRows.length;
    addRow (rowData);
    private TableModel model;
    private int sortColumn;
    private Row[] rows;

  • Urgent - How to add buttons to a Table

    How to add buttons to a Table and enable them for Mouse Listeners/ Action Listeners

    extends the defaultcellrenderer make it return a Jbutton as the component to draw.
    class OverCellRendererClass extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {
    public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table,
    Object value,
    boolean isSelected,
    boolean hasFocus,
    int row,
    int column) {
    //put your stuff here to make or get a button
    return myButton;
    Use something like this to set the renderer for the column :
    tb.getColumnModel().getColumn(4).setCellRenderer(new YourCellRendererClass());

  • Add data to the table in the database with the use of add button

    The name of my database is Socrates.
    The name of the table in the database is Employees
    I want to be able to add data to the database. i am presently working on the add button such that when i enter date into the textfield and press the add button it should automatically register in the table.
    The error upon compilation is with this line of code
    If (ae.getSource() == jbtnA)// it says that ";" is expected
    Below is the entire code
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Mainpage extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         JTextField jFirstName = new JTextField(15);
         JTextField jSurname = new JTextField(12);
         JTextField jCity = new JTextField(10);
         JTextField jCountry = new JTextField(12);
         JTextField jSSN = new JTextField(8);
         JLabel jFirstLab = new JLabel("First Name");
         JLabel jSurnameLab = new JLabel("Surname");
         JLabel jCityLab = new JLabel("City");
         JLabel jCountryLab = new JLabel("Country");
         JLabel jSSNLab = new JLabel("Social Security Number (SSN)");
         JButton jbtnA = new JButton ("Add");
         JButton jbtnPrv = new JButton ("Previous");
         JButton jbtnNt = new JButton ("Next");
         JButton jbtnDl= new JButton ("Delete");
         JButton jbtnSrch = new JButton ("Search");
         public Mainpage (String title)
              super (title);
              Container cont = getContentPane();
              JPanel pane1 = new JPanel();
              JPanel pane2 = new JPanel();
              JPanel pane3 = new JPanel();
              pane1.setLayout (new GridLayout (0,1));
              pane2.setLayout (new GridLayout(0,1));
              pane3.setLayout (new FlowLayout());
              cont.add(pane1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              cont.add(pane2, BorderLayout.LINE_END);
              cont.add(pane3, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                   If (ae.getSource() == jbtnA)
                                    fst = jFirstName.getText();
                        srn = jSurname.getText();
                        cty = jCity.getText();
                        cnty = jCountry.getText();
                        int sn =
                                    String ad = "Insert into Employees
    (Firstname,Surname,City,Country,SSN)" +
                        Statement stmt = con.createStatment();
                        int rowcount = stmt.executeUpdate(ad);
    details have been registered");
                        Statement stmt = con.createStatment();
                        int rowcount = stmt.executeUpdate(ad);
    public static void main (String args[])
              Mainpage ObjFr = new Mainpage("Please fill this
    registration form");
                   String plato = "jdbc:odbc:socrates";
                   Connection con =
              catch(SQLException ce)

    i have restructured the code, but the following line of code is giving error:
    String plato = jdbc:odbc:socrates;
    the entire code is below:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Mainpage extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         JTextField jFirstName = new JTextField(15);
         JTextField jSurname = new JTextField(12);
         JTextField jCity = new JTextField(10);
         JTextField jCountry = new JTextField(12);
         JTextField jSSN = new JTextField(8);
         JLabel jFirstLab = new JLabel("First Name");
         JLabel jSurnameLab = new JLabel("Surname");
         JLabel jCityLab = new JLabel("City");
         JLabel jCountryLab = new JLabel("Country");
         JLabel jSSNLab = new JLabel("Social Security Number (SSN)");
         JButton jbtnA = new JButton ("Add");
         JButton jbtnPrv = new JButton ("Previous");
         JButton jbtnNt = new JButton ("Next");
         JButton jbtnDl= new JButton ("Delete");
         JButton jbtnSrch = new JButton ("Search");
         Statement stmt;
            String ad;
            public Mainpage (String title)
              super (title);
              Container cont = getContentPane();
              JPanel pane1 = new JPanel();
              JPanel pane2 = new JPanel();
              JPanel pane3 = new JPanel();
              pane1.setLayout (new GridLayout (0,1));
              pane2.setLayout (new GridLayout(0,1));
              pane3.setLayout (new FlowLayout());
              cont.add(pane1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              cont.add(pane2, BorderLayout.LINE_END);
              cont.add(pane3, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
                   String plato = jdbc:odbc:socrates;
                   Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(plato);
                   stmt = con.createStatment();
              catch(SQLException ce)
              catch(ClassNotFoundException ce)
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                                         fst = jFirstName.getText();
                             srn = jSurname.getText();
                             cty = jCity.getText();
                             cnty = jCountry.getText();
                             int sn = Interger.parseInt(jSSN.getText());
                                         ad = "Insert into Employees
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Your details have been
                   catch(SQLException ce)
    public static void main(String args[])
              Mainpage ObjFr = new Mainpage("Please fill this registration form");

  • How to add button in ALV report (Class method )?

    Hello experts,
    I have developed one ALV report using classes.
    I want to add one more  button on the report like already is there named DISPLQUA
    How ca i do that here?
    Following the code of CLASS definition & implimentation
    CLASS lcl_handle_events DEFINITION.
          handle_on_user_command FOR EVENT added_function OF cl_salv_events
            IMPORTING e_salv_function.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_handle_events DEFINITION
          CLASS lcl_handle_events IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_handle_events IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD handle_on_user_command.
        CASE e_salv_function.
          WHEN 'DISPLQUA'.
            PERFORM show_quant_record.
         WHEN 'DISPQM03'.                                " Here i want to add button
           PERFORM display_quality_notification.
          WHEN OTHERS.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_on_user_command
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_handle_events IMPLEMENTATION

    HI Ronny.
    Code snippet for reference.
        METHODS :
    *--Toolbar control
    *--handle toolbar
    * append a separator to normal toolbar
        G_TOOLBAR-BUTN_TYPE = 3.
        G_TOOLBAR-BUTN_TYPE = 0.
        G_TOOLBAR-QUICKINFO = 'Save the Customer'(203).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "HANDLE_TOOLBAR
    Hope this helps.
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Apr 7, 2008 5:41 PM

  • Clicking add button to display the values

    requrement is like this
    Could anyone give suggestions with some code .
    we have lovs using this one we are searching for the value(ex emloyee name) that value is returned to the base page filed like message text input . we have add button, when ever we click that button to display the value(ex employee name ,desigantion this is from another table )on that same page.

    I could not understand your requirement. Post more details of the requirement with specific details.
    Message was edited by:

  • Add button to the transaction SM30

       Whether it is possible to add a buton to application tool bar in the transaction SM30.
    help reg this.

    Yes, it is possible to add button for the transaction SM30.
    This is possible through Menu exit.
    Procedure for Menuexit:-
    Go to SM30 ->System -> Status
    Repository data -> Transaction -> Double click on it
    Copy package name
    Go to SMOD
    Press F4 then a popup will open
    Click on information system
    Enter package name and press Enter
    Then we will get Exit
    Put cursor on that exit and press Enter
    Go to change mode and save it.
    Go to CMOD or alternatively we can use the path tools -> ABAP/4 Workbench -> Utilities -> Enhancements ->Project Management
    Specify Project name in the enhancement text box
    Click on Create icon on the application toolbar.
    Enter description for the project and save it
    Click on Enhancement Assignment button on the application toolbar
    Give Exit  and save it
    Go to Components on the application toolbar
    Double Click on MENUS001
    Write function text which we want to add to menu item and save it with an request      number
    Double Click on Exit and write code there to display menu item in the screen
    Activate the include program and finally activate the project.
    Please reward points if helpful.

  • Add button to SNC screen

    Dear Experts,
    I have a requirement in SNC system.
    Requirement: Add a new button on screen Due List for Purchasing Documents, if we click on the button it has to open a new screen where we should have a file browse filed, browse and upload buttons to upload ASN details from presentation server.
    am using,
    WebDynpro Component: /SCF/UIWD
    WebDynpro Application: /scf/snc_s
    I have used following details to add button and acheived to add button alone, but how can I assing action/event, where can I create the screen, where can I write code and how can I assign this to button action.
    ApplicationID: ICH
    ScreenID: DUELIST
    ComponentID: DLRLTLR1
    Please help me out, almost from 2 weeks am doing R and D on it.
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for your inputs Sai, but here the screen design is not static as normal webdynpro, normally we add a button and in OnAction property we create new action and we write code for the corresponding method, but in my case (expecially in SNC) everything I need to do with configurations, the transaction for screeen configuraitons is /N/SCF/SCREENCFG, and the BADI which I used for adding button is /SCF/UIMDL_APPCUST, you can find these details only in SNC (Supply Network and Collaboration) system.
    Please try with inputs again.
    Thanks again in advance!

  • I just installed itunes  Now the format in Itunes is changed.  when I am trying to add music to my iphone, there is no longer an add button under the Iphone device.  Why did they have to change this?  Can anyone help, Im tryiong to add music.

    How do you add musci to the Iphone?  I just installed itunes  Now the format in Itunes is changed.  when I am trying to add music to my iphone, there is no longer an add button under the Iphone device.  Why did they have to change this?  Can anyone help, Im tryiong to add music.

    Correct.  When you purchase devices, they would have stated the OS they needed to work, on the box.  This can be overlooked, but it is very important to check when purchasing. 
    You current OS, is so old, that they technology build into the new devices, is not something your OS understands.  It didn't exist when your OS was created, and therefore you need to upgrade the OS to work with the newer technology of these devices.
    10.6 software is not downloadable.  You must purchase a DVD disc.  You can order it from the on-line apple store

  • Add Button Column in IR

    I have created an Interactive report on a table. I want to add two buttons in each row: Accept and Reject, so that i can change the status(db column) of the corresponding record on button action.
    How can I do so?

    Hi poojaC,
    Try the below code,
    i am giving the idea to add buttons..may be this is not the way you want.
    -- put this code in report region
    select "ROWID",
    '<input type="button" value="Accept"  onclick="func('||EMPNO||')">'  as "Accept",
    '<input type="button" value="Reject"  onclick="func('||EMPNO||')">'  as "Reject",
    from "#OWNER#"."EMP"
    -- edit the Accept and reject column and change Display type to "standard report column"Step 2 : create one function in page header like
    -- here you can execute your process on button action
    function func(id)
    </script>Hope this will give you some idea.

  • Add button inactive in Match record step in Import manager

    In the Main table, I want to see the country data as 'US; United States' in country field.
    I have made both 'country code' and 'country description' as display fields in the country flat lookup table.
    When I load country code and country description from import manager from an excel file, the 'Add' button in Match records step is inactive for both the fields.
    How can I do the matching in import manager without sacrificing my requirement of showing country as 'US; United States' in main table ?

    answer to this question is already available in forum.

  • How can I add buttons that do different things to each row of an rpt result

    Hi there,
    I'm trying to figure out how to add buttons to each row of a report. Here is the scenario:
    report query returns a set of data that needs to be "approved". The options are "Append", "Replace", or "Reject" (I want to make the results look like so:)
    Person1 today blah, blah blah... Append button Replace button Reject button
    Person2 today blah, blah, blah... Append button Replace button Reject button
    PersonA today something, blah... Append button Replace button Reject button
    and so on.
    I'd like to set up the page so that there is an append, replace, reject button for each row returned by the report. So when the "Approver" clicks on the append button, something happens for that row, etc. How does one do this? So far I can only get the buttons to show up in the region. I also thought it might be possible to somehow turn the append, replace, reject text into links that called a plsql proceedure that would handle the action, but I'm not having any success with that idea either.
    Edited by: user10361829 on Sep 29, 2009 12:10 PM

    What I've done is make my report query as follows:
    select field_a, field_b, field_c, 'Append', 'Replace', 'Reject'
    from table_x
    where field y = :PX_ID
    That gives me the words (append, replace, reject) in the report. Then I go to the report attributes section and make a link out of the columns (append, replace, reject) so far, so good.
    Next question is how to make clicking on those links activate an update action on tableN. In the column_link section there is a box marked "Request" that looks like it might be relevant because Request is a term connected to buttons, but I've no idea how to use it. Or, can one use the tabluar form element section of the report attributes page to connect the Append (pseudo column) to an action? I've looked at your example (Sam) with the delete button, but what I really need to see is the Apex menu that sets it up because there are so many levels in the interface it is not intuitive (at least for me). I know exactly what I want it to look like but I'm missing the crucial step to get there... Thanks for your help so far.
    Column link section is described below :
    Column Link     Top
    Link Text      flashlight          
         [*Append*][Icon 1][Icon 2][Icon 3][Icon 4][Icon 5]
    Link Attributes      
    Target: *"Page in this application"*     Page: *10*     
    Reset Pagination
    Request Clear Cache      
    Name     Value
    Item 1      Px_page_item flashlight *#????#*          flashlight
    Item 2      flashlight          flashlight
    Item 3      flashlight          flashlight
    Page Checksum

  • Can we add button in query region  along with go and clear

    Hi Friends,
    i have a requirement as below steps-
    1)i have developed search pgae by using query regiion
    2) in pgae,first we have search items,go and clear(submit buttons), table region.
    3)here go and clear buttons came automatically.
    4) i can able to add button in front of the page and end of the page.
    4) my requirement is i need to add one more button along with go and clear(here go and clear button are in between search items and table region) .
    5)i am not able to add button along with go and clear.
    Can any one know how to do this--
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Vamshi,
    You can not create extra buttons in Standard Query region.
    Alternatively you can create your custom region for the search and there you can add a button. If you don't need advanced region, you can create the custom region in place of standard one.

  • Javascript code to enable an ADD button to create duplicate tables and pages for multiple entries

    I am using Adobe XI Pro. I have created a multi-page fillable pdf questionnaire that I want to make interactive to the user. Within each page, I have multiple tables that can have ADD buttons to duplicate the table if the client wants more than one test. I would like this table to insert directly below the previous table and they may be able to add upto 5 of these table.
    I also have a couple pages in the questionnaire that require duplication for multiple samples. Eg. One page per sample, and I may have upto 10 samples. I would like the javascript to have an ADD button and then add each page behind the previous related sheet (Original and duplicates together)
    I am not a javascript coder so I would need some examples and a walk through. I did take some developer courses in engineering but it has been almost two decades
    I have search on several forums and cannot find a good resource so I appreciate the help.

    Some of what you want to do can be done using template features and a bit of JavaScript, but if your users will be using Reader, version 11 will be required. You can dynamically add new pages, but adding new tables to existing pages with reflow of content that comes after is not possible with a form created in Acrobat. If you have access to Adobe's LiveCycle Designer form creation software, you can create what's known as a dynamic XFA form that can do all of what you want. You can ask in the LiveCycle Designer forum for more information: cle_designer_es?view=discussions

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