Add Field in Field Group

Hi, I am trying to add a Customer flag IS_CUSTOMER field on the Leads page in field group LEA_BD_PARTNER_REF. How do I do that? When I generate the layout, it gives message Field group could not be read completely. what could be wrong with this?

Thanks Amit.
As per the blog it will add the field on the screen both on SAPGUI and PCUI but The customer flag which is to be put is based on the Sales prospect entered. Will there be any additional enhancement required to get this information for a sales prospect?

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    Hello, add the programme field to the Project Center view then it will be available to group by. Paul
    Paul Mather | Twitter | | CPS

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    You ll be able to achieve this by placing people picker in repeating table control in the form, below url may help you.

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    Hi Subramaniyam,
    You can find enhancement in me28 by following steps and then apply your logic in include of this enhancement.
    cmod>Give a project name>in enhancement column give the package name ME >f4>in package write ME-->ENTER>It will show you all enhancements available in me28> find which ever suits your requirement>save > click on components> from there you can make changes in include add that particular field.

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    You're welcome.
    You're righ,t the gear icon is in the upper right.  I went back and edited my original reply when I noticed the error.
    The directions in your original post apple to the Mail desktop application.
    People sometime don't make the distinction between desktop mail and web mail, which can cause confusion.

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    Hai      venkateshwar reddy ,
    try with these user exits
    MGA00001 Material Master (Industry): Checks and Enhancements
    MGA00002 Material Master (Industry): Number Assignment
    MGA00003 Material Master (Industry and Retail): Number Display
    Refer these steps also

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    BBB 2
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    Hi there.
    If I understand correctly, you create this list within the same feature?
    If so, the list isn't available during the propagation, and therefore the calculated field can't be added.
    If this is the case, then you could work around this by adding a feature activated event handler to your feature and add the calculated field programmatically in that event.
    Hope this helps.
    My blog:

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      <property name="BILLINGDOC" columnTitle="" parameterType="rowkey" hyperlink="b2b/" linkParamClass="" linkParamMethod="buildAttributesForBillingDocumentDetails" linkTargetFrameName="form_input" />
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      <property name="PAYERS_GUID" type="hidden" />
      <property name="SD_DOC_CAT" type="hidden" />
      <property name="OBJECTS_ORIGIN" type="hidden" />
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    I would greatly appreciate any help.

    Hi Kevin,
    this means you are working in this section of the generic-searchbackend-config.xml
                 <property-group name="SearchCriteria_B2B_Billing"
    Below this property
                    <property name="IRT_BDH_BILL_TYPE"                    
                        <allowedValue value="ORDER"           description="b2b.status.shuffler.key1val2"/>                   
                        <allowedValue value="QUOTATION"       description="b2b.status.shuffler.key1val1" />
                        <allowedValue value="INQUIRY"         description="b2b.status.shuffler.key1val11" />
                        <allowedValue value="ORDERTMP"         description="b2b.status.shuffler.key1val3" />
                        <allowedValue value="CONTRACT"        description="b2b.status.shuffler.key1val4" />
                        <allowedValue value="INVOICE"         description="b2b.status.shuffler.key1val5"  default="true"/>
                        <allowedValue value="CREDITMEMO"      description="b2b.status.shuffler.key1val6" /> 
                        <allowedValue value="DOWNPAYMENT"     description="b2b.status.shuffler.key1val7" />
                        <allowedValue value="AUCTION"         description="b2b.status.shuffler.key1val9" />
    please try adding this new property
                    <property name="DOCUMENT_STATUS(1)"
                              requestParameterName="rc_status_head1" value="C" />
    This should do the trick. Unfortunately, I don't have a E-Commerce scenario with an ERP backend for testing purposes available to you have to test it yourself. Keep me updated with the test results !      
    Philipp Koock
    SAP CRM Web Channel Consultant

  • Free PO indicator in field selection key/group

    Hi all,
    I would like to make Free PO indicator as mandatory field in PO thru specific document type field selection reference key. When I search for the field, it is not available for existing field selection key (Field selection group).
    How can I add the Free PO indicator into this field selection key/group or Does it represented in different name.
    Kindly clarify.
    With regards

    "Free Indicator" doesn't exist in field selection. If you wanto to have Free Indicator ON for a specific PO Document Type then you need to do ABAP Development for this.
    Interface --> PROCESS_ITEM (Processing of Item Data)
    Below is the Sample Code for your reference;
    If w_bsart EQ 'ZPOD'.
        wa_item3-repos = ' '.

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    Dear friend,
    I have a abap query ib co module,now i created a abap report by convert the query.As it's conatin logic based on field group and's difficult to find out where i have top add or not? i have to add some more coloums in display report and also add some more tables from where i can get more details which i have to used further dispaly and update the same in z table.
    please help me............

          Whether u r creating a new report or modifying a report..
    Becoz if u r using ALV means we can add in the field catalog..If u r using the classical interactive reports means we need to find where the values r inserted and where it is displayed and then only we want to proceed..
    Let me know the answer to give a good answer

  • F-40 Add Purchase Order Field

    Dear All,
    I awant to add purchase order field in T-Code F-40. Following is Scenario.
    Transaction to be processed : Outgoing Payment
    PstKy : 29 (Special G/L Debit)
    Account : (vendor Account)
    SGL IND : J
    uner more data also it is not showing. I have also used T-Code OB41 but still it is not showing PO field in first screen.

    Following are the steps i have gone through.
    1. T-Code OBXT to search G/L Account, then i gone through the combination AcctypeSGL Ind (KJ). Then Chart of Accounts. Then i Listed all G/L which are in used.
    2. T-Code FS00, Field Status Group.
    3. T-code : OBC4, Then Field Status Group(which is in use of G/L Account) and marked purchase order field as required field under (material management/purchase order)
    Still it is not showing purchase order field in first screen of F-40.

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    1. How to make theAppend structure Active
    2. How to add a screen field using this BADI

    1. My table was partial go to se11,Enter LFA1 in display mode, Go to Path Utilities-database click on Activate and Adjust will activated fully.
    a) create a module programme with the the screenfield(LFA1-NAICS) that you want.
    b) In pbo of module pool,enter following code
    data : l_zfield type lfa1-NAICS.
    constants: c_zfield(10)  value '(SAPMF02D)LFA1-NAICS'.
    field-symbols: <fse>.
    assign (c_zfield) to <fse>.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        l_zfield = <fse>.
    If sy-tcode = 'XK02'.
         Loop at screen.
              If screen-group1 = 'Z1'.
                   Screen-input = 0.
                   Modify screen.
    c)create a Screen group(Z1) as sushipal reddy showed int he atatched link.
    d)go to Method IF_EX_VENDOR_ADD_DATA~CHECK_ADD_ON_ACTIVE  and add following code
    if i_screen_group  = 'Z1'.
    e_add_on_active = 'X'.
    e)Go to method IF_EX_VENDOR_ADD_DATA_CS~GET_TAXI_SCREEN and type following code
      IF sy-tcode EQ 'XK02'.
        e_screen = '0101'.
        e_program = 'Z_ADD_FIELD_XK02'.
       e_headerscreen_layout = 'E'.
    f)thast it...go to xk02 u willl see an al push button and click on it..u can view the screen field...

  • Add new selection field in an infoset

    Hi everyone,
    I have a problem changing an infoset when I add an additional field. This field is added to its respective field group.
    The problem is that after generate the infoset, I go to the transaction where the querys are made and the new field created has got only a checkbox in the column 'Output', while the column 'Selection' has no checkbox.
    This only happens with this field, while the rest of the fields have two checkbox in column 'Output' and in column 'Selection'.
    ¿What can I do to make appear checkbox 'Selection' in order to make querys?
    Thanks in advance,

    Check this thread.... This might help you.....
    How to add selection texts in infoset?

  • Add a custom-field in the table MARC and manage it in MM01/MM02/MM03

    Good day to all of you!
    I have this task: To add a custom-field to the table MARC. This custom-field will be managed through the MM01/MM02/MM03 transaction as follows:
    In the Basic Data 1 or Basic Data 2 the custom-field data will be added. Let's say the field is MATNR OBSOLETE.
    I have searched and implemented the things in customizing: Made a copy of function group MGD1, added the field on the screen.
    MY PROBLEM! How to manage it??? When the user enters MM01/MM02/MM03 and update this field, the field should be updated in MARC.
    1. I am not sure that this custom-field should be on Basic Data1 or Basic Data2.They want it at plant level.
    2. How to manage the data transfer from SAP Standard Program and my Custom Function Group.
    PLs: Do not paste me link to sap technical site with that example, because there takes the custom fields and UPDATE a CUSTOM TABLE. I need to update MARC!
    All the documentations i have read until now tell you how to add the field, ONLY the first part of the SOLUTION.
    Any help, pls?
    Good day and thank you!

    Hi Alex,
    In which way you are trying to update that custom filed. Have you written any logic in EXITS/BADIS?
    Just read the OSS note mentioned earlier.
    You want to integrate customer-specific fields in material master maintenance.
    Other terms
    To add customer-specific fields to an existing material master table (such as MARA or MARC) , you can proceed as follows as of Release 3.0C:
          1. Use an append structure to add the fields to the required table in the Dictionary (this is not a modification; for details, see the SAP document "ABAP/4 Dictionary"). In Release 3.x, the length of the field names must be the same as  the standard five character fields. This is necessary because of dynamic assignments. As of Release 4.0A, the lengths of the field names can be longer than five characters. If the changes of the fields should be recorded in the change document and taken into account during ALE distribution, set the 'Change document-relevant' indicator for the corresponding data elements. For table MARA in Release 3.x, you must also enhance the database view MARU because the database changes are carried out using this view. This small modification is no longer necessary as of Release 4.0A because the database view MARU is enhanced automatically when you enhance table MARA or the include EMARA (which is the data part of table MARA).
          2. Enhancing online maintenance in customized material master maintenance:
          Define a subscreen with your customer-specific fields in a customer-specific function group created as a copy of the standard function group MGD1.
          In Customizing, assign this subscreen to a maintenance screen using the "Copy customized material master" function. For details, see the Implementation Guide (IMG). As of Release 4.0A, program COPYMGD1 is available. You can use this program to create customer-specific function groups as required. This program is also incorporated in the Customizing function 'Configure customized material master'. Ensure that each field of the subscreen has a field statement in the flow logic, otherwise the data is not transported correctly. You can use subscreen SAPLMGD1 2002 as an example.
          If you want these fields to be subject to standard field selection, you must add new entries for them to the central field table for material master maintenance (T130F): 
          Application examples for standard field selection:
          The field is mandatory and is to be flagged with a "?".
          The field belongs exclusively to the purchasing user department. Purchasing data and MRP data are both contained on one screen. However, the MRP controller is not to see the purchasing data.
          The following data is required for each field:
                a) Field name        (T130F-FNAME)
                b) Field selection group (T130F-FGRUP)
                Here, you should use a standard field group if the customer field is subject to the same field selection as the standard fields of the standard field group. If it is not, use a customer-specific field group.
                You must then check and, if necessary, modify the attribute of the field group using the function "Maintain field selection for data screens" in Customizing under "Logistics Basic Data -> Material Master".
                Field groups 111 through 120 that are not used in the standard system are reserved as customer-specific field groups. As of Release 3.0F, additional customer field groups are available. (For details, see the IMG).
                c) Maintenance status (T130F-PSTAT)
                List of the user departments that may maintain the field. You can display possible values by using the input help for the maintenance status field in the Customizing activity "Configure Material Master" when maintaining logical screens.
                d) Reference        (T130F-KZREF)
                This indicator must be set if the field from the reference material should be proposed during creation with reference.
    Note: You cannot yet use Customizing to enhance table T130F; you can use only transaction SE16 (Data Browser) or transaction SM31. Future releases will include a separate Customizing function for maintaining customer-specific fields. See Note 306966. By implementing this note you can add entries to table T130F within Customizing. This type of maintenance is possible as of Release 4.5B.
    You may change the entries for standard fields only with regard to the reference data and field selection group. Changing other data for standard fields constitutes a modification. Therefore, you cannot use the Customizing function "Assign Fields to Field Groups" to change this data.
    In addition, you must not add new standard fields to table T130F.
          3. If you want to maintain customer-specific fields using data transfer by direct input or via ALE distribution, proceed as follows:
          Add the fields to central field table T130F (see above).
          Add the customer-specific fields to the data structures for the data transfer (for example, BMMH1 for the main data).
          Also, add the customer-specific fields to the tables in which the incorrect data is stored during direct input. These tables have the same name as the corresponding master data table and also have the suffix _TMP.
          For example: If you add customer-specific fields to table MARA, you should add the same fields to table MARA_TMP.
          If you use ALE, you must also add fields to the IDoc. To process enhanced IDocs, you can use enhancement MGV00001 with customer exit EXIT_SAPLMV01_002 for creating the IDocs and customer exit EXIT_SAPLMV02_002 for posting the IDocs.
          Prior to Release 3.0E, enhancing structure BMMH1 constitutes a modification. In this case, you must add the new fields tot the end of the structure before the last field (SENDE = record end indicator).
          As of Release 3.0F, structure BMMH1 contains the customer include CI_MMH1, which is part of the enhancement MGA0001. Here, you must proceed as follows:
                a) Add the customer-specific fields to include CI_MMH1.
                The names of the fields in CI_MMH1 must be identical to those of the corresponding fields in material master tables MARA, MARC and so on.
                Important: The fields must be CHAR type fields. Therefore, create CHAR type data elements whose lengths are identical to the output length of your fields in  table MARA and so on. Use these data elements in include CI_MMH1, but use the field names from table MARA and so on.
                b) Activate include CI_MMH1.
                c) If you have not used customer structure ZMMH1 before, create it as a copy of structure BMMH1 and delete the standard fields that you do not require. You are not permitted to delete field STYPE and include CI_MMH1 when doing this. If you have already used structure ZMMH1, add include CI_MMH1 to it.
                d) Activate structure ZMMH1. This also adds the customer-specific fields to ZMMH1.
    Run program RMDATING. This program generates routines which are supplied to your customer-specific fields from the input file. As of Release 4.5A, you also need to activate the routines/function modules generated by program RMDATING (especially, the MAT_MOVE_BMMH1_XXXX modules). Details about this subject (especially the procedure when using customer structure ZMMH1) are described in the IMG for transferring the material data under item 'Maintain Transfer Structure'. Also, check the declaration of structure WA in program RMMMBIMC to see whether it is declared with sufficient length. If necessary, enhance the declaration (for the time being, this still constitutes a minor modification).
    In addition, lengthen domain DI_DATA with CHAR 5000. As of Release 3.1H, this has already been done.
    Important: When using customer-specific fields, you can use only structure ZMMH1 to transfer the data. Otherwise, after the next SAP upgrade which contains new standard fields in structure BMMH1, the input files no longer match. If you want these new standard fields to be transferred, add them after your customer-specific fields (the order of the fields in structure ZMMH1 does not need to be the same as the order of the fields in BMMH1).
    If you want foreign key dependencies or fixed domain values to be checked, or another check for a customer field, this is possible up to and including Release 3.0D only by modifying the corresponding check function modules. As of Release 3.0E, you can use function exit EXIT_SAPLMGMU_001 (SAP enhancement MGA00001) for these purposes.
    If you want to use engineering change management to schedule future changes for your customer-specific fields or you want to use the 'Display at Key Date' function, execute program GENERATE in addition. This program generates the necessary assignments for interpreting the change documents. With regard to engineering change management, you must read Notes 60281, 60973, and 48962.
    To date, it is not possible to integrate customer-specific tables in material master maintenance without making a modification. However, you can create customer-specific development objects containing the essential additional logic. You can then integrate these development objects in your system as part of only a minor modification.
    check this link. It may helps you to solve your issue.

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    Thanks in advance.

    As I said before it is not that straight forward.If you will decompile tcViewProfileAction .class using any java decompiler you will find out that data in setAccountProfile method is not getting set through formmetadata.xml . If you are well verse with struts then only you can achieve what you are trying to do.You need to extend tcViewProfileAction class and also tcViewProfileForm class and then you need to modify tjspViewProfileTiles.jsp .It will not be easy job.Usually in implementation we do not change action class until its absolutely required as oracle also do not recommend that so now its between you and your client to make a call if they want to go for such customization.I won't recommend you do that.

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