Add image carousel

Hi All,
I have been trying to add an image carousel using an HTML viewer widget in my Hana portal website in vain.
I have an index file with the carousel, which i have uploaded in the content folder along with the images; but when i use it in the html viewer, it doesn't work.
Any suggestion?

I see you have put the HTML and the entire JS code on your document repository.
Basically the document repository is not meant to contain application code, however it might work nonetheless.
Note that for files to be available to consume externally, they would need to be put inside the Public directory of the repository. Files put outside the Public folder can only be consumed in specific out-of-the-box widgets (like the Image widget, Document widget, etc.)
Try putting your files in a folder inside the Public directory.

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    Ooohh... you mean, like the one mentioned in
    But they want to get paid for their hard work, the bastards!

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    //**********Any Help would be appreciated
    Thank You
    public class My_Class
    public String pdf_action()
    EndPage ep=new EndPage();
    return null;
    }//My_class Ends
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    * Demonstrates the use of PageEvents.
    * @param args no arguments needed
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    text += text;
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    head.addCell("head " + k);
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    PdfPTable foot = new PdfPTable(3);
    for (int k = 1; k <= 6; ++k)
    foot.addCell("foot " + k);
    foot.setTotalWidth(page.width() - document.leftMargin() - document.rightMargin());
    foot.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, document.leftMargin(), document.bottomMargin(),
    catch (Exception e) {
    throw new ExceptionConverter(e);

    Thanks for the quick response.
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    Hi ,
    It would not be possible to add images in it. Use dialog boxes instead.
    Create a view ... add an image UI element ..use imgSource as ~sapicons/image name or paste the image in src/mimes/components/ur comp name and give that for source.
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    Jagdish More

    Hi Jagdish,
    to upload the image follow these steps.
    1. Upload image in web repository.
    Go to Transaction SMW0 to upload the image in SAP web Repository. elect second radiobutton u201DBinary data for WebRFC applicationsu201D and click on find.
    2.     Click on Execute.
    3.     Click on Create and give the and description and click on import.
    once the image gets your program do the following
    1.     Create a Screen.Go to Layout and create Custom Control.I have named it as u2018CONTAINERu2019.
    2.     Declare container(Custom Control name),picture(child of Container) and url in Top of the program.
    data container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container.
    data picture type ref to cl_gui_picture.
    data url(256).
    3.     Now create the object Container and Picture.
    create object container
           exporting container_name = 'CONTAINER'.//name of the custom control
        create object picture
           exporting  parent = container
           exceptions error = 1.
    4.     Now we have to load the picture from the database which we have uploaded. For this we need to declare the following:-
      data query_table like w3query occurs 1 with header line.
      data html_table like w3html occurs 1.
      data return_code like  w3param-ret_code.
      data content_type like  w3param-cont_type.
      data content_length like  w3param-cont_len.
      data pic_data like w3mime occurs 0.
      data pic_size type i.
    5.     Refresh the Query table and give the name of Query table as u2018_OBJECT_ID_u2019 and value as the name of logo/Image which u have uploaded.Append the value in the Query Table.
      refresh query_table.
      query_table-name = '_OBJECT_ID'.
      query_table-value = 'ZLOGO.GIF'."name of logo
      append query_table.
    6.     Now call the function WWW_GET_MIME_OBJECT to get the logo/image which u have uploaded and call the function DP_CREATE_URL to create the url where the image is present.
    call function 'WWW_GET_MIME_OBJECT'
          query_string        = query_table
          html                = html_table
          mime                = pic_data
          return_code         = return_code
          content_type        = content_type
          content_length      = content_length
          object_not_found    = 1
          parameter_not_found = 2
          others              = 3.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        pic_size = content_length.
      call function 'DP_CREATE_URL'
          type     = 'image'
          subtype  = cndp_sap_tab_unknown
          size     = pic_size
          lifetime = cndp_lifetime_transaction
          data     = pic_data
          url      = url
          others   = 1.
    7.     Finally we have to upload the image from the URL, this can be done by calling the method: picture->load_picture_from_url
    call method picture->load_picture_from_url
    url = url.
    Now Save,Activate and Execute the Program , Image/Logo got successfully uploaded.
    I have already done this program and uploaded the image...
    this will surely help you
    Thanks and regards,

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    package structure:

    Please don't cross post, and read this
    I've answered the question in the New To Java thread.

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    Check this article in ADF code corner:

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    How to add Image dynamically in Webdynpro ABAP.
    My requirement is i maintain all the images in a table.
    image source has to pick the table URl dynamically and display.
    is that possible in webdynpro?
    and also please give the suggesion,
    without using MIME objects is that anyway to get images?
    Thanks in advance.

      are those icons wou want to display then. he following code will be useful.
    data : lo_IMG type ref to CL_WD_IMAGE.
    LO_IMG = cl_wd_IMAGE=>new_IMAGE( id = img_id SOURCE = 'ICON_BW_APD_TARGET' tooltip = sts_tltp ).
    lo_cont->add_child( the_child = lo_img ).
    here lo_cont is the container where you want to add the image dynamically and source is the attribiute through which you can change the ICON image. this thing you can getit from data base table and change accordingly.
    Anil kumar G

  • "Add Images" option not showing in Muse Slideshow

    I've also tried > Edit > Place > (my images) and they aren't going in the slideshow.
    And since the button to 'Add Images' is missing from the Composition Options for my slideshow I am unable to change the images.
    Help please? Many Thanks.

    Hi WebLadyKim,
    It looks to me like you are using the wrong tool for creating Slideshows? I say that because as I see in your screenshot it says 'Composition Options' at the top of the dialog box. This tells me you are using the 'Composition' tools instead of the 'Slideshow tools.
    You should see 'Slideshow Options' at the top instead if using the right tool.
    If I am wrong, can you tell me what Slideshow from the panel you are using?

  • How to add images to my PDF?

    Hi there
    I am wanting to know how to add images/photos to my PDF theta needs to be sent & signed to my supervisor?

    Hi Helen,
    You'll find the Add Image tool in the Content Editing pane of the Tools panel:
    If you don't see it there, make sure that you're using Acrobat, and not Adobe Reader, as these editing tools are unique to Acrobat.

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    I tried leveraging off the text in the column entry screen (inserting <img) tags and inserting common string combinations that retruned smilie images from Lync/ Im or Skype...
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks !

    If it's InfoPath form that you are talking about, then its quite simple. Follow the below mentioned steps,
    1. Add option Button control field(two buttons for happy and sad)
    2. You are supposed to type in the option for the button(like Happy and Sad in words) following each radio button.
    3. Instead of typing there, add a picture control and make it read only. Put the smiley as the default picture of the picture control through picture control properties.(you can browse for the pic from your PC).
    Hope it helps!
    Tamilarasan R.

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    There is no program on the iPad called Adobe Expert. I think you mean Adobe Reader.
    Adobe Reader lets you fill in forms but not to attach images. If you wish to make a request of the Adobe Reader product manager, you can post on the Adobe Reader for iOS forum here:

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