Add Report or Book

Hi All,
Can someone please let me know how to add a FR report or a book to a personal page.

1. Right click on the report/book
2. Select 'Subscribe'
3. Click on 'Personal Page' tab
4. Check 'Add to My Bookmarks'
Good luck!

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    Haha, I asked for that.
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    I've got the same issue in the console.  I didn't notice the keyboard shortcut not working but that's happening to me as well.  
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      aceId: "26234165-b039-4219-af4d-8f4fa5561ebd"
        callbacks: <empty array>
        errorCode: 0
      group: ""
      refId: "3274A842-6638-4E54-AFB3-F669BCCED462"
      v: "1.2"
      class: "ChunkDenied"]

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    Hi Rashmi
    1) If you are in the output list of RABEST_ALV01,  press the Button u201Cchange layoutu201D (CTRL F8). On the right you have a pool of u201Chidden fieldsu201D. Put this fields to the left and you have this columns in the output list.
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    Additionally you can use the SORT functionality of the SAP List Viewer on the output list                                                                               
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    Have a nice weekend

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    Martinsh Shaiters wrote:
    > Mylène,
    > You can use the Import/Export for the reports. They will keep their names, as far as I'm aware. Not sure what happens when you transport them, as it appears you can do it in GR3x transactions.
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    Same as: Add report to server in the BI Space. Please do not cross post. This is against the SCN Rules of Engagement. Also, ensure you are posting gin the correct SCN Space by reading the description of the Space under it's Overview tab.
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter
    Message was edited by: Ludek Uher

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    i want to add report that i have made in my menu, i m using oracle developer 6i forms and reports
    how to add ??

    As i understood...
    i have just designed menu in form build 6iBy this you mean that you want to call report from drop down menu.
    when user select particular report it should open up and yes there are parameters in my reports
    well i m passing the parameters to my query in data modelBy this i can understand that you are passing parameter to query data model etc. By how user will pass the parameters values to the reports. Is there any pre-designed form for report calling or you want to use report's default parameter form?
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      vParamList PARAMLIST;
      IF NOT ID_NULL(vParamList) THEN
      END IF;

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    More than a little bit frustrating!
    The header for this topic says "This question is not answered. "Helpful" answers available: 2 . "Solved" answers available: 1 .", but I ain't seein' either a helpful or a solved answer. Are they here and I'm just not seein' 'em?
    Have a care,
    James Norris

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    Is this possible in Numbers? I use spreadsheets to create invoices and I really miss the drag and drop features that I have gotten used to in Pages.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    It seems that all the same Functions are available for calculations in a table within Pages as in Numbers. Perhaps you could keep working in Pages and do your invoice calculations there.
    Highlight the table cell into which you want to place a calculation and select Insert - Function from the Command Menu.

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