Add table using ole

How to add table and border using ole in excel sheet?

Hi Neelambari,
U need to select the required cells using .....
CALL METHOD OF p_gs_excel 'Range' = l_gs_s_cells
    #1 = p_sel_cells.
  CALL METHOD OF l_gs_s_cells 'Select' .
here p_sel_cells. equals to A1:A1,A2:C2,A7:A7,A8:H8,A13:A13.
or u can give A1:C3.
Now drawing the box.....
DATA: l_gs_borders TYPE ole2_object.
GET PROPERTY OF l_gs_s_cells 'Borders' = l_gs_borders.
SET PROPERTY OF l_gs_borders 'LineStyle' = 1.
u can change the value 1 to other value for drawing different kind of box....

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    Hi welcome to SDN.
    check out the following article for sample code.
    <a href="">An Easy Reference for OLE Automation.pdf</a>

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    Hi Rajesh,
    You have to use GET PROPERTY & SET PROPERTY  attributes of OLE2_OBJECT to use headers.
    Just a sample code snippet for your reference :-
    CALL METHOD OF GS_TABLE  'Cell' = gs_cell
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                         #2 = '1'.
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    Hi dns_sap,
    Can you explain a little better what you are trying to accomplish? Is it to create UserTables and UserFields in the database, when the addon runs the first time?
    If so, you can use the following code
    Add User Table
                Dim lRetCode As Long
                Dim oUDT As SAPbobsCOM.UserTablesMD = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oUserTables)
                oUDT.TableName = TableName
                oUDT.TableDescription = TableDescription
                oUDT.TableType = TableType
                lRetCode = oUDT.Add
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                If lRetCode <> 0 Then
                    oApplication.MessageBox("Error: " & lRetCode.ToString & ", " & oCompany.GetLastErrorDescription)
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                oUDT = Nothing
                lRetCode = Nothing
            End Try
    Add User Field
                Dim lRetCode As Long
                Dim oUDF As SAPbobsCOM.UserFieldsMD = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oUserFields)
                oUDF.TableName = TableName
                oUDF.Name = FieldName
                oUDF.Description = FieldDescription
                oUDF.Type = FieldType
                lRetCode = oUDF.Add
                '// Check for error when adding the field: if lRetCode = 0 the field was created; if lRetCode = -2035, the field already exists
                If lRetCode <> 0 Then
                    oApplication.MessageBox("Error: " & oCompany.GetLastErrorCode & ", " & oCompany.GetLastErrorDescription)
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                oUDF = Nothing
                lRetCode = Nothing
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    Hi Anita,
    -Use the Add method to add classes and objects to an existing universe using a VB 6 application.
    Adding a Class
    Definition: Function Add(Name As String) As Class
    Syntax: NameOfClassesVariable.Add
    Adding an Object Instance
    Definition:  Function Add(Name As String, [ClassName As String]) As Object
    Syntax: NameOfObjectsVariable.Add(name, [class])
    - name is the name of the object.
    - class is the name of the class containing the object. This parameter should be used in cases where more than one objects exist with the same name.
    Sample Visual Basic 6 Code
    Dim DesApp As Designer.Application
    Sub modify_and_export_universe()
    Dim DesUnv As Designer.Universe
    Dim DesCls As Designer.Class
    Dim DesObj As Designer.Object
    Dim DesDBCol As Designer.DBColumn
    Dim DBColName As String
    Set DesApp = New Designer.Application
    'Login to designer
    Call DesApp.LogonDialog
    'Make sure to log on with your administrator profile
    'e.g : "hostname","username", "password","Enterprise"
    'Make Designer application visible
    DesApp.Visible = True
    'This line disable warning messages from Designer
    DesApp.Interactive = False
    'to Open  locally  the universe you want to modify
    'Set DesUnv = DesApp.Universes.Open("club_uni")
    'Use OpenFromEnterprise method (Universes Class) to import a universe from the repository and opens it
    Set DesUnv = DesApp.Universes.OpenFromEnterprise("Universes", "club_uni", False)
    'Add a valid connection which already exists
    DesUnv.Connection = "club"
    'open the universe
    'Call DesApp.Universes.Open("club_universe")
    'Add the table Account and refresh the view in the main window
    Set DesTab = DesUnv.DBTables.Item("Customer").Insert
    'Add a class
    Set DesCls = DesUnv.Classes.Add("Class MyCustomer")
    'Looping through all the fields of the DB Table Account
    For Each DesDBCol In DesUnv.DBTables.Item("Customer").DBColumns
    'Store name of the column
        DBColName = DesDBCol.Name 
         'Add an object to the class
        Set DesObj = DesCls.Objects.Add("Obj " & DBColName)
         'Affect a field to the object
        DesObj.Select = "Customer" & "." & DBColName
    'Save the existing universe with the same name club_uni or you can change
    DesUnv.SaveAs "club_uni"
    MsgBox "Universe created and saved Class MyCustomer has been added!!"
    'Close the universe
    UnvFullName = DesUnv.FullName
    MsgBox "The UniverseFilePath is " & UnvFullName
    'Close the universe
    'This line disable warning messages from Designer
    DesApp.Interactive = False
    'Export the universe to the CMS DB (to the last universe folder)
    'Make sure you save the universe before exporting it
    Call DesApp.Universes.Export("Universes", UnvFullName)
    MsgBox "This document has been exported successfully !!"
    'Close designer
    Set DesApp = Nothing
    End Sub
    Hope this helps.
    Deepti Bajpai

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    Hi Raman,
    Option to add/delete row is available in studio. You can double click and select any particular cell and right click to see the 'Table' options.
    It is a little tricky to get it correct in versions prior to 12.0. Consider saving the changes each time.
    Thank you,
    Sruthi Jayasimhan

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    Help will be greatly appreciated ...!.
    Best regards, Luis ...!

    Hi Luis,
    The VBA code for updating the cell found at row three, column two of the first table, of the active document is as follows:
       Selection.TypeText("Hello, world!")I haven't time to convert it to OLE2, but hopefully it will at least give you an idea.
    Eric Adamson
    Lansing, Michigan

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    what about using a timer?
    Another, more coding intensive way, would be advanced queueing in Oracle DB.

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    I know I've REALLY struggled with this before. I just don't understand why this has to be soooooo difficult.
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    Put the Data Flow Task within the Foreach Loop Container
    Add the Variable Mapping Variable User::FilePath that I defined as a Variable and a string within the FOreach Loop Container
    I change the Excel Connection and its Expression to be ExcelFilePath ==> @[User::FilePath]
    I then try and change the Excel Source and its Data Access Mode to Table Name or view name variable and provide the Variable Name User::FilePath
    And that's when I run into trouble...
    Exception from HRESULT: 0xC02020E8
    Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source [56]]:SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occured. Error code: 0x80004005.
    Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source [56]]: Opening a rowset for "...(the EXACT Path and .xlsx File Name)...". Check that the object exists in the database. (And I know it's there!!!)
    I don't understand by adding a Foreach Loop Container to try and make this as efficient as possible has caused such an error unless I'm overlooking something. I have even tried delaying my validations and that doesn't seem to help.
    I have looked hard in Google and even YouTube to try and find a solution for this but for the life of me I cannot seem to find anything on pumping a .xlsX file into SQL Server using a Foreach Loop Container.
    Can ANYONE please help me out here? I'm at the end of my rope trying to get this to work. I think the last time I was in this quandry, trying to pump a .xlsX File into a SQL Server Table using a Foreach Loop Container in SSIS, I actually wrote a C# Script
    to write the contents of the .xlsX File into a .csv File and then Actually used the .csv File to pump the data into a SQL Server Table.
    Thanks for your review and am hoping and praying for a reply and solution.

    Hi ITBobbyP,
    If I understand correctly, you want to load data from multiple sheets in an .xlsx file into a SQL Server table.
    If in this scenario, please refer to the following tips:
    The Foreach Loop container should be configured as shown below:
    Enumerator: Foreach ADO.NET Schema Rowset Enumerator
    Connection String: The OLE DB Connection String for the excel file.
    Schema: Tables.
    In the Variable Mapping, map the variable to Sheet_Name, and change the Index from 0 to 2.
    The connection string for Excel Connection Manager is the original one, we needn’t make any change.
    Change Table Name or View name to the variable Sheet_Name.
    If you want to load data from multiple sheets in multiple .xlsx files into a SQL Server table, please refer to following thread:
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • ALV download to Excel onto desktop using OLE concept.

    Hi Experts,
    I requriement is , through my se38 program i need to download report output to excel.
    i did this using OLE concepts code and excel is being downloaded good.
    But problem is all columns data is dumped into First column. But in my ALV i have 20 columns. So i except data in excel sheet to be in 20 columns.
    Below is the OLE code i used
    CREATE OBJECT wa_excel 'EXCEL.APPLICATION'. "Create object for Excel
      SET PROPERTY OF wa_excel  'VISIBLE' = 1. "In background Mode
      CALL METHOD OF wa_excel 'WORKBOOKS' = w_workbook.
      CALL METHOD OF w_workbook 'ADD'. "Create a new Workbook
      SET PROPERTY OF wa_excel 'SheetsInNewWorkbook' = 3. "No of sheets
    * Downloading header details to first sheet
      PERFORM download_sheet TABLES i_final USING 1 'Master Material Details'.
      GET PROPERTY OF wa_excel 'ActiveSheet' = w_worksheet.
    * Protect the first worksheet with a password
      CALL METHOD OF w_worksheet 'PROTECT
        EXPORTING #1 = 'infy@123'.
    * Save the Excel file
      GET PROPERTY OF wa_excel 'ActiveWorkbook' = w_workbook.
      CALL METHOD OF w_workbook 'SAVEAS'
        EXPORTING #1 = p_infile.
      FREE OBJECT: w_worksheet, wa_excel.
    FORM download_sheet TABLES p_tab  USING p_sheet TYPE i   p_name  TYPE string.
      CALL METHOD OF wa_excel 'WORKSHEETS' = w_worksheet
        #1 = p_sheet.
      CALL METHOD OF w_worksheet 'ACTIVATE'.
      SET PROPERTY OF w_worksheet 'NAME' = p_name.
      CALL METHOD OF wa_excel 'Range' = w_range
        #1 = 'A1'
        #2 = 'D1'.
      CALL METHOD OF w_range 'INTERIOR' = w_int.
      SET PROPERTY OF w_int 'ColorIndex' = 6.
      SET PROPERTY OF w_int 'Pattern' = 1.
    * Initially unlock all the columns( by default all the columns are locked )
      CALL METHOD OF wa_excel 'Columns' = w_columns.
      SET PROPERTY OF w_columns 'Locked' = 0.
    * Locking and formatting first column
      CALL METHOD OF wa_excel 'Columns' = w_columns
       #1 = 1.
    * Locking and formatting second column
      CALL METHOD OF wa_excel 'Columns' = w_columns
        #2 = 2.
      SET PROPERTY OF w_columns  'Locked' = 2.
      SET PROPERTY OF w_columns  'NumberFormat' = '@'.
    * Export the contents in the internal table to the clipboard
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>clipboard_export
          data                 = p_tab[]
          rc                   = w_rc
          cntl_error           = 1
          error_no_gui         = 2
          not_supported_by_gui = 3
          OTHERS               = 4.
    * Paste the contents in the clipboard to the worksheet
      CALL METHOD OF w_worksheet 'Paste'.
    * Autofit the columns according to the contents
      CALL METHOD OF wa_excel 'Columns' = w_columns.
      CALL METHOD OF w_columns 'AutoFit'.
      FREE OBJECT: w_columns, w_range.
    Please help me if there is any SET Property of WA_EXCEL with which i can handle ALV data into Diffrenet columns.

    hi nabheet,
    we have implemnted this logic and it is workign fine. Bit it takes long time to download data in Excel sheet. Actually it is happening feild by field.
    Please advice any perfomance tuning to this logic.

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