Add to url string

I have a page that can be used to search all invoices. When
you open the page all invoices are selected and presented. Within
this page one can select a client to only see the invoices of that
client. After this the url looks like this:
Now all the invoices of that client are presented but in no
particular order. I added a link to the columnheaders to sort the
data by date or amount. This almost works but it will present the
invoices from all the clients in the selected order. I get an url
like this:
What I want is to add the orderby to the existing url:
How can I achieve this?
Kind regards,

SurfR wrote:
> What I want is to add the orderby to the existing url:
> invoices.php?client=1001&orderby=amount
> How can I achieve this?
Change the code to this:
invoices.php?client=<?php echo $_GET['client'];
David Powers
Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
Author, "Foundation PHP 5 for Flash" (friends of ED)

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    My suggestion was that you test with the
    first url, not the second. However, I can see a source of
    confusion. I overlooked your delimiter, "/". It should be "?" and
    "=" in this case. With these modifications, we get
    <cfif Len(cgi.query_string) neq 0>
    <cfset i = 1>
    <cfloop list="#cgi.query_string#" delimiters="&"
    <cfoutput>categorylevel#i# =
    <cfset i = i + 1>
    If it is a failing of Coldfusion, the above test should fail,
    Now, an adaptation of the same test to your second url.
    <cfset url2 = " B8%E3%83%8D%E3%82%B9%E9%96%8B%E7%99%BA">
    <cfset query_str =
    <cfif Len(query_str) neq 0>
    <cfset i = 1>
    <cfloop list="#query_str#" delimiters="/"
    <cfoutput>categorylevel#i# =
    <cfset i = i + 1>

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    What you are doing is fine. But you will always get that
    error when testing
    the movie (Ctrl+Enter). Try it in a browser and it should
    BTW, another way of doing the same is to use a URLVariables
    object, like so:
    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("testing.swf");
    var vars:URLVariables = new
    URLVariables("myVar=varOne&myVar2=varTwo"); = vars;

  • URL String works for weeks, then decides to give up on life.

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    Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: file:////
              at DocumentMain()[F:\Documents and Settings\Scott Mitchell\Desktop\Comb Over Charlie Style Game\]
    Sometimes i get another error, but thats if i change the url to:
    The code i have now to get the tweets is:
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest("//"));
                                  loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);
    public function loadComplete(e:Event):void
                        public function processData(data:String):void
                                  var tweets:Array = JSON.decode(data) as Array;
                                  for (var i:int=0; i<21; i++)
                                            TweetHolder.tweet1.text = tweets[1].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet2.text = tweets[2].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet3.text = tweets[3].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet4.text = tweets[4].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet5.text = tweets[5].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet6.text = tweets[6].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet7.text = tweets[7].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet8.text = tweets[8].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet9.text = tweets[9].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet10.text = tweets[10].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet11.text = tweets[11].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet12.text = tweets[12].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet13.text = tweets[13].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet14.text = tweets[14].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet15.text = tweets[15].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet16.text = tweets[16].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet17.text = tweets[17].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet18.text = tweets[18].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet19.text = tweets[19].text;
                                               TweetHolder.tweet20.text = tweets[20].text;
                                            TweetHolder.tweet21.text = tweets[21].text;

    haha thanks your a genius. But i removed it and its still not working, I get this error now:
    But it seems it does not like this function:
    private function loadComplete(e:Event):void
    its saying:
    at DocumentMain/loadComplete()[F:\Documents and Settings\Scott Mitchell\Desktop\Comb Over Charlie Style Game\]

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    As far as I know, you cannot set the charset in the JDBC URL string. However, there are ways to set it. Although I have no experience with setting the charset, I believe the "Oracle JDBC User's Guide and Reference" contains this information. The guide is available from:
    Allow me to give you some advice. Each DBMS does things differently. Oracle's JDBC driver does not work exactly the same way as the JDBC driver for "mySQL". You need to learn how Oracle's JDBC driver does things. In my opinion, the "Oracle JDBC User's Guide nad Reference" is very good for learning how to use Oracle's JDBC driver.
    Good Luck,

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    Fuseaction=events&amp;amp;amp;section=events&amp;amp;View=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vacacionalhouse .com%2Fen%2Fimg%2Fvohe%2Fseyon%2F
    Fuseaction=Day&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;sm=2&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;sd=27&amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;View=all&amp;amp;amp;amp;View=all&amp;amp;amp;View=all&amp;amp;View=all
    --&gt;I've added a catch for these where it redirects
    them to the main page, but this doesn't seem to stop them
    --&gt;notice the ;amp;amp;amp;amp; in that last one....
    None are the same IPs and hail from Russia, Portugal, etc. so
    I can't block the offending IP, and they're using a normal browser
    so I can't block by user-agent
    Any ideas?

    Originally posted by:
    This is what I do. I pass the variable twice in the url
    string. The first unencrypted, the second encrypted. I compare the
    two on the next page and if the don't match, I know I am dealing
    with an asshat.
    Great idea! (And appropriate name too)

  • How to add Friendly URLs in Weblogic Portal?

    We are developing a portal using Weblogic 10gR3. Right now the URL's that are getting formed are very long which includes the nfpb, nfls, pagelabel e.t.c. The requirement is to have a very user friendly url something like<<pageLabel>>
    The Weblogic documentation mentions something about URL compression, however unable to apply it for dynamic URL's. We have URL's which are formed on the fly from the WLP Content Repository
    Is there some kind of servlet / filter provided within WLP. I read somewhere about an URLTransformationServlet. But there was no documentation on its usage. Can some one share a sample code snippet with me. That would be really really helpful, as we are having a slight time crunch here.
    Any kind of help on this will be deeply appreciated. Thanks
    Thanks and Regards,

    Dear Team,
    Please help us in Change Portal Url . Please find below details and help us asap.
    Generic Note
    I understand [email protected] looks after your account and he should be able to assist you in this matter.
    You could possibly post your question to the oracle forums, like below
    How to add Friendly URLs in Weblogic Portal?
    [email protected] - November 1, 2010 7:05:03 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Dear Team,
    Please let us know how to contact the assigned oracle account manager to engage someone from the professional services team.
    Please update us asap.
    Oracle Support - November 1, 2010 5:28:59 PM GMT+05:30 [Information]
    Generic Note
    I would suggest you contact the assigned oracle account manager to engage someone from the professional services team.
    [email protected] - November 1, 2010 4:55:25 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Dear Team,
    How to engage oracle professional services to team to get assistance.
    Oracle Support - November 1, 2010 1:48:49 PM GMT+05:30 [Information]
    Generic Note
    As mentioned earlier, changes to the portal url is not provided out of box, the documentation link that I provided mentions a possible way of achieving this by creating a start up servlet, this may or may-not work in all circumstances. If the suggestions provided so far has not helped you so far, I would recommend you engage oracle professional services team to get assistance.
    [email protected] - November 1, 2010 1:36:12 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Dear Team,
    Please find below comments from Dev team.
    While try to incorporate the URL navigation changes at
    our development environment we are getting exception Unable to render /framework/skeletons/bharti_skeleton/singlelevelmenu.jsp .
    I have also checked feasibility for the URL navigation changes provided and will not work for left menu
    and footer URL because while rendering these URL we are not using single level menu jsp or multilevel menu jsp.
    Please check with these comments and update ASAP.
    [email protected] - October 28, 2010 7:56:02 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    regarding making changes to the url meets ,we are working on the document which you have provided.we will update with result onc it get finished.
    Eranna D.
    Oracle Support - October 28, 2010 7:06:32 PM GMT+05:30 [Information]
    Generic Note
    Since your question about Rich Text support in CMS is not related to portal urls, I would request you raise this as a separate issue.
    In the new SR, please elaborate what you mean by the Rich Text support, whats your proposed use case, whats working and what is not.
    Could you also confirm if the further information I have provided regarding making changes to the url meets your requirement.
    [email protected] - October 28, 2010 7:04:48 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    CMS----Content Management System
    Rich contents are : Media files, Vedios, Movies... etc.
    [email protected] - October 28, 2010 6:58:46 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Can you please clarify the below point also.
    "Please confirm whether CMS support Rich Text in weblogic , currently we have the weblogic version 9.2 . Plz confirm whether it will support or not."
    Eranna D.
    Oracle Support - October 28, 2010 5:41:53 PM GMT+05:30 [Information]
    Generic Note
    The following documentation tells how you can achieve the simple urls you are looking for.
    Could you let me know if this meets your requirement.
    [email protected] - October 28, 2010 12:07:05 PM GMT+05:30 [Reopen Request]
    Please clarify why it is not possible to remove nfpb parameter.
    Call Me on +91 9686971269 ASAP.
    Oracle Support - September 29, 2010 5:39:48 PM GMT+05:30 [ODM Answer]
    === ODM Answer ===
    weblogic portal does not provide any out of the box way to achieve this functionality
    Oracle Support - September 29, 2010 5:39:15 PM GMT+05:30 [ODM Question]
    === ODM Question ===
    need to change the URL
    Oracle Support - September 25, 2010 4:42:01 PM GMT+05:30 [Information]
    Generic Note
    WLProxy configuration falls under the weblogic server product hence you will have to raise an SR with that product to get any suggestions.
    Before that I would suggest you play around with the parameter I have suggested and see how it is impacting the url and then if there is any specific area you are stuck on check with the WLS team.
    Like I mentioned earlier, I do not know if this will completely meet your business requirement, but something you can look into.
    [email protected] - September 25, 2010 4:32:00 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Can you please brief us what all are the changes needs to be done to meet our below requirement.
    Eranna D.
    +91 9686971269
    Oracle Support - September 24, 2010 9:00:57 PM GMT+05:30 [Information]
    Generic Note
    URLCompression servlet is the only option that weblogic portal provides out of the box to compress the URL of WLP. I understand this does not suite your requirement.
    The other option I can think of that can possibly help you achieve this is to configure any weblogic proxy plugin that you might be making use of, see the document look for PathTrim, PathPrepend
    [email protected] - September 24, 2010 5:41:39 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Please call me on +91 9686971269 ASAP.
    Eranna D
    [email protected] - September 24, 2010 5:41:22 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Even thogh after implementing the below changes,still we are not able to get the result. " nfpb parameter is still existing in URL ".
    Implementing URL Compression :
    To configure a webapp to use url compression, follow these steps:
    1. Define the compression servlet in web.xml; for example
    2. Map the compression pattern; for example:
    3. Add the token {url:compression} to the templates for which you want to apply compression.
    Please suggest on this ASAP.
    Eranna D.
    [email protected] - September 24, 2010 5:27:58 PM GMT+05:30 [Customer Problem Description]
    Problem Description: We need to change the URL
    Pls suggest on this.
    Eranna D.

  • How can i get getwayed url string using pluggable nav in news portlet?

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    A code just like below is what I want.
    <param value="param=http://.../portal/">
    I tryed the following, but didn't work as I wanted.
    1.<param value="<pcs:valueexpr='var'/>">
    -> transformed. but I want the prefix 'param=' in the enquoted string's too.
    2. <param value="param=<pcs:valueexpr='var'/>">
    -> not transformed.
    Any idea?

    Hi all,
    We have HPROF functionality in our latest roadmap, so you will see that feature in our next major release called JRockit R28.
    I recommend, above from the MemLeak documentation suggested by Makiey, the following information on how to use JRockit tools.
    Performance Tuning & Profiling:
    Using JRockit tools:
    Diagnostics & Troubleshooting
    Best Regards,
    JRockit PM

  • Passing variables through the URL String

    I have a template and outside the basic html - all the content is grabbed from a db. I want to use 1 template to generate all of the other pages for the site. So basically, the only way to identify the page would be through the URL string.
    So, something like -
    That string would query the database and output the content for page 1 of the about section.
    Does this make sense and where would I start to learn how this is done?.
    Again, I appreciate your help.

    since database connections are costly affair i better use
    jsp include tag ratter then getting dadta from database
    assumming that u can devide your comman pages in 4 parts
    just assume
    top - logo
    bottom - common links
    center - data
    left - menu
    my jsp page would look like this (aboutus.jsp)
    <%@ include file="top.html" %>
    <%@ include file="left.html" %>
    <%@ include file="aboustus.html" %>
    <%@ include file="bottom.html" %>
    2) disclaimer.jsp
    <%@ include file="top.html" %>
    <%@ include file="left.html" %>
    <%@ include file="disclaimer.html" %>
    <%@ include file="bottom.html" %>
    this would reduce ur maintainnce as if u want to change top logo only top.html needs to be changed and it would affect in all pages
    [email protected]

  • What does DUMMY=1 mean in the URL string

    I am executing WAD template that contains a query for my planning layout. When I look at the URL link of the WAD in the browser, it has the following in it:!3aportal_content!!2fplatform_add_ons!!2fiViews!
    What is that DUMMY=1 at the end of the URL string mean ? I have also seen DUMMY=0 in some queries in QA and development systems. Any idea?

    thanks a lot for this helpful reply. One question I do have though. So, say I created an iView in portal with the link that points directly to my WAD template and the link has say DUMMY=2 in the query string. Now, if I do update my WAD template, would I need to change the link to DUMMY=3? So far what I have noticed that I do save links with DUMMY=X in the URL and then if I do update my WAD, when the user clicks on the link in portal, the WAD still gets updated. So, do you really need DUMMY=X in your link in that case?

  • GetConnection(String URL) vs. (String URL, String user, String password)

    would have a question referring to the documention at where the forms of getConnection are described.
    I would like to convert from using a signature that takes the URL, user name, and password as separate parameters to using a signature that takes the URL, user name, and password all as part of a URL parameter.
    While I was able to successfully connect to my database using the form getConnection(String URL, String, user, String password); I am not able to achieve the same when using getConnection(String URL).
    Here are the code snippets, maybe someone can point out the reason why the second approach is not working?
    approach 1 - working fine
    String driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
    try {
              } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {
              String connectionURL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:PMT";
              String pgUser = "\"James.Smith@000\"";
              String pgPwd = "\"js\"";
         try {
                   Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL, pgUser, pgPwd);
    approach 2 - error: java.sql.SQLException: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    String driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
    try {
              } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {
    String connectionURL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:\"James.Smith@000\"/\"js\"@localhost:1521:PMT";
         try {
                   Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL);
    Thanks a lot in advance
    Kind regards

    Let me get this clear.
    You want a login dialog.
    Some program calls the dialog and waits untile user respond
    once the user press ok or cancel it reutrn the users input to the caller.
    You can do this directly using JFrame
    but you can do it wil JDialog if you use it as aModal dialog.
    it will look like this
    class LogInDialog  extends JDialog implements ActionListener{
       String value;
       public LogInDialog(){
        // This is what you invoke
        public String loadDialog(){
            return value;
        public void actionListener(..... e){
            if (e.getSource() == bCancel)
               value = null;
            else if (e.getSource() == bOk)
               value = //generate the string

Maybe you are looking for