Adding a ReadMe doc to Xcode projects??

I have tried adding a simple TextEdit file to my project folder(s) and they never appear when in Xcode.
Does anyone know how to do this?

Did you add from within Xcode? Right click on a group (eg Resources), then select 'Add' then 'Existing Files' and complete the dialog.

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    This is not a Basic Program .
    If you want I'll help you with one thing ... , You choose.

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    Hello I have probably exact same problem with source files whereas a constant location (my softlink) points to different version of the sources in a repository. For example:
    ../MyProject/DependantProjetXyz could point to
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    Was a bug filed on this issue?

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    In the Build results window select the compile line that is failing. This should reveal a 'details' icon on the line to the right. Click the icon to display the actual compile command and try to determine why the argument list is too long.

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    Pointers to the right documentation sections would be most helpful, but please don't just tell me to read all the docs, XCode, svn, cvs, etc. and figure out how the pieces fit together. I've already tried that and none of what I read stuck in my memory as far as how they work together.
    If this is the wrong place to ask this question, please direct me to any better places.

    reststop wrote:
    It looks like google can find Docs at Apple faster than I can...
    Mega dittos and pass the OxyContin®. I still try the search engine at the iPhone and Mac library pages, but Google does all the heavy lifting.
    I'm going with the newer docs!
    Et made a really solid point in advising you not to choose your archiving and versioning tools based on what Xcode directly supports. I'm currently collaborating on an iPhone project with a friend on the East Coast who set us up with Beanstalk and Versions. Beanstalk is free, but the Versions client was about 50 USD. This is my first experience with SVN so I'm unable to compare it with other products, but I can tell you it meets all the needs of a 2-programmer project quite nicely. We're also getting the advantage of an offsite server backup in the bargain. So far I've seen nothing but good reviews of Beanstalk, and haven't yet seen any sign of our code or artwork in the store, so I feel fairly comfortable with this service.
    Anyway returning to Et's point, I haven't even tried hooking the above up to Xcode. The Versions client lets you sync one or more folders to the archive on Beanstalk. So if you sync up your Xcode project folder, you're good to go. As always I'm putting this out there so others can teach me how to use SVN correctly, but that's what I'm doing now and quite happy with it.
    \- Ray

  • RSS and Xcode projects (Mac)

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    Here's what I have so far. Pardon the twitter stuff, I found this through a twitter tutorial. ould this comply with any other xml type? Anybody?
    #import "AppController.h"
    @implementation AppController
    - (IBAction) getPublicTimeline:(id)sender
    [progress startAnimation:nil]; //Start progress animation spinner.
    //First we create the NSURLRequest that we're going to send to the server...
    NSString *urlString = @""; //Create an NSString called urlString containing the URL we want to access.
    NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString]; //Create an NSURL containing (NSString)urlString
    NSURLRequest *urlRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url //Create an NSURLRequest with (NSURL)url, by default this is a GET request, you can specify a POST request by adding an additional argument.
    cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataElseLoad //If cached data exists, return that, otherwise fetch new data.
    timeoutInterval:30]; //Wait 30 seconds for response before giving up.
    NSData *urlData; //NSData object for containing data returned from Twitter server.
    NSURLResponse *response; //NSURLResponse object for containing response code from server.
    NSError *error; //NSError for containing error from NSURLConnection (i.e. unable to connect, etc.)
    //Now we're going to use NSURLConnection to send a request to the Twitter server...
    urlData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:urlRequest //Send a SynchronousRequest -- this means that the code stops executing until the data is returned from the server. Sending an unsynchronous request would allow code execution to continue.
    returningResponse:&response //Pass the returned response into (NSURLResponse)response
    error:&error]; //Pass the returned error into (NSError)error
    //Check to make sure data was loaded into (NSData)urlData, if not stop executing and display an error.
    if (!urlData) {
    NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithError:error];
    [alert runModal];
    [timelineXML release]; //Release previous (NSXMLDocument)timelineXML object from memory (if any existed).
    timelineXML = [[NSXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:urlData //Allocate memory for and initilize a new NSXMLDocument called timelineXML and parse (NSData)urlData into it.
    //Check to make sure data was loaded into (NSXMLDocument)timelineXML, if not stop executing and display an error.
    if (!timelineXML) {
    NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithError:error];
    [alert runModal];
    [statuses release]; //Release previous (NSArray)statuses object from memory (if any existed).
    statuses = [[timelineXML nodesForXPath:@"statuses/status" //Load nodes from the XPath "statuses/status" in (NSXMLDocument)timelineXML into (NSArray)statuses.
    error:&error] retain]; //Retain the object so it doesn't drop from memory until we tell it to.
    //Check to make sure data was loaded into (NSArray)statuses, if not stop executing and display an error.
    if (!statuses) {
    NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithError:error];
    [alert runModal];
    [timelineView reloadData]; //Refresh (NSTableView)timelineView.
    [progress stopAnimation:nil]; //Stop the progress spinner.
    - (NSString *)stringForPath:(NSString *)xp ofNode:(NSXMLNode *)n //We will use this function to get the stringValue for a specific node in (NSArray)statuses
    NSError *error; //Create NSError object named error.
    NSArray *nodes = [n nodesForXPath:xp error:&error]; //Get the nodes from one of the status objects in (NSArray)statuses for the XPath specified by xp and load them into (NSArray)nodes.
    if (!nodes) { //If (NSArray)nodes does not exist (wasn't created)...
    NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithError:error]; //Create an alert with the error.
    [alert runModal]; //Display that allert.
    return nil; //Return nil for this function.
    if ([nodes count] == 0) { //If (NSArray)nodes is empty...
    return nil; //Return nil for this function.
    } else { //Otherwise...
    return [[nodes objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]; //Return the stringValue for the node from the status object from (NSArray)statuses.
    #pragma mark TableView data source methods
    //These data source methods are required when assigning an object as a dataSource for an NSTableView
    -(int) numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView*)tv //Returns the number of rows that need to be in the table view.
    return [statuses count]; //Return the number of objects in (NSArray)statuses.
    - (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tv objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(int)row //Called by NSTableView when loading data, returns the value at (NSTableColumn)tableColumn and (int)row.
    NSXMLNode *node = [statuses objectAtIndex:row]; //Load the status object from (NSArray)statuses that corresponds to the row that the NSTableView is requesting into (NSXMLNode)node
    NSString *xPath = [tableColumn identifier]; //Load the identifier value for the tableColumn requested by the NSTableView into (NSString)xPath.
    return [self stringForPath:xPath ofNode:node]; //Return the value returned by the stringForPath: ofNode: method.

  • Is it possible to hyperlink or something elso to an XCode project

    that I can get to an Xcode project inside an Keynote presentation...
    I don't know if it understandable but I meant to open or to let see an Xcode project while I give an presentation. AND Go back to the Keynote...

    Start here.
    Don't miss this:
    Stage 7: Titling and Adding Text to the Slideshow
    Add a title to your slideshow using the titling controls. Insert a blank slide at the beginning of the movie to display your title. You can also use blank slides to act as chapter dividers. Add text to individual slides where appropriate.
    or this:
    Adding Text to an Individual Slide
    Message was edited by: Kirby Krieger -- added final link.

  • How do I use a precompiled dylib in my xcode project?

    Hello all you brainiacs out there!
    I want to use mongoDB as my database for my iPhone projects.
    I have compiled their code, with instructions from successfully.
    I ran all the tests, successfully.
    I have two files, libmongoc.dylib and libbson.dylib generated.
    I have imported them into a brand-new xcode project, (build phases, link binary with libraries, hit '+' sign, add other and browse to these two files)
    I copied the .h files (bson.h and mongo.h) to my project.
    Can I now use the functions in my project as defined to connect, insert, delete.... etc.
    I am a noob at iPhone development (2 months) but I do know what I am doing... (I passed the 2  IOS 5 tests at scoring just under 4/5)
    Can someone walk thru the steps after loading in the dylibs and including the C headers?

    Danny Bertrand wrote:
    Is there a list of specific things that you CAN'T do/have to sell on the Apple store?
    The App Store Review guidelines have such a list.
    But rather than focusing on what you can't do, you should focus instead on what you MUST do. One of those "must do" items is comply with any licensing agreements for code or resources you include with your app. It can be quite enlightening to ignore what people say about "open source" and "free software" and actually read those licenses say and research their history. It isn't Apple that is restricting you here . As a wise person once told me - "Follow the money". That will lead you from the Free Software Foundation to academic think tanks and writers right back to .. .some interesting places.
    Welcome to the world of Apple - everybody's bullseye.

  • How do you add files to a target of an Xcode project from the terminal?

    Hi friends.
    I am building a tool to build projects in an automated way. So far it is working great but I can't find a command to add files to a target from the command line.
    Basically what I want to do is the following:
    I have a directory with the XCode project, something like:
    - Classes
    - Images
    - Configuration
    - Etc
    I want to add some files to the folder Images that will be included in the build output.
    Is this possible?

    Is this helpful?

  • Xcode project questions

    I have just created a new project in xcode.
    Now,I would like to get rid of the files proj_Prefix.pch and projPriv.h , because i don't need them. However, it seems i can't just delete them, because otherwise xcode complains about not finding them.
    In addition, can i get rid of the files projProj.xcconfig and projlTarget.xcconfig ?
    Oh, and one more question: which files of xcode should i put into the SVN repository?
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    You have to remove the proj_Prefix.pch and projPriv.h files from the project to delete them safely. In the project window, select the files you want to delete and press the Delete key. An alert opens asking you if you want to delete the references to the files or delete the files and references. Deleting the reference removes the file from the project but keeps it on your hard disk. Deleting the file and reference removes the file from the project and your hard disk. Deleting the reference, then moving the file to the Trash is safer than deleting the file and reference because you can recover the file if you find out you need it.
    You can get rid of the xcconfig files. Those are Xcode configuration files that contain build settings. Configuration files are useful if you make a lot of changes to Xcode's default build settings. By putting the changed settings in a configuration file, you don't have to change the settings in Xcode for every project.
    The point of a SVN repository is to track the changes you make to files. Put the files you need to track in the repository. At a minimum, you should put your source code files in the repository. What works for me is to put everything but the project's build folder in the repository. When I create a Xcode project I want to place under version control, I temporarily move the project's build folder. After importing the project into the repository and checking out the project's files, I move the build folder back with the project.

  • Xcode project from makefile rules.

    Dear All,
    I have crashed into an old project but new to me and it was not setup for Xcode. I have successfully compiled it in the command line mode using Intel c++/fortran compilers and using Xcode to debug it.
    The thing is that Xcode complained about some preprocessor definitions not being defined; however, it is defined when I assign the flag during the compile time. Since it is already compiled, there is no way to give additional preprocessor definitions to the code.
    I am wondering if Xcode has anyway to derive the rule for code linking according to the binary it reads in. Apparently it can debug and walk through the code now, why can it not derive the building rules? I am just thinking a quicker way to replace the command line makefiles by a single Xcode project.
    Thanks in advance.

    Can't you just recompile with with the additional flags?
    Something that is already built with makefiles should probably be kept that way.

  • Xcode Project Creation deleted Desktop

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    I have a MacBook Pro running Yosemite and have Xcode installed. I wanted to do a quick check in Xcode and was not paying attention and went with the defaults it had, well...
    Basically the Xcode project was named Desktop saving in my home directory and therefore replaced my Desktop... I don't really do anything on the machine I wouldn't mind losing as I copy off to other drives and servers etc but would quite like to know why there was perhaps no alert and what it has actually done to my desktop and would quite like to know what was on the desktop.
    I am thinking Data Recovery is the only option but have tried Data Rescue and it recovers files as numerically numbered so will take a while to filter through all the results.
    Any suggestions anyone?

    When I try that here I get
    So no idea why you did not get that alert, perhaps you did and missed it?
    Apart from Data Recovery (or the backup) there isn;t much else you can do at this point.

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    The problem with this is that I have 3 projects with 6 targets between them that all use overlapping code-sets.
    So, no one target will use all of the files in a given folder...
    Or did you mean copy and paste the .xcodeproj files? that involves (manually) parsing the XML, which I would rather not do if not necessary..
    Message was edited by: Brian Postow
    Message was edited by: Brian Postow

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