RSS and Xcode projects (Mac)

Is it possible to generate a controller or any type of file in Xcode and receive an rss feed to the application? I've looked around for examples and nothing has come to my attention that could work for my application. The only thing I can seem to find are a ton of iPhone rss tutorials, unfortunately I can't find any on Mac OS X Xcode projects.

Here's what I have so far. Pardon the twitter stuff, I found this through a twitter tutorial. ould this comply with any other xml type? Anybody?
#import "AppController.h"
@implementation AppController
- (IBAction) getPublicTimeline:(id)sender
[progress startAnimation:nil]; //Start progress animation spinner.
//First we create the NSURLRequest that we're going to send to the server...
NSString *urlString = @""; //Create an NSString called urlString containing the URL we want to access.
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString]; //Create an NSURL containing (NSString)urlString
NSURLRequest *urlRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url //Create an NSURLRequest with (NSURL)url, by default this is a GET request, you can specify a POST request by adding an additional argument.
cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataElseLoad //If cached data exists, return that, otherwise fetch new data.
timeoutInterval:30]; //Wait 30 seconds for response before giving up.
NSData *urlData; //NSData object for containing data returned from Twitter server.
NSURLResponse *response; //NSURLResponse object for containing response code from server.
NSError *error; //NSError for containing error from NSURLConnection (i.e. unable to connect, etc.)
//Now we're going to use NSURLConnection to send a request to the Twitter server...
urlData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:urlRequest //Send a SynchronousRequest -- this means that the code stops executing until the data is returned from the server. Sending an unsynchronous request would allow code execution to continue.
returningResponse:&response //Pass the returned response into (NSURLResponse)response
error:&error]; //Pass the returned error into (NSError)error
//Check to make sure data was loaded into (NSData)urlData, if not stop executing and display an error.
if (!urlData) {
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithError:error];
[alert runModal];
[timelineXML release]; //Release previous (NSXMLDocument)timelineXML object from memory (if any existed).
timelineXML = [[NSXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:urlData //Allocate memory for and initilize a new NSXMLDocument called timelineXML and parse (NSData)urlData into it.
//Check to make sure data was loaded into (NSXMLDocument)timelineXML, if not stop executing and display an error.
if (!timelineXML) {
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithError:error];
[alert runModal];
[statuses release]; //Release previous (NSArray)statuses object from memory (if any existed).
statuses = [[timelineXML nodesForXPath:@"statuses/status" //Load nodes from the XPath "statuses/status" in (NSXMLDocument)timelineXML into (NSArray)statuses.
error:&error] retain]; //Retain the object so it doesn't drop from memory until we tell it to.
//Check to make sure data was loaded into (NSArray)statuses, if not stop executing and display an error.
if (!statuses) {
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithError:error];
[alert runModal];
[timelineView reloadData]; //Refresh (NSTableView)timelineView.
[progress stopAnimation:nil]; //Stop the progress spinner.
- (NSString *)stringForPath:(NSString *)xp ofNode:(NSXMLNode *)n //We will use this function to get the stringValue for a specific node in (NSArray)statuses
NSError *error; //Create NSError object named error.
NSArray *nodes = [n nodesForXPath:xp error:&error]; //Get the nodes from one of the status objects in (NSArray)statuses for the XPath specified by xp and load them into (NSArray)nodes.
if (!nodes) { //If (NSArray)nodes does not exist (wasn't created)...
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithError:error]; //Create an alert with the error.
[alert runModal]; //Display that allert.
return nil; //Return nil for this function.
if ([nodes count] == 0) { //If (NSArray)nodes is empty...
return nil; //Return nil for this function.
} else { //Otherwise...
return [[nodes objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]; //Return the stringValue for the node from the status object from (NSArray)statuses.
#pragma mark TableView data source methods
//These data source methods are required when assigning an object as a dataSource for an NSTableView
-(int) numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView*)tv //Returns the number of rows that need to be in the table view.
return [statuses count]; //Return the number of objects in (NSArray)statuses.
- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tv objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(int)row //Called by NSTableView when loading data, returns the value at (NSTableColumn)tableColumn and (int)row.
NSXMLNode *node = [statuses objectAtIndex:row]; //Load the status object from (NSArray)statuses that corresponds to the row that the NSTableView is requesting into (NSXMLNode)node
NSString *xPath = [tableColumn identifier]; //Load the identifier value for the tableColumn requested by the NSTableView into (NSString)xPath.
return [self stringForPath:xPath ofNode:node]; //Return the value returned by the stringForPath: ofNode: method.

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    tabish78696 wrote:
    will i get Xcode with mac mini installed in it or do i have to install it..and from where..
    No you won't.  You will need to download it from the
    MacApp Store.  It is a free download.

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    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
    <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
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    johnnyapplesod wrote:
    exporting qt files and rendering project files now takes longer than my old machine
    It's because the PowerMac G5 had HUGE bandwidth with a fat BUS on each processsor so they could run hard, hot and heavy.
    It's not so with the Intel processors which are multi-core and share a common bus thus bottleneck.
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    Hi Mike.
    Although with the solution described I'd have to unlock everyday but if there are no other ways I'll try that.
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    Best Regards

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    We’ve combined the sample projects into a single master project, stored in the Examples folder of the SDK. For Mac OS, it is Buildall.xcodeproj; for Windows, it is BuildAll.sln.
    In your IDE, you’ll need to change the output folder of your project to build into After Effects’ plug-in folder. For development, we recommend using the following path for Mac
    OS: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/[CS version]/MediaCore/
    for example: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/CS6/MediaCore/
    So, I set absolute paths for the build location in my project settings dialog, in the locations tab.  I placed 'intermiediates' in a different folder from 'products'. 
    I just need to know they best way to configure Xcode 4.5 to output the example projects in the correct manner.  I'm afraid I'm going to have to reinstall the plugins.
    Removed incorrect image.

    hi Lazlo Hollyfeld! welcome to the dark side... :-)
    set to build directory to any folder you like (i created a nice folder called "build64"),
    then just put a shortcut from AE's "blug-ins" folder to you build folder.
    yes, AE does shortcuts.
    leave media core alone...

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    thx, j.
    some of the errors I get while compiling the 'Tutorial' samplecode for "10.6|Debug|i386" are :
    ../../illustratorapi/illustrator/AIRaster.h:221: error: conflicting declaration 'typedef long unsigned int uint32'
    /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Headers/cssmco nfig.h:69: error: 'uint32' has a previous declaration as 'typedef uint32_t uint32'
    ../../illustratorapi/illustrator/AIUser.h:381: error: extra qualification 'AIPlatformFileDlgOpts::' on member 'AIPlatformFileDlgOpts'
    /Applications/ai_cs4_sdk_mac_367/Adobe Illustrator CS4 SDK/samplecode/Tutorial/Resources/Tutorial.r:20:0 SysError 0 during open of "TutorialID.h".

    thanks mrwren, for your confirmation that you could compile the
    samples from ai_cs4_sdk_mac_367. I searched further and found e.g. the following fixes:
    sample: Tutorial
    1. AIRaster.h
    below #define BRAVO_TYPES:
    //typedef unsigned long uint32;//loj outcommented
    2. AIUser.h
    /*AIPlatformFileDlgOpts:: loj commented out*/ AIPlatformFileDlgOpts()
    : fCount(0), fFilters(NULL)
    3. TutorialID.h
    add the file Tutorial.h to the Groups&Files section of the Tutorial.xcodeproj window
    by dragging it from the finder into this Groups&Files section
    (The right click > "Add > Existing Files … " did not let me do this (file was gray although rwx-access))
    I compiled for "10.6 | release | i386" and the resulting plug-in Tutorial.aip
    did load well into AI CS4 14.0.0 and worked OK.
    sample: Annotator:
    changed project settings
    -Architectures > Base SDK : "/Developers/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk" changed to "Mac OSX 10.6"
    (I installed snowleopard without the optional 10.4 support)
    -Deployment > Mac OSX target : 10.4 changed to "Mac OSX 10.6"

  • 32 bits on Snow Leopard : old dylib, dylib paths and xcode

    Hello !
    I've got a problem with 32 bits on Snow Leopard. I'm unable to change paths inside and old leopard dylib, and i have architecture compilation problems when i compile the dylib and the project that uses it. (i've replaced personal information in the rest of the post)
    I want to use libsigc++ (a signal library) in a project but :
    - if i use my old leopard compiled dylib of libsigc++, an absolute path is wrong inside the dylib, when i run the application that uses the dylib, i get
    Dyld Error Message: Library not loaded:
    and the indicated path is wrong (as i see when i do otool -L dylib_file)
    but if i do installnametool with the change flag
    the path remain the same when i do otool -L dylib_file
    in addition, if i do installnametool with the delete_rpath flag
    i get installnametool: no LC_RPATH load command with path: ...
    - if i try to compile libsigc++ on Snow Leopard, everything seems to work, and when i compile the project that uses the compile libsigc++, i get :
    ld: warning: in DYLIB_FILE, file is not of required architecture
    I've tried, as i seen on a forum, to compile my dylib with
    env CFLAGS=-arch i386 ./configure (with quotes, but it doesn't work here)
    env CFLAGS=-arch i386 make (with quotes too)
    but the result is the same...
    My configuration in XCode is Mac OS 10.5 , i386 , gcc 4.0
    So, does anybody have a solution to change my dylib paths or to be sure that my project and my dylib (compiled with configure and make) are really 32 bits ?
    Thank u !

    MeeLoo wrote:
    - if i use my old leopard compiled dylib of libsigc++, an absolute path is wrong inside the dylib,
    What path is that?
    when i run the application that uses the dylib, i get
    Dyld Error Message: Library not loaded:
    and the indicated path is wrong (as i see when i do otool -L dylib_file)
    but if i do installnametool with the change flag
    Can you print the exact command you are using?
    - if i try to compile libsigc++ on Snow Leopard, everything seems to work, and when i compile the project that uses the compile libsigc++, i get :
    ld: warning: in DYLIB_FILE, file is not of required architecture
    Have you done a "make clean" on everything in this project? You are only going to get the "file is not of required architecture" if you are mixing architectures. If you do the default options, you shouldn't ever have mixed architectures or that error message.
    I've tried, as i seen on a forum, to compile my dylib with
    Which forum is that? The internet is a great mixing bowl of misinformation.
    env CFLAGS=-arch i386 ./configure (with quotes, but it doesn't work here)
    env CFLAGS=-arch i386 make (with quotes too)
    First of all, you shouldn't even be using that flag at all. Do "make clean" on everything and get rid of all the options and it should build fine. If you insist on cross-compiling, the correct flags to use are
    “-arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5″ to build a 32-bit version for MacOS X 10.5. You may need to set both CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, depending on how well the makefile is constructed. If your Makefiles aren't well constructed, setting those flags on the "configure" command line may not work.

  • If I upgrade my iOS from 5.1 to 6.0 then do I have to upgrade my Xcode also? So my question is all my old Xcode project which I have tried with Xcode 4.3.2 will be still there because I do not want to destroy them.

    I have xcode 4.3.2 and  iOS simulator Version 5.1 (272.21). But this course is on iOS 6. If I upgrade my iOS from 5.1 to 6.0 then do I have to upgrade my Xcode also? So my question is all my old Xcode project which I have tried with Xcode 4.3.2 will be still there because I do not want to destroy them.
    I have a MacBook Pro (Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63b). Please let me know about upgrading iOS version so that I will be able to do the class project.

    To program for iOS 6, you need iOS 6 SDK. You need to download Xcode 4.5.x. But don't worry. All your previous projects are still alive and you are able to open them in the new Xcode.

  • Director and XCode ?

    Can Director be integrated with XCode?  I understand that Director can generate resources for an XCode Project but is that its entire scope?
    Does it generate separate .h and .m files?
    The  user documentation suggests that Director ignores XCode and runs directly on Mac OS or on
    Has anyone tried a more comprehensive XCode/Director integration?
    [email protected]

    Hi Hal,
    Director works by generating projectors that can run .dir or .dcr files.
    iOS .ipa files are merely zip archives that contain an iOS projector,  .dcr files and a few other support files. (BetterZip will reveal what's in your .ipa file)
    You can use Xcode to make XTRAs that can extend the functionality of a projector.

  • How do I use a precompiled dylib in my xcode project?

    Hello all you brainiacs out there!
    I want to use mongoDB as my database for my iPhone projects.
    I have compiled their code, with instructions from successfully.
    I ran all the tests, successfully.
    I have two files, libmongoc.dylib and libbson.dylib generated.
    I have imported them into a brand-new xcode project, (build phases, link binary with libraries, hit '+' sign, add other and browse to these two files)
    I copied the .h files (bson.h and mongo.h) to my project.
    Can I now use the functions in my project as defined to connect, insert, delete.... etc.
    I am a noob at iPhone development (2 months) but I do know what I am doing... (I passed the 2  IOS 5 tests at scoring just under 4/5)
    Can someone walk thru the steps after loading in the dylibs and including the C headers?

    Danny Bertrand wrote:
    Is there a list of specific things that you CAN'T do/have to sell on the Apple store?
    The App Store Review guidelines have such a list.
    But rather than focusing on what you can't do, you should focus instead on what you MUST do. One of those "must do" items is comply with any licensing agreements for code or resources you include with your app. It can be quite enlightening to ignore what people say about "open source" and "free software" and actually read those licenses say and research their history. It isn't Apple that is restricting you here . As a wise person once told me - "Follow the money". That will lead you from the Free Software Foundation to academic think tanks and writers right back to .. .some interesting places.
    Welcome to the world of Apple - everybody's bullseye.

  • I have a G5 mac using ver 10.4.11 and a newer mac using ver 10.8.4 these are networked. using the new mac i looked up my my photo on the old mac. It then said you need to upgrade your library which it did. Now the old mac can not open the photos

    I have a G5 mac using ver 10.4.11 and a newer mac using ver 10.8.4 these are networked. using the new mac i looked up my my photo on the old mac. It then said you need to upgrade your library which it did. Now the old mac can not open the photos and say that I need to upgrade my I photo to a newer version. The old mac has no more support from apple in software update so I am not sure where I should go from here. can I use new soft ware with the old mac

    The other part of the upgrade message was a warning that once you upgraded you would no longer be able to open the library with the old version which is exaclty what you did and what happened when you choose to continue
    The iphoto library needs to be upgraded to work with this version of iPhoto. Your photo library will not be readable by previous versions of iphoto after the upgrade. The upgrade process may take several minutes depending on the number of photos in the library. Cancel or upgrade.
    So now your choices are to not use iPhoto with the previous version using it onky with the newer version, restore your backup from before you did this upgrade or purchase iPhoto Library Manager and use it to rebuild the library using the older version of iPhoto (instructions are on their web site) thereby downgrading it (without projects)

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