Adding full IE to a WinRE Wim

Does anyone know how to install a full version of IE to a WinRE WIM? I need the browser to launch within RE.  We have gone through the motions of copying the IE directory into the program files dir on the WIM, registering a few DLLs, and copying some of the reg hives. There has to be an easier way.... any ideas or tried and true steps?

You may follow the URL below to install IE to a WIM:

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  • Winre.wim in Windows 8.1

    I mounted install.wim from Windows 8.1 x64 enterprise evaluation , navigate to system32\Recovery
    But couldn't find Winre.Wim
    Is it normal in 8.1? What is default location?

    Based on my research, we can find in system32\Recovery folder.
    I suggest you download the windows 8.1 Enterprise from the link below to check the result.
    Download the Evaluation: Windows 8.1 Enterprise
    Meanwhile, please refer to the following link to mount install. Win file.
    Mount and Modify an Image Using DISM
    Kelvin hsu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Adding full screen code into Captivate 5's basic Button Widget

    Hi everyone!
    I was able to create a full screen button in Flash that works with Captivate 5 projects, however, I want to be able to active the full screen feature for every button created using the basic 'button' widget that comes with the Captivate program.  I am not a AS3 programmer so I think my issue is that I am confused as  to where to place the full screen code into the existing 'button widget'  code. Below is the code ...
    Thanks in advance!!
    button_name.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fullScreen_action);
    function fullScreen_action(event:MouseEvent):void {
    //..........................Template for Static Widget(AS3)....................
    //flash construct to use external interface : This is needed to use flash functionality for communication between two swfs
    import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
    import fl.controls.ComboBox;
    var widgetMode:String = '';
    var widgetParam:String = '';
    var varHand:Object = null;
    var movieHandle:Object = null;
    XML.prettyIndent = 0;
    XML.prettyPrinting = false;
    XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
    var checkUpdatedXML = false;
    var playedByButton = false;
    var pauseFrame = 0;
    var addednoskipframe = false
    var myXML:XML;
    var myData:String = '<element1><textProperties><font face="Trebuchet MS" style="" size="12"/><textDecoration bold="true" underline="false" italic="false"/><color textColor="0x000000" highlightRequired="false" highlightColor="0xffffff"/></textProperties><captions style="BUTTON_1" themeLabel="0" backColor="0xffffcc" eventAssign="" eventParam="" txtXPos="9" txtYPos="4" imgXPos="190" imgYPos="40" a="1" b="0" c="0" d="1" tx="0" ty="0" bgSelected="false" borderColor="0xff9933" borderSelected="false" containerXPos="" containerYPos=""><text visible="true" width="42" height="20" a="1" b="0" c="0" d="1" tx="18" ty="4">Button</text><image visible="false" width="22" height="18" a="1" b="0" c="0" d="1" tx="NaN" ty="NaN"></image></captions></element1>';
    var xmlConfig:String = '<configs><styles label="Ivory" movieclip="BUTTON_1" backColor=""/><styles label="Frosted" movieclip="BUTTON_8" backColor=""/><styles label="Grey Space" movieclip="BUTTON_9" backColor=""/><styles label="Honey Comb" movieclip="BUTTON_10" backColor=""/><styles label="Mountain Blue" movieclip="BUTTON_11" backColor=""/><styles label="Aero" movieclip="BUTTON_12" backColor=""/><styles label="Gradient" movieclip="BUTTON_13" backColor=""/><styles label="Vivid 1" movieclip="BUTTON_14" backColor=""/><styles label="Vivid 2" movieclip="BUTTON_15" backColor=""/><styles label="Aqua" movieclip="BUTTON_16" backColor=""/><styles label="Glitter" movieclip="BUTTON_17" backColor=""/></configs>';
    //var xmlConfig:String = '<configs><styles label="Button 1" movieclip="BUTTON_1" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 2" movieclip="BUTTON_2" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 1" movieclip="BUTTON_1" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 2" movieclip="BUTTON_2" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 3" movieclip="BUTTON_3" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 4" movieclip="BUTTON_4" backColor=""/></configs>';
    var myConfig:XML = new XML(xmlConfig);
    var myWM = "";
    var mc:MovieClip;
    CaptionMc.visible = false;
    textFormatterMc.visible = false;
    //update ();
    var objName;
    function fnHandleButtonEvent (evt:MouseEvent)
        if (varHand != null)
            switch (Number(myXML.captions.@eventAssign))
                case 1 :
                    varHand.rdcmndResume = 1;
                case 2 :
                    varHand.rdcmndPrevious = 1;
                case 3 :
                    varHand.rdcmndNextSlide = 1;
                case 4 :
                    varHand.cpCmndGotoSlide = varHand.cpInfoLastVisitedSlide;
                    varHand.rdcmndResume = 1;
                case 5 :
                    if(varHand.rdinfoCurrentSlide != (Number(myXML.captions.@eventParam) - 1)){
                        varHand.cpCmndGotoSlide = Number(myXML.captions.@eventParam) - 1;
                        varHand.rdcmndResume = 1;
                case 6 :
                    navigateToURL (new URLRequest(myXML.captions.@eventParam), "_blank");
                case 7 :
                    navigateToURL (new URLRequest("mailto:"+myXML.captions.@eventParam), "_blank");
            playedByButton = true;
    function update ()
        myXML = new XML(myData);
        if (myWM == "Edit")
            textFormatterMc.setData (myXML.textProperties);//strCaptivateXML:String
            textFormatterMc.init ();
            CaptionMc.setData (myXML.captions, textFormatterMc);
            CaptionMc.setConfig (myConfig.styles);
            CaptionMc.init ();
            CaptionMc.visible = true;
            textFormatterMc.visible = true;
            var arr = [textFormatterMc.sizeSelectorMc];
            CaptionMc.visible = false;
            textFormatterMc.visible = false;
            if(mc != null){
                mc = new MovieClip();
                addChild (mc);
            var xmlRef = myXML.captions;
            var textMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(xmlRef.text.@a, xmlRef.text.@b, xmlRef.text.@c, xmlRef.text.@d, xmlRef.text.@tx, xmlRef.text.@ty)
            var txt:TextField = new TextField();
            objName = txt;
   = "txt";
            txt.mouseEnabled = false;
            txt.selectable = false;
            txt.multiline = true;
            txt.wordWrap = true;
            mc.addChild (txt);
            txt.text = xmlRef.text;
            txt.mouseEnabled = false;
            txt.width = Number(xmlRef.text.@width);
            txt.height = Number(xmlRef.text.@height);
            //txt.x = Number(xmlRef.text.@tx);
            //txt.y = Number(xmlRef.text.@ty);
            txt.transform.matrix = textMatrix;
            var txtProp = myXML.textProperties;
            var tf = new TextFormat(txtProp.font. @ face,txtProp.font. @ size,txtProp.color. @ textColor,getBool(txtProp.textDecoration. @ bold),getBool(txtProp.textDecoration. @ italic),getBool(txtProp.textDecoration. @ underline));
            txt.setTextFormat (tf);
            if (txtProp.color. @ highlightRequired == "true")
                txt.background = true;
                txt.backgroundColor = uint(txtProp.color. @ highlightColor);
            txt.visible = getBool(xmlRef.text. @visible)
            var mcCaption = new MovieClip();
            var mcCaptionMatrix = new Matrix(xmlRef.@a, xmlRef.@b, xmlRef.@c, xmlRef.@d, xmlRef.@tx, xmlRef.@ty);
            var ClassName:Class = getDefinitionByName(xmlRef.@style) as Class;
            var objHolder = new ClassName();
            objHolder.buttonMode = true;
            objHolder.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fnHandleButtonEvent);
            mcCaption.addChild (objHolder);
            objHolder.transform.matrix = mcCaptionMatrix;
            if (SimpleButton(objHolder.getChildByName("btn")) != null && xmlRef.@bgSelected == "true")
                var tempColorStr = [email protected]();
                if (tempColorStr.length > 0)
                    var objColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
                    objColorTransform.color = uint(tempColorStr);
                    SimpleButton(objHolder.getChildByName("btn")).transform.colorTransform = objColorTransform;
            if (MovieClip(objHolder.getChildByName("mcBorder")) != null && xmlRef.@borderSelected == "true")
                var borderColorStr = [email protected]();
                if (borderColorStr.length > 0)
                    var borderColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
                    borderColorTransform.color = uint(borderColorStr);
                    MovieClip(objHolder.getChildByName("mcBorder")).transform.colorTransform = borderColorTransform;
            mcCaption.addChild (objHolder);
            mc.addChildAt (mcCaption, 0);
            var mcIconMatrix = new Matrix(xmlRef.image.@a, xmlRef.image.@b, xmlRef.image.@c, xmlRef.image.@d, xmlRef.image.@tx, xmlRef.image.@ty)
            var mcIcon = new Loader();//IconMovie();
            mcIcon.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);
            if (xmlRef.image != ""){
                mcIcon.load (new URLRequest(String(xmlRef.image)));
   = "mcIcon";
            mcIcon.transform.matrix = mcIconMatrix;
            mcIcon.visible = getBool(xmlRef.image. @visible)
            mc.addChild (mcIcon);
    var cursor;
    var otherCursor;
    var downState = false;
    function initCursor(arr:Array){
        cursor = new Cursor();
        cursor.mouseEnabled = false
        cursor.visible = false;
        otherCursor = new StretchCursor();
        otherCursor.mouseEnabled = false
        otherCursor.visible = false;
        for(var i=0 ; i< arr.length; i++){
            arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, showCursor)
            arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, hideCursor)
            arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, showOtherCursor)
            arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hideOtherCursor)
        this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hideOtherCursor);
        this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, hideOtherCursor);
    function showCursor(e:MouseEvent){
        var txt = MovieClip(;
        if(!downState && txt.type == "dynamic"){
            cursor.visible = true;
    function hideCursor(e:MouseEvent){
            cursor.visible = false;
    function showOtherCursor(e:MouseEvent){
        var txt = MovieClip(e.currentTarget).sizeTxt;
        if(txt.type == "dynamic"){
            downState = true
            otherCursor.visible = true;
    function hideOtherCursor(e:MouseEvent){
        downState = false;
        otherCursor.visible = false;;
    function removeAllChildren(mcRef:MovieClip){
        for(var i=(mcRef.numChildren-1); i>=0; i--){
    function imageLoaded (e:Event)
        var mc =;
        mc.width = Number(myXML.captions.image. @ width);
        mc.height = Number(myXML.captions.image. @ height);
    function getBool (str:String):Boolean
        var ret:Boolean;
        if (str == "true")
            ret = true;
            ret = false;
        return ret;
    function getModifiedXML ():String
        return myXML.toString();
    //to register enter frame function
    this.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
    //Captivate App will not recognize a Static Widget unless this function is implemented and returns true
    function isStatic ():Boolean
        return true;//denotes that this is indeed a Captivate Interactive Learning Object
    //a object needs to be created and values filled in . This is taken by captivate and stored as //xml string. This is the mean to pass values between captivate and widget swf.
    function getInspectorParameters ():Object
        //set the data in _parameters fields. This is called by captivate to get the values of widget swf
        var _parameters: Object = new Object();
        _parameters.dataXML = getModifiedXML();
        return _parameters;
    // whenever widget is inserted the widget swf is passed on the parameters stored inside captivate so that it is drawn in updated stage.
    function setInspectorParameters (inParam:Object):void
        //Dev//on Double click //edit window
        myData = inParam.dataXML;
        myWM = widgetMode;
        update ();
    //is called whenever widget needs to be drawn as per the changed
    //parameters like OK to widget dialog and stage swf is updated with the current values.
    function setParameters (inParam:Object):void
        if (inParam.dataXML != null)
            //redraw the widget as parameters has changed
            //dev//OK button
            myData = inParam.dataXML;
            myWM = widgetMode;
            update ();
    //this function is called to set the variable on player
    function cpSetValue (variable:String, val):void
        if (variable == 'movieHandle')
            movieHandle = val;
            varHand = movieHandle.getMovieProps().variablesHandle;
            //using varHand the variables can be accessed for eg. varHand.rdcmndPause = 1;
        if (variable == 'widgetMode')
            widgetMode = val;
            //dev//set mode
    function getEditModeWidth ( ):int
        return 411;// return required width of widget properties dialog here
    function getEditModeHeight ( ):int
        return 480;// return required height of widget properties dialog here
    //Register all the functions with ExternalInterface
    if (ExternalInterface.available == true)
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("isStatic",isStatic);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("getInspectorParameters",getInspectorParameters);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("setInspectorParameters",setInspectorParameters);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("setParameters",setParameters);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("cpSetValue", cpSetValue);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ( "getEditModeWidth", getEditModeWidth);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ( "getEditModeHeight", getEditModeHeight);
    //take care of optimised drawing inside this function. Check the widgetMode , widgetParams  and draw accordingly
    function onEnterEveryFrame (aevent:Event):void
        var wm:String = widgetMode;//this variable will be provided by Captivate App or Captivate Movie
        if (wm == null)
            wm = widgetMode;
        if (wm == null)
            wm = 'Stage';
            this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
        else if (wm == 'Edit')
            //Property inspection inside Captivate app
            myWM = wm;
            update ();
            this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
        else if (wm == 'Preview')
            //The code here is used for previewing the widget in the preview window of widget panel
            myWM = wm;
            update ();
            this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
            //On stage scrubbing/live preview inside Captivate app (OR) at runtime inside Captivate movie.
                if (movieHandle != null)
                    widgetParam = movieHandle.widgetParams();
                if (widgetParam != "")
                    var myXml:XML = new XML(widgetParam);
                    myData = == "dataXML").string;
                    wm = "Runtime";
                    myWM = wm;
                    update ();
                    checkUpdatedXML = true
            if (movieHandle != null)
                if (movieHandle.isWidgetEnabled() == true)
                    if(addednoskipframe == false)
                        var slidestart = movieHandle.getSlideProps().startFrame;
                        var slideend = movieHandle.getSlideProps().endFrame;
                        pauseFrame = Math.ceil((slidestart  + slideend)/2);
                        var SlidePauseFrame = pauseFrame - slidestart + 1;
                        addednoskipframe = true;
                    if(movieHandle.isWidgetEnabled()  && varHand.rdinfoCurrentFrame == pauseFrame && playedByButton == false)
                        varHand.rdcmndPause = 1;
                        this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

    Hi again,
    I just added a virtual keyboard widget, so that you can enter text even in Fullscreen Mode

  • Adding full screen button to DW Flash video?

    When I finish a project, I take the video out of Apple Compressor as a .flv file.  I then take this and drag it into an HTML file in DreamWeaver.  This brings up the "Insert FLV" window, where I can choose some controls, set auto play, etc.  None of the preset controls has a "full screen" button.  I'm looking for a way to add this functionality to our web site.  Are there either 1) other controls templates that I can download that have this built in or 2) an easy way to add full screen fuctionality to that already existing template?  Bear in mind I know little about using the Flash program itself, but I have and I will if I need to manually edit something.  Ideally, there would be just some other template that I can download to do this kind of thing.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks for the reply.
    I've already thought of YouTube, but our organization's filter occasionally blocks YouTube content, therefore it's unreliable for us to use for our internal viewers (we are a school district)
    Your Option 2 doesn't work for us because we don't want to open and use Flash each time we embed something.  Our workflow is quick now because it comes right from compressor and goes right to DreamWeaver.  The ONLY drawback is that we can't make it full screen, which is what I"m trying to rectify.  I don't want to add another program/step into the mix here.
    Ideally, the solution to this would be a place I can download a "plugin" template for Dreamweaver to add more options to the drop down list when I add the flv to the web page, that would of course include a full screen button.  The other option would be a resource I can use to figure out how to modify the existing Flash settings to use Flash to make a full screen button on that.

  • Adding Full Screen Function Within Browswer

    We are nearing completion of a video project that on our web site we have several quicktime movies that I need to play full screen when they click on the movie link. I can do this within quicktime and also if I type in a URL from within Quicktime, but how do we program that function so that it will open in full screen function by clicking on our links? Any help would be so much appreciated.

    I copied the wrong part. Here it is again.
    Need a little help with QuickTime embed tag for both IE and Firefox.
    We have completed the development of a new mechanism for transmitting very large files over HTTP and I would really like to showcase this new mechanism with QuickTime, my favorite media player. Problem, I do not know how to build the embed tag that will play the Full Screen like what is seen here on the Batman trailer:
    Key Point: I do not want to use iTunes as they did with the Batman trailer.
    When the solution is completed, I would like to have a web page that allows my users to select from a link to play the video in full screen. Once the request is executed, the browser will start playing the video in full screen within the browser.
    1. Is it possible to do this without iTunes?
    2. Is it possible to do Full Screen without leaving the browser? I understand that you could create an XML file to do this but it calls the users local QuickTime player, which I do not want to do.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?quicktime type="application/x-quicktime-media-link"?>
    src="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://...../video/">"http://...../video/"
    <object classid="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B">"clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC8 0-D3488ABDDC6B" width="320" height="240" codebase="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="">"">
    <param name="src" value="/mysites/"/>
    <param name="autoplay" value="true" />
    <param name="controller" value="false" />
    <param name="cache" value="true" />
    <param name="href" value="&lt;/mysites/play-fs_v1.qtl&gt; T&lt;quicktimeplayer&gt; E&lt;CONTROLLER=True AUTOPLAY=True&gt;" />
    <embed src="" width="320" height="240" href="" autoplay="true" controller="false" cache="true" pluginspage="">
    Please advise how I can create a solution with QuickTime to deliver Full Screen video from the embed tag without leaving the browser. Thank you in advance for any advise. As soon as we have completed the beta test of the new HTTP mechanism, I look forward to turning it over to this list first. You will be able to load video, VR’s very very very fast.

  • How to edit a captured custom .wim file?

    Hi folks,
    I am in process of gaining experience with capturing and deploying Windows 7 SP1 from our WDS server using unattend file.
    Everything is working, since we installed our applications, ran sysprep, and captured a custom .wim file.
    Now we deploy it using unattend file and everything works.
    I am trying to figure out if there is a best practice here for adding applications to this new custom .wim file?
    I've tried deploying this new image to a unit, installed app, and run sysprep but fails with this error:
    A fatal error occurred while trying to sysprep the machine.
    I am thinking this has to do with multiple syspreps or something?
    I am trying to avoid having to use a default install.wim and app install automation with MDT or something like that.  We are strict to WDS only right now.
    Appreciate any comments,
    Thanks!  romatlo

    Offline servicing allows for adding/removing drivers and updates in MSU/CAB files.
    I do not use MDT either. If you want to "install" a new application to an image that is "out of arms" then you will need to install it after deployment. If your image has an answer file, you can mount your image. Then copy the installation files to it or
    you can keep it on a network share. Then in the answer file, you can put in the commands to install it using FirstLogonCommands.
    I typically like to reference a .cmd file in my unattend that I can add/remove commands to finalized images. So if a client wants to install a new program but doesn't want to recreate the image, then I can have it installed that way.
    <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
    <Description>Set up Service Account</Description>
    <CommandLine>cmd /C start /wait c:\folder\FirstLog.cmd</CommandLine>

  • Full-screen Slideshow Set-up

    I want to create custom image slides from large scale high res photos in photoshop or illustrator to use in the Full-screen Slideshow widget in Muse. What height and width dimensions should I create the original image slides in before I load them into the widget to get the best image quality without compromising page loading speed?

    This would actually depend on images that are used and how you are planning the layout on pages , as you can use split contents to lower down the loading speed or use few contents on page with high resolution.
    There are resources which would give you an idea as how you can optimize the contents in best way without compromising with quality,
    Helpful links : r-graphics-assets/rus/ l ml

  • WinRE Source in Windows 8.1?

    Hi Guys,
    I'm currently working on a Windows 8.1 deployment where I'm trying to control my WinRE wim file.  I'm having a problem figuring out where MDT/Windows Setup is sourcing those RE files from.  I checked inside of my wim that I'm deploying and under
    C:\Windows\System32\Recovery, no WIM exists.  I also checked to make sure PrepareWinRE=NO, tried shutting off the extra active partition, even created a diskpart /s win8_uefi.txt based on IsUEFI=True with no recovery partition, and yet still WinRE finds
    a way in.  That being said, I can deal with this automatic deployment if I knew where it was placing those files from.  Looking in BDD.log really just shows it making the partitions and then setup goes behind the curtains and performs its Winre magic
    trick.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, I really want to get the most out of this feature set.  Thanks.

    Based on my research, we can find in system32\Recovery folder.
    I suggest you download the windows 8.1 Enterprise from the link below to check the result.
    Download the Evaluation: Windows 8.1 Enterprise
    Meanwhile, please refer to the following link to mount install. Win file.
    Mount and Modify an Image Using DISM
    Kelvin hsu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Full mailbox access from trusted domain

    I have an issue with users unable to login to OWA or ActiveSync using trusted domain credentials. I have two forests, FOREST A and FOREST B. I have a 2-way forest trust between them. I have migrated users from FOREST A to FOREST B, but their mailboxes need
    to stay in FOREST A for the time being.
    I have added Full Mailbox access for their FOREST B accounts, as well as Send As permission.
    Outlook accesses their mailboxes no problem, with no security credential prompts. Sending is also fine. However, OWA and ActiveSync will not accept their FOREST B login credentials, I get the following error:
    The Active Directory resource couldn't be accessed. This may be because the Active Directory object doesn't exist or the object has become corrupted,
    or because you don't have the correct permissions.
    I have a single Exchange 2010 SP2 server in FOREST A. All roles are on this server.
    Why would Outlook clients work but OWA and ActiveSync are failing? Things I have checked:
    DNS suffixes for trusted and trusting domain are set on the Exchange Server
    Trust is in place and functional
    Outlook clients work fine using FOREST B accounts
    Changed OWA authentication options between UPN / Domain\User / logon name only - no options worked
    Checked time sync between DC's and Exchange
    Any ideas?? Thanks.

    Great checklist from Martin.
    Please try following links to set the msExchMasterAccountSID attribute in the Active Directory Account Forest, for your reference:
    Additional, the best way is to configure linked mailboxes. This is a mailbox associated with an external account. More details about
    Create a Linked Mailbox, please refer to:
    Best regards,
    Allen Wang

  • How to add fullness to vocals

    im having trouble adding fullness to my vocals, and need to learn how to do this in audition. what im talking about is the vocals sound really "airy" like spaced out. not upfront and thick. ive tried eqing and compression but im not really that good at it yet. ill list a link to the song so you have an idea what im talking about. im looking for a more upfront full sounding vocal. not the background aired out type. i need sum suggestiovns on what to adjust like how to compress it, or ideas on where it could be eq'ed far ive only been able to get it so that the vocal volume itself is louder..but it still sounds aired out. ive also tried stacking the having 3 of the same vocal and panning to the left and right of 2...but it only increases the volume...and stills sounds aired out.
    thats a link to my soundlcick page. the song im talkin about is the one marked preview
    im using a MXL genesis tube mic, with a presonus audiobox interface and a sony vaio laptop.
    im not to concerned about the quality bcuz the room is treated, and i also have the mic enclosed in a homemade soundproof box.
    any suggest would help, please thoroughly explain tho, i also have waves diamond bundle if anyone is familiar with it and has any plugins you know that might help

    Well, I should start by saying that Hiphop isn't a musical style I often deal with so perhaps I'm the wrong person to comment, but a few ideas for you.
    First off, I wonder if your "homemade soundproof box" might be part of the problem.  Enclosing a mic in a box (or even partially enclosing it) actually makes voices sound (believe it or not) boxy--and that's something I hear in your recording.  Don't be mislead by things like the SE Reflexion filter and assume that you can surround the back of your mic any old way--things like that have to be carefully designed to leave enough "air" in the system.
    Second, EQ might help you a bit.  A subtle amount of boost in the 200-300 Hz range should accentuate the fundamental frequencies of your voice and make you sound a bit more "chesty" and the recording a bit warmer.  The trouble is, this same boost might well make the boxiness I mentioned worse--another reason to consider not using the box.  Another bit of subtle boost in the 3-4k range should help your consonants and make you sound a bit closer to the mic.
    I'm not sure you need any more compression.
    Anyhow, hope this helps or at least gives you some ideas.

  • Ability to set ratings during the full-screen slideshow

    When doing the fullscreen preview (ctrl-L), I'd like to be able to set ratings or colors without exiting the slideshow. Just allow Bridge to understand the ctrl-1, ctrl-2, etc... while in that mode.

    This would actually depend on images that are used and how you are planning the layout on pages , as you can use split contents to lower down the loading speed or use few contents on page with high resolution.
    There are resources which would give you an idea as how you can optimize the contents in best way without compromising with quality,
    Helpful links : r-graphics-assets/rus/ l ml

  • Upgrade from CC for Photographers to Full CC billing question

    I want to upgrade to full cc.  But before I do I just need clarification of how I'll be billed since I took advantage of the CC for Photographers.  Will I be billed for both?  Or will adding full cc mean it "cancels" out that $9.99 payment?  Thanks!

    Hi n4photo,
    You may upgrade your plan following the steps mentioned under "Membership & account" in the below link: creative-cloud.html
    You will not be billed for two subscriptions,  your previous plan will be canceled and you may subscribe to new plan. You may contact Customer/Chat support about switching your plans:
    Let us know if this helps,

  • 3702 Support full functionality in Autonomous Mode

    Does the 3702 , 2702 and 1702 support full functionality in Autonomous mode?  i know there was a limited Site Survey function but wondering if they have added full function for these APs?

    Yes it does and also check the table below , both firmware are shown LAP and Autonomous for supported APs including 3700 series. 

  • Dx2400 - How to deploy boot.wim from recovery partion using WAIK

    I have 2 dx2400 Microtowers.  They came with Windows Vista business 32bit and at some point were upgraded to Windows 7 Pro.  The Recovery partions are intact but can not be accessed with F11 to restore the Vista OS and recovery media was not made.  One is a dual boot.  I found the HP Backup and Recovery Manager soctware folder under SWSETUP.  It does not appear to have been installed, but it will not install claiming it needs 61GB of space (used portion of disk) and I only have 18GB available.  Not sure why it is sizing the recovery before the install of the app.   I have a second 500GB drive, but it does not see this, and I see no option to install it there. I have the following files in the recovery partition:WINRE.WIM 179.848KBBoot.WIM    179,848KBHP_WINRE 1KBMaster.log.copy  549KBboot.sdi  3.96kb I think the WINRE.WIM is a copy that I made some time ago in an attempt to get the System Recovery Disk to recgonize the file. I also have the Win7 WAIK installed and have made a WinPE Boot Drive.  I tried to look at the WINRE.WIM file via the WAIK and it told me that I was missing a catalog file.  This may not be a problem, but before I delete a working partion, I thought I would check out how this should work. I recall something about HP tools differing from Windows tools and not sure what I have.   The goal is deply the WIM file to the C:\ partion as a new install of Vista.   Any suggestions on how to proceed? 

    he causes may be the following things.
    1. The System files are corrupt.
    2. The disk File system has bad configuration.
    3. Hardware fault.
    To boot into Windows Recovery environment, we need the recovery image or partition in your computer or the installation disk.
    Try performing the Hard drive test from F2 and run the test.
    Let us know how it goes!
    "I work for HP."
    ****Click the (purple thumbs up icon in the lower right corner of a post) to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****

  • \Boot\BSD issues

    I was recently mapping network drives to my windows 7 machine through windows exporer. I mapped two drives, I cannot remember exactly but I beleive they had the letters Y: and X:.  on researting the computer, I got a bootloader error, with a black screen
    saying there is a problem with \boot\BSD. I have read quite a few posts, including the very helpful ones at :
    and the manual restore help at
    for another method of manual restore of bootloaders, the follwoing website gives some good instructions as well:
    And for anyone else having a similar problem I suggest you start here.
    BUT my problem is that none of these will work for me. In the windows Recovery console, there are no versions of microsoft windows listed, and all the atotmated startup repair options fail in the following ways
    1)On starting system repair, a dialog comes up saying it is searching for windows instlalations. It finishes and says that there are problems with the computers startup options, the details say:
    The follwoing startup option will be repaired:
    Name {bootmgr}
    Identifier {[long hex string]}
    The following startup options will be added
    Name: Windows 7 Home Premium (recovered)
    Windows Device: Parition=C:
    Name: Windows Recovery Environment (recovered)
    Path: Recovery\[long hex string]\winre.wim
    Windows Device: Parition=C:
    Unfortunately when I hit repair and restart it throws an error saying "failed to save startup options"
    2) No OS's are shown and so the atuomated recovery tools cannot run
    3) I do not have a system image
    4)In the advanced menu, Startup Repair fails, the detials suggest that it cannot find the OS
    5) when I try to go to the command prompt to fix it manually, it starts in X:\Sources>    however it won't accept any keyboard input (Keyboard input works outside of the windows recovery conolse, and it is a USB keyboard), so I can't do the
    manual option either.
    I have backups, but am trying to aviod re-installing all my programs and doing a full wipe/restore as I will loose some data and a lot of time. It looks to me like my computer has forgotten where the C:\ is.
    I also just ran DOS Sea Tools on the hard drive, and it says that it cannot find the drive. However, when I go into the load drivers menu in windows recovery I am able to get into the C:= drive and see all my files
    Any help would be appreciated

    It seems this is caused by BCD data corruption, but it is odd that you cannot use keyboard in command prompt. I suspect the Windows recovery console is severely damaged.
    How about another keyboard?
    Do you have any system restore point? If so, try to perform a system restore for a test.
    If all steps fail, the suggestion is to use the backup to restore Windows 7 to a normal state.
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

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