Adding functionality to Next button

I am inplementing a train with 3 pages. While navigating from page 2 to page 3. I need to fire a server side API. I am having difficulty in distinguishing the "Next" and "Back" buttons since both buttons raised the "goto" event. As a result my validation fires on both Next and Back button. How can I distinguish the Next button from Back button, or how can I work around it.
Thnaks a lot

I figured it out. It seeme like the framework is maintaing a parameter name "value" which contain the target page. Here is how it work for me..
if (("goto".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM))) &&

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    my script is ........
    import mx.transitions.Tween;
    import mx.transitions.Zoom.*;
    import caurina.transitions.*;
    var myGalleryXML = new XML();
    myGalleryXML.ignoreWhite = true;
    myGalleryXML.onLoad = function() {
        _root.gallery_x = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.gallery_x=100;
        _root.gallery_y = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.gallery_y;
        _root.gallery_width = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.gallery_width;
        _root.gallery_height = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.gallery_height;
        _root.myImages = myGalleryXML.firstChild.childNodes;
        _root.myImagesTotal = myImages.length;
        _root.thumb_height = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.thumb_height;
        _root.thumb_width = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.thumb_width;
        _root.full_x = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.full_x;
        _root.full_y = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.full_y;
    function callThumbs() {           
        wall._x = _root.gallery_x=0;
        wall._y = _root.gallery_y=230;
        var clipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
        var preloader = new Object();
    for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
            thumbURL = myImages[i].attributes.thumb_url;
            myThumb_mc = wall.createEmptyMovieClip(i, wall.getNextHighestDepth());
            myThumb_mc._x = _root.thumb_height*i;
            myThumb_mc._x = _root.thumb_position=-3260+i*765;
            preloader.onLoadStart = function(target) {
                target.my_txt.selectable = false;
            preloader.onLoadProgress = function(target, loadedBytes, totalBytes) {
                target.my_txt.text = Math.floor((loadedBytes/totalBytes)*100);
            preloader.onLoadComplete = function(target) {
                new Tween(target, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, .5, true);
                target.onRelease = function() {
                target.onRollOver = function() {
                    this._alpha = 100;
                target.onRollOut = function() {
                    this._alpha = 100;
    for (i=6; i<12; i++) {
            thumbURL = myImages[i].attributes.thumb_url;
            myThumb_mc = wall.createEmptyMovieClip(i, wall.getNextHighestDepth());
            myThumb_mc._x = _root.thumb_height*i;
            myThumb_mc._x = _root.thumb_position=-7367+i*765;
            myThumb_mc._y = _root.thumb_position=180;
            preloader.onLoadStart = function(target) {
                target.my_txt.selectable = false;
            preloader.onLoadProgress = function(target, loadedBytes, totalBytes) {
                target.my_txt.text = Math.floor((loadedBytes/totalBytes)*100);
            preloader.onLoadComplete = function(target) {
                new Tween(target, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, .5, true);
                target.onRelease = function() {
                target.onRollOver = function() {
                    this._alpha = 100;
                target.onRollOut = function() {
                    this._alpha = 100;
    function callFullImage(myNumber) {
        myURL = myImages[myNumber].attributes.full_url;
        myTitle = myImages[myNumber].attributes.title;
        ajit._x = _root.full_x=130;
        ajit._y = _root.full_y=32;
        /*by forum*/
        _root.onEnterFrame = function() {
       wall._alpha = 0;
          wall._alpha = 100;
        var fullClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader("ajit");
        var fullPreloader = new Object();
        fullPreloader.onLoadStart = function(target) {
            target.my_txt.selectable = false;
        fullPreloader.onLoadProgress = function(target, loadedBytes, totalBytes) {
            target.my_txt.text = Math.floor((loadedBytes/totalBytes)*100);
        fullPreloader.onLoadComplete = function(target) {
            new Tween(target, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, .5, true);
            target.my_txt.text = myTitle;
    /*function for call next 12 images*/
    var gapX:Number=5;
    var nextX:Number = 13;
    var loadNum:Number=13;
    var preloader:Object={};
    var clipLoader:MovieClipLoader=new MovieClipLoader();
    function loadnextF(){
        thumbURL = myImages[loadNum].attributes.thumb_url;
            myThumb_mc = wall.createEmptyMovieClip(loadNum, wall.getNextHighestDepth())
            preloader.onLoadStart = function(target) {
                target.my_txt.selectable = false;
            preloader.onLoadProgress = function(target, loadedBytes, totalBytes) {
                target.my_txt.text = Math.floor((loadedBytes/totalBytes)*100);
            preloader.onLoadComplete = function(target) {
    target._x = nextX;
    nextX += target._width+gapX;
    } else {
    // all images loaded.  do whatever.
                new Tween(target, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, .5, true);
                target.onRelease = function() {
                target.onRollOver = function() {
                    this._alpha = 100;
                target.onRollOut = function() {
                    this._alpha = 100;

    This appears to be the same issue as your other post, just less meaningful information.  Please don't post twice for the same problem.

  • Adding a functionality to the next button

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    But am unable to find the functionality in the CO's for the next button so that i can modify it.
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    Can somebody explain me?
    Thnaks a lot

    When the user selects a value from the poplist and moves to thenext page that is pushed to the vo and will be retained when the user navigates back and the AM is retained in all these navigation.
    I donot understand what you are trying to achieve, the user is still in the same transaction and the value selected by him in one step of the transaction is going to be retained through out the transaction. Why do you want the value to be blank again when he uses the back navigation button.
    You can still achieve that by programmatically resetting the value in PR of the page, but I donot understand what you are trying to achieve by doing that.

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  • Additional Next Button Functionality

    I would like to see some additional next button functionality.
    For example when I am in Residential Products and Services I will read each of the sections.  if I am in Fios Internet and which to go FIOS TV Programming I wish there was a next button that would take me to Fios TV Programming (which is the next topic) instead of having to go back to Residental products and services and then choose Fios TV programming.  I read each section so having that next button functionality would help moving around here a bit quicker.
    Go to Solution.

    Thanks for your suggestion. Have you tried using the "Go To" menu, which is just beside the board search button? It allows you to jump to another board fairly easily.
    Not exactly what you ask for, but maybe it will help in the interim?

  • Adding a function to a button

    I'm trying to attach a javascript funtion to a button and I
    am having problems with it. Original the javascript function is
    attached to a dynamically created text string. Well when I want to
    attach the same function to the button it won't work, let me know
    what to do make this button work with the function.
    function addRowClass(tableID, tableBody, instructionArray)
    // write add link to page
    var oTable = document.getElementById(tableID);
    // make the link
    oAddLink = document.createElement("a");
    oAddLink.setAttribute("href", "#");
    oAddLink.onclick = function() { addFormRow(tableBody,
    instructionArray); return false; }
    var oLinkText = document.createTextNode("Add Another Row");
    /* main function */ <--The Function I want to attach to
    function addFormRow(tableBody, fieldArray)
    tableBody = document.getElementById(tableBody);
    newRow = document.createElement("tr");
    rowNum = tableBody.getElementsByTagName("tr").length - 1;
    <-- ****The Error****
    for (var i = 0; i <= fieldArray.length; i++)
    oCell = document.createElement("td");
    oInput = document.createElement("input");
    case "text":
    createTextbox(fieldArray[2], rowNum, fieldArray[1]
    , fieldArray[3]);
    //an input error has occurred. Nothing will be written out
    to the cell.
    rowNum += 1;
    Line 149 * <-- ****The Error**** Located in the script
    "Null" is null
    ~~~~My Button~~~~
    <input type="button" name="Button1" value="Create Row"
    class="NewRowButton" value="javascript=addFormRow()">
    Thanks for the help

    Try <input type="button" name="Button1" value="Create Row"
    "TGuthrie" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > I'm trying to attach a javascript funtion to a button
    and I am having
    > problems
    > with it. Original the javascript function is attached to
    a dynamically
    > created
    > text string. Well when I want to attach the same
    function to the button it
    > won't work, let me know what to do make this button work
    with the
    > function.
    > ~~~~~Script~~~~~
    > function addRowClass(tableID, tableBody,
    > {
    > // write add link to page
    > var oTable = document.getElementById(tableID);
    > if(oTable)
    > {
    > // make the link
    > oAddLink = document.createElement("a");
    > oAddLink.setAttribute("href", "#");
    > oAddLink.onclick = function() { addFormRow(tableBody,
    > return false; }
    > var oLinkText = document.createTextNode("Add Another
    > oAddLink.appendChild(oLinkText);
    > document.body.insertBefore(oAddLink,
    > }
    > }
    > /* main function */ <--The Function I want to attach
    to button
    > function addFormRow(tableBody, fieldArray)
    > {
    > tableBody = document.getElementById(tableBody);
    > newRow = document.createElement("tr");
    > rowNum = tableBody.getElementsByTagName("tr").length -
    1; <-- ****The
    > Error****
    > for (var i = 0; i <= fieldArray.length; i++)
    > {
    > oCell = document.createElement("td");
    > oInput = document.createElement("input");
    > switch(fieldArray[0]
    > {
    > case "text":
    > createTextbox(fieldArray[2], rowNum, fieldArray[1]
    > fieldArray[3]);
    > break;
    > default:
    > //an input error has occurred. Nothing will be written
    out to the cell.
    > break;
    > }
    > oCell.appendChild(oInput)
    > newRow.appendChild(oCell)
    > }
    > rowNum += 1;
    > tableBody.appendChild(newRow)
    > }
    > ~~~~ERROR~~~~
    > Line 149 * <-- ****The Error**** Located in the
    > "Null" is null
    > ~~~~My Button~~~~
    > <input type="button" name="Button1" value="Create
    > class="NewRowButton"
    > value="javascript=addFormRow()">
    > ~~~~End~~~~~
    > Thanks for the help

  • I'm trying to add prev and next button to a gallery

    I've found a free flash gallery which looks good for my need here:
    The only problem is that the gallery doesn't have prev and next buttons for the full size images, so I'm trying to add them.
    I've been able to add those buttons, but they only work if I don't click on a thumb, as I click on a thumb they stop working.
    In the code there is a function called loadGImage which loads the full size images, originally that function accepted 2 parameters, I've added a 3rd one which store the current image's index inside an array, so that I can use my buttons to call that function with index+1 for next and index-1 for prev.
    In addition to this I've added a variable which is updated everytime a full image is shown, that variable contains the image's index.
    Clicking on thumb the buttons stop working because the current image's index turns to "undefined" so they can't pass a correct value to loadGImage.
    I've checked the code of the gallery, but I can't find where is said to the thumbs to call loadGImage, if I'd found that code I could add the index parameter and my buttons would work.
    I'm sure that the thumbs call loadGImage because I've put a trace() inside the function to see when it is activated.
    Here you can find the source file of the gallery (plus some images to see how the gallery works)
    The code commented using /*   */ is the code written by me.
    Can you help me to find where the thumbs make the call to loadGImage?

    The informations about the images are read from an XML file.
    These variables will contain the informations
    _root.description = new Array();
    _root.small_image = new Array();
    _root.big_image = new Array();
    _root.total_images = 0;
    This code creates the thumbs
    function createSmall()
        _root.smallContainer.createEmptyMovieClip("smallImageContainer", 10);
        var _loc4 = 0;
        var _loc3 = 0;
        for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < _root.small_image.length; ++_loc2)
            _root.smallContainer.imageContainer.attachMovie("smallImage", "smallImage_" + _loc2, 100 + _loc2);
            m = _root.smallContainer.imageContainer["smallImage_" + _loc2];
            m._x = _loc3 * 50;
            m._y = 0;
            m.imageContainer.loadMovie(_root.small_image[_loc2], 100);
            m.iData = Array();
            m.iData.big = _root.big_image[_loc2];
            m.iData.title = _root.description[_loc2];
        } // end of for
        _root.smallImageContainer._x = 5;
        _root.smallImageContainer._y = 0;
    } // End of the function
    And this is how full size images are loaded
    function loadGImage(title, bigImgURL)
        _root.bigImage.imageContainer.loadMovie(bigImgURL, 100);
        _root.bigImage.imageContainer._x = 0;
        _root.bigImage.imageContainer._y = 0;
        _root.title.text = title;
    } // End of the function
    I've checked around the fla file, but I haven't found any code associated to the thumbs which says to call loadGImage, that's my problem, because the code itself is not hard to understand.

  • Sliding panels prev/next buttons

    Using graphic buttons for previous and next navigation with Spry Sliding Panels, how can the 'previous' button be dimmed or hidden when you're on the first slide, and conversly, have the 'next' button dimmed or hidden when you're at the end of the slides? Ideally there would be a CSS class added to one button or the other to change states. Or can the Spry Fade Effect be used here to fade the buttons on and off?

    The default Spry Widget has no functionality to indicate the current panel. I have created a small hack for that before. You might want to check out this post here:
    Hopes this helps.

  • How do I make a learner attempt a question, without having the option of a 'Next' button?

    Is it possible to display the feedback option (learner selected) from a multiple choice Question by clicking the next (or previous) page button?
    I have set the progress to the next page, with the option 'Attempts - 1' from the Assessment page. The objective of this exercise was to make the learner attempt the given multiple choice question, without the option of going back or forward during their first attempt. The first time the learner comes across this page, he/she has to answer the question to move forward. Once he/she has answered the question (right or wrong), then he/she will be able to navigate to the next and previous pages.
    Is there any functionality where we can restrict the learner in taking up the test (compulsory), before navigating to the next page (using 'Next' button)?
    Thank you,
    Emayavaramban M E

    Don't show the Next button, but drag it under the Clear button if you have that one. Next button is really meant to skip an answer (which you do not want to allow) and during Review to make navigation possible. Since the Clear button will not be there during Review, then the Next button will become visible. Next is the new label (formerly it was labeled Skip). I explained some functionality of question slides in this post:
    It was written in the CP5.5 time, so you'll still see the label 'Skip' that is now replaced by 'Next'

  • My Next button is not working. Please Help!

    Hello, everyone.
    Thank you very much for stopping by my question.
    I'm trying to make this work all day today. I'm out of idea...
    SortedMap m = new TreeMap()is used to sort the collection.
    I want to show next record(name and payrate) in the collection if there's any. Every time I try the code, I get 'Class Cast Exception'
    What am I doing wrong? The following is the code.
    // Next button
    if (e.getSource().equals(nextBtn))
    // Show an error message if the collection is empty.
    if (m.isEmpty())
    msg.setText("No Record is in the Collection");
    //Instantiate an Inerator on the collection's key set and use it to
    // display next record.
    Iterator pointer = m.keySet().iterator();
    if (pointer.hasNext())
    msg.setText("The records: "+ (String)m.get(;
    // Show a message if there is no more record available in the collection.
    else {
    msg.setText("No More Record");
    Please give me suggestion/advice.
    Thanks in advance.

    hi, Radish21.
    I think I'm not adding payRate into the collection succesfully.
    I changed the code as below:
    Iterator pointer = m.keySet().iterator();
    if (pointer.hasNext()){
      Object key =; // get the next key.
      Object value = m.values(); // get the value for that key.
      msg.setText(key +"," +value);
    }I got the following message in message area:
    Eric,[project06.App$Employee[Eric,0,0,0x0,invalid,layout=java.awt.FlowLayout], project06.App$Employee[Maya,0,0,0x0,invalid,layout=java.awt.FlowLayout], project06.App$Employee[Naoyo,0,0,0x0,invalid,layout=java.awt.FlowLayout]]
    I see the names I added, but don't see the payrate there.
    The following is the code to add the name/payrate into the collection:
    m.put(nameField.getText(),  new Employee (nameField.getText(), Double.parseDouble(payRateField.getText())));Isn't this adding payRate?
    I'm sorry to ask you so many questions.
    I do really appreciate your time and consideration.
    Thank you

  • How do I get the Next Button to appear on a form?

    I have a form built off of a view. I pass a parameter from a report through a link to launch the form with the appropriate values. I would like user to then be able to navigate to the next set of information from the report without having to navigate all the way back to the report. I tried to activate the Next button with the onClick event and doNext function but the button never appears to the user. Thank you for any assistance!

    The reason that you don't get the "Next" button is that the query that the form is running on returns only one row. Take a look at EXAMPLE_APP.EXAMPLE_SQL_REPORT and EXAMPLE_APP.EXAMPLE_FORM. You'll find that this form also does not show the "NEXT" button when called from the report. However if you edit the report and change the link parameter from empno to deptno, you'll find that the button comes up in the form.
    I guess the best option you have is to create a custom button that simulates the functionality of the NEXT button i.e. have some logic to find out which empno must be the next one and then call the form like this :
    l_empno := <whatever logic you have come up with>
    l_url:=<portal_schema><module_id of the form>&p_arg_names=empno&p_arg_values='||l_empno||'&p_arg_names=_empno_cond&p_arg_values='||<portal_schema>wwv_standard_util.url_encode('=');
    <portal_schema>.wwa_app_module.set_target(l_url, 'CALL');
    Hope that helps,

  • To disable the horizontal scrollbar and to create a next button to navigate

    To disable the horizontal scrollbar and to create a next button to navigate through the records. At present I create a JSF page and drag and drop my table view and then using the Tuning property I have limited the number of records to be shown. But I need to add a button and then code it to display the next few records. Can someone kindly suggest a suitable mechanism to get this accomplished.
    Edited by: 888970 on Oct 2, 2011 10:15 PM

    Hi Erp,
    At present these are the entries that I have in my JSPX page.
    I have a Table, Iterator and a Input List of Values. As per the scenario, I want a few rows to appear on the table for which I wanted to disable the horizontal scroll bar and then once I click on the list of values it must prompt me with the remaining page numbers.
    Earlier there are about 150 records in the table. I want to show them as 15 per page.
    For which I have added the Iterator and a LOV component code in my JSPX page.
    <af:iterator id="i1"
    <af:inputListOfValues label="Label 1"
    popupTitle="Search and Result Dialog" id="ilov1"/>
    Then I created the bean class as per the example.
    Below is the bean class:
    import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXIterator;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.AttributeChangeEvent;
    public class TestPagebean {
    public TestPagebean() {
    public void i1ov1_valueChangeListener(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
    // Add event code here...
    private UIXIterator myiter;
    public void setI1(UIXIterator myiter) {
    public UIXIterator getmyiter() {
    public UIXIterator setmyiter() {
    return myiter;
    UIXIterator valueIterator = getmyiter();
    if (!valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().equals(valueChangeEvent.getOldValue())) {
    int newPage =
    int pageStart = (newPage) * valueIterator.getRows();
    But i am getting errors in the bean class.
    1. Block expecting }
    2. public UIXIterator getmyiter() {
    Return Statement missing
    3. Block expecting {
    4. Type or variable 'valueChangeEvent' not found
    5. Method 'getNewValue' not found
    6. Method 'getOldValue' not found
    7. Method 'toString' not found
    Can you suggest a possible solution?

  • How can I create a "Next" button with Insert database action

         I want to create a "Next" button that will redirect to another page and at the same time to do an INSERT database action. I've searched on google but I didn't find nothing specific that could help me.
    Below are some screenshots:

      -- Added by ramani 20-feb-2013 
       Seq_Val_ Number; 
        if  :P17_NWM_DOC_NO  is null  then 
           Select Nvl(count(NWM_DOC_NO),0) + 1  -- THIS IS VERY VERY WRONG !!! REPLACE WITH A SEQUENCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            into Seq_Val_ 
            from  DMS_NEW_MASTER; 
           -- ref number 
            return  Seq_Val_ ; 
            --summa oru elsif irukku 
           end if;  

  • Next button not working in create JS code..

    dear friends,
    iam converting my flash e learning lesson in to HTML5 version. i gave 2 next bottons (i mean 2 slides end next buttons). first buttons wors fine when i click i moves to next keyframe.. same code i gave in another frame not working pls refer the followign code.. and help me...
    if (loop == null) { loop = false; } this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
    // timeline functions:
    this.frame_0 = function() {
    this.frame_14 = function() {
    this.frame_603 = function() {
      this.nxt.addEventListener("click", nextclick.bind(this));
      function nextclick() {;
    this.frame_627 = function() {
    this.frame_843 = function() {
    this.frame_1263 = function() {
      this.nxt2.addEventListener("click", nextclick2.bind(this));
      function nextclick2() {;
    this.frame_1287 = function() {
    // actions tween:
    this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this).call(this.frame_0).wait(14).call(this.frame_14 ).wait(589).call(this.frame_603).wait(24).call(this.frame_627).wait(216).call(this.frame_8 43).wait(420).call(this.frame_1263).wait(24).call(this.frame_1287).wait(529));
    thanks and in advance...

    dear mr.moccamaximum,
    Greetings! thanks for the reply.. iam aware of that createjs starts with 0. the abvoe code was generated by adobe flash cc when i press publish....
    any body cna help me.. pls....

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