Adding hours/day to a date

I have field of length 20 which contains date in the format “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss”.
I want to add 5 hrs, 8 hrs, 2 days to this date value depending upon some condition.
Can anyone please suggest how to do this or any FM which does this.
Thanks in advance

DATA : FA(20) TYPE c,
       FB(10) TYPE c,
       FC     TYPE d,
       FD(8)  TYPE c,
       FE     TYPE t.
data : f_m(10) type c,
       f_d(10) type c,
       f_y(10) type c,
       f_h(10) type c,
       f_mi(10) type c,
       f_s(10)  type c,
       f_aa(10) type c,
       f_bb(10) type c.
FA = '07/01/2007 08:09:10'.
SPLIT fa AT space INTO f_aa f_bb.
SPLIT f_aa AT '/' INTO f_m f_d f_y.
SPLIT f_bb AT ':' INTO f_h f_mi f_s.
add your logic...
i want to help you.

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    Mistook 01/05/2009 as Jan 5th and was wondering why your statements contradicted.  I see you mean May 1st.
    Try a formula such as this:
    numbervar i := 1;
    datevar c := date(#05/01/2009#);
    numbervar z := 12;
    datetimevar k := date(0,0,0);
    while i <= z do
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    i := i +1;
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    Thank you Garrett Fitzgerald! Please see the modified formula which I meant
        + {@BusinessDays}
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        - DateDiff("ww", {Startdate}, {Startdate} + {@BusinessDays}, crSunday)

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    Thanks in advance,

    Please do a search before posting.
    FM BKK_ADD_WORKINGDAY (despite the name it also does subtraction).

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    The Calendar class allows you to set or clear each field.
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    cal.setTime(new java.util.Date(valueDate.timestampValue().getTime()));
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    You can use the below expression for adding 1 day (24 hrs) to a given current date:
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  • Adding days to a date

    Hi, i've been trying to add days to a date with no luck.
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    Date date2;
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    > 'void' type not allowed here
    System.out.println (testDate2.setTime(newTime));You are trying to print out the results of the void
    method, i.e. a void, not the object.
    d-unknown, if you look closely at the error message provided and the line it's complaining about, and use a little process of elimination, I think you'll find that there are only so many possibilities as to what possibly could be wrong.
    These compiler errors are not cryptic curses thrown up to stop people from getting work done, the counterspells to which are only known to those who have been through the rite of passage and had a coffee cup branded on their butts. The error messages are your friends. They tell you pretty precisely what went wrong and where if you take the time and effort to read an understand them.
    "'void' type not allowed here" -- Where have you ever seen the word void when programming Java? As the return type of a method, right? So, "'void' type" is probaby talking about the return type of some method.
    "not allowed here" -- well, it looks like you're doing something with a void where you can't have a void.
    There are only two method calls on that line--println and setTime. Both return void, so either one could be the problem. Either one might be being used where it's not allowed.
    But wait, what could possibly be wrong with where you're using println? It's just like every other println you've ever used.
    What about setTime? Well, println has several signatures. One takes object, and there's one for int, float, etc. So what you pass to println has to be one of those types. Is the return type of setTime an Object or int or long or anything? No, it's void. It's nothing. It has no value. println needs a value, but you're passing something that has no value. It would be like saying x=date2.setTime(...) It makes no sense, because a method with a void return type doesn't return any value.
    See, that wasn't so hard, was it? Yeah, it was wordy, but really if you start with "what could be void in this line and how could it be causing a problem," the thought process only has a few steps to get to the answer.

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    i am having problem with the add() in Calendar class. i try to get a date that is 60 days prior to the current date, and here is what i coded:
    Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
    System.out.println("current day : "+calendar.toString());
    calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -60);      
    System.out.println("after adding (-60), the day is "+calendar.toString()); and here is the output of the print:
    --- getEffectiveDate ---
    current day : java.util.GregorianCalendar[time=1088608525321,areFieldsSet=true,a
    after adding (-60), the day is java.util.GregorianCalendar[time=1083424525321,ar
    ET=3600000]it looks like it only subtracted 30 days from current date. i wonder what happen to the 60 days. does anyone have any idea why? thanks for ur help.

    DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    System.out.println("current day : " + df.format(calendar.getTime())); // 6/30/04
    calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -60);
    System.out.println("after adding (-60), the day is " + df.format(calendar.getTime())); // 5/1/04What's the problem?

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    java.util.Date postDate = new java.util.Date();
    myNewDate = postDate /* ?*/;
    Here i want to add 2 date into postDate

    Use Calendar...
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.setTime(new Date());
    cal.add(Calendar.DAY, 2); // I'm not sure about that "DAY"

  • What is the best way to add a day to a Date object?

    I have come across numerous examples on adding a day to the CURRENT date, using the Calendar object. However, what I need to do is to add a day to a Date variable.
    Can someone tell me how to do that? I tried to set the value of my Date variable into the Calendar object, but, it appears that for the current JAVA version, they have deprecated the getYear(), getMonth() and getDay() methods for the Date class.
    Really appreciate your suggestions.
    Thank you in advance,

    I haven't seen the OP express a concern over how to create/obtain the Date object (he could be using "new Date()" given the emphasis on "CURRENT"). Milliseconds is fine too if that's what you have (for example from a java.sql.Date).
    So the way to add a day to a Date object (the OPs original question) is to:
    - set the Date on a Calendar using setTime
    - add 1 to the DATE field of the calendar
    - get the Date from the Calendar using getTime
    Obviously you're right if the OP doesn't have Date object to start with, but just the "numbers" for year, month, day.

  • Extract data on report between last 30 days from current date.

    Hi Experts,
    Ealrier i had provided user promt to select the date range, now i need to schedule the report for this i have to set the date between last 30 days from current date.
    How can i add this in formaula on record selection.
    {pm_process.pm_creation_date} in {@Start Date to UTC} to {@End Date to UTC}
    I tried:
    {pm_process.pm_creation_date} in CurrentDate() - 30 to CurrentDate()
    But this is diplaying me only data of 30th date from current date.
    Please advice.

    Hi Brian,
    Thank you!
    1. I have not created any function for {pm_process.pm_creation_date} in [CurrentDate() - 30 to CurrentDate()] i am just adding this on Record Selection and its not helping.
    2. {pm_process.pm_creation_date} in Last30Days; this is throwing below error.
    please advice what to be done?

  • Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8 - Add days to Current Date in another text field

    I am working on an expense report. I have six fields, CurrentDate, and countDate1 through countDate5. The CurrentDate is a Time/Date field which the user can select whatever date is needed with the drop down calendar. The other five countDate fields are "text" fields which will represent Monday through Friday. I would like to add zero days to whatever the user selects as the CurrentDate and make that appear in countDate1 which represents Monday(the CurrentDate the user selects will always be a Monday), add one day to whatever the user selects as the CurrentDate and make that appear in countDate2 which represents Tuesday...and so on. I realize this is probably basic for someone familiar with FormCalc but I'm very new at this.
    This got me very close but I want the user to select the date and not have the CurrentDate already filled in.
    CurrentDate - DateTime field, FormCalc calculation script:
    Date1 - Text field, FormCalc calculation script:
    Num2Date( Date2Num(CurrentDate.formattedValue))
    Date2 - Text field, FormCalc calculation script:
    Num2Date( Date2Num(CurrentDate.formattedValue) + 1 )

    Here is an exmaple of adding days the script is used in the "exit" event for the date select field that has display format of "MM/DD/YYYY". Adding days requires add x number of days to the days since the epoch date for the current date, adding months or years one needs to manipulate the string parts of the date.
    ----- form1.#subform[0].InputDateField::exit: - (FormCalc, client) ---------------------------------
    // fomatted string for selected date
    var sFmtDateValue = $.formattedValue
    var sMsg = Concat("Entered date formatted: ", sFmtDateValue) // build message string
    sMsg = Concat(sMsg, "\u000a" ) // add new line to message
    // convert date string to days since epoch date - format is important
    var fDaysPast = Date2Num(sFmtDateValue, "MM/DD/YYYY")
    // add 7 days to days past epoch date
    var f7DaysPlus = fDaysPast + 7 // add 7 days
    var s7DaysPlus = Num2Date(f7DaysPlus, "MMM DD, YYYY") // format string for 7 days plus
    sMsg = Concat(sMsg, "\u000a", "Plus 7 Days: ", s7DaysPlus) // build message string
    // add 14 days to days past epoch date
    var f14DaysPlus = fDaysPast + 14 // add 7 days
    var s14DaysPlus = Num2Date(f14DaysPlus, "MMMM DD, YYYY") // format string for 7 days plus
    sMsg = Concat(sMsg, "\u000a", "Plus 14 Days: ", s14DaysPlus) // build message string
    // display results
    // work on months
    // get parts of date past epoch date
    var sFullYear = Num2Date(fDaysPast, "YYYY") // get 4 digit year form days past epoch date
    var sMonth = Num2Date(fDaysPast, "MM") // get month form days past epoch date as number
    var sDate = Num2Date(fDaysPast, "DD") // get date form days past epoch date as a number
    var s2Month = Sum(sMonth, 2) // add 2 months
    var s2FullYear = sFullYear
    // if more than 12 months in new date adjust year on number of months
    if (s2Month > "12") then
    s2FullYear = Sum(s2FullYear, + 1) // increment year
    s2Month = Sum(s2Month, - 12) // adjsut months
    var s2MonthsAdded = Concat(s2Month, "/", sDate, "/", s2FullYear) // date string
    sMsg = Concat(sMsg, "\u000a", "Added 2 months: ", s2MonthsAdded) // display, "Sample Adding Days" ,3, 0);
    var s5Month = Sum(sMonth, 5) // add 5 months
    var s5FullYear = sFullYear
    // if more than 12 months in new date adjust year on number of months
    if (s5Month > "12") then
    s5FullYear = Sum(s5FullYear, + 1) // increment year
    s5Month = Sum(s5Month, - 12) // adjsut months
    var s5MonthsAdded = Concat(s5Month, "/", sDate, "/", s5FullYear) //build Date string
    sMsg = Concat(sMsg, "\u000a", "Added 5 months: ", s5MonthsAdded) // display, "Sample Adding Days" ,3, 0);
    // display results, "Sample Adding Days and Months" ,3, 0);

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