Adding page break while printing dynamic text matter

This is a bit of a tough one ...
Im trying to print the content of a large scroll pane that
spans multiple pages. So far i have managed to get the contents
printing out, dividing the content between the pages using the
PrintJob class.
My problem now is that i want to add a header and footer
(both movie clips) on each page and want to add page break like

Still playing around with this, but I still can't get it to work correctly. I've selected Page 1 and tried to change the Content from Positioned to Flowed, but when I do, all my boxes are moved to the 2nd page, and the items on the 2nd page are now on the 3rd page. Can't for the life of me figure this out.
I just want my boxes to grow as you type in them, allowing them to expand to additional pages by moving existing test boxes down the page.

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  • Adding a math amount to dynamic text

    Hi all,
    I am working on a key pad that has a clock, allows you to
    enter a time amount and then count down that amount or add seconds
    to it.
    Here is the file:
    As you can see there are a few things that I have been unable
    to do due to my beginning skill level:
    1a) 2 :34 PM isnt really a functioning clock, its just text.
    While it doesn't need to actually work like a real clock, it should
    have the colin blinking, and when you press any of the 1 - 9
    numbers, it should clear away and present : 00, or : 0(number of
    pressed button).
    1b) How do I constrain the dynamic text box to only four
    numbers in the format of "xx : xx", where x is any number from 0 to
    9, then a space on either side of the colin. Numbers get added from
    the right x first and get pumped to the next placeholder. (dc : ba)
    2) Again, pressing OK doesnt really countdown anything, it
    just says "cooking'. Upon pressing OK, how to I tell the button to
    count down to zero whatever the number is in the dynamic text box?
    3) The add button is supposed to add 2 seconds to whatever
    number (except the clock) is displayed in the dynamic text box, but
    it simply places a 2 next to the numbers. If 1:04 is displayed,
    then pressed Add should equate 1:06, not 1:042
    Here is the code:
    btn1.theNumber.text = "1";
    btn2.theNumber.text = "2";
    btn3.theNumber.text = "3";
    btn4.theNumber.text = "4";
    btn5.theNumber.text = "5";
    btn6.theNumber.text = "6";
    btn7.theNumber.text = "7";
    btn8.theNumber.text = "8";
    btn9.theNumber.text = "9";
    btn0.theNumber.text = "0";
    okButton.theNumber.text = "OK";
    cancel.theNumber.text = "CANCEL";
    addmore.theNumber.text = "Add";
    theCode.text = "2 : 34";
    btn1.onPress = function () {
    theCode.text += "1";
    btn2.onPress = function () {
    theCode.text += "2";
    btn3.onPress = function () {
    theCode.text += "3";
    btn4.onPress = function () {
    theCode.text += "4";
    btn5.onPress = function () {
    theCode.text += "5";
    btn6.onPress = function () {
    theCode.text += "6";
    btn7.onPress = function () {
    theCode.text += "7";
    btn8.onPress = function () {
    theCode.text += "8";
    btn9.onPress = function () {
    theCode.text += "9";
    btn0.onPress = function () {
    theCode.text += "0";
    okButton.onPress = function () {
    theCode.text = "Cooking";
    cancel.onPress = function () {
    theCode.text = "2 : 34";
    addmore.onPress = function() {
    theCode.text = theCode.text + 2;

    Here is what I have been trying, seen below, following what
    Don mentioned. However, I get an error if I keep the " " around the
    0 in the last bit of code. And in reference to my first post, how
    do I expand the code to satisfy those questions. I'll keep trying!
    btn0.theNumber.text = "0";
    btn1.theNumber.text = "1";
    var numZero:Number = 0;
    var numOne:Number = 1;
    var numTwo:Number = 2;
    var numThree:Number = 3;
    var numFour:Number = 4;
    var numFive:Number = 5;
    var numSix:Number = 6;
    var numSeven:Number = 7;
    var numEight:Number = 8;
    var numNine:Number = 9;
    btn0.onPress = function () {
    theTime.text = numZero
    btn1.onPress = function () {
    theTime.text = numOne
    if(numZero <10){
    numZero = "0" + numZero
    **Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=actions, frame=1:Line 27: Type
    mismatch in assignment statement: found String where Number is
    numZero = "0" + numZero
    Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1

  • ALV: How do I suppress repeating values and page breaks on printed output?

    Good day, everyone!
    First, I've done a LOT of searching trying to find the answer to my question, but I'm not finding an answer.  If this has already been answered and you can point me to a URL, I would appreciate it.
    Here's my issue:  I have a rather simple ALV report.  It has the columns of Person ID, Personnel Number, For Period, In Period, and Amount.  I sort by Person ID and Personnel Number, and if the value repeats on the next line of the report, I want to suppress it (make it blank).
    I thought the answer was in the following code, where I set the GROUP attribute to asterisk:
      CLEAR sortcat_ln.
      sortcat_ln-spos      = '1'.
      sortcat_ln-fieldname = 'PERSONID_EXT'.
      sortcat_ln-up        = c_true.
      sortcat_ln-group     = '*'.
      APPEND sortcat_ln TO sortcat.
      CLEAR sortcat_ln.
      sortcat_ln-spos      = '2'.
      sortcat_ln-fieldname = 'PERNR'.
      sortcat_ln-up        = c_true.
      sortcat_ln-group     = '*'.
      APPEND sortcat_ln TO sortcat.
    It looks PERFECT on the screen -- the values are suppressed if they repeat, and everything appears together on one screen.  However, when I print the report, two things happen:  1) The values repeat on each row, even if they are the same, and 2) I get a page break after each Person ID / Personnel Number combination.
    I now realize that I can't use the GROUP attribute.  Is there some other way in ALV to blank these repeating values and keep all the rows together on one page, rather than page breaking after each value change?

    Same requirement i had before, when i try to print preview. the output of the grid display is in grouping is ok, but when i print preview or print it doesnt cater the grouping and page breaks, so what i did i modify the internal table use in alv , after hitting the print preview/print with the format desired by the user. you can do that in user-command. see code below
    FORM user_command USING r_ucomm TYPE syucomm
                            rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
      DATA lt_sort TYPE lvc_t_sort.
      CASE r_ucomm.
        WHEN '&RNT_PREV' OR '&RNT'.
          t_final_x[] = t_final[].
          PERFORM clear_redundant.
          PERFORM set_sort_criteria USING lt_sort.
          t_final[] = t_final_x[].
        WHEN OTHERS.
    ENDFORM.                    "user_command
    hope it helps

  • Page number after printing a text element in SAPScript

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    is it possible to know the page number in which SAPScript print a text element?
    Thanks and regards

    &PAGE& variable gives you the actual page.
    I hope it works...

  • Adding Scrollbar and buttons to Dynamic Text

    I am trying to connect dynamic text to scrollbar and buttons. I did tutorial and and practically pasted the code in with my file names and for some reason it does not work. It says I have a "Access of Undefined Property mask_mc" Did I need to create a variable for this? I didn't in the tutorial.
    Right now I have the dynamic text loading successfuly in 2 different places and I wantd to add the scrollbar. I put the variables on frame 1 code and then I put the actually load code on the frame where it is needed.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks! Sandra
    var textLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var textReq:URLRequest;
    var scrollPercent:Number = 0;
    var minScroll:Number;
    var maxScroll:Number;
    var targetScroll:Number = philText_mc.y;
    var easing:Number = 5;
    var scrollAmt:Number = 15;
    var scrollDirection:Number = 0;
    textReq = new URLRequest("text_philosophy.txt");
    function philosophyTextLoaded(event:Event):void {
        philText_mc.philosophy_txt.text =;
        minScroll = philText_mc.y;
        maxScroll = minScroll - philText_mc.height + mask_mc.height;
    function dragScroller(event:MouseEvent):void
        var dragX:Number = line_mc.x - scroller_mc.width/2 + 1;
        var dragY:Number = line_mc.y;
        var dragW:Number = 0;
        var dragH:Number = line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height;
        scroller_mc.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(dragX,dragY,dragW,dragH));
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, setScrollPercent);
        stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollText);
    function stopDragging(event:MouseEvent):void
    function setScrollPercent(event:Event):void
        scrollPercent = (scroller_mc.y - line_mc.y) / (line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height);
        if(scrollPercent < 0)
            scrollPercent = 0;
        else if(scrollPercent > 1)
            scrollPercent = 1;
        targetScroll = (scrollPercent * (maxScroll - minScroll)) + minScroll;
        philText_mc.y -= (philText_mc.y - targetScroll) / easing;
    function scrollUp(event:MouseEvent):void
    function scrollDown(event:MouseEvent):void
    function setDirection(dir:Number):void
        scrollDirection = dir;
        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollText);
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScrolling);
        stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, setScrollPercent);
    function scrollText(event:Event):void
        targetScroll += scrollDirection;
        philText_mc.y -= (philText_mc.y - targetScroll) / easing;
        if(philText_mc.y > minScroll)
            philText_mc.y = minScroll;
            targetScroll = minScroll;
        else if(philText_mc.y < maxScroll)
            philText_mc.y = maxScroll;
            targetScroll = maxScroll;
        scrollPercent = (philText_mc.y - minScroll) / (maxScroll - minScroll);
        scroller_mc.y = (scrollPercent * (line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height)) + line_mc.y;
    function stopScrolling(event:MouseEvent):void
        scrollDirection = 0;
    scroller_mc.buttonMode = true;
    philText_mc.external_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    scroller_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragScroller);
    textLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, philosophyTextLoaded);
    up_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollUp);
    down_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollDown);

    Hello again,
    Maybe I am asking this question wrong. Instead of making you try and figure out what's going on in my file what I really need to know is how you would take this code I am attaching and make it happen on another frame besides frame 1 and it doesn't appear on frame 1. I think this may help me understand a little better.
    Also another way I was thinking to get around this would be to pull in an external swf into the spot where I want this text to go because I can make the scrollbars and external text work when it is the only thing going on in the movie. Would this be a bad way to set this up? and also SInce it is an external movie would I have maintimeline issues with mouse/scroller control?
    thanks! sandra
    Here is working code:
    var textLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var textFile:URLRequest = new URLRequest("text/external.txt");
    var scrollPercent:Number = 0;
    var minScroll:Number;
    var maxScroll:Number;
    var targetScroll:Number = text_mc.y;
    var easing:Number = 5;
    var scrollAmt:Number = 15;
    var scrollDirection:Number = 0;
    function textLoaded(event:Event):void
        text_mc.external_txt.text =;
        minScroll = text_mc.y;
        maxScroll = minScroll - text_mc.height + mask_mc.height;
    function dragScroller(event:MouseEvent):void
        var dragX:Number = line_mc.x - scroller_mc.width/2 + 1;
        var dragY:Number = line_mc.y;
        var dragW:Number = 0;
        var dragH:Number = line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height;
        scroller_mc.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(dragX,dragY,dragW,dragH));
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, setScrollPercent);
        stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollText);
    function stopDragging(event:MouseEvent):void
    function setScrollPercent(event:Event):void
        scrollPercent = (scroller_mc.y - line_mc.y) / (line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height);
        if(scrollPercent < 0)
            scrollPercent = 0;
        else if(scrollPercent > 1)
            scrollPercent = 1;
        targetScroll = (scrollPercent * (maxScroll - minScroll)) + minScroll;
        text_mc.y -= (text_mc.y - targetScroll) / easing;
    function scrollUp(event:MouseEvent):void
    function scrollDown(event:MouseEvent):void
    function setDirection(dir:Number):void
        scrollDirection = dir;
        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollText);
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScrolling);
        stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, setScrollPercent);
    function scrollText(event:Event):void
        targetScroll += scrollDirection;
        text_mc.y -= (text_mc.y - targetScroll) / easing;
        if(text_mc.y > minScroll)
            text_mc.y = minScroll;
            targetScroll = minScroll;
        else if(text_mc.y < maxScroll)
            text_mc.y = maxScroll;
            targetScroll = maxScroll;
        scrollPercent = (text_mc.y - minScroll) / (maxScroll - minScroll);
        scroller_mc.y = (scrollPercent * (line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height)) + line_mc.y;
    function stopScrolling(event:MouseEvent):void
        scrollDirection = 0;
    scroller_mc.buttonMode = true;
    text_mc.external_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    scroller_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragScroller);
    textLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, textLoaded);
    up_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollUp);
    down_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollDown);

  • Unable to change Page settings while printing

    We have developed a enterprise-wide application using .Net. When the user tries to print the reports, he would like
    to get control on the orientation, paper size and font size. Can anyone help me on, how to provide this option to the user
    while printing reports ?
    We are using Crystal reports which came bundled with Visual Studio.

    Need a lot more info, check the Rules Of engagement to help.
    ALSO, search forums, this question has been answered multiple times with code samples.
    What version of .NET and Cr assemblies are you using?
    Any CR Patches installed?
    Is this a Windows or WEB application?
    How are you printing, from the Viewer/Browser Print button?
    If printing directyl which Printer API are you using?
    Thank you

  • How to print dynamic text in a window

    Hi All,
    My requirement is to print the payement in a window and which will be dynamic and will span across multiple number of pages and there is a main window which i already using to display line item details. Please suggest if there is any possible way to do this.

    Just fill one internal table with the payment details & in the main window of ur smartform.Create one table node in the main window of ur smartform & loop ur table in it.
    I hope this will help u.

  • PLD - Items split in 2 different pages in while printing

    The User has entered only 5 Items in PO.When he sees the print preview , it is displayed in 2 different pages.
    ie 4 items in first page and last item in second page, even after there is a lot of space on the first page.
    Why is it happening.
    I have used the field Items-Item-Remarks which is a text field.

    Hi Sanjay Khimesra,
    In our system, everytime when a document is printed, the Page Footer part will be printed on each page. If there is no enough space for the whole Page Footer, some lines will be moved to the next page. Please kindly ajust the Page Footer size to check whether it is the case in your situation.
    Hope this helps
    Regards, Summer
    SAP Business One Forums Team

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    probelm solved.

  • Pages breaks words using "Justify text" on certain accented characters

    I'm working on a document in Hungarian, and it seems that when I use the "justified text" setting, this puts extra white space around certain accented characters.
    Please see these screenshots:
    In this case, "időszak" should be a single word, and it is, when I write it as "Idõszak" (using õ instead of ő, but this is not the character that is needed there). The problem seems independent of the font that I use (Big Caslon, in the example above).
    Is there a way to work around this?
    Thanks in advance,

    My old eyes fooled me.
    I saw a "lowercase o with a tilde" when it was a "lowercase o with double acute"
    With your font which is a bit more recent than mine, the missing glyph is grabbed from an other font (I didn't search which one it is).
    I didn't got what was in your original screenshot.
    I just get a character with a fully different drawing.
    It's funny because it's the kind of problem RC-R and me where exchanging about in:
    Given what I get, I will not call that a bug but a feature that many users (most of them ?) are unaware of.
    The operating system does its best to display the character we are asking for even if it is not built in the used font.
    This trickery has PROs and CONs.
    For your use, I'm afraid that CONs are the most important and that you will have to search for a font embedding the needed characters.
    To scan the contents of a font, I uses the free Linotype FontExplorer which displays the defined glyphs in black and the missing ones in red so, it's easy to see if a font fit our needs.
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mardi 5 août 2008 16:01:46)

  • Error in header of page VT70 while printing shipment

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    PO Box 1800
    CARROLLTON GA  30112-1800
    and then the shipment details.
    we dont know where the header information is coming from and it has become unwated on the display. The description matched one of the vendor but this vendor has nothing to do with the order of shipment.
    We are trying to figure where is this vendor description coming from. if any one of you have any clue, please let me know that would be big help. I have tried to debug the program but havent been able to figure out.

    Had opened up ticket with SAP, but after some time we could not re produce the issue in production system, so had to close the ticket.

  • How to get page break in PSP reports

    Dear All,
    is there a way to generate reports with page break using PSP .i
    am going to use ORacle 9iAS/9i DB and also apart from ORacle 6i
    i want to generate reports using PSP/Oracle 9iAS and i need to
    have a facilty for online printing of report like with page
    breaks and sub totals should come on my report...please clarify
    this asap...

    Checkout the code..
    *& Form after_line_output
    * After line output event is handled via this form
    * L_V_LINE : Capturing line value for page break.
    FORM SUB_after_line_output1 USING l_v_line TYPE slis_lineinfo. "#EC CALLED
    DATA: l_index1 LIKE sy-tabix,
    l_index2 LIKE sy-tabix.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_fs_output1> TYPE ty_output,
    <l_fs_output2> TYPE ty_output.
    CLEAR l_index1.
    l_index1 = l_v_line-tabindex.
    READ TABLE g_t_output INDEX l_index1 ASSIGNING <l_fs_output1>.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    CLEAR l_index2.
    l_index2 = l_index1 + 1.
    READ TABLE g_t_output INDEX l_index2 ASSIGNING <l_fs_output2>.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    IF <l_fs_output1>-FAEDT <> <l_fs_output2>-FAEDT .
    * WRITE: sy-uline.
    ENDFORM. " after_line_output
    for ref:Page break and Subtotal display in alv
    Re: Page Break while Printing ALV
    hope it helps..,

  • Only page 1 prints well. Page 2 is offset to the right and information is lost at the page break. FireFox 8 and 9, Mac OS 10.6.8

    Mac OS 10.6.8 FireFox 8 and 9
    If I print a web page, either just print or save as PDF, only the first page prints well. Page 2 is offset to the right such that the information is cut off at the right edge. Information is lost at the page break, several lines of text will be lost. If I need to print a page, I open Safari, which does a very nice job of formating the page for print. But I want to use FireFox. Can you help me?

    Does the issue still occur if you start Firefox in Safe Mode?
    How about with a new, empty profile?
    If it does happen in both safe mode and with a new profile, please post the contents from about:support

  • Only page 1 prints well. Page 2 is offset to the right and information is lost at the page break. FireFox 8 and 9, Mac OS 10.5.8

    This is very similar to a previous post with a later version of OS X, but the fix that worked for the original poster does not work for me.
    Mac OS 10.5.8 FireFox 8 and 9. If I print a web page, either just print or save as PDF, only the first page prints well. Page 2 is offset to the right such that the information is cut off at the right edge. Information is lost at the page break, several lines of text will be lost.
    I use several add-ons for work that are only on Firefox, so using another browser doesn't help much.

    Somebody had a similar problem and was advised to start in safe mode or create a new profile. (Here: Starting in safe mode disabling all add-ons does not fix the problem for me. When I try to follow the instructions here ( to start the profile manager, Terminal gives me an error message after I enter the line of text: "The application firefox-bin quit unexpectedly." I have tried it with and without the "-bin" (the error message is the same - just with or without the "-bin"), with a capital or lower case P at the end. Nothing works. Please help.

  • Dynamic Text in Apple Pages

    I know that it's possible to create Placeholder Text. However I'm looking for dynamic text. I frequently deal with documents where I need to update 30 fields with the same information. Rather than going 30 times and replacing the Placeholder Texts with the correct info, I'd love to be able to just fill out a couple fields and the remaining ones to populate dynamically. Kind of how you can create cell references in Apple Numbers and Excel, I'd love to create references for text.
    Any ideas on how to achieve this?

    Pages does not have Dynamic Text.
    Use a marker placeholder eg «example1»
    Then use Find and Replace to substitute what you want.

Maybe you are looking for

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