Adding remote desktop privileges via dscl

In systems before 10.5, one could add remote desktop privileges for a user with:
% niutil -createprop . /users/<username> naprivs -1073741569
However, in 10.5, running the command above no longer works since NetInfo is gone. So, I tried:
% dscl . -create /Users/<username> naprivs "-1073741569"
dsAttrTypeNative:naprivs: -1073741569
but does not give the user remote desktop access. Anyone know the proper dscl option for giving a user ARD access via dscl or some other command-line utility?

I would like to using the group policy to get it:
Add Domain Users to local Remote Desktop Users group using Group Policy
Please Note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
In addition, Please refer to this similar issue thread:
Please Note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
Karen Hu
TechNet Community Support

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    Please check whether you have successful login connection to remote resource?
    In addition please provide the log for further research.
    Login in the APP, then go to settings, under 'support' there is an option ‘Send log via email’ and then it will reach to the email inbox which is provided.
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    So the issue with the 8000 printer is periodic print jobs do not come out as you are wanting them. Is that right? This is interesting, just from the point of view that generally speaking issues like this are like a light switch, they are either there or they are not - they usually don't come and go. That being said, we are going to see what we  can do to resolve this. First I am going to recommend that we perform a clean installation of the printer after uninstalling it from the machine. By the way, what is the operating system you are working with - Is it Windows 2000 Network? 
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    Then follow this link to download the full feature software and drivers for the printer:
    Install that and let me know the result! 
    Have a great day!

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    Error: Error code: 0xFFFFFFFF.
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    I have the same problem.
    (Making this long hand for those who come after)
    I have installed SQl Management Studio Express 2012 SP1 
    (You only need the one file "SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe")
    Ran this as Administrator 
    And typed in the Server Name field
    Then hit connect.
    Expanded Databases (+sign)
    Expanded RDCms 
    Expanded Tables
    Right Clicked on, select Edit top 200 rows
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    Thanks for any help!

    My suggestion is to setup a RD Web Access server and make it available for your clients via proxy.
    Remote Desktop Web Access (RD Web Access)
    Jeremy Wu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Do you need any other assistance?
    Dharmesh Solanki
    TechNet Community Support

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    On the Gateways servers event logs for 
    Things I have looked into so far.
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    - Connecting from an older client version works fine.
    I'm not sure what else can be checked does anyone have any ideas?

    1. What entries are you seeing in the RD Gateway's log?  Event Viewer\ Applications and Services Logs\ Microsoft\ Windows\ TerminalServices-Gateway
    2. How come you are not forwarding UDP port 3391 in addition to TCP port 443?  It should work without UDP, but you will not have UDP support which is one of the benefits of RDP 8.0/8.1.
    3. Are there any non-default group policy settings being applied to the servers and/or client PCs?  To be clear, I'm asking if any changes have been made to the default local and domain security policies, group policy objects, new GPOs that may have
    been added, etc., that are applicable to the servers and or client PCs.

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    thank you!

    Hi Dede,
    Your box is up to date with windows updates.
    Witch windows server are you using?
    Maybe review the firewall exceptions.
    Nicolas Rojas

  • Trouble Printing to Network Printer via Remote Desktop Connection

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    Printer, HP LaserJet P2035n, connected via the network
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    Any advice on how to get the printer connection running normally?

    What you haven't told us is what method you use to connect/setup the printer on Windows. There are two ways - Bonjour for Windows (free software from Apple), and TCP/IP raw port 9100. If you have a problem using one, try the other.

  • Windows 8 PC not able to remote desktop via Remote Web Access

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    Is anyone else experiencing this problem?  Does anyone have any troubleshooting tips on how to trace this problem down?

    Please check if there is any error in the remote desktop service log both on the Windows 8.1 client and server sides. You can find the log under Applications and Services logs – Microsoft
    – Windows – TerminalServices.
    Jeremy Wu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can't connect via remote desktop

    I'm using a late 2009 iMac running 10.6.8 and an AirPort Extreme 802.11n (4th Generation) running 7.5.2. Before I bought the AEBS, I was able to utilize Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection over a secure VPN network to access my work computer, which runs Windows 7 Professional.
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    I'm typing in the work computer's IP address in the RDC client, and I have port forwarding for port 3389 set up in AirPort Utility to my iMac's static IP of
    I've read other message boards and have done everything I think I need to do. So what am I missing?
    Thanks very much!

    This is not a solution it is a nasty work around, all of your network traffic including internet access is going to go over your vpn, I don't know about you but just because I have a vpn session and remote desktop running, should not mean that I can't do personal stuff on my local system without it going through my employers servers. How do you get Remote Desktop to route via the VPN connection without turning on "Send all traffic over VPN connection"?

Maybe you are looking for

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