Additional libraries of Graphic styles?

Are there obtainable additional "Graphic Style Libraries" on internet sites? oq=&gs_rfai=

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    FYI - This regression has been filed here:

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    Kind regards,
    Sven Lattermann

    Hi Advait,
    From the below what I understand is that you are not able to do value mapping for the follwoing
    1     A
    2     A
    3     B
    As value mapping allow one to one mapping only. Please do it like as mentioned below
    1     1*A
    2     2*A
    3     3*B
    Then in the graphical mapping of Integration Repository do the mapping for the same as shown below
    source field > VALUEMAPPING> UDF--> TARGET Field
    In UDF suppress the value of  1* , 2* , 3* which can be done as follows
    create one UDF with one input field
    //write the code as below to suppress the field
    return input.substring(2);
    Here the davantage of using 1* , 2* , 3* etc is that you have the option to use value mapping for 100 values which I think is not normally the case for any Interface.
    If you have same source you can do the same thing for that.
    Hope this helps you to resolve your query.
    Thanks & Regards

  • How to deal with non-continuous shapes and graphic styles

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    Thank you for your suggestions.

    There are really two types of Graphic Styles - Object level styles and Group level styles. There is no way to tell which style is which. So if you have an Object level Style and try to apply it to a group of objects or often a compound shape, you get each individual object having the style. If you have a Group level style and try to apply it to only an object, you often get nothing applied.
    It perhaps sounds like you have an Object level style and are trying to apply it to a group.
    There's no way to convert an Object level style to a Group level style or vice versa. The best (and pretty much only) way I've found to get around this is to apply the style to teh correct level then make a note of all the style settings, select the other level and recreate the style for that level.
    Whether or not a style applies correctly has a great deal to do with specific aspects of the style in addition to what level the style was generated from. This is a frustrating aspect of Graphic Styles.

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    Thank you for your time

    I thought I was the only one!
    I asked a similar question and got no reply. My problem is I want to move from one library to another. I even had a chat with Adobe tech support and got no answer.
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    Thank you for your reply.

    Hi Gregory,
    You are now able to save layer styles, graphics, and text styles into Libraries that can be shared with multiple CC subscribers.  See the following for more info:
    Creative Cloud Help | Creative Cloud Libraries
    Creative Cloud Help | Collaborate on folders and libraries
    Hope this helps.

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    Well to be honest this is going to sound sarcastic but it is not intended. You make three lines the way you want it to apply to new shapes. the you select and drg it ot he brush panel and eselct to make it an pattern brush you have to read the help files in order to understand how to make a pattern brush.
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    Thanks, Jean-Claude. You just made my job much easier. I used to think I knew Illustrator, until I met some of the people on this forum.

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    Choose "Persistent" from the symbol panel's menu.

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    Kindly Regards
    Christina Saugmann

    It was a simple fillcolor with opacity. It is as if it doesnt respond. I can clic the symbol for a new layer, but nothing happens. I've dragged the style from appearance-box, to symbol for new style - Nothing. I've dragged the box directly to Graphic Styles - again - nothing. I've tried with my CS4 that worked. But not in CC.

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    I would defer to Wade's knowledge of typos.
    If your spot only shows up in your logo, you can replace the swatch with the new spot swatch.  Pick it as usual out of your library and then option drag the new swatch onto the old swatch. (you could also temporarily move to a new document to do it if you don't want to replace all instances of your old color, but at that point, live color seems more efficient...)

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    Anyone know how to locate these files?
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    I am using Illustrator CS4 for Mac.

    Thanks for the reply Mylenium.
    I still don't see them.
    User>Library>Preferences>Adobe>...nothing about Illustrator (Encore, Encoder, AE, Contribute, EXT Mgr, MediaCore ImporterProcess, OnLocation, Plugins, PProHeadlines, PPro, SB, XMP). I checked each of these folders and their subfolders with no luck.
    User>Library>Preferences>Adobe Illustrator CS4 Library Settings>en_US>Flash 10 and FWAIPref>...empty.
    User>Library>Preferences>Adobe Illustrator CS4 Settings>en_US> folders and no Graphic Styles.

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