Addres Book Photos - iPhone Appearance

This is an admittedly inconsequential question but I'm curious if anyone knows why Contact Photos appear differently depnding on the person.  I have several profile pictures for people in my address book.  When some people call their photo takes up the entire iPhone background, but for others it only appears in the upper right corner.  I can't figure out why, any ideas?

On your iPhone, go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
Under the Contacts section, there is a Sort Order and Display Order setting.
You can sort order by Last, First, or First, Last and display order by First, Last or Last, First.

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    The iPhone forum is here

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    Try disabling photo stream on your device (settings > iCloud), restarting your device and then re-enabling photo stream.
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    Quick Update:
    I usually have my Mac laptop up with Messages running on it.  As you know, it will receive the same messages you send/receive on your iPhone.  I thought all my old photos would be there too, but they have all disappeared as well except for the last few.
    Messages is supposed to archive all old photos to  a directory called ~/Library/Messages/Attachments.  On my mac, this was a 0 byte file that was created back in Jan 2014.  As a result, none of the old photos got saved on my Messages app either.  I looked at a Time Machine Backup and it has been the case since September (no earlier backups available).  So, it's unclear how long this issue has been going on for my Messages app and how related it is to my iPhone problem.
    In any case, if any of you use Messages, you may be able to recover your photos in that directory provided it didn't get trashed like mine did.  I moved the file and created a new Attachments directory.  Upon relaunch, Messages started properly storing new photos in there again.
    Either there was a really terrible bug in the Apple software or something malicious has happened.
    P.S.  I'm running OS 10.9.5 Mavericks.   There is a thread of people with this problem on Yosemite here:
    No pictures are shown in Message om Mac
    This seems like a pretty seriously terrible bug.  I will be talking again to AppleCare on Wednesday and I hope they can escalate this.

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    Peace Lilly wrote:
    ...  Will I loose everything if I connect the iphone to the itunes as a new device?
    To avoid that...
    See these 2 Links...
    Syncing to a New Computer...
    Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device

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