Address Book and Envelopes

In previous versions I could print envelopes that would append the spouse name to the delivery address:
Jane & John Doe
111 Main St    
Frustrationville IL
It appears this is no longer supported.   Can anyone speak to some options?

Not sure why your address book entries are not showing in the Widget, but you can change the work address to home. When you open address book and select the plus button to add a contact you will see the work address, directly to the right of Work you will see an up and down arrow on top of one another, select these arrows and you will see that you can change it to Home, Work, Other or Custom.
Did you manually input all your contacts into the address book or did you migrate the from say Outlook?

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    Hi Lucy, I had the same problem with Outlook data sync. Once you've enabled iCloud all your contacts are moved to iCloud and are no longer stored on Mac, that's why Outlook cannot reach them - there is simply nothing to reach as data physically stored in cloud.
    I use SyncMate to solve this problem. This app allows connecting and syncing numerous devices and accounts with your Mac and they have recently added iCloud into this list (here the page where they describe sync with iCloud ).
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    Best Regards,

    This facility is usually dependent on your network
    I am in uk on Vodafone and it doesnt work here
    I use a small program called BluePhoneElite with the v3 and it handles sms and the calls very well
    They pop up on the powerbook screen and also the sms save to the powerbook
    thats the address you can get a free trial
    I paid the small amount and have been very happy with it
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    I am just a happy customer nothing to do with the company before anyone asks!

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    Mike B.

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    Thank you,

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    No, iSync is for syncing Contacts and Calendars to third-party mobile phones and PDAs. It does not sync anything between Macs.
    Apple's MobileMe is for syncing Address Book and Calendars between multiple Macs.
    You might also be able to use Google's new CalDAV feature:
    Or SpanningSync:
    Or BusySync:

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