Address Book CSV import hangs on clicking "OK"

Hello, I have an odd problem. I've got a CSV file of addresses (exported from Outlook) that I'm trying to import. I've seen some instructions for this, but the problem I'm having is that once I get to import it shows me the first card (with the options for what field to map where), I have the don't import first card button clicked and I can arrow through the rest of the records which all seem to look ok.
Unfortunately, when I click the "OK" button nothing happens. It turns from blue to white but no addresses are imported, I can keep hitting "OK" with the same lack of effect or hit "Cancel" to close the window.
It's pretty odd, any help?

This option sort of works, I convert to vcard successfully and it imports them all - sort of correctly. But everything has quotes around it each name has many quotes, like the N: field would be:
N: "joe";"Shmoe";"";;""
FN: "joe" "shmoe"
And the address book keeps all the quotes in there.
Very baffling. My original problem persists, too. The "OK" button when trying to import the CSV simply does nothing, no errors, no change of screens, everything just stays exactly as it was. Flipping through the cards on the screen even shows a very nice import, each record seems to look just right.
Argh. So close and yet so far.

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    Address Book is most likely encountering an error parsing the file. You can find out if that is the case by opening /Applications/Utilities/ and trying the import again. If you see error messages coming from Address Book, please paste them here.
    As for how to fix it, there could be a few reasons why this is happening:
    * different lines contain different numbers of fields
    * lines include quotation marks or embedded return characters
    I recommend searching for "address book import". Perhaps a third-party application will be better suited to import your data into Address Book.

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    Imac   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  

    This is a common occurance when text files have been processed by spreadsheets. Unless you make special provisions to preserve them, leading zeros are normally stripped off of the data stored in cells.
    It's not the Address Book import that's the problem - it's your source file.

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    Hello Finch42
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    I do just the opposite, I use Yahoo mail for handling all my mail and not Mac mail.
    It looks to me like you can only sync one way, from the Yahoo address book to the Mac address book and not the other.;_ylt=ArZ7 PcDTVURm41k8hJKKl6ewwCR4
    Yahoo also has something called Intellisync, but it's not compatible with Mac OS.;_yl t=AtyWU4gsUmSMciq4zjM8GdqKzCN4
    However it might not hurt to contact Yahoo Help and see what they have to say.;_ylt=AizcnuCg8x4TAoMqt1BUxG6RCd4

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    I've been trying to print labels not envelopes and I'm having the same problem.
    I've noticed that this problem was first reported in 2005 (arquived) and it is still not solved! Hello, Apple! One of the recommendations given in 2006 was to select the group you want to print, go to print, select advanced, click on dropdown menus where it says "copies & pages" and select "address book," you will see "lay-out" and "labels' -- select "labels", click on "addresses" and then select "distribution list <namelist> -- It doesn't work for me because when I select "distribution list> I get a blank page saying that "there are no addresses available." Note that just before selecting "distribution list" I could see all my labels. PLEASE HELP!

  • Address Book (Sharing) Preferences hang

    I've been wrestling with this problem for a few months now and have been unable to resolve it.
    When I am in Address and select "Preferences" I get a spinning beach-ball of death. Eventually the preferences will appear. If I then select 'Sharing' I will once again get a spinning beach-ball that will eventually go away but the sharing preferences don't (usually) appear. At that point I also get an error in my console.log;
    2007-08-03 13:41:23.998 Address Book\[3063\] Read attempt failed (1,60)
    I have also seen additional errors;
    2007-08-03 13:18:00.431 Address Book\[2810\] Could not find image named 'QuestionMark'.
    2007-08-03 13:19:34.256 Address Book\[2810\] Caught Read attempt failed (1,60)
    Additional information
    * I was running AddressX and have now removed it in case it was in some way related to this problem.
    This error occurs on the other account I have on my MacBook pro too.
    I am running an up-to-date 10.4.10
    I have no items in the 'Sharing' preference pane on either of my accounts.
    I did have 'Sync with Exchange' ticked on one of the accounts (on which I have never used the address book). I have now unticked that option and the problem remains.
    Things I have tried
    1- I have verified my disk. No problems reported.
    2- I have run 'plutil ~/Library/Preferences/' and it came back OK.
    3- I removed each of the 3 .plist files in ~/Library/Preferences/ in turn, logged out and in again and recreated the problem each time.
    4- I removed the (Adium) add-in scripts that were in ~/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/ and the problem still occurs.
    5- I removed the (Skype) plugins in /Library/Address Book Plug-ins/ and the problem still occurs.
    I wonder if there are any kind souls out there who can suggest any further debugging steps I could take to resolve this?
    Thanks in advance.
    chown -R us ./base

    The fonts validated OK so I removed Address plus the preferences using AppDelete. This deleted all the relevant files including the .data file that actually holds the address book.
    Whilst I was downloading the combo updater (even before I reinstalled the 10.4.8 version of AB) an iSync window popped up telling me that it was syncing and going to add 2 new addresses and delete 1189 (the number of addresses I have). I cancelled the sync. This was a surprise to me as I don't run iSync usually- I guess MacOS X maintains a separate address book somewhere.
    Anyway- long story short- after the reinstall and update back to 10.4.10 AB is working fine. Thanks!
    I still can't figure out what the Sync window was that popped up and how AB reinstalled with my full address book, but the world is a good place again. Thanks.

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