Address Book - is it broken or just ME ?

First - I looked for an Address Book forum --- hmm ,,,,  do not see one
Ever since upgrading to 10.7 in address book on notes section - the cursor will jump to the top of the notes and I continue typing ... messing up the data ... wish Icould type and NOT look at the keyboard ... but
No one has this problem ?
on both work and home mac laptops using external keyboards
Help ?
Greg H

Hi Alonski
It seems to happen less often ... but since I type looking at the keys ( not the screen ) -- can get really messed up when it happens ....
My original problem ,,,,, "Ever since upgrading to 10.7 in address book on notes section - the cursor will jump to the top of the notes and I continue typing ... messing up the data ... wish Icould type and NOT look at the keyboard ... but"
Anyone with a fix ....  I really have not warmed up to the new address book yet ...

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    Hello aliapis, 
    Welcome to the forums. 
    In this case we can try to reload the software on the BlackBerry® smartphone to make sure it is running the latest version and there are no issues with the OS.
    Here is how to backup your BlackBerry smartphone
    Once you have backed up your BlackBerry smartphone please follow the link below to complete a clean reload of the BlackBerry smartphone software.
    Once completed test it and proceed with a selective restore, here is how to restore
    Thank you
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    Try resetting Sync Services. You can reset sync services via the iSync menu if you hold down the option button while selecting the menu.
    Or, you can open iSync, Preferences, and reset the sync history.
    Is there an folder in user/Library/Application Support/AddressBook?
    Are all of you address cards in the Metadata folder?
    If neither of those apply, I would just delete the AddressBook folder and the from your user/Library/Preferences folder.
    If you do have something in Metadata, just get rid of everything but the Metadata folder. If you want to keep your recent email recipients, keep that file, too. I don't think it will cause problems, but you might just move it out of the folder and replace it if all starts working. If it then stops, that might be it.

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    Thank you.

    It's phishing ...
    Please forward the email to:  [email protected]
    Never reply to an email from:  "Your AppleCare support center" ...   they are trying to hack your Apple iD.
    Apple will never send you an email asking you to verify your Apple ID credentials.
    If you ever receive an email such as this again. do not reply, do not call. Forward the email to the reportphisihing email address above then delete that email.

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  • How to sync iPhone contacts back to Address Book.

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    So..... if you want to sync your contacts from your iPhone back to your Address Book on your Mac, I'm providing this simple, yet tedious, solution:
    Step 1: Open Address Book on your Mac, select all of your contacts, and press delete. You'll be asked if you really want to delete the contacts. Hit ok and     continue.
    Step 2: Navigate to: Macintosh HD/Users/(YourUserName)/Library/Application Support/Address Book.
    Note* On OS X Lion, your Library folder will not be shown. You'll have to navigate there a different way. The way I did it was:
    Click the "Go" option up in the Finder menu bar.
    Toward the bottom of the pull-down menu, click on the "Go to Folder..." option.
    Type "~(YourUserName)/Library/Application Support/Address Book.
    Once there, I searched through all the folders included and deleted anything that ended in ".plist" or ".log". This way, Address Book is completely reset when next open it.
    Step 3: Open Address Book, add at least one contact if none are automatically created for you, and make sure iCloud is Disabled (if an account is there) in your Address Book Preferences pane, which you find by clicking "Address Book" in the top menu bar. Then, quit Address Book.
    Step 4: On your iPhone, open your Settings app, go to the iCloud option, and turn all services off. After turning each one off, it will ask you if you want to keep the data on you phone. Always select "Yes", otherwise you may lose your data.
    Step 5: Connect your iPhone to your computer, open iTunes, select your iPhone in the left column, select the "Info" tab, and check the box to "Sync Contacts"–further down on the page, in the Advanced section, make sure the Contacts checkbox is unchecked. If it's checked when you sync, iTunes will overwrite the contacts on your phone with the contacts from Address Book on your Mac.
    Step 6: Sync your iPhone–This will sync the contacts from your phone to the Address Book app on your Mac.
    Step 7: Open up Address Book, and add an iCloud account, or re-enable the one you disabled in step 3–This will sync all of those contacts to your iCloud account again. Then, you can also go back to the iCloud settings on your phone and turn all the services back on.
    After all this, you should have been able to first sync your contacts from you iPhone back to your Address Book app on your Mac, then have them both synced up through iCloud with the same contacts being pushed everywhere.
    Hope this helps!

    Hi, thanks for all this, unfortunately it's still not helping me. Last week I turned on iCloud for contacts and not only did the iCloud sync fail, but now with iCloud off I haven't been able to sync iphone-to-mac thru iTunes.
    I've checked that iCloud contact sync'ing is off, on both my Mac and iPhone. I've even turned off all other iCloud services on both devices. I followed your instructions precisely and even deleted more than you suggested from the App Support | Address Book folder. Step 6 just doesn't work. iTunes whips thru the Address Book sync progress when it should pause a bit to do the transfer—my Address Book archive is 44 Mb.
    I have no desire to waste more time with iCloud, just want it to work the old fashioned way.  I'd gladly do a clean system re-install but not sure even that would do it…hard to tell where the problem lies.
    Appreciate any light you could shed!

  • How do I export Address Book to text file?

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    The AB file
    ~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb
    is a SQLite3 database. You can extract data with
    or Firefox SQLite manager

  • Address Book repetitive crashes since last updates ?

    I do apologize for the length of this post but I don't know how to shorten it without removing some details useful to understand the problem encountered.
    My sister has got an intel iMac with Tiger 10.4.10 and since last updates (10.4.9 and/or 10.4.10) she cannot use AB more than some seconds. It crashes consistently everytime it is open, even if no other action is done. There are also problems with iChat, iCal, Safari and Mail (but less than with AB).
    When I visited her recently, I had a look to the console (even though I'm far from being an expert myself but I tried to find a track before asking here).
    I noticed that for both crashes (Safari and AB), there was this mention :
    +CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): plist parse failed; the data is not proper UTF-8. The file name for this data could be:+
    + /Users/nnnnn/Library/Caches/
    + The parser will retry as in 10.2, but the problem should be corrected in the plist.+
    +Error in createMutableDictionaryValue:1012 for property 'URLs' 'XML parser error:+
    + Unexpected character = at line 1+
    +Old-style plist parser error:+
    + Unexpected character '0x3d' at line 1+
    +Aug 23 19:03:07 Ordinateur-2-nnnnn crashdump[465]: Exited process crashed+
    +Aug 23 19:03:07 Ordinateur-2-nnnnn crashdump[465]: crash report written to: /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Exited process.crash.log+
    because of the "+not proper UTF8+" I tried to change it in AB preferences/vCard/encodage in "+proper UTF8+" and because of "+Old-style plist parser: error Unexpected character+" I tried to check and validate fonts of Fontbook. Unsuccessfully.
    Back home, I searched on the web and read somewhere that there could be a problem with the "catalog" that could only be repaired by DiskUtility from the install disk. That was done today but the "*hard disk seems to be OK*" and AB crashed as usual when open.
    there were two crash reports, one for AB and one for ABsync (? curious since she has no .mac account and does not sync her mobile phone).
    The AB crashlog(1) finishes so :
    +Thread 3 Crashed:+
    +0 <<00000000>> 0xffff0b54 __memcpy + 948 (cpu_capabilities.h:228)+
    +1 0x9478a9f7 c4_Column::FetchBytes(long, int, c4_Bytes+
    and the ABSync crashlog(2) :
    +Thread 0 Crashed:+
    +0 <<00000000>> 0xffff0af6 __memcpy + 854 (cpu_capabilities.h:228)+
    +1 0x9478a9f7 c4_Column::FetchBytes(long, int, c4_Bytes+
    and finally when I asked her for a screenshot of her ~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook, I was surprised (comparing with my folder) to find she has three ABPerson.skIndexInverted files (I have only one) the second file is ABPerson.skIndexInverted.218 and the third ABPerson.skIndexInverted.286.
    I suppose two are toomuch but which ones have to be delete ...
    Sorry for this (too) long post and hope the light will come from some reader better educated in hard and softwares than us.
    (1) (2) I have a longer version of these crashlogs but this post is already very long and I'll post them only on request (if needed)!

    Hello Josy.
    After fixing the filesystem issues, which you say you’ve already done, try re-creating the Address Book files that may have become corrupt, one at a time, as follows — or restore them from a backup if you have one:
    1. Quit Address Book, Mail, and any other applications that might use Address Book for something. Or just quit all applications to be on the safe side.
    2. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/. Make a backup copy of this folder, e.g. by dragging it to the Desktop while holding the Option (Alt) key down. This is where all your contacts are stored.
    3. Go to ~/Library/Preferences/. Move and (if it exists) out of there (e.g. to the Desktop). Check whether the problem is fixed.
    4. If Address Book keeps crashing, go to ~/Library/Caches/ and move the Address Book and folders to the Trash (there is no need to empty the Trash yet). Check whether the problem is fixed.
    5. If Address Book keeps crashing, go to ~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/ and trash any ABPerson.skIndex files you may see there. Check whether the problem is fixed.
    6. If Address Book keeps crashing, try again trashing both and any ABPerson.skIndex files that may have been re-created, then rename to
    7. If Address Book keeps crashing, try moving the entire AddressBook folder out of ~/Library/Application Support/.
    The above procedure may introduce synchronization issues if you use .Mac or iSync to synchronize your Address Book with other computers or devices, so be sure to back up your Address Book data now if the problem is fixed.
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. You can easily locate any of the folders referred to in this post by copying the folder path here, doing Go > Go to Folder in the Finder, and pasting the folder path there.

  • I am trying to export only an individual list from my address book. I can only export the entire address book. No way to decipher it once in Excel either.

    I hate to admit how much time I have spent on this issue. I have been trying to separate just the "lists" from within my T-Bird address book, and export them (again, just the names on those individual lists) into a csv or tab delimited file, so I can import it into one of the newer mail programs.
    Honestly I have been trying to figure out my way around this for years. "Lists" have always been clunky and difficult to work with. Lots of unpredictablity, and you can only go so long in the list before it will no longer send, and you need to create a new one. I send these out for a business, with some customers going back ten years or more.
    Since I have never been able to figure it out, I just keep using T-Bird for this, even though its never worked reliably.
    Recently I have been forced into a change. The "lists" will no longer send emails that are received by recipients. Probably some new spam or security things out there. No emails send. Now I have to do something, but to retype hundreds of names from scratch is just not the kind of thing that gives me joy.
    I would be eternally grateful to the person who can help...
    Paul Kamp, Chicago

    This add-on may help:
    I've had this add-on for so long that I can't remember what it does and does not provide.
    If you select a List in your Address Book, so that its contents display at the right, does "Export" not write just the Lists's member Contacts out to the csv file?
    It does here, but this may be thanks to the above-mentioned add-on.

  • Restoring address book after hard drive failure

    my hard drive has just died on me and been replaced. I now want to sync and restore my address book from .Mac onto my address book on hard drive - but am scared am going to wipe it out on .Mac instead.
    Is it as simple as syncing? I just want to check it won't wipe out my .mac address book.

    my hard drive has just died on me and been replaced. I now want to sync and restore my address book from .Mac onto my address book on hard drive - but am scared am going to wipe it out on .Mac instead.
    Is it as simple as syncing? I just want to check it won't wipe out my .mac address book.

  • Address book does not launch and does not sync to iphone

    When I had upgraded to 10.5.4, the permissions from my user profile got corrupted. Since then I have created another profile and rebuilt permissions. Now the address book is not launching, it just bounces in the dock and nothing happens. Also when I try to sync my iphone i get an error saying i don't have permissions to carry out a operation and it quits out. i think it has to do with the address book not launching. Is this a permissions problem or another quirky thing because of this 10.5 OS??
    Thanks in advance

    I'm not sure what you mean by your "user profile." Do you mean you recreated a new user account along with a new home folder?
    If you create a second account, can you launch the Address Book from that one?
    If you cannot launch Address Book at all, you may need to reinstall OS X.

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