ADF application -  Jmeter Stress testing issues

I followed Chris Muir's blog and was trying to do stress testing of my ADF application.
I have a login page before going to application pages, I am getting below message for the application URLs:
<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10;url=/EwarrantyApplication-ViewController-context-root/faces/profiles?_adf.ctrl-state=2m479g1dp_4"></head><body>Because of inactivity, your session has timed out and is no longer active. The page will automatically be reloaded in 10 seconds; if not, click here.</body></html>
Looks like it is not getting authenticated/not getting new session. I am using form based authentication j_security_check submission using j_username and j_password.
Appreciate if any body can share their inputs.
Here is the .jmx file contents:

<HTTPSamplerProxy guiclass="HttpTestSampleGui" testclass="HTTPSamplerProxy" testname="/EwarrantyApplication-ViewController-context-root/" enabled="true">
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<stringProp name="Argument.value">${adf.crtl-state}</stringProp>
<stringProp name="Argument.metadata">=</stringProp>
<boolProp name="HTTPArgument.use_equals">true</boolProp>
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<stringProp name="">Adf-Rich-Message</stringProp>
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<stringProp name="Argument.metadata">=</stringProp>
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<stringProp name="HTTPSampler.response_timeout"></stringProp>
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<stringProp name="HTTPSampler.contentEncoding"></stringProp>
<stringProp name="HTTPSampler.path">/EwarrantyApplication-ViewController-context-root/faces/Run</stringProp>
<stringProp name="HTTPSampler.method">GET</stringProp>
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<stringProp name="">Accept-Encoding</stringProp>
<stringProp name="Header.value">gzip, deflate</stringProp>

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    You can deploy the ADF Project as an ADF Library Jar file and reuse the taskflow from that jar file in another BPM Application.

  • How to stress test VC 7.0 applications ?

    I'm a sap basis guy, our developers team will very soon deploy Visual Composer 7.0 applications on our Portal Production environnement.
    I have been asked to to check whether the current portal configuration will be able to handle the additional worload ...
    In my opinion, the only way to determine the impact on the portal of the iviews executed on the Visual composer Runtime is to perform a stress test. 
    I've proposed the Microsoft Web Application Server Tool to our developement team, but I've been answered that this tool can't help measuring user interaction
    Apparently, the MWAS tool is just simulating user interaction with a web application by crafting POST and GET HTTP requests. On the other hand, the flash application doesnu2019t care about HTTP requests it is just a Flash Virtual Machine hosted by a single web page.
    Unless we can emulate user interaction in the stress test, Ithe results of the tests will be meaningless.
    Do you know any other way to measure user interaction and therefore to perform a relevant stress test ?
    Thank you
    Any help would be highly appreciated.
    Best Regards.

    I've been answered by Marcel Salein on his blog : ask SAP for a GoLive check

  • Application Server Control - Test Service asks to authenticate when Stress

    When we go to test a Web Service and then select the Stress Test Option we get asked to authenticate to the application server when the Invoke button is selected. If I perform a stress test from BPEL Console for the same BPEL process there is no issue and it runs fine. This seems to happen in ASC for BPEL, ESB and Java Web Services.
    Same problems on different servers, so doesn't look like a particular install issue.
    Has anyone experienced the same behaviour or know of a workaround as we need to stress test more than just BPEL processes?

    I think this is a normal behavior if you are not using SSO, because for every applicaiton you access you will have to enter username and password, but for BPEL console you have been already entered this password so it doesn't ask for it again because is like an internal object, but for EM console, you are accessing and external object that needs authentification.

  • Which adf runtime library version for application server version

    After sifting thru this forum and some documentation, I was left a little confused about installing ADF Runtime libraries to the application server we're deploying our ADF applications to. I wanted to get a definitive answer to a couple questions:
    1) We're using Oracle Application Server We've been deploying our ADF applications to this application server. If we migrate our ADF application to, do we need to install the ADF Runtime libraries (from jdev to the application server before deploying/running our version of the application on that server? If yes, do we need to uninstall the 'old' ADF Runtime libraries first?
    2) How can we tell what jars make up the ADF Runtime libraries?
    Thanks for any help you can give. James.

    You always need to have a version match between the ADF libraries on your server and the ADF libraries you develop with.
    So if you are developing with JDev you need to install the ADF libraries on your server.
    You can do this with the ADF Runtime installer or directly from within JDeveloper's tools menu.
    You don't need to uninstall the ADF libraries - they'll be overwritten.
    The list of jar files is in the ADF Developer Guide:

  • Any info on stress testing Creator2 application ?

    Hi All,
    I am still working on a shopping cart application built with Creator2. I am looking for help / information on how to stress test the application once it is running as expected.
    Also could we have a guide for Creator 2 built applications with information on what deployment criteria affect an applications performance. ie web server memory, and how to analize this for better application performance?
    Jim Ascroft

    Answers to these questions are generally dependent on the application server to which you will be deploying, as each application server has its own means of tuning for performance.
    For tuning Sun's App Server 8, see the online Performance Tuning Manual, at
    // Gregory

  • ADF application on Fusion Middleware

    We are trying to migrate ADF application to and deploy on Fusion Middleware
    Steps followed –
    1. Created a domain for ADF applications
    2. Applied ADF runtime to the domain
    3. Migrated ADF application to and deployed on the admin server
    Application deployment is successful and the search screen is up. When we do search the results are not showing up in the adf table but are in the exported excel (functionality in the application) generated based on the same VO. Is this a known issue? or are we miss something?
    Please advice, your help is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    there is no Oracle Fusion Middleware. There is a patch for 10.3.5 WLS to make it work with JDeveloper 11g R2 applications, but there is no 11g R2 FMW. In your case you should deploy your application to WLS 10.3.5 and see if it works there. If you want to run your application on WLS upgraded to 11g R2 then please migrate your application as we don't support the deployment you are trying.

  • Adf application on OAS SE ONE 10.1.2 ? and OC4J licensing

    1. Is this posssible? To run adf application on OAS SE ONE 10.1.2 ?
    I suppose no, adf is using J2EE 1.4 and OAS 10.1.2 has J2EE 1.3.
    Am i right?
    2. There is no OAS SE ONE 10.1.3 ?
    3. If I purchase a lincense for OAS SE ONE, can I use OC4J 10.1.3 for my application?

    Hi Bart,
    According to my knowledge:
    1. it is not possible, yes you need OAS 10.1.3
    2. right, there is only Java Edition of 10.1.3
    3. I am not 100% sure but I think yes

  • Load Scripts for stress testing any OAF related application

    This may not be the correct forum. However, i'm sure many of you might have used load scripts to stress test your OAF related application.
    Can any of please shed some light on how to make these load scripts for automated testing for finding the performance of OAF appls (like iPro or iExpense)? What tool do we use for these type of Self Serv appls? How can we parameterise some of the session related values inside load scripts?
    Any of your experiences will give me a good start....Thanks

    Answers to these questions are generally dependent on the application server to which you will be deploying, as each application server has its own means of tuning for performance.
    For tuning Sun's App Server 8, see the online Performance Tuning Manual, at
    // Gregory

  • Stress test tools??

    Does anyone know of a stress test tool that can be used to grade Oracle forms on an Oracle application server v. 9i?

    Hi this is a tools that i found on apache web site, it is free and it works well for test stress on web server with forms

  • Stress testing servlets

    I want to test the performance of my single servlet by making multiple and concurrent user requests. Are there any tools out there to do this.
    I tried JMeter but that does not seem to want to work.
    Thanks in advance.

    I think that you do not use JMeter correctly. I encourage you to take a close look at the documentation for understanding how JMeter works (I know that the documentation is not really verbose and complete but it is sufficient enough for your needs).
    For your information, I encourage you to take also a look at Load (PushToTest) and also OpenSTA (Cyrano). These two tools are under GNU-GPL license, and are really interesting if you want to load / stress test a Web application.
    I hope it helps.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Blue Screen Error on PC

    My C5180 All-in-one has, all of a sudden, stopped working. When trying to print, I get a blue screen-error and the pc reboots. The following is the error description provided by windows after the reboot: Name of Error: BlueScreen OS-version: 6.1.7600

  • SC deletion in SRM 7.0

    Hello Expert, We observe, when deleting SC in SRM 7.0, we sometimes get error message: 'User XYZ, is already processing this document, try again later'. Here the user XYZ is background job user. With this user we are running below jobs: 1) BBP_GET_ST

  • CHM and map ID

    I have been developing web help for a long time and have never used map IDs. I usually send the developer a table mapping the application pages with the appropriate htm topic. I am now creating map IDs for a .chm file for the first time. The develope

  • Show normal report or alv report for the radiobutton that was selected

    Hello... i'm a begginer on Abap, so I hope to writly espose my question... I'm trying to modifie an report i have to, when the user choose the values for selection, he also can choose if the output is shown as a normal view or as an alv. I want to do

  • Driver setup.exe and W98 (1st Edition)

    Hello, I have just built a computer with a MS-6734 VIA KM400 M/B and all the extras and only kept the old HDD which is running W98 (1st Edition). Everthying is going fine (except a cd-rom problem I have posted about else where). The only other proble