ADFBindingFilter in the jdeve 10.1.3 ?

hi... i am using this example in this link...
i am using jdev. 10.1.3 and i guess this example is using older version....
i get an error when i try to extend ADFBindingFilter class.... does this class exists in the jdev.10.1.3 ? and can this example run in the jdev 10.1.3 pls? thanks in avance

just sow that this class exist in the jdev10.1.3 documentaion .... but when i import oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter it says that can not be found....
i have import the bcj4 runtime library in the ViewController project .... wats going wrong here .... can anyone give me a suggestion pls ??

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    That error means that your code is causing an infinite loop of re-validation so after 10 times of trying to validate your entity and its still not being valid, it throws an exception so you can notice there's a logical problem in your code.
    Please see section " Eagerly Defaulting an Attribute Value from a Database Sequence" of the ADF Developer's Guide for Forms/4GL Developers on the ADF Learning Center at for more information on this. The validateEntity() method is not the best practice place to put defaulting logic of this type.

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    AddJavaLibFile D:/mysql-connector-java-3.0.0-beta/mysql-connector-java-3.0.0-beta-bin.jar
    AddJavaLibFile D:/mm.mysql-2.0.14/mm.mysql-2.0.14-bin.jar
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    4) specify the URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?ultradevhack=true&?user=myuser&?password=mypassword
    The ERROR shown is: No Class Def Found -> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
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    Try setting the environment variable "J2D_D3D=false" and see if that does it. Just grasping at straws.
    Team JDev

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    Hi Owen,
    It looks like your file got corrupted. This can sometimes happen if JDeveloper gets terminated while it's in the process of shutting down (e.g. you kill it from task manager, or while shutting down windows).
    To restore the file, copy ${jdev.home}/jdev/multi/system/ to ${jdev.home}/jdev/system9.0.3.x/
    You might lose some minor settings in the process.
    JDev Team

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    Best regards,

    I think this is not possible in the current release.

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    We've recently upgraded from RC2 to Oracle9IDS. Although RC2 was a bit buggy, we managed to work around things and hoped that Release 9.0.2 would save the day. Alas, it doesn't seem as if it was meant to be.
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    The compiler has run out of memory. Consider using the "-J-mx<number>" command line option to increase the maximum heap
    com.evermind.compiler.CompilationException: Syntax error in source
         at Method)
         at com.evermind.compiler.FileLinkedCompiler.compile(
         at com.evermind.compiler.Javac.compile(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.Compilation.compileClasses(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.Compilation.compile(
         at com.evermind.server.administration.ServerApplicationInstallation.finish(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    What on earth does this mean? Is there a setting or something I'm missing? Something I should be doing differently from RC2? Help, someone!
    Thanks in advance :)

    The out-of-memory message is saying that the JVM's maximum heap size for the operation you are performing (EJB compilation in this case) is too small. When starting up the standalone OC4J instance from the command line, try something like this:
    java -Xmx512m -jar oc4j.jar
    That sets the JVM's maximum heap size to 512 megs.

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    if you want to create a jsp application in jdeveloper with minimal typing, you need toi use the jsp wizard by going to file\new project
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    you can do some customisation to your jsp application by adding either jsp elements or web beans
    for more information on customizing your jsp , please refer to jdeveloper help
    index (type jsp, then select customising.)
    there is good information on how to do that.
    help this helps

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    Owen brandon

    Try again.
    The server is ok, but we did hear some people mentioning network problems that stopped the download - you can also try using a download accelerator tool to keep the download going.
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