Adobe Connect Pod Functionality:  Move it to a second monitor?

Has Adobe ever thought about adding the functionality to move a pod onto a second (dual) monitor while inside an Adobe Connect room?  We currently use simulators in our courses and it would be nice if our students could detach the simulator pod from the main room and move it to their secondary monitor.
Thank you,
Luis Duran

Thanks LDuran, for raising the use case. I suggest you provide a formal request to the product team for their consideration. Please use this web form Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes to submit the feature request.

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    Do you mean ---
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    How "most" people are doing it... among the now 1.4 million licensees of FCP, I can't really comment. I don't think there are that many grade monitors in use, fewer users of even external monitors. For two-monitor setups, the use of a 2xDVI GPU is the way to go, but the video is NOT conditioned for broadcast display, at least up to this version, and not likely to change until Snow Leopard, when the 1.8/2.2 issue is rumoured to be addressed.
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    If your MB has a female DVI connector built in, and your monitor has a male dvi plug, you connect the monitor and turn it on.
    DVI male connector:
    If the MBP does not have a dvi connector, what it has is called a mini dvi. You need an adapter. This is available from the Apple store.
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    Well I may have heard wrong, but I do not believe that you can hook that 6 year old monitor to the latest 27" iMacs with ThunderBolt. I would do more research before putting out the bucks, or make sure that you can return it if it does not work.
    But do let us know if you try it and it works.

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    A bit old...
    I don't think Connect does SCORM, so take that out of the mix.
    It might do AICC, so that may be worth trying.
    But overall, of course, you want to use the Adobe Connect setting...and I'm certain you want to include the Connect metadata.
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    Seen these?
    Publishing Captivate content to Adobe Connect - Adobe Connect User Community

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    Just sharing a quick search tip to help in the future.
    I just ran this search query and the description of the second search result is "Adobe Connect Desktop. This AIR-based application helps meeting hosts quickly manage and edit their meetings from their desktop. Hosts can also access ..."
    In case you get stuck while searching, you can always use the search keyword 'site' (read here) to narrow down your search to like this.

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    When using the web links pod in Connect, if a Host or Presenter uses the Browse To function, it should force everyone in the room to have that URL open in their web browser. However, Pop-up blockers can prevent this from happening. If a Participant in the meeting uses the Browse To function, then it should only launch the link in that individual's browser.
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    The WebCam pod can pause a live video showing a static image. However, I believe that you are looking to use a Share pod, where you can upload a JPG or PNG image. Just place the share pod with the image where you would have the Camera pod.

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    an on line sales tool using the Adobe Connect environment. They for
    the usual legal reasons wished to use a sales aid they had already
    created. This was a flash based CD-rom with various flash movies
    initiated by rollovers and buttons.
    But there was two problems:
    1. The index would not work i.e. the menu page appeared but
    the subsequent movies and animations could not be found
    2. The click throughs and rollovers would not synchronizes,
    i.e. if the presenter moved forward through the presentation the
    participants did not.
    Both of these obviously make it useless.
    After over three weeks of R&D we (David Kwaw , Steve
    Grovenor and J ) have developed a bespoke piece of programing,
    based on Sync SWF
    That solves this issue, we have since refined the coding so
    that ONLY the presenter has control of the flash presentation,
    making it more like Adobe Presenter just ALOT more flexible and
    better looking.
    If you would like to know more... just drop us a line.
    OUr website

    Everything except for the alpha transparency video is easily doable in Edge.
    Rather then trying to shoehorn html5 video with an alpha transparency into Edge (not sure if this is doable), you could potentially use a png sequence or spriteSheet to play back those animations. Though the file size will be very large, and Edge does not have native implementation for png sequences or spriteSheet playback. yet.
    John Dunning built a plugin for Fireworks to export a spritesheet as an Edge symbol:

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    What is the recommended procedure for doing this?
    PS - Shortly after moving to new hardware, we plan to upgrade to Connect 8. Is it better to upgrade first, then move to new hardware? Or vice-versa?

    moving to new hardware is basically a new install on the new server, then moving over backed up content, then reconnecting to the database.
    It makes no difference if you upgrade first and then move hardware or move first and then upgrade. I'd move first and make sure Connect works fine on the new hardware, then upgrade.
    Here are some steps that should work.
    1. make sure your new hardware, OS and SQL Server are supported
        (for 7.5 check the requirements here: )
    2. Take a backup of your current content directory and all customised config files.
        (the config files will be a reference to restore SSL or other modifications, do not just move them back in once upgraded).
    3. Take a backup of your database and make sure you know the login and password to your SQL server.
    4. Stop the services on the old server
    5. If also moving DB, attach your DB backup to the new SQL host.
    6. Install Connect on the new hardware.
    7. Do not start the services yet, first restore the backed up content.
    8. start the services, bring up the console and connect to the DB.
    9. check your settings in the console, a restart might be required first.
    10. Does the login page load?
    11. Follow the install guide from step 1 to re-apply SSL config if required (in Connect 8 this is done slightly different than in C7)
    Changing the windows machine name, can cause trouble, not always, but it's easiest to just re-use the name on the new hardware.
    If that's not an option, an entry in the conenct DB needs to be updated:
    I am fairly certain these steps will work, but cannot test this and I do not know your exact environment, so I can give no guarantee this will work. It is always good to just test the move to new hardware and if things go wrong, bring the old system back into production and contact support.
    Good luck!

  • Adobe Connect 9 Meeting Recording Playback & Audio

    Hello All,
    I have noticed a strange issue with my meeting recording playbacks.
    First Adobe Connect 9.0.2
    Windows 7 Platform
    I have noticed that after the recording is over, and I run playback to confirm we got what we need...the connected telephone feed (pgi/centurylink) does not come through on first press of play.
    The video stream (slides, screen share) will run properly, but there is no sound upon first press of play. If I click the scrubber and drag it back to the open, then the audio will start to play.
    I am ok with this work around...however my learners/audience will not be. I am looking for "Press Play and Listen" functionality to keep it simple.
    A curious note (these are often good clues, so I figured I would share) The MP3 player pod which is running in the lobby prior to the start of the speaker, is PC sound and it plays back in the recording with no issue. It is only when the telephone feed starts (layout change, and speaker introduction) that the issue begins.
    Any thoughts?

    As I understand it, it is on the road map for Adobe. Though I've not heard anything other than rumors, so more information would be hard to provide.
    I don't know of any third party extensions, other than using something like Camtasia or another screen capture tool.

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    my problem is the ppt and pdf in share pod does not show in the recording .
    any thing show well in recording but when i share pdf or ppt in the share pod it does not appear in the recording and share pod remain blank in recording
    what is the issue ?
    thank you

    That suggestion makes sense and likely works, but only if the user is on a machine that will allow them to use Reader. I'm sending this out to a lot of teachers, who are using machines either at school, or are school-issued machines, and they don't have the admin privileges to install software-- even Reader.
    so my problem is, if they are stuck on a machine without Reader, and without the possibility of having Reader... it's just not going to work because Preview can't handle these functions.
    And, since that is not an acceptable answer with what I'm trying to do... I will find another way to create/submit forms. I think there are some online possibilities I will have to make work.
    very, very disappointing and frustrating.

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    Adobe Connect does not support Apple Keynote as a file format.  Adobe Connect supports Microsoft Powerpoint format.  When you use the Share Document Pod and upload a Powerpoint presentation that file gets converted on the fly to Adobe Flash format and then is streamed to attendees in the room.  If you want to use Apple Keynote with Adobe Connect then you should use Share My Screen and use screen sharing to share exactly what you want without converting it into Flash. Adobe Connect does not support .MOV or Apple Quicktime formatted files today (release 8 and previous versions).

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