Adobe CQ - Scene7 integration

Is it possible to integrate Adobe CQ with several Scene7 accounts?
More specifically, can I create a scene7 integration for the website /content/website1/ and another scene7 integration for website /content/website2/
If so, how would I get started?
Many thanks,

Looking into that script, it looks like I could use the property cq:cloudserviceconfig to define the scene7 integration to use. Any idea how I could customize that property at asset level?
E.g. assets in /content/dam/website1 sync to scene7 1 account
assets in /content/dam/website2 sync to scene7 2 account
Should I set the property at asset level? Doesn't seem to work, but I may be doing something wrong.

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    No. However, OS X has always used the PDF format to raster pages to printers.
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    Yes, this is Possible.  You can use AppIntegrator Iview and Pass the URL for your Adobe Connect.
    Thanks and Regards

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    Hello Velu,
    we have resolved the legal issues (it was around export of encryption technology) and the Adobe technology (incl. the Adobe Designer) embedded in Web AS 6.40 will be in the next version of the Web AS trial version, which will be probably available for download in October or November. It is also available in the regular version of NetWeaver 04 (currently in ramp-up).
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    Matthias Zeller
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    Yes, this is Possible.  You can use AppIntegrator Iview and Pass the URL for your Adobe Connect.
    Thanks and Regards

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    You need to ask in Adobe Story and/or
    The Cloud forum is not about using individual programs
    The Cloud forum is about the Cloud as a delivery & install process
    If you will start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says All communities) to open the drop down list and scroll

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    //Submit this form to SAP using web services
      var webService = xfa.resolveNode("xfa.record.WEBSERVICE"); ("test 3");
      var response = Net.SOAP.request(
      cURL: webService.value,
      oRequest: {
      TIMESHEET: t_time_record,
      HEADTIME:  wa_head
      cContentType: "text/xml" ("test 4");
      var success = response["urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions:ZUPDATETIMESHEET.Response"]["SUCCESS"];
      var response = response["urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions:ZUPDATETIMESHEET.Response"]["RESPONSE"];
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      CONFIRMED.rawValue = "Yes";
      ConfirmedLogo.presence = "visible";
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      var oFields = xfa.layout.pageContent(nPageCount, "field");
      var nNodesLength = oFields.length;
      for (var nNodeCount = 0; nNodeCount < nNodesLength; nNodeCount++) {
      oFields.item(nNodeCount).access = "readOnly";
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      oFields.item(nNodeCount).border.fill.color.value = "255,255,255";
      if (oFields.item(nNodeCount).ui.oneOfChild.className == "button") //Hide all buttons
      oFields.item(nNodeCount).presence = "hidden";
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    1. Just use the RFC's that does the update.
    2. There are update flags for each field that you would like to update. These flags should be marked be marked for update. They come along with the classes that are generated when you import the RFC's.
    3 Call BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT afterwards.
    All the above steps have to be done in the program.

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    Yes I can create a short cut to internet exp. 32 bit on my desktop and I can even be using Internet expl. 32 bit, but when I try to open a PDF with adobe reader it won't work with internet exp. as my default browser b/c windows will always choose Internet exp. 64 bit which isn't supported yet by adobe reader.  With google chrome as my default browser windows can't choose an unsupported 64 bit browser in its place b/c google chrome doesn't have a 64 bit version.
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    Try redownloading the Adobe Help application from
    Hope that helps,
    AIR Engineering

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    Originally posted by:
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    drivers are that useful. I can think of a lot of other features I'd
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    The URL was not called due to an error.
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    ■The following error text was processed in the system DEV : WebDynpro Exception:
    ■The error occurred on the application server unidev_DEV_00 and in the work process 0 .
    ■The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
    ■The ABAP call stack was:
    Method: CONSTRUCTOR of program CL_WD_ADOBE_SERVICES==========CP
    Method: IF_WDR_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER~SET_CONTENT of program /1WDA/LADOBE==================CP
    Method: IF_WDR_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER~SET_CONTENT of program /1WDA/LADOBE==================CP
    Method: RENDER_WINDOWS of program CL_WDR_CLIENT_SSR=============CP
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    Kumar Saurav.

    Issue Resolved.
    Kumar Saurav.

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    Hi Lucy,
    In order to use a meeting as a template you have to move that particular meeting into shared Template folder and then while creating any new meeting you will get an option to use that meeting as a Template for your New meeting. Also please revert with some more details so that we can look into that matter more clearly.
    Also you can contact the Technical Support for Connect its free of cost the number is 18004223623

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    Not all of the listed email recipients on my contact form are receiving the inquiries.    Muse allows me to add several email addresses separated by a semi-colon (see below from Corey Wrote) but only one of the three addresses are receiving the contact form inquiries.
    Corey@Adobe wrote:
    We've added a new Form widget to the widget library.
    You can easily configure the form to send the form submissions to multiple email addresses, and optionally redirect users to another page after submitting the form.
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    Adobe Muse will safeguard data when redesigning your Adobe Business Catalyst forms                
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