Adobe flash broke all my presentation design 2011 models

Is there another answer other than regressing to the last version?

I have the similar problem with adobe flash 14.0... I can't export my Dashboards to html. I tried to install previous version of adobe flash player  ( I can install flashplayer13_0r0_223_win (for other browsers) but I cant install flashplayer13_0r0_223_winax (for IE) :
How can I install Adobe flash player 13 Active X (ofr IE) ?

Similar Messages

  • Problems installing Adobe Flash Player

    Can not get my MacBook Pro 17" to install Adobe Flash Player  Our iMac installed it.
    The system hangs forever looking for resources

    Hopefully, you'll be installing the Flash update very soon - however the same problem you experienced persists with that.
    Fortunately there is a simple solution.
    There appears to be a problem with Adobe Flash Player Install Manager - the simple answer is to let the system install the flash update instead:
    When you use the Flash updater, it downloads a disk image to a temp folder (inside /private/var/folders but you don't need to know that). This is automatically mounted (briefly) while the app 'Adobe Flash Player Install Manager' launches. Adobe Flash Player Install Manager is supposed to manage the whole instillation but in some case it gets stuck. If this process fails for you (such as hanging on 95% completion), there is a very simple route forward which doesn't require you to open your browser or manually download anything.
    It only requires 3 steps and you can be 100% sure you are getting the correct update - the one Adobe tried to install but failed. I've broken these down into detailed but very simple substeps (further down this post) for anybody who is unsure, but experienced users can probably just follow these three steps:
    Force quit Adobe Flash Player Install Manager
    Locate and mount the Flash Player Installer disk image with Disk Utility
    Locate the Adobe Flash Player installer package within the Install Manager app and run the installation from Finder
    Hope this helps. Enjoy.
    Those steps in detail (as carried out in OSX 10.6.8).
    1. Force quit Adobe Flash Player Install Manager
    Press these three keys together: Cmd + Option (or Alt) + esc
    Select Adobe Flash Player Install Manager in the popup window titled "Force Quit Applications"
    Hit return or click the button labelled "Force Quit"
    2. Locate and mount the Flash Player Installer disk image with Disk Utility
    Open Disk Utility (in Applications/Utilities folder or find it with Spotlight)
    On the left hand side, your attached drives and mounted volumes are listed above a horizontal line. Below that line you should see one or more disk images (named e.g. something.dmg). These are recently accessed disk images - including one containing the adobe updater.
    At or near the bottom of that list you should see something called decryptedFile.dmg
    Under that you might see a (greyed out) volume image called Flash Player
    Double click decryptedFile.dmg (or the Flash Player volume if you can see it - it makes no difference).
    This should mount a volume titled "Flash Player" and automatically open a finder window showing the contents.
    The volume "Flash Player" will show up in your Finder sidebar and on your desktop (unless you've chosen not to show External Disks in Finder preferences)
    3. Locate the Adobe Flash Player installer package and run the installation from Finder
    You should by now have a Finder window open showing the contents of the volume "Flash Player". If not, open a new Finder window and click on Flash Player in the sidebar. The sole contents are an app called Install Adobe Flash Player.
    Right click the item "Install Adobe Flash Player" and select "Show Package Contents" from the contextual menu that appears.
    This opens a new window showing a folder called "Contents". Open it by double clicking to reveal the contents including a folder called "Resources".
    Locate and open the folder "Resources" and look for a file called Adobe Flash Player (Adobe Flash Player.pkg)
    This is the Installer Package for the update. Double Click it.
    Don't be put off by the words "Welcome to the Adobe Flash Player Installer" - this is not the Adobe Flash Install Manager (the one that failed you earlier) this is Apple's "Installer" app.
    Follow the steps to the end then eject the volume Flash Player in the normal way (e.g. Finder sidebar)
    Open the Flash Player control panel to check the current version has now been updated.
    Don't be put off by "PPAPI Plug-in is not installed" - you can ignore it.
    Some steps may go differently if you are running a different version of Mac OS X  - I use 10.6.8

  • Some apps require Adobe Flash; however, when I try to inst all, get message saying my iPad (version 7.0) can't support Adobe Flash, so can't access. Any way around this?en I attempt to install, get message that my iPad cannot support such.  I have a

    Some apps require Adobe Flash; however, when I attempt to upload the program, I receive message to the effect that my iPad (version 7.0)  cannot support Adobe Flash, so I am unable to view some attachments sent.  I just bought my iPad recently and am still figuring everything out. If there is some solution to my problem, I would appreciate being advised. Thanks.

  • My Adobe Flash Player won't install. ( At all )

    So when I try to install Adobe Flash Player, everytime, on every user on my computer, it always pops up when i launch it, but nothing happens.
    It is just a boring gray screen.
    I need Flash Player to play like all the games in the world ( exaggeration ) and I want it to work. Please just tell me what is wrong and what to do to fix it.
    Here is a pic of what happens.
    Just please tell me what is wrong. Thanks.

    Okay.  Go to
    From the
    Flash Player (Win and Mac)
    Locate and click on the Mac OS X (intel)  Download DMG Installer.  User Finder to open your downloads folder. Locate "install_flash_player_16_osx.dmg"  This file should be 15.6 MB with a Feb 3 date.  Double click on the file to install.
    Please let me know what happens after that

  • TS1386 Safari says that it can't D/L adobe flash how do I view all the video albums that I have purchased? Next time B 4 I buy I will do more research about the devices....not happy happy

    I am desperate 4any help on this issue...seems 2b a lemon not an apple

    Hello, Packme1more.
    Adobe Flash Player is not required to play purchased videos in iTunes or on an iOS device.  For information regarding Flash Player on an iOS device see this article: Thoughts on Flash.  The articles I have attached below cover basic questions regarding videos with iTunes and your iPad. 
    iTunes: Frequently asked questions about viewing and syncing videos
    iTunes: Purchasing and viewing HD videos
    Jason H. 

  • Adobe Flash 16 Installation Won't Start at All

    I am unable to install Adobe Flash onto a Win 7 computer, 64 bit.  I downloaded install_flashplayer16x32_mssd_aaa_aih.exe and tried to execute it.  It is listed in the Task Manager; but, nothing happens.  It does not even begin to run the installation wizard.  I tried to install it in Safe Mode.  I ran it as administrator.  I ran it without any browsers running.  I got the same result in every case.  It just shows in Task Manager and nothing else happens.
    I installed and ran the latest version of MicrosoftFixit.  I ran it a few times, selecting the option for trouble with installing a program in some cases and uninstalling a program in other cases.  In every case, the list of programs found does not include Adobe Flash, Shockwave Flash, or Flash.
    Between Fixit and Adobe's tool to detect if the program is installed, neither provided evidence that it was already installed; so, it doesn't appear to be an issue with remnants of a previously installed version that didn't get uninstalled correctly.
    The file name suggests this is for a 32 bit version of the program.  Should a 64 bit version of the program have been downloaded?  I didn't have an option to select a 32 vs 64 bit program.  The web site indicated that it knew the computer is running a 64 bit version of Windows 7; but, the install button still downloaded this file.
    Any assistance you can provide will be appreciated.

    Same issue here. Got pop up alert that needed to update Flash which had been fine. Tried both run/automatic install in IE11 and downloaded the same offline file as you. The installer window pops up but nothing ever starts. Was able to install successfully on 4 other computers all running Win7 Ultimate and no difference with this one. Been following other leads and have deleted all old Adobe flash and Macromedia files/folders and pretty much scrubbed all evidence that flash was not on here, Have run Malware, Spyware and AV software so the system is all clean, and this is still all I get.
    Task manager does show it there also, but after it gets to this far, it does not process anymore
    When I get tired of waiting on it, since it won't close by the red "X", I have to end it via Task Manager, and then it takes me to a non-existent web page { http://www.{completionpageurl}.com/?exitcode=-1 }.
    Flash has been working great on this PC a couple years and updated regularly, so have no clue to issue now.

  • I updated Adobe flash and when I re-opened firefox all of my bookmarks, add-ons, extensions, history were gone. How do I retrieve?

    When updated Adobe flash, I was asked to close the browser window. I complied and when I re-opened, firefox was different and all of my stuff was gone.

    go to Tools Menu -> Add-ons -> Extensions section -> Disable and Remove the add-ons that look unwanted or suspicious -> Enable trustworthy add-ons -> Restart Firefox.

  • Just updated Firefox, then updated Adobe Flash player and videos and voice are all choppy. Please help.

    I allowed Firefox to update. It prompted that I may need to update my adobe player. I checked my aol account and tryed to watch a video and it would not work. I updated my Adobe flash player, shut down my pc then went back online to check out a video and it was all choppy including the audio.

    Please ask your question on a forum for the Flash Player

  • Adobe Flash Player will not Start on IE 11

    I am having a problem with the Adobe Flash Player plugin for IE 11 on Windows 8.1 Pro x64. Whenever I try to use the desktop version of IE 11 and try to load a page that has flash content on it, I get the following warning:
    Whenever I click "Allow", the page refreshes, and instead of loading the flash content, I am asked once again if it is okay for the add-on to run. I do not know why the message the add-on request does not properly display the name. This issue is not limited to a single page, but rather happens anywhere where there is flash content. Whenever I disable the "Shockwave Flash Object" add-on, flash content still does not load, but this message does not appear.
    As far as the Windows 8 version of IE (the "app version"), flash content does not load at all and I do not receive any prompt to allow it to load. What's causing this problem and how can I fix it?
    So far, I have tried using the "Turn Windows Features On or Off" thingy to reinstall IE. I have done this multiple times in multiple ways. Sometimes I restart, sometimes I do not. Sometimes I uninstall Flash fist, sometimes I leave it installed. I have tried the IE refresh from the Internet Options and this also does not work. I am currently using Adobe Flash Player v14.0.0.125.

    The test tree and clouds work fine for me as well and I have found that on some sites Flash will work but not on others.  Luckily, flash works fine on Google Chrome which I find I am using more and more requently rather than IE11!  Best work-around so far is to not use IE11 if consistent results for Flash are desired!

  • Adobe flash player crashing my whole computer could anyone please help?

    Is this just a win vista problem or something?
    Computer specs:
    Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6002) Service Pack 2
    Dell XPS430 BIOS: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A00
       Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q8300  @ 2.50GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.5GHz
                 Memory: 6078MB RAM
              Page File: 1979MB used, 10287MB available
    DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    ATI Radeon HD 3600 Series
       Display Memory: 3031 MB
    Dedicated Memory: 248 MB
        Shared Memory: 2782 MB
         Current Mode: 1280 x 900 (32 bit) (60Hz)
    Everything is up to date explorers, java, direct x, video cards, checked every single driver...
    This is my problem:
    The newest flash player crashes everytime I open certain web pages like failblog or tinychat which requires a webcam
    I'm not sure what is causing it but it's only when i'm on those webpages that it crashes...
    I can go on youtube kongregate steam and I can play tons of games the only thing I cant do is go on certain websites that messes with the newest version of flash for some reason...
    I can use ANY other version of adobe flash and it won't crash at all but the problem with using the older versions is that I can't use my webcam on certain sites.
    Will there be another update release for adobe flash that will fix this problem? The previous version was fine I don't know what was changed but will it get fixed?
    And yes I have also been into the error logs but it doesn't show anything and the codes that it does show, people don't know what the hell it means lol just a bunch of binary number like data...I could post that but I doubt it would be of any help it's just a few short lines of numbers on each crash...I have purposely crashed my computer about 2 times to check if error logs popup and to see what is crashing the flash player but nothing changes in the crash log..
    So to sum my problems up into a short paragraph....newest flash player crashes my computer when I go on webcam/webchat/certain websites with flash videos on it, also if I right click and try to tamper with the settings it also crashes my computer...I would like to know if there's a possible fix for this or will there be another update released anytime soon?
    Please help and thank you for all future responses I will continue to use older versions of flash player till this problem is resolved, also on my newer i-7 620 processor 5850 ati laptop it crashes but rarely although I can use my webcam on msn on that computer but this is one has problems....

    Sorry I wasn't able to respond for a while I work two jobs so I   really don't have time for this although I would still like to get this   solved very much.
    In the event viewer all it says is that there was an unexpected shut down.
    I  have checked and updated everything on both computers I tried to   disable hardware acceleration and that still didn't change anything.
    Sometimes  when I try to just right click on a flash player and change  the  settings it crashes, if I try to load certain pages it crashes, if I   try to use a webcam chat on a webcam site it crashes. Though I can   still view other people's webcams in chat ex: tinychat I could be in   there chatting away with some friends from across country and nothing   will happen until I click webcam and flash player asks to allow, it  will  crash if I try to right click anywhere and that little flash  settings  popup it crashes.
    All of this happens when I use the most  current version of flash  player any other previous version will not  crash when doing any of this  although I can't use my webcam since the  website is running an updated  version which is why I would like to get  this problem fixed.
    The new firefox update didn't help  at all it still just freezes.  There is no blue screen, no crash error  report, no event log. The event  viewer just says it was shut down  unexpectedly.
    I also tried uninstalling all webcam  applications unplugging my  webcam and that didn't affect it at all.  I've done everything that  people have been doing on here to solve there  problems, I used the  search button and tried options from various  threads but none work for  me.
    I can do everything  normally that requires flash player like play  games, watch videos, and  other stuff but it just crashes when I do those  certain things as  stated above. It's weird that there is no log, no  anything just a  freeze and I can't do anything to the computer i've  tried letting it  sit for about 15 minutes but it didn't respond. I used  ctrl alt del  after a while, alt tab, alt f4, holding down certain keys,  holding the  power button in for a while and nothing will happen. It just  sits  frozen untill I unplug it.
    Is there anything I can do to get an error log of the crash since event viewer isn't working?

  • Adobe flash crashing programs?

    Yesterday I updated Adobe Flash Player, and now I am having all kinds of unnatural behavior on my MacAir.
    MS Word crashes, or freezes and Pages is not working properly. there is a constant loud whirr like the guts of the MacAir are about to fly out.
    My computer is now freezing.
    Am I correct in assuming it is the Flash Player, or what should I check?
    Can I get along ok without the Flash? I would like to just dump it!

    Do you think you responded to an update after going to a website, rather than an actual Adobe update ?
    I ask as does the last respondent, as there are a couple of false updates on the web at present
    see this link if you got this type of update request fect-macs/
    If not, then you can always remove Flash, there is an uninstaller via the Adobe site
    Then just run Google Chrome to get to flash sites, as it's got a built in flash player.
    At least this way you'll know for sure if flash is the culprit.

  • Adobe flash plugin crash

    While trying to play a game on facebook called "FrontierVille" I always get "adobe flash plugin crashed".  I have uninstalled and re-installed the adobe flash player but to no avail.  All the other games like "Farmville" work fine. 
    Can anyone help me out?

    Try disabling hardware acceleration.  If that does not solve the problem, you have to post some more information like
    your operating system and version
    your web browser(s) and version(s)
    your Flash Player version

  • Namoroka will not recognise Adobe Flash Plug In. Keeps saying a plug in is missing.

    I just installed Firefox 64 bit that is called Namoroka. A couple of sites say "Additional plug ins are required to display all of the media on this page"; Clicking "Install missing plugin" takes me to Download Adobe Flash Player. I install it and reboot. Restarting Firefox gives me same problem asking for Adobe Flash Plyer to be installed. I check installed programs and find that Adobe Flash player is installed. I try all manner of tricks but Firefox Namoroka still doesn't recognise that Adobe Flash Player is installed.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == Flash was required ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100405 Namoroka/3.6.3

    There is an 'experimental' beta 64bit version of flash (for Windows) which works fine for me:

  • About Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 and Game Developing.

      Hi guys,
       I would like to ask 4 questions for today.
    1) What can Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 do? ( Can it create games, design sites and animate? or more?)
    2) Could you guys tell me any website where I can register a domain name for very low prices? (Put a link of the site and estimation of amount.)
    3)How can I register an email on my website? Example : [email protected] (without using yahoo mail msn or google, etc) How to use your website name after @.

    1) What can Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 do? ( Can it create games, design sites and animate? or more?)
    flash cs5.5 can be used to create desktop, browser-based and mobile:  games and applications including those that use animation.
    2) Could you guys tell me any website where I can register a domain name for very low prices? (Put a link of the site and estimation of amount.)  - check the prices yourself.  or, use google to search.
    3)How can I register an email on my website? Example : [email protected] (without using yahoo mail msn or google, etc) How to use your website name after @.
    you'll need a domain (register your name) and you'll need a web host where your site is physically located.

  • Captivate5 Autorun opens Adobe Flash download page

    I have developed an education package on Captivate5.
    After publishing and choosing the settings "autorun CD & HTML", I cannot play the CD on my own computer.
    When inserted into  my computer, I briefly see the title of the education on the browser tab, then the Adobe Flash download page appears. I cannot access my presentation and I already have Flash installed. My publish settings are set to Adobe Flash 9, and I am being prompted to download 10.3.
    The autorun works fine on 2 of my colleagues computers.
    Any suggestions? Is this likely to occur for any of our users?

    Have you checked whether or not the publish location has been added to your own PC's Flash Global Security as a trusted location?
    Your issue might also be security related.

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