Adobe Flashplayer install

The installation wizard is asking me to close a program that I can't find where it's open? What can I do to complete the install? It asked me to close two programs. Internet Explorer which was indeed open in another window. I did close it, then it asked me to close the Smileboxtray which I can't find   .Any and all suggestions welcome.

Pat: Thank you so much for your reply.I do have a few questions about following the instructions for closing Internet Explorer and Smilebox tray so that I may complete the install of flash Player in Internet Explorer. If I click on end process for IE and Smilebox Tray In Windows Task Manager will that disable the programs after the install of Flash Player or will they still be functional afterwards? Also I may not need to do any of this as I have since learned that I already have the latest version of Flash Player installed with Google Chrome.It just don't work when I'm browsing in IE. If I were to try and install it anyways would there be a conflict?

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    Are you trying to install this: Adobe Flash Player
    I would suggest doing the following:
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions - Mavericks, Lion/Mountain Lion
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
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    Try installing Flash again.

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    Download the Adobe Flash Player installer directly by right clicking the following link and selecting "Save link as".
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)
    Save the file to your Downloads folder.
    Open your Control Panel and click Uninstall A Program under Programs and Features.
    Uninstall the Flash Player plugin from the list.
    Close the Control Panel, reboot and run the installer from your Downloads folder.

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    You should make sure you do a complete uninstall of the flash player first and then install the latest FP14 version from this link - Use g
    In order to do a complete uninstall - Uninstall Flash Player | Mac OS

  • Solved the Adobe 10 flashplayer Install/Use Problem!

    Read someone else's responses to close everything, then go to:
    Run the uninstall.
    Then was advised to start in safe mode by going to:
    iexplore -extoff
    HOWEVER:  I could not then perform the next action, so I skipped the above step of working in safemode, and just opened Internet Explorer regularly.
    Went to:
    For some reason, it worked this time.  The "graphics movie" on the flashwave site that is supposed to show up actually showed up this time.  My computer did not show that I had a previous version of Adobe Flashplayer, although I think I probably did.  The folder showed empty and it did not show up anywhere.  I have probably downloaded and installed this a dozen times in the past week or so and it wasn't working.  Very frustrating.  I also found that I had the same problem with Adobe Reader 8 version.  Tried many many many times to get it to work and it wouldn't.  My old 6 version worked just fine, so after all the frustration finally just deleted the 8 upgrade and kept using the 6 version until the 9 came out, which works fine.
    Can't really imagine it is so much everyone's operating sysems or settings when it seems to be only Adobe that causes these problems!
    Hope this helps someone!


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    Adobe admits to a Flash problem here:
    YOu can apply the fix they show and tehn wait for them to fix the problem

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    Click Start, type msconfig.exe, press Enter, click Selective startup, uncheck Load startup items. Click Services tab, check Hide all Microsoft services, click Disable all, click Ok, click Restart.
    How do I do a clean install of Flash Player?
    After the install.
    Click Start, type msconfig.exe, press Enter, click Normal startup, click ok, click Restart.

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    Flash Player does not require Java.  But JavaScript needs to be enabled to run it.
    See if anything in here helps:

  • Adobe FlashPlayer 11 will not install

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    Programs list in "Revo" Adobe 11 is installed but Flv won't work

    Thanks for your Reply Cobba! I can see the Adobe Icone as it6 rotates to a Stop and it says I have Version ......
    Installed so Guess it's FLV not being able to do do as it claims Capture ABC Aust "IView" TV Doc's?
    I am using XP3  and Run Avast Prof
    I cannot understand why It keeps saying: " FLV does not Run Well with this version of FLV" Anyway I guess it is what it Is
    Thanks again for your reply Cheers Dasha

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    I am unable to install adobe flashplayer onto my 3-4 year old macbook - please help.

    Moved to Installing Flash Player

  • Problem installing Adobe Flashplayer

    I am on Macbook 10.6.8
    I am unable to watch videos on YouTube as apparently I don't have Adobe flash player installed (I don't know why this has happened now as I have not had a problem viewing videos on youtube for the past few years).
    So I have been to the Adobe flashplayer website and downloaded the most recent version and installed it. Once the installation process is complete it quite literally does nothing. The installation manager says the installation is complete and has been succesful, but I cannot find it on the computer and I still cannot watch videos.
    I have tried to follow the troubleshooting tips on the adobe flashplayer site - but this has got me perplexed!
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Two bugs, one affecting Apple's Mac platform and another attacking Microsoft's Windows, exploit certain Flash player vulnerabilities to install malware onto users' systems, reports ArsTechnica. While users of other operating systems like Linux have yet to report attacks, Adobe's advisory notes the exploit affects all platforms.
    Designated as CVE-2013-0634, the first vulnerability targets the Safari and Firefox Web browsers running on OS X, and is also being used as a trojan to deploy Microsoft Word documents containing malware. For Mac users, the flaw affects Adobe Flash Player version 11.5.502.146 or earlier.
    On March 1 Apple again blocked Flash Player for Lion and Mountain Lion:
    The Adobe Flash patch can be found on Adobe’s website, and users can visit this page to check if their software is the most curent version.
    You should uninstall any previous version first, and repair permissions after installing the new version.
    If you still get a ‘plug-ins blocked’ message:

  • I can't download and install Adobe Flashplayer on Firefox 26.0, using Mac OSX 10.9

    I am trying to view videos and i am told to download the latest version of Adobe Flashplayer. However I cannot install the Flashplayer. Using Firefox 26.0, MacOSX 10.9 Mavericks. I know other users are having the same problem, and I have tried all the suggestions to correct the problem, to no avail. Is there an alternative to Adobe Flachplayer?

    If you're having trouble downloading the installer file through the Adobe site maze, use this direct link instead:
    * [ install_flash_player_osx.dmg]
    If you downloaded the file successfully but you're unable to install it, exactly what goes wrong? Have you tried everything on the following troubleshooting page?

  • I have installed adobe flashplayer but it will not run. What is wrong?

    Today I downloaded adobe flashplayer apparently successfully(so I was informed) but when I try to run a program requiring flashplayer it does not run. What can I do?

    Moving this discussion to the Installing Flash Player forum.

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