Adobe forum vs AudioMasters

When should the Audiomasters forum be used instead of the Adobe forum?

In general, will get the same excellent advice from either forum - but since the admin/mods on AudioMasters don't put up with crap at all, you will get rather less of that. Incidentally, this isn't Ozpeter's fault as far as this forum is concerned, but that of the rather poor forum software that Adobe uses.
The other thing you have to bear in mind about AudioMasters is that it is essentially the living embodiment of the old Syntrillium forum, and the original forum (which contains masses of still-useful information) is still available as an archive - essentially with Adobe's blessing. Adobe is so happy with Audiomasters, in fact, that they've even used the forum for placing job adverts!
Quite often, people cross-post on both forums, but generally there's enough joint membership to ensure that you'll get essentially the same answer from either - or a link posted. I don't think that either forum minds this, though!

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    Hallo Cedric,
    ja - das offizielle deutsche Adobe-Forum erscheint etwas "übersichtlich". Aber gerade durch einen Hinweis dort bin ich vor Jahren auf das unabhängige schweizer Forum "Hilf Dir Selbst" von Urs Gamper gestoßen, wo man in der Regel sehr schnelle Hilfe bei den professionellen Programmen erhält - ausgenommen die Elements- und Videoprogramme.
    Und speziell für Lightroom gibt es ein weiteres unabhängiges Forum
    Ich hoffe, ich konnte dir weiterhelfen
    Viele Grüße
    Wollte dir schon am Samstag antworten. Hatte da aber leider nicht das Passwort zur Hand

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