Adobe Reader auf Ubuntu eingestellt - Was machen wir jetzt mit unseren Formularen mit Berechnungen und Javascript?

wir haben ein großes Problem, da der Adobe Reader für Ubuntu eingestellt wurde von Adobe. ( vgl. )
Wir haben zahlreiche Formulare, die mit dem Adobe Acrobat erstellt wurden. Diese beinhalten Berechnungen und auch Eingabeüberprüfungen. Sehr viele unsere User*innen nutzen Ubuntu oder Linux Mint. Wir wollen außerdem plattformunanghängig PDFs anbieten.
Derzeit geht unter Linux der Adobe Reader noch und erfüllt alle Funktionen die auch unter Windows gehen. Es ist jedoch nicht mehr empfohlen ihn zu installieren wegen der Sicherheitslücken. Außerdem nehme ich an, wenn sich Adobe Acrobat weiterentwickelt und der Adobe Reader für Linux nicht mehr, werden in Kürze Probleme mit der Funktionalität auch auftauchen!
Evince, gpdfview und Okular kommen mit diesen Formularen die Berechnungen machen nicht zurecht! Es geht nur der Adobe Reader!
Adobe ist somit nicht mehr plattformunabhängig! Was bringen mir Adobe Formulare, die nicht plattformunabhängig einsetzbar sind? PDF = portable document format... was rennt da bitte schief bei Adobe, dass sie jetzt den Linux Adobe Reader einstellen und somit auf die Portabilität pfeifen????
Wie können wir dennoch Formulare mit Berechnungen und Eingabeüberprüfungen plattformunabhängig bereitstellen, sprich für Windows, Mac und Linux? Die Formulare sollen von den User*innen speicherbar und somit später veränderbar sein. Insofern kommen Web-Formulare nicht in Betracht, da es dafür dann auch noch User-Logins benötigen würde (zuviel des Aufwands!), um die Formulare später nochmal abändern zu können, wenn man beispielsweise ein Detail nachtragen möchte, das man beim Erstausfüllen noch nicht wusste.
WINE ist bitte keine Lösung, da das die meisten User*innen nicht hinkriegen!
Ich entschuldige mich für den etwas müden und genervten Ton, aber ich bin echt verärgert darüber, dass einerseits sündteure Programm wie der Adobe Acrobat mit Schnickschnack-Funktionen auf den Markt gelassen werden und dann für Linux der einzige Reader, der mit von Adobe Acrobat erstellten Formularen vernünftig zurecht kommt, eingestellt wird. Wie kann das sein?
Bitte um konstruktive Lösungsvorschäge.

Einerseits ist das Problem, dass es nicht empfohlen ist, den Adobe Reader unter Linux zu installieren, da er Sicherheitslücken aufweist. Privat kann ich das verantworten, in einem Unternehmen nicht.
Andererseits: Außerdem, was wird sein, wenn Adobe Acrobat updated? Dann ist eventuell der alte Adobe Reader unter Linux nicht mehr kompatibel?
Wir haben bereits zahlreiche Formulare gemacht und wollen noch weitere Papierformulare umstellen mit dem Adobe Acrobat unter Windows. Die Frage ist auch, sollen wir das tun oder nicht? Weil die Gefahr besteht ja in 1-2 Jahren, dass unter Linux die nicht mehr funktionieren.
Was wird sein, wenn der Adobe Reader unter Linux nicht mehr die Funktionalität hat, die er jetzt hat? Sprich Berechnungen und Eingabeüberprüfung nicht mehr gehen? Gibt es dafür schon Überlegungen?

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    auf eine CD gebrannt wird sich auf der CD anzugucken. Also ohne,
    dass er sich den Reader auf sein System installieren muß. Ist
    das möglich? Gibt es überhaupt die Chance einen
    vorinstallierten Adobe Reader auf eine CD zu packen? Danke für

    Moin Moin,
    Am 11.09.2007 17:27 schrieb fischnackdissen:
    > Hallo.
    > ich m=F6chte meinem Kunden anbieten eine PDF-Datei, die
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    > vorinstallierten Adobe Reader auf eine CD zu packen?
    Danke f=FCr Hilfe.=
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    einer CD zu starten.
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    sprich mit welchem Programm es diese =F6ffnen soll. Selbst
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    Schau Dir mal den Foxit Reader an
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    bekommst Du aber
    ohne Probs. Ist eher eine Info (wir haben da ...) an Adobe.
    M=FCsstest Du=
    mal auf deren Seiten nachschauen.
    Ich hoffe, ich konnte Dir ein wenig weiterhelfen.
    Hey Ho Let's Go
    49=B00'51.39"N, 8=B025'21.60"E

  • Adobe Reader 11 Issue there was an error

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    I tried the solution:
    Launch Adobe Acrobat Reader XI
    Go to: Edit > Preferences...
    Click on "General" in the left pane.
    Uncheck "Enable Protected Mode at startup"
    You will prompted with a dialog box to remind you to close the application for the change to go into effect. Click Yes.
    Click OK to save your change.
    Exit Adobe Reader
    Can someone help me please?
    Thank you

    After unchecking protected mode at startup option were you able to reproduce the issue?
    Shakti K

  • Öffnen von Adobe Reader auf Windows 7 mit Service Pack1?

    Ich habe Windows 7 mit Service Pack 1. Der kostenlos heruntergeladene Adobe Reader XI (mehrmals) funktioniert nicht: Es öffnet sich ein Fenster, Der Schirm bleibt schwarz und sämtliche Buttons reagieren nicht. Nach kurzer Zet verschwindet die Anzeige ganz. Somit lässt sich keine PDF-Datei öffnen.

    Some things to try...
    Using Windows Explorer navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader, then double-click on Eula.exe and accept the license agreement
    Can you open Adobe Reader by itself?  If so, try disabling Protected Mode [Edit | Preferences | Security (Enhanced)].
    If you cannot open Reader by itself, try to disable Protected Mode in the registry; download, unzip, then run the attached registry script
    It could even be a malware issue; see
    ...or wait and see if the problem is fixed in the next Reader version (likely to be released later today).

  • Adobe reader, Ubuntu 12.04, problem with tab/font colors

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    Ambiance theme:
    cd /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0
    sudo gedit gtkrc
    >>>change fg_color from #4c4c4c to #000000
    Radiance theme:
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    sudo gedit gtkrc
    >>>change fg_color from #4c4c4c to #000000

  • Security Warning in Adobe Reader beim Öffnen eines pdf-Links

    Hallo zusammen
    Wir haben das folgende Problem: Wenn wir im Adobe Reader einen pdf-Link öffnen, erhalten wir jedesmal die Security Warnung, auch wenn wir dort angeben, dass die Werte für die nächsten male gespeichert werden sollen.
    Weiss jemand, wie man diese Meldung deaktivieren kann oder so einstellen lässt, dass sie tatsächlich nur einmal auftaucht?
    Der pdf-Link wird anstatt im Adobe Reader im Web-Browser geöffnet. Weiss hier evtl. jemand, wie man das ändern kann, dass sich dieser im Adobe Reader öffnet?
    Besten Dank

    Hat ja nichts mit der Frage zu tun!
    Klar, hat es. Das ist ein Forum, nicht irgendeine Fernleitung bei der wir uns mit dir telepathisch mit dir verbinden und erraten, was denn so auf deinem System passiert. Und genau da hakt's immer noch. Der Informationsgehalt ist zwar von 0% auf 2% gestiegen, aber wirklich was dazu sagen kann keiner. IE 8 ist steinalt und läßt mich Böses erahnen - uraltetes, verkorkstes Windows XP System oder sowas -  und naja, wen ndas sos ist, da braucht man eigentlich nicht weiter reden. Genau so ist "Reader ist die aktuellste Version" keine technisch verwertbare Aussage. Also nix für ungut, aber ich schone mal meinen Kreislauf und verabschiede mich mal. So kann keiner arbeiten...

  • Adobe Reader X funktioniert nicht einwandfrei

    Betriebssystem: Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit Version)
    Version: Adobe Reader X (10.1.0) - Deutsch
    Der Adobe Reader zeigt mir schon seit jetzt ungefähr 1-2 Wochen an "Update is ready to install".
    Wenn ich das dann aber bestätige, kommt die Meldung "Update failed".
    Da auch nach mehreren Neustarts und erneuten Versuchen das Update durchzuführen immer derselbe Fehler auftauchte, habe ich es irgendwann ignoriert.
    Leider funktioniert der Adobe Reader jetzt gar nicht mehr. Wenn ich eine PDF öffnen möchte kommt folgende Meldung:
    Allerdings kann ich auch nicht einfach den vorhanden Adobe Reader deinstallieren, genau so wenig, wie ich eine neuere Version installieren kann.
    Immer kommen die Meldungen:
    "Die Datei wurde wahrscheinlich bereits auf andere Weise aktualisiert [...]" Das habe ich, soweit ich weiß, nicht gemacht.
    Was kann ich tun, um das Problem zu lösen?
    Wie gesagt Neustart, deinstallieren oder eine Neuinstallation habe ich schon probiert.
    Ich bedanke mich im voraus für eure Hilfe und verbleibe,
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Hallo Pear//cw95,
    Kann es sein, dass Du die authplay.dll umbenannt oder gelöscht hast, um potentielle Sicherheitsprobleme mit dem integrierten Flashplayer zu umgehen? Wenn ja, benenn sie wieder um oder besorg Dir eine Kopie von einem anderen Rechner und probier die Deinstallation erneut - evtl. nach einem Reboot.
    Sollte das auch nicht helfen, würde ich an Deiner Stelle folgendermaßen (ziemlich rabiat) vorgehen:
    1. Den aktuellen Reader von herunterladen.
    2. Rechner neu starten, falls der Reader schon einmal im Browser oder separat ausgeführt worden ist und noch irgendwelche Dateien im Systemzugriff sein sollten.
    3. Die Registry sichern:
    Start - Ausführen - regedit - OK
    Zum Schlüssel HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0 navigieren und 10.0 anklicken.
    Dann in der Menüleiste Datei - Exportieren... klicken und die Registrierungsdatei sichern
    4. Den Schlüssel HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0 löschen
    5. Das Verzeichnis C:\Program Files (X86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0 umbenennen, z.B. in "Reader 10.0.OLD"
    6. Den Adobe Reader über das Startmenü aufrufen. Danach sollte er sich automatisch neu installieren und anschließend öffnen.
    Sollte 6. nicht funktioniert haben, dann ab Punkt 3. von vorne beginnen und 6. weglassen.
    Statt dessen den unter 1. heruntergeladenen Reader installieren.
    Sollte auch das nicht funktionieren, kannst Du die unter 3. gesicherte .REG-Datei durch Doppelklick wieder in die Registry importieren und dem umbenannten Programmverzeichnis wieder seinen ursprünglichen Namen geben.
    Ich habe beide Varianten hier auf einem Windows 7-Test-Rechner ausprobiert, und es hat problemlos funktioniert. Zu Deiner Beruhigung kann ich sagen, dass ich die o.g. Schritte auch auf meinem persönlichen PC ohne zu zögern ausführen würde, wenn mich eine Software dermaßen nervt
    Viel Glück!

  • Closing Adobe Reader 7.0 from VB application

    We have an application in Visual Basic 6.0 in which we take a pdf to make some changes on it.
    To handle the pdf document, we use, more or less:
    Set AcroApp = createObject("", "AcroExch.App")
    set doc = createobject("AcroExch.AvDoc")
    We have been using Acrobat 4.0 and it has been working perfectly. However, now we have also installed Acrobat Reader 7.0 and we are getting problems. When Acrobat Reader 7.0 is open, the functions I wrote before crash. I think that is because if an instance of Acrobat 7 is running, it can't be open another version.
    So, in order to solve it, we want to close the Adobe Reader 7. I was thinking of doing:
    Set AcroApp = getObject("AcroExch.App")
    so as to get a handle to the Acrobat Reader 7. After it, I would close it and execute the code we have rigth now to manipulate the pdf document. The problem is that getobject doesn´t work. I guess "AcroExch.App" is not the right parameter.
    Could anybody help?

    >Are there any other APIs available for Adobe Reader?
    See the documentation: "Developing Applications using Interapplication
    Communication". The third paragraph of "Using OLE".
    >Can we do operations like 'Opening PDF file, reading text, closing reader' with Visual Basic, if we have only Adobe reader ?
    Not sure about reading text. I doubt that.
    Aandi Inston

  • Adobe Reader will not open PDF in browser simple answer.

    I just had this problem and was able to work through it with the help of tech support from TD Ameritrade.  The fix is simple so read on.  After uninstalling and reinstalling all things adobe and trying other recommendations on these forums I was stumped.  I called my broker tech section since I couldn't open their reports and we identified what my specific problem was.  For me, and I imagine some of you this will help and prevent a lot of wasted time.
    Nothing was wrong with my Adobe Reader.  My problem was that I have a 64 bit operating system and both of my default browsers were 64 bit browsers.  I did not know my internet explorer default browser was the 64 bit one until the technician that assisted me informed me that a recent windows update made all 64 bit systems default to 64 bit internet explorer browsers.  You cannot change that default by choosing between 64 bit and 32 bit, because you can only choose internet explorer.  That explains why my attempts to open with a 32 bit browsers always failed.  I also tried with Firefox thinking it was 32 bit and it failed as well.  The technician informed me Firefox is a 64 bit browser and then it made sense.  I guess the recent Adobe reader update caused a change that no longer allowed my 64 bit system and 64 bit browser to open PDF's through the browser. The technician who assisted me has a 64 bit system and only uses 64 bit browsers and can still open PDF's through those browsers.  That confused us for a while until we realized he had his Adobe updater turned off and therefore had not been exposed yet to the update that originated my problems.
    ****ANSWER FOR MY PROBLEM*******The quick answer is use Google Chrome or some other 32 bit browser.  If you set a 32 bit browser as your default, the PDF's will open.  You cannot set Internet Explorer 32 bit browser as your default if you have a 64 bit system and also have 64 bit Internet Explorer.  The windows update prevents you from doing it.  At least that is my understanding. 
    The bottom line is I have the newest Adobe Reader on a 64 bit system and can open any web PDF with Google Chrome set as my default browser, because it is a 32 bit browser.  The new Adobe Reader will not open PDF's with a 64 bit browser in Vista.  A 64 bit system is fine as long as you use the 32 bit browser to open your PDF's in Vista.  I hope this helps some avoid some headaches.  I wish it had been posted when my problem first arose. 
    I think you can use a 64 bit browser in Windows 9 or later, but for Vista the above applies.

    Yes I can create a short cut to internet exp. 32 bit on my desktop and I can even be using Internet expl. 32 bit, but when I try to open a PDF with adobe reader it won't work with internet exp. as my default browser b/c windows will always choose Internet exp. 64 bit which isn't supported yet by adobe reader.  With google chrome as my default browser windows can't choose an unsupported 64 bit browser in its place b/c google chrome doesn't have a 64 bit version.
    My post was for those people who may not have realized yet that windows would not ever choose Internet expl. 32 bit over Internet expl. 64 bit if both exist on their system.  For them it is easiest to just choose a default browser that only has a 32 bit version. 
    If I understood your reply correctly, you were telling me how to create a shortcut to Internet exp. 32 bit on my desk top.  However, having that shortcut on my desk top and opening my browser through it will not prevent the problem of windows choosing my Internet exp. 64 bit browser for pdf's I try to open from the web.  Thank you for your response, but I think the problem that I have tried to explain does exist for many users and can only be fixed by using a 32 bit browser that is not Internet explorer as your default browser.  At some point if windows fixes the update that always chooses Internet expl. 64 bit over Internet expl. 32 bit, then this will all be irrelevant.
    Sent from my iPod

  • Will Adobe Reader 7.0.9 or 7.1.0 work with Content Server 4?

    Hello Adobe,
    I have a Toshiba Satellite A75-S213 laptop, Intel Pentium 4, 1 GB RAM, Windows XP Home.
    I've purchased ebooks from several times over the course of 2008; each time, my Adobe Reader 7.0.9 was able to open the "ebx.etd" file and able to access the ebooks without any problems.
    However, the last purchase I made around a week ago keeps leading to me downloading ".acsm" files, which Adobe Reader 7.0.9 (or Adobe Reader 7.1.0) doesn't recognize and can't open.
    I contacted and they suggested that I download Adobe Digital Editions. I don't know if that will solve the problem or not.
    I've done some of my own research and found that between my last purchase in early September and the one I made in early October, Adobe changed their Content Server from Version 3 to Version 4? Does that explain why I can't even download the "ebx.etd" files from ebooks I've already downloaded in the past, but instead, get ".acsm" files instead for those ebooks that I've downloaded before?
    I take it then that Adobe Reader 7 (any version) can no longer read ebooks you purchase from retailers such as and that you have to use Adobe Digital Editions instead? I even upgraded from Adobe Reader 7.0.9 to Adobe Reader 7.1.0, thinking that would do the trick, but it's still downloading ".acsm" files.
    I did authorize Adobe Reader back in January (which is why I could download and read the ebooks from my previous purchases); I know I ran antivirus and anti-spyware software and wasn't sure whether I deleted something that might have caused this problem, but I know that I've run those same programs and never had this problem before now. Do I have to reauthorize Adobe Reader somehow, and if so, how? I log into Adobe and get that "Eden.ui" zipped file, but putting that into the folder with the ".acsm" file doesn't allow Adobe Reader to open it and read it.
    Therefore, is there any way to keep using Adobe Reader 7.1.0 to read my future ebook purchases or is the only way to read ebooks from now on is via Adobe Digital Editions? And if I download Adobe Digital Editions, is it better to keep Adobe Reader 7.1.0 on my system or should I upgrade to Adobe Reader 8 or 9?
    I'd greatly appreciate any and all advice on this, as I can't open ebooks I've purchased, and I'm pretty sure there are no refunds for ebook purchases (though I'd prefer to be able to purchase and read ebooks in the future) - thank you.
    Please take care and have a great day!
    Joseph Chengery

    You will need to install Adobe Digital Editions which will solve this issue. .acsm files only open with Digital Editions. Also, if you import all of your previously purchased books with Digital Editions, they will be migrated automatically. Digital Editions can be downloaded for free from:

  • Can't install Adobe Reader 11

    Once I have finished downloading the .exe file for Adobe Reader 11, an error message pops up saying the .exe file is not a vaild Win32 application. I am running Windows 7 64-bit. I uninstalled a version of Adobe Reader 10 because it was unable to open perfectly good .pdf files, saying the files were corrupted. Any ideas on how I can install Adobe Reader 11? It's difficult not having it!

    Some more information: I downloaded both the small setup.exe file and the full-size reader installation file (from the enterprise site) on a different computer. Using the setup.exe file, I was able to successfully install Adobe Reader 11 on the other computer. I copied both of these files to a flash drive and tried to install them on the laptop. Neither worked. When I double-click on the setup.exe file, nothing happens. When I double-click on the full-size file, I get an error message saying there was an error running scripts, and did I want to continue running scripts on the page. Once that screen disappears, the program is not installed and the installation file disappears from the flash drive. Does anyone out there have any idea what is going on?

  • Issue with Adobe Reader (Desktop app) on Mac OS X Lion

    Hi there,
    I want to print a pdf like a booklet.
    I first try with Adobe Reader 9 but it says something lik "Unable to print document" and "no pages selected for print". And the print to pdf doesn't work either.
    here is a screenshot of the parameters pop-up (sorry it's in french)
    After that I decided to install Adobe Reader X (10.1) but when I choose print from the menu nothing pop-up it's like if print was disable (but the text in the menu is not grayed out)
    So how can I achieve what I want to do?
    PS: I cannot install the 10.1.1 update. I've tried two way:  first from the drop down menu it says that an internal error has happened (the loading of an application's ressource failed), second I've downloaded the update from the website and an internal error occurs during the installation process.
    Thanks in advance
    Camille Gallet

    Thanks for the suggestion! I found what the problem was. I dragged the old Adobe folder to the trash in an attempt to uninstall it. I then downloaded a fresh copy and installed that. When the Adobe 5.0 folder (for Adobe Reader 5.0.5) was open, I saw the "CoolTypeCarbonLib" file in it. I then double-clicked the Adobe Reader icon and it started just fine. Then, I pressed the Alt/Option key and dragged the Adobe Reader icon to make a copy on the desktop. When I double-clicked the icon I created on the desktop, I got the "CoolTypeCarbonLib" error. So, I made he mistake of incorrectly making a copy of the Adobe Reader icon on the desktop.
    Now that it's working, how can I make an Adobe Reader icon on the desktop that will actually work?
    have the Software Update CP check if you need any
    updates. You don't have to use the Software Update CP
    to download and install them, but I'm betting it'll
    report about 6 required updates you should get.
    CarbonLib v1.6 will be one of them.
    As well as iTunes v2.0.4, AppleScript v1.8.3, Java
    1.2.6, etc.
    Ok, how do I do this? I'm not really a Mac user.

  • Adobe Reader X/10 - continued crash problems trying to save PDFs

    Dear all,
    I wonder if anyone can help me.... I have been having ongoing problems when trying to save PDF documents online while using the downloaded Adobe Reader 10 or X version. It always crashes/freezers when I press the 'save' button in the 'save as' dialogue box. I have to use end program and start all over again.
    I use Windows XP (Professional, Service Pack 3) and both Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1 and IE 8 web browsers. I have followed the links suggested to prevent in future after the problem has been reported - I have unstalled and reinstalled Reader a few times now, as well as checked that I have been using the most up to date version of Reader 10 or X. Then reopened everything again thinking it's solved and then crash (ARGH!). Has anyone else had similar issues?
    This is most frustrating to say the least, not withstanding the time delays affecting work outputs when the system crashes on the 'save as' dialogue box (after pressing save). I have lost faith in Adobe now ... I used to consider the free download of Reader a great asset, now it is a true annoyance and may or may not work entirely.
    Any help or advice would be great, even alternative PDF software.
    Many thanks in advance

    The response from 370H55V is correct in theory and in actual fact was very close to the solution, but the response was more cryptic than helpful. I first encountered this yesterday after upgrading users on a Terminal Server from Reader v8 to v9. My first instinct was to upgrade to v10, which I did, but the problem still existed, so I rolled back to v8 and the issue was resolved. Unfortunately however this was not a solution and it was a requirement that we upgraded to at least v9. The error was as described that in IE 8 when a PDF file was opened inside the browser(or embedded as some might say), and you press SAVE (or even sometimes print) within the adobe reader toolbar, IE would flicker and crash on the page and then recover the page, saying this page has been recovered, but no saving would happen. This would happen if protection was turned off in Adobe Reader, and if it was on (default), then pressing SAVE would just make IE freeze as previously reported.
    So to understand what was happening, I ran FILEMON and REGMON by SYSINTERNALS. Regmon showed nothing of significance. Filemon showed a lot more. It was getting an access denied error on c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll. There was no reason for this however because the permissions on this file allow all users to read and execute. But then I remembered what shell32.dll does. It brings up the SAVE AS dialog box that allows you select the path of where to save the file – essentially this is calling the shell of explorer.exe.
    So this is actually the cause of the crash. When Adobe Reader makes the call to the SAVE AS dialog box – CRASH!!!!! Why???
    Well it’s quite simple. The default location that the SAVE AS dialog box starts in is MY Documents and this is where to start looking for the source of the error. To find out were “my documents” is for your session, open REGEDIT and go to:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
    Look for the key: PERSONAL and in it is a REG_SZ containing the path to “my documents” for the current user. This is generally something like C:\documents and settings\<username>\My Documents on Windows XP/2003 and something like C:\Users\<username>\Documents on Win7/ 2008.
    Now in our case the setting for this key was U:\ which was a mapped network drive to the path: \\server\username\mydocs. U:\ did exist and the user had full permission to it. So I changed the path on the personal key to C:\documents and settings\<username>\My Documents – the default setting. I went back to IE, opened a PDF document from a website, viewed the file and then pressed SAVE on the adobe toolbar. BINGO BABY!!!! Worked perfectly.
    But again this was not a solution because in a network, you need your users to have their “my documents” in their own home drive, which is generally located on a remote share on a server. So I put the PERSONAL setting in the registry back to U:\ and crash back to square one. I then put the path of the U:\ in the key instead of just U: drive, so PERSONAL now had a REG_SZ value of \\server\username\mydocs. Went out to IE again, launched a PDF, pressed SAVE. BINGO BABY!! It worked. So clearly this was a UNC Path resolution issue or something similar, but why did it only happen from v9 of Adobe Reader and whose fault is it – Microsoft or Adobe. Well I suspect both. I suspect that Adobe maybe making a weak Shell call in their code which doesn’t resolve the path properly, and a possible bug in the MS Shell call may be adding to this issue.
    Anyway, I did some further testing for some fun. I took permissions away from the user to their “My documents” folder and was also able to replicate the same crash. I set the PERSONAL registry key to a folder that didn’t exist and same crash. So basically if the SAVE AS shell call can’t resolve or access the path as set in the PERSONAL key the you will get this crash.
    The way I solved it for the network users, was to set the registry key for PERSONAL to \\server\username\mydocs via Group Policy, also a logon script may also work. Additionally you could use Folder Redirection in Group Policy to set the path for MY Documents on a per user basis. This also was tested and work.
    For non-network users check the PERSONAL key and get the path and then find that path and check permissions etc. Replace it with the default location or even point it to a path that you know exists and has full access.
    As a final tip, also look at the registry Key:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
    And find the PERSONAL path. It will be something like %USERPROFILE%\my documents in XP/2003 and %USERPROFILE%\Documents in Win7/2008. This is the default location and if the PERSONAL KEY does not exist in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders then windows reverts back to the User Shell Folders key to get the path. It is a good idea to check that path in this area as well.
    Hope this helps.

  • Problem uninistalling and reinstalling Adobe Reader 9.1.3

    How do I reinstall Adobe Reader 9.1.3?
    When I look at the Adobe site all I see for 9.1.3 is an update.
    Origin of the problem
    Because of a problem I had downloading any pdf file I decided to uninstall Adobe Read 9.1.3 (with its CPSID-49522 patch)
    When I tried to do this in Add/Remove programs I got the message "This patch package could not be opened .."
    I then used Windows Installer Cleanup Tool to remove the program. (I noted that it said I would need to reinstall the program.)
    This seemed to work. Adobe Reader 9.1.3 was no longer in its list (nor in Add/Remove programs)
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    (downloaded to the Desktop) I get the message:
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    in an unusual way",
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    needs to close",
    "Installation failed"

  • Printing Problems with Adobe Reader 10.0.1

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