Adobe's Tweens vs TweenLite

I just found out today that Adobe's Tween Class is very inefficient compared to Jack Doyle's TweenLite of Is Adobe revising their tween classes for CS5 or is it not worth to look into?

i can't see any harm in "looking into it".  let us know what you find.  (but i would be surprised if there were any change to the as1/as2 classes.)

Similar Messages

  • Tween on N800

    Hi, I'm new to Flash and Actionscript. I'm working on writing
    a game in Actionscript 3 for the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet. I'm
    having trouble getting a Tween to appear smoothly. I have a line
    like this in my code:
    overallTween = new Tween(overallContainer, "x",
    None.easeNone, 0, -833, 10, false);
    The variable overallContainer is a Movie Clip that I added
    using the GUI. overallContainer has four other movie clips as
    children, and each of those four movie clips has five to ten
    children, which are bitmaps and textFields. When the above line
    executes on the N800, everything slides very slowly to the left, at
    about 2 fps. Also, it looks jerky and intermittent instead of
    smooth. When it executes on a desktop, it runs smoothly, at about
    30 fps. 30 fps is the value I set in the fla file. Also, when I try
    executing the same Tween on a container with just one child, it
    displays smoothly on the N800. When the container has many
    children, I think the reason it's not smooth is because the CPU is
    being used a lot during the Tween. (The N800's CPU runs at 400
    MHz.) Does anyone know of another way to do this same tween, or a
    similar effect, using fewer CPU cycles? Or is there another way to
    make it smoother? Thanks.

    I’ve been looking into various ActionScript 3.0 (AS3)
    Tween Class Libraries for Flash. Here’s what I’ve found
    so far:
    Tweener (
    * robust and fast
    * adds about 11K of file size
    * can easily tween “currentFrame” to control an
    animation forward or backwards along a timeline in a MovieClip
    TweenerLite (
    * Nice, small and fast.
    * adds about 3K of file size
    * But I’ve seen buggy behavior when trying to change a
    Tween on a property without cancelling Tweens on other properties
    of the same MovieClip.
    * Should be fine for simple Tweens.
    Adobe built-in fl.transitions.Tween Class
    * Official Tween class from Adobe
    * adds about 2K of file size
    * Much slower than Tweener and TweenLite
    * Tween to multiple properties require multiple Tween
    If you are using Adobe's built-in fl.transitions.Tween Class
    then I'd suggest trying either Tweener or TweenLite.
    Good luck and let us know how it works out. I'm curious how
    the Flash performance on the N800 will be.

  • Keeping Animation States on Item renderers when scrolling TileList

    Hey all,
                so I have a simple custom item renderer ( which has a FlexShape that gets tweened by TweenLite depending on the percent value in the data value object ( So in the example below I have 8 items
    |    DATA ITEM 1     |    DATA ITEM 2     |      DATA ITEM 3     |     DATA ITEM 4     |
    |    DATA ITEM 5     |    DATA ITEM 6     |      DATA ITEM 7     |     DATA ITEM 8    |
    The issue I run into is when i scroll (vertically) the FlexShape starts to Tween from the previous data values.
    For example DATA ITEM 1 is has tweened upto 80% and DATA ITEM 2 has tweened up to 20% . DATAITEM 2 appears to be at 80% first and then Tweens to 20% . You can try the sample below. Once you clicck on the Load Data button the animations will begin. When you use the scroll bar you can see the animation states being swapped to the previous data renderer items and then resuming their orignal values
         public class CustomRendererData
              public var percent:int=0;
              public var title:String;
              public var color:uint;
              public var time:int;
              public var isUploading:Boolean = false;          
              public function CustomRendererData(){}
         import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
         import gs.TweenLite;
         import mx.controls.Label;
         import mx.controls.listClasses.IListItemRenderer;
         import mx.core.FlexShape;
         import mx.core.IDataRenderer;
         import mx.core.UIComponent;
         public class CustomRenderer extends UIComponent implements IListItemRenderer, IDataRenderer
              protected var _progressBar:FlexShape;
              protected var _data:CustomRendererData;
              protected var _percentValue:int;
              protected var _percentChanged:Boolean;
              protected var _progressBarTween:TweenLite;
              protected var _title:Label;
              protected var _titleValue:String;
              protected var _titleChanged:Boolean;
              protected var _colorValue:uint;
              protected var _colorChanged:Boolean;
              protected var _uploadingChanged:Boolean;          
              protected var _isUploading:Boolean;          
              public function CustomRenderer()
              override protected function createChildren():void
                   if (!_progressBar)
                        _progressBar=new FlexShape();                    
                   if (!_title)
                        _title=new Label();
                        _title.text ="data";
                        _title.setStyle("color" , 0xffffff);               
         , 1);
         , 0, 124, 148);
                   _percentChanged = false;
                   _titleChanged = false;
                   _uploadingChanged = false;
                   _isUploading = false;
                   _colorChanged = false;
                   _percentValue = 0;
              private function __drawProgressBar():void
         , 1);
         , 0, 1, 87);
              override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
                   super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
              override protected function commitProperties():void
                   if (_data)
                             //_uploadingChanged = false;
                                       _percentChanged = false;
                                       const newWidth:int = Math.round((_data.percent * 116) / 100);
                                       //_progressBar.width = newWidth;
                             , _data.time, {width:newWidth});                                   
                             _titleChanged = false;
                             _title.text = _titleValue;
                             _colorChanged = false;
                             var colorTransform:ColorTransform;
                             colorTransform.color = _data.color;
              public function set data(obj:Object):void
                   _data=obj as CustomRendererData;
                        if(_data.percent != _percentValue)
                             _percentValue = _data.percent;                         
                             _percentChanged = true;
                        if(_titleValue != _data.title)
                             _titleValue = _data.title;                         
                             _titleChanged = true;
                        if(_colorValue != _data.color)
                             _colorValue = _data.color;                         
                             _colorChanged = true;
                        if(_isUploading != _data.isUploading)
                             _isUploading = _data.isUploading;                         
                             _uploadingChanged = true;
              public function get data():Object
                   return _data;
              override protected function measure():void
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
                        xmlns:local="*" applicationComplete="init();" height="375">
                   import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                   public var data1:CustomRendererData = new CustomRendererData();
                   public var data2:CustomRendererData = new CustomRendererData();
                   public var data3:CustomRendererData = new CustomRendererData();
                   public var data4:CustomRendererData = new CustomRendererData();               
                   public var data5:CustomRendererData = new CustomRendererData();               
                   public var data6:CustomRendererData = new CustomRendererData();               
                   public var data7:CustomRendererData = new CustomRendererData();               
                   public var data8:CustomRendererData = new CustomRendererData();               
                   public var coll:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection([data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7, data8]);
                   private var _changePercentTimer:Timer;
                   private function init():void
                        data1.title ="data1";
                        data1.color = 0xff0000;
                        data1.time = 8;
                        data1.isUploading = true;
                        data2.title ="data2";
                        data2.color = 0x00ff00;
                        data2.time = 11;
                        data2.isUploading = true;
                        data3.title ="data3";
                        data3.color = 0x0000ff;
                        data3.time = 9;
                        data3.isUploading = true;
                        data4.title ="data4";
                        data4.color = 0x00ffff;
                        data4.time = 13;
                        data4.isUploading = true;
                        data5.title ="data5";
                        data5.color = 0xffff00;
                        data5.time = 12;
                        data5.isUploading = true;
                        data6.title ="data6";
                        data6.color = 0xff00ff;
                        data6.time = 18;
                        data6.isUploading = true;
                        data7.title ="data7";
                        data7.color = 0xfff0ff;
                        data7.time = 15;
                        data7.isUploading = true;
                        data8.title ="data8";
                        data8.color = 0xaff9ff;
                        data8.time = 15;
                        data8.isUploading = true;
                        _changePercentTimer = new Timer(1000,5);
                        _changePercentTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER , onChangePercentHandler , false ,0  , true);
                   public function onChangePercentHandler(event:TimerEvent):void
                        trace (data1.percent , data2.percent ,data3.percent , data4.percent);
                   public function itemClick():void
         <mx:TileList id="list"
         <mx:Button label="LoadData" click="itemClick();"/>

    The problem with renderers is that they're recycled, so probably that's why  your List keep losing the animation states.

  • Movieclip jpeg gap

    Hi, im making a gallery for a photography website, but im
    having a problem when moving the pictures around using tweener or
    tweenlite. Whenever i use a tween on the image group (all the
    thumbnails are contained in a movieclip) or on a certain quantity
    of images, some gaps appear between images *sometimes*, check out
    this image :
    I tried rounding out positions without luck... or maybe im
    not rounding the right thing
    Any idea?

    distordimage allows you to control the 4 corners of any rectangular movieclip which allows you to mimic a 2d object moving in 3d space:
    p.s. please mark helpful/correct responses.

  • Tile Based Movement in AS3

    Hello i am still trying to create tile based movement. What i mean by that is the character can move smoothly but will always end up in the middle of a tile (just like the pokemon games). I have managed to make it work if the player uses only one key, however in combination with other keys it does not work. I was hoping someone could give me advise how to fix the code or perhaps some better/easier way to do it.
    Here is my code so far (this is only for left and right key) my character movieclip has the instance name char
    import flash.ui.Keyboard;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    import com.greensock.*;
    var pixelsMoved:Number = 0;
    var pixelsLeft:Number = 0;
    var tweening:Boolean = false;
    var rightKeyDown:Boolean = false;
    var leftKeyDown:Boolean = false;
    function Loop(event:Event):void
        if (tweening == false)
            if (rightKeyDown == true)
                char.x += 1;
                pixelsMoved += 1;
            else if (leftKeyDown == true)
                char.x -= 1;
                pixelsMoved += 1;
            if (pixelsMoved >= 25)
                pixelsMoved = 0;
                pixelsLeft = 25;
    function KeyPress(event:KeyboardEvent):void
        if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)
            rightKeyDown = true;
        if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT)
            leftKeyDown = true;
    function KeyRelease(event:KeyboardEvent):void
        pixelsLeft = 25 - pixelsMoved;
        if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)
            if (tweening == false)
                var moveRight:TweenLite = new TweenLite(char,pixelsLeft,{x:char.x + pixelsLeft,ease:None.easeNone,useFrames: true,onComplete: resetVars});
            rightKeyDown = false;
            tweening = true;
        if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT)
            if (tweening == false)
                var moveLeft:TweenLite = new TweenLite(char,pixelsLeft,{x:char.x - pixelsLeft,ease:None.easeNone,useFrames: true,onComplete: resetVars});
            leftKeyDown = false;
            tweening = true;
    function resetVars():void
        tweening = false;
        pixelsLeft = 0;
        pixelsMoved = 0;
    Any help is much apreciated!

    I am not sure I understand all the requirements. Also I guess you refer to pacman game - not pokemon.
    In any case, here is something that works pretty smooth at 60fps. Note there are no ENTER_FRAME handlers - all animations are handled by TweenLite.
    Just dump the code on a timeline in a new FLA - it is not meant to be injected into your existing code. So, this is just an independent fully functional concept. All objects are created dynamically by the script - you don't have to do anything to view/test this example.
    Read comments.
    import com.greensock.easing.Ease;
    import com.greensock.easing.Linear;
    import com.greensock.easing.Sine;
    import com.greensock.TweenLite;
    import flash.display.Graphics;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.ui.Keyboard;
    var board:Sprite;
    var tileSide:Number = 40;
    var numRows:int = 10;
    var numCols:int = 14;
    var char:Shape;
    var _currentKey:uint = 0;
    var tween:TweenLite;
    function init():void
    function configStage():void
              stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
              stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
              stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyPress);
              stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyRelease);
    function onKeyRelease(e:KeyboardEvent):void
              // if the latest processed key was not release - we block the latest pressed key
              if (e.keyCode == _currentKey)
                        _currentKey = 0;
    function onKeyPress(e:KeyboardEvent):void
              currentKey = e.keyCode;
    function get tile():Shape
              var shape:Shape = new Shape();
              shape.cacheAsBitmap = true;
              var color:uint = 0x808080;
              var g:Graphics =;
              g.lineStyle(1, color);
              g.drawRect(-tileSide / 2, -tileSide / 2, tileSide, tileSide);
              return shape;
    function moveChar(targetX:int = 0, targetY:int = 0):void
              tween =, 0.45, {x: targetX, y: targetY, ease: Linear.easeNone, onComplete: onTweenComplete});
    function onTweenComplete():void
               * need to do that
               * a. if key is kept pressed
               * c. to override situations when another key is pressed simulataneously
              currentKey = _currentKey;
    function set currentKey(value:uint):void
              var targetPosition:Number = 0;
               * key value is proccessed if
               * a. key is allowed - via switch
               * b. there is no key pressed before or ptreviously pressed key _currentKey is the same as new value
               * c. tween in not active
              if ((!_currentKey || _currentKey == value) && !tween._active)
                        switch (value)
                                  case Keyboard.RIGHT:
                                            targetPosition = char.x + tileSide;
                                            if (targetPosition < tileSide * numCols)
                                                      moveChar(targetPosition, char.y);
                                                      charRotation = 0;
                                            _currentKey = value;
                                  case Keyboard.LEFT:
                                            targetPosition = char.x - tileSide;
                                            if (targetPosition >= 0)
                                                      moveChar(targetPosition, char.y);
                                                      charRotation = 180;
                                            _currentKey = value;
                                  case Keyboard.UP:
                                            targetPosition = char.y - tileSide;
                                            if (targetPosition >= 0)
                                                      moveChar(char.x, targetPosition);
                                                      charRotation = -90;
                                            _currentKey = value;
                                  case Keyboard.DOWN:
                                            targetPosition = char.y + tileSide;
                                            if (targetPosition < tileSide * numRows)
                                                      moveChar(char.x, targetPosition);
                                                      charRotation = 90;
                                            _currentKey = value;
    function set charRotation(value:Number):void
              if (char.rotation == -180)
                        char.rotation = 180;
              if (char.rotation == 180 && value == -90)
                        char.rotation = -180;
              else if (char.rotation == -90 && value == 180)
                        value = -180;
    , 0.2 * (Math.abs((char.rotation - value) / 90) || 1), {rotation: value});
    function drawBoard():void
              board = new Sprite();
              var numTiles:int = numRows * numCols;
              for (var i:int = 0; i < numTiles; i++)
                        var t:Shape = tile;
                        t.x = tileSide * (i % numCols);
                        t.y = tileSide * int(i / numCols);
              board.x = board.y = 20 + tileSide / 2;
    function get addChar():Shape
              var radius:Number = tileSide / 2 - 4;
              char = new Shape();
              var g:Graphics =;
              g.drawCircle(0, 0, radius);
              g.moveTo(0, 0);
              g.lineTo(radius, 0);
              g.moveTo(radius, 0);
              g.lineTo(radius - 10, 4);
              g.lineTo(radius - 10, -4);
              tween = new TweenLite(char, 1, null);
              char.cacheAsBitmap = true;
              return char;

  • Rotation won't work; embedded in .pdf

    hi all
    I've embedded a few .swf's in a .pdf presentation--they all work great except for one, where a rotation tween (using tweenlite) won't work.  It works fine playing it in flash player however... I've tried both reader and acrobat, with the same results
    any ideas?

    My iPad 2 is having the same orientation issues since the upgrade.  I have reset my iPad about once a day since the upgrade to resolve the orientation getting stuck in either portrait or landscape.  Most of the day it works correctly but at some point it just stops.  I have tried switching the mute/lock setting back and forth but that doesn't help.  Only a hard reset resolves the issue...until it happens again a few hours later. 
    Wondering if my only option is a re-install, which I would rather avoid. 

  • HELP!!! Flash Intro Page Like Sony Ericsson's!

    I have been trying to get my head around how the phone intro page for sony ericsson was created.
    Has anyone gotten any idea?
    Thank you.

    That's a very nice effect. I guess you could do that kind of thing using a 3d library like Papervision3D or Alternativa with a tweening library like Tweener. TweenLite or gTween.

  • Simple TweenEvent works strange?

    Hi there,
    I have a simple example of some tweening action.
    There are some strange things that happen that would not
    happen before in AS 2.0
    If you press the button some times (fast) then suddenly the
    squares will freeze at a certain moment.
    It could be a bug, but maybe i am doing something wrong?
    Also i tried to make an eventListener, so when tween is
    finished, then fire a function. That works, but only
    for one movie!
    Isn't there a way to make a multiple tween Listener like
    This way the movieclips will remove or change not at once,
    but one by one.
    To test this example you have to place a button on your stage
    and call the instance name: button_btn
    And create a small square and convert it to a movieclip. Then
    delete it from the stage And go to your
    Library and call it's linkageId =" square"
    See, the attached Code.
    I hope someone has a solution, because i already spend more
    then 4 hours to figure it out.

    Thanks for that tip, i tried to implement this, but with an
    aditional timer funciton it still
    works strange. When you press the button, the squares will
    now build after 50 miliseconds.
    It all works fine. But when you press multiple times on the
    button (very fast) still freezes the squares
    at a certain moment.
    I also tried to make the timer event unique, using a counter.
    At some forum in our country i read about
    that the classes Adobe released (tweens) are very buggy. And
    that they recommend to use another
    class (like
    But perhaps there is a fix for these strange behaviour when
    using the Adobe tween class?
    i updated the attached script (14:32). I discoverd the
    eventListener from the timer must be reset, that's why
    i used a boolean. It's more stable now, but still if you
    press long enough and fast it will freeze at some moment.

  • Serious problem with the speed of full screen textField animation

    I can't find any proper way to make a long textField move
    fluently horizontally across the screen in full screen mode. I
    tried many ways but it always gets stuck from time to time for a
    few milliseconds and ruins the whole experience. Please, if someone
    can help me to find a way to best animate a large dynamic string on
    full screen, I would be very grateful.
    Thank you.
    P.S. If there is a better way then using a textField to have
    a fluent animation, please tell me and I'll try using a different
    object for my string.

    From your previous post I understand you use Tween to animate
    the thing. Perhaps it is worth either exploring other tweening
    engines (Tweener or TweenLite) or writing your custom one.
    Before you do that I would give Tween one more shot and see
    what and when happens when you use Tween class.
    Tween has event TweenEvent.MOTION_CHANGE. You can add a
    listener for this event and trace inside it:
    trace(getTimer() + " : " + myText.x + " : " +;
    This may provide information about how smooth the timing of
    movement is and how evenly position is set.
    I realize that the issue is in full screen mode and trace is
    not possible, so, perhaps, you need another TextField on stage that
    will out put this values:
    Inside listener:
    debugText.appendText(etTimer() + " : " + myText.x + " : " + + "\n");
    As for the custom animation, the way to go could be using
    Timer class.
    First of all, to make sure there is a full understanding of
    what happens in terms of frames, the following needs to be kept in
    mind (forgive me if I am beating dead horse):
    Look at Flash frames not as "physical" entities but as pieces
    of code that executes before screen refreshes. So, when you set
    frame rate to 20 - Flash JUST schedules every screen refresh every
    50 milliseconds. Does it refresh every 50 milliseconds? NOPE! It
    refreshes ONLY when ALL the code pertaining to particular frame is
    executed. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! Frame rate is the directive that
    in simple language states: "Refresh screen NOT MORE OFTEN than N
    times a second if all the code is executed." So if the the next
    refresh is scheduled in 50 milliseconds but code took 100
    milliseconds to execute - screen is refreshed in 100 ms. In the
    example when frame rate is 20 but every frame code takes 100 ms
    your actual frame rate is 10 frames per second.
    This discrepancy is usually the reason for jerky animation.
    So, there are two solution: 1) create Timer based animation
    or 2) create a velocity based animation.
    Timer based animation
    There is a very nice method of Timer, Mouse and Keyboard
    events. The method is updateAfterEvent(). This method forces screen
    to refresh/render INDEPENDENT of frame rate. Even if you frame rate
    is only 2 fps - you can have 100 screen updates/refreshes per
    second effectively making frame rate 100 fps. This makes it much
    more reliable. (With all fairness, even Timer deep inside relies on
    base frame rate which imposes some limitations on Timer. But for
    now let's assume it doesn't).
    In this approach you will instantiate a Timer class -->
    add timer event listener --> on every iteration move the object
    to desired position --> invoke event.updateAfterEvent() inside
    the listener. VIOLA! You know that user sees what s(he) has to.
    Velocity based animation
    This approach relies on Event.RENDER.
    Say you still decide to use Tween ENTER_FRAME. So, you will
    need to have velocity variable.
    Besides other listeners you will need to add say
    this.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, render);
    function render(event:Event){
    // move the thing where is is supposed to be based on
    // perhaps needs additional calculations base on time or
    So, these are outlines of possible approaches.
    Hope it helps.

  • Adobe AIR and Tweenlite - help!

    Hi Guys,
    Does Adobe Air support tweenlite or other 3rd party animation/tween plugins?
    I have a Flash CS4 (AS3) application that uses a Tweenlite animation within a loop. This works perfectly when I output to FlashPlayer 9/10 but not when I publish to AIR 1.1.
    I have included the /gs folder when I package out and publish as AIR but to no avail.
    I'm so frustrated with this!
    Super thanks in advance

    what's the error you get?
    Please consider an upgrade to the last version of Air (1.5.1).

  • I am trying to experiment with Tweens and Easing Types in ActionScript 3.0, Adobe Flash CS4. help

    I am using ActionScript 3.0, Adobe Flash CS4 software
    I have created Tweens for some MovieClip properties and experimented with some of the easing types.
    This is what I have managed to create and works okay!
    grow_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, grow);
    shrink_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, shrink);
    rotate_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rotate);
    hide_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hideClip);
    show_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showClip);
    fadeOut_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fadeOut);
    function grow(e:MouseEvent):void {
                    var scale1:Tween = new Tween(instrument, "scaleX", Back.easeIn, 0, 1, 3, true);
                    var scale2:Tween = new Tween(instrument, "scaleY", Back.easeIn, 0, 1, 3, true);
    function shrink(e:MouseEvent):void {
    var oneSmall:Tween = new Tween(instrument, "scaleX", Back.easeInOut, 0, -.2, 3, true);
    var twoSmall: Tween = new Tween(instrument, "scaleY", Back.easeInOut, 0, -.2, 3, true);
    function rotate(e:MouseEvent):void {
    var spin:Tween = new Tween(instrument, "rotation", Elastic.easeOut, 0, 360, 5, true)
    function hideClip(e:MouseEvent):void {
    instrument.visible = false;
    function showClip(e:MouseEvent):void {
    instrument.visible = true;
    function fadeOut(e:MouseEvent):void {
    var tweenfadeOut:Tween = new Tween(instrument, "alpha", None.easeOut, 1, -.1, 3, true);
    function fadeIn(e:MouseEvent):void {
    var tweenfadeIn:Tween = new Tween(instrument, "alpha", None.easeIn, 0, 1, 3, true);
    I am having trouble creating Tweens and add easing types for the action script below!
    I keep getting error message (“Access of undefined property Sine”) for example when I type
    function hideClip(e:MouseEvent):void {
    var noClip:Tween = new Tween(instrument, "visible", Sine.easeOut, 0, 1, 3, true);
    Can anyone help???? The original script is below
    hide_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hideClip);
    show_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showClip);
    function hideClip(e:MouseEvent):void {
    instrument.visible = false;
    function showClip(e:MouseEvent):void {
    instrument.visible = true;

    make sure you have imported the Sine class
    import fl.motion.Sine;

  • Adobe air 2.6 iPhone animation tween class vs onEnterframe

    Hi,  Does anyone knows what's better to create alpha or slide animations on iPhone applications, using a tween class like Tweener or use the classic onEnterframe.  What's the better choice, who's the better performance .  Thanks,  Nuno

    Use Tween Class,

  • Adobe Flash CS5 - Blur effect & tween not working

    When I try to create a tween for the blur, so it will blur into focus, the tween just wont work. I go to frame 130, keyframe, add blur filter, create clasic tween. But when i go to frame 131 it instantly pops into focus instead of going along the tween time span to blur in gradually(I have the next keyframe at 160). Anyone have any ideas?! This boggles my mind!
    Any help or suggestions would be deeply appreciated
    Thanks in advance...

    What type of textfield are you using?  What type of symbol have you created it as?  If you can show a screenshot of the stage and timeline for what you have it might help to identify the problem.

  • Can I change the color of a symbol in Adobe Flash Professional after it has been converted into a tween?

    I am a bit new to the program and would appreciate the help!

    You don't convert a symbol to a tween. You can tween a symbol, but that is just applying a movement over time to that symbol. If you select the symbol at either keyframe in the tween, you can still adjust the symbol at either keyframe. What do you mean by changing the color?
    If you select the symbol at a keyframe, you can then double click on it to edit the original object in the Library, if you make a change to that original object, you will see the result at both the first and the second keyframe. So if you want to change the color of a symbol from the first keyframe to the second keyframe then you have to do more work. You can use one of several methods in Actionscript to alter the color of a symbol, or, you could make up the symbol from other objects and then make changes to those parts from one keyframe to the second.
    Maybe you can give us a fuller explanation of what you have in mind.

  • Does adobe photoshop cc have tweening?

    Does it have it, and if so where do I find it?

    Once in the Timeline panel, look to the little fly-out menu icon at the upper right corner of the panel.

Maybe you are looking for

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