Adobe typeface?

hey I know this question is not about any Apple product, but It is something i need an answer to for a project im working on. I did post this on the Adobe forum, but Apple's forums are so much better and I figure someone here would know this.
My question is, what font does adobe use in its logos for products?
An example would be when you see "Adobe" in red, and "Illustrator CS2" in black. What are these fonts?
The black one kind of resembles myriad.
so sorry its off topic and I appreciate anyones help!

Just go to and use their "What the Font" website:

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    It's a reasonable request, especially since Adobe is already starting to go down this road. InDesign CC has a font menu feature where there's a star next to every font name, and if you click the star you mark that font as a favorite. At the top of the InDesign font menu are filter icons for favorite fonts and TypeKit fonts, so if you click the favorites filter the font menu will only display the fonts you marked as favorites. (Illustrator also has a font menu filter, but right now it doesn't do favorites.)
    BearHNC wrote:
    ...along with that have filters such as: serif, san serif, bold, condensed, script, ect...
    Adobe Muse has a useful filter like that for easier browsing through TypeKit fonts before you add them to the Font menu.
    So Adobe is already doing a form of the features you're asking for, so when you make your request on the feedback site you will want to make a case for having Adobe extend those existing features into other CC apps like Photoshop.

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    These forums are Adobe User-to-User forums and are generally not monitored officially by Adobe. It is not an outlet for Adobe official technical support or customer support.
              - Dov

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    TO create a hypper link for a text u can assign text as html text to the text field
    tf.htmlText="<a href=\"\">adobe</a>";
    this code assigns the opens up on clicking on text 'adobe' which in assigned to tf
    TO create a bold interface click on the test fiels in the properties panel u will see 'B" button clickinng on which the txt is bold
    IN AS u can set bold as below
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    var tf = new TextField();
    var tff:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    tff.bold = true;
    tf.htmlText="<a href=\"\">ADOBE</a>";
    for mail:
    <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]?subject=Feedback\">click here </a>
    if set as button
    on (release) {
             getURL("mailto:[email protected]?subject=Feedback");

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    I just dragged and dropped the downloaded ".tff" font files into in Font Book icon in theDock and a new window popped up and just click "Install Font" button.
    That works, too. Sets are, more than anything else, just a way to organize your fonts by project. By dropping the font in, it should now be listed in one of the standard headings like "Computer".
    The new fonts have automatically loaded into Adobe Illustrator CS3 without having to close it.
    Better apps will see when fonts have been enabled or disabled without having to close and restart them. Microsoft Word (and likely the entire Office suite) does not.

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    Open one of your new document profiles located at
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    Edit the normal character style and save. Now when you create a new document choose that new document profile.

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    New to this forum, but I too have had a problem with printing a PDF from InDesing. what I have found is when my dialog box gets to "DOWNLOADING PROCSET" and it just freezes, whats actually happening is the 'SAVE AS' dialogue box has appeared, but is not the active window. When I ALT+TAB through my open applications, in Windows 7 it changes your screen to 'preview' the programs you flick through, and I find it there, attached to outlook, or the internet. Upon further investigation, it appears to attach itself to which ever program I click, after the initial "DOWNLOADING PROCSET" freezing.
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    Your best option is to post your query in an Adobe Forum.

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    Int langInt = i ;       
    If (pFlag  == “Y”) {
               PaymentRequisitionApp.pageSet.Page1.MasterSubform. Text1.value.text.value = l_XML.Record[i].TITLE.toString();
               PaymentRequisitionApp.pageSet.Page1.MasterSubform. Text1.font.typeface ="simsun";
    I found that it doesn’t work. There is something else in the form to reset the title to English. So I try to paste the code above in “calculate” event of tex1 object. It’s work!
    1.      Anyone can tell me that the implement order of the events in the form?
    2.      Does it exist other better way to do this?
            3.  Which event, function or any else let the master page’s object to be reset?

    this link for downloading the sample is valid:!download|935|429748707|TEST2.pdf|84.309

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    This is what it should look like:
    I've tried the instructions for print problems in this support page:
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    Can anyone clue me in why Acrobat can't print that page as a .pdf file properly?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for sticking with me on this.  I didn't realize what a hopeless newbie I am when  it comes to Acrobat.
    I wasn't actually able to follow the steps you outlined but in looking for the job change you mentioned I did find something that worked.  I'll pass it along in case it helps someone else.
    What I was trying to do is print a page from an article on the NY Times website.  You saw the earlier results above.  What solved problem is after typing Ctl-P, clicking on Printer Preferences and then unchecking "Rely on system fonts only."   Presto....a readable .pdf was generated.
    So thanks again for your help.  I can stop banging my head against my desk. 

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    Please refer to the video : e/
    Its a kind of old video, but there is a demo of adding a lightroom gallery in the video.
    Hope this helps.

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    Please help me,

    I installed about 15, 000 fonts and then it keeps freezing.
    RLY? That's bordering on being certifiable for the asylum! Even print people never use that many. Sure, it could be a huge part of the problem - there may be damaged/ "bad" fonts among them or the sheer number could consume tons of memory. Really, get rid of 99% of them. Not only is it a hinderance in your work, but just using insane numbers of typefaces doesn't compensate for any typographic deficiencies. How many fonts do you intend on using, after all? Other than that MediaCore issues could point to corruptred media caches, so flush them. also check your CoDec setup. If you have installed some equally unnecessary CoDec packs as you have done with fonts, get rid of them...

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    I guess.... not. :-(

  • Thank you for your service.   I was most disappointed to find, however, that the letters I really wanted (Adobe Garamond Alternate Caps) is not in this collection and indeed, one now has to use another fancy designing program to construct those letters. I

    Thank you for your service.
    I was most disappointed to find, however, that the letters I really wanted (Adobe Garamond Alternate Caps) is not in this collection and indeed, one now has to use another fancy designing program to construct those letters. I can’t afford to buy Photoshop just to construct two special capital letters. I’ve used the B and M in my logo for Balquhidder Music for years - but from jpgs - and I was hoping to have more flexibility in the future. I spent $169 to make sure I am in compliance. But I didn’t get anything of use to me.
    I can’t understand why those Alternate Caps are not part of this - or any other package. I thought Adobe was capable of amazing things.
    I assume I am whistling in the dark. So have a nice day.

    Actually, when Adobe moved from Type 1 fonts to OpenType CFF fonts, all the so-called “expert typefaces” were consolidated into the base fonts. In other words Adobe Garamond Pro Regular not only has the Western Latin characters of the original Type 1 version of Adobe Garamond, but also has alternate Latin capitals (with titling, titling floating accents, and stylistic alternates), alternate Latin lowercase (swash and superiors), Latin small capitals (alphabetic and floating accents), ligatures, multiple numeric forms (including lining tabular, lining proportional, oldstyle tabular, oldstyle proportional, superscripts, scientific inferior, numerator, denominator forms, fractions, mathematical operators, etc.) plus a raft of other special symbols.
    OpenType fonts are Unicode-based and allow for more than the 256 characters in Type 1 fonts which required multiple typefaces all with mappings to a standard keyboard to accommodate all these glyphs.
    Thus, hopefully your disappointment will turn to joy.
    To assist you in understanding OpenType fonts and to show you what is in the current Adobe Garamond fonts, I have attached a few PDF files for your perusal.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
               - Dov

  • Fonts Missing in Adobe, Exist in FontBook - Post Yosemite Upgrade

    Working from a company computer. Operating CS5. Our company font family is Museo.
    The problem began immediately after updating the computer to OS X Yosemite. All Adobe programs fail to find the Museo typeface. I was able to bypass the problem in InDesign by placing Museo in the Fonts folder. Photoshop and Illustrator doesn't have such a folder that I can find.
    The fonts are in Font Book and are validated.
    Some other information:
    The fonts appear in the Notes application but NOT in Microsoft Office.
    Other default adobe fonts are missing as well (ex: Myriad Pro, Adobe Caslon, etc)
    Not sure if this has anything to do with the problem, but I noticed Museo in Font Book is OpenType:
    Yet photoshop seems to be looking for TrueType?
    Any ideas on how to get fonts back into Adobe?

    Have you tried re-creating Photoshop preferences:
    To re-create the preferences files for Photoshop, start the application while holding down Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows) or Command+Option+Shift (Mac OS). Then, click Yes to the message, "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings file?"
    Note: If this process doesn't work for you while you're using a wireless (Bluetooth) keyboard, attach a wired keyboard and retry.
    Important: If you re-create the preferences by manually deleting the Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings file, make sure that you only delete that file. If you delete the entire settings folder, you also delete any unsaved actions or presets.
    Reinstalling Photoshop does not remove the preferences file. Before reinstalling Photoshop, re-create your preferences.
    NEW Video! Julieanne Kost created a video that takes you through two ways of resetting your Photoshop preferences. The manual preference file removal method is between 0:00 - 5:05. The keyboard shortcut method is between 5:05 - 8:18. The video is located here:
    How to Reset Photoshop CS6’s Preferences File | The Complete Picture with Julieanne Kost | Adobe TV
    Mac OS
    Important: Apple made the user library folder hidden by default with the release of Mac OS X 10.7. If  you require access to files in the hidden library folder to perform Adobe-related troubleshooting, see How to access hidden user library files.

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